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电影<阿甘正传>从一个独特的视角对美国社会政治生活中的重要事件作了全景式的展现,有着积极的人生取向和独特的芙学追求.本文通过电影的叙事技巧和语言风格两个方面,尝试着分析其背后的隐喻象征的深刻的社会寓意和文化内涵.  相似文献   

教育如何走向哲学   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
刘铁芳 《教育研究》2005,26(4):8-12
教育走向哲学形态,意味着教育的基本目标乃是人的完成,教育逐步把个体引向对人生周遭“最重要的事情”的关注,让个体面对世界大全,在对人生最高知识追求的过程中获得人性的卓越与整全。教育具有阶段性,不同的教育阶段有不同的任务。教育又具有整体性,作为整体的教育,其目标就是个体人生的完成,即实现个体人生的整全,追求个体人生的最高形式的存在,引导个体人性臻于完善。教育正是在引导个体人性臻于完善的过程中走向哲学,走向教育存在本身的最高形式。  相似文献   

用人之道是一门关于发现人才、选用人才、用好人才的科学,也是一门发掘人的智慧和创造力,调动人的积极性的领导艺术。我国古代在这一领域内取得的成就是令人惊叹的。千百年前古人提出的一系列用人思想、用人原则和用人经验,在今天仍具有强大的生命力。  相似文献   

教师有其自身的局限性,教学又是充满挑战性和不确定性的,因而需要教师对教学进行经常性的反思,才能保证教师以一种正确的、合宜的、恰当的行为去从事教学活动。教师反思需要具备自主意识及反思的能力,它需要借助内在和外在的条件支持。尤为重要的是,教师必须能够把自己的反思性实践与教学理论的学习结合起来,这样才能真正地走向良性的发展之路。  相似文献   

文章分析了教育作为重要的社会分层机制在促进社会流动方面受到很多条件的限制,如:社会资源配置方式向市场经济的转变;高等教育个体需求与社会、国家人才需求相一致;学历标识与自身拥有的知识和能力水平相对应;家庭社会经济、政治和文化背景等。因此,教育不是社会流动的唯一资本,教育究竟有助于谁向上流动,还取决于很多因素。  相似文献   

flash以其优秀的功能。成为当今课件开发的一个主要的平台,它能完美的展现出物体的细微变化过程。并能为其它软件所调用,本主要针对flash开发过程中运动的实现方法做了详细的阐述。并给出了具体的原程序.  相似文献   

为进一步积累就业指导工作经验,做好毕业生就业指导和推荐工作,学院(校)对2005届毕业生进行“造成就业困难的社会原因”、“造成就业困难的自身原因”、“自身就业的思想观念”、“毕业后你最希望从事的工作”等项目的调查,着重分析学生相应的思想来源和问题,进而引导学生在就业激烈的形势下,如何学习社会,正视困难,完善自我,走向成功。  相似文献   

In this paper Fiona Reeve, Jim Gallacher and Terry Mayes of Glasgow Caledonian University, bring together two current themes in higher education, work‐based learning and the use of new technology in teaching and learning. The paper begins to explore their interaction by examining the ways in which new technology can help to overcome some of the barriers which exist to work‐based learning. To begin this analysis a general model of a WWW‐based learning resource is described which has relevance for a range of open learning contexts. A central aspect of this model is the use of communication technologies to promote the creation of learning dialogues. The way in which this general model might be applied to work‐based learning is then examined. Having suggested that such a model has much to offer work‐based learning, some of the constraints which might be encountered on implementation are then identified. Finally, the authors conclude that it is in promoting more and better forms of communication that new technology can contribute towards work‐based learning practice.  相似文献   

从武术散打运动的特点谈其发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对散打运动自身运动特点全面分析,揭示散打运动的内在规律性并提出相应的发展对策.旨在为更好地推动武术散打运动得已快速健康的持续发展。  相似文献   

实现职业教育从"供给驱动"向"需求驱动"的转变   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
一、职业教育从"供给驱动"向"需求驱动"的转变 1.职业教育的"供给驱动""供给驱动"的核心是"供给".在商品供不应求的情况下,市场的主宰是厂商.在职业教育的学习岗位供不应求的时间里,凡是想进入职业院校求学的人,必须通过一定层次的考试,成绩优秀者才能获得入学资格,而余下的求学者则被拒之于校门之外.  相似文献   

As political and economic forces continue to impact on the delivery of education in New Zealand there is a continual blurring of the boundaries between schools and communities. The bridging role of school leaders between educational imperatives, market forces, political hegemony, and managerial complexity has become threefold — that of statesperson, connoisseur and entrepreneur. In addition, their professional dilemmas have increased. The reforms have strengthened the necessity for schools to portray a positive impression which has led to increased feelings of isolation along with a loss of confidence for many school leaders. In this context, along with the greater workload and responsibility for new tasks, many school leaders became reactionary and focused on management roles, or fled the field. When school leaders are assisted to get beneath the façade of their professional practice, they can be led to increased critical perspectives about education generally and towards transformational leadership practices in their schools.  相似文献   

对教师教学生活的研究认为教学意味着一种生活方式,教师在其中寻求幸福。然而教学生活的日常化使教学生活僵化机械,无幸福可言。因此,如何使教师教学生活走向幸福成为了一个亟需解决的问题。笔者通过对幸福与教学生活幸福概念的分析,认为教师教学生活幸福在于赋予教学生活以生命与精神品性,源于教育理想的召唤,保障于"好的"学校,成就于完整而高尚的教师德性。  相似文献   


In this article, I argue that the term “sexual orientation” serves as a mechanism for preserving heteronormative hegemony, with the proposed concept of “relational orientation” encouraging a richer theoretical analysis of the factors that shape identity. The relational orientation approach establishes a more holistic representation of lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) individuals by granting primacy to romantic partnering choices, as opposed to the traditional emphasis on sexual behavior alone that ultimately functions to derogate this community. Furthermore, the model invites exploration of how the dynamics of all social relationships are profoundly and divergently shaped by one's “orientation.” By promoting greater understanding, this discursive framework offers educators a valuable epistemological and pedagogical tool that has the potential to lead to significant personal and societal transformation.  相似文献   

开会迟到,是一个世界性难题。公司每次开会,总有职员迟到。公司为此制订了种种奖罚措施,但是,开会迟到依然是个问题。不久,公司新来了一位办公室主任,公司的会议多数由他主持。第一次开会,众多迟到者像往常一样,陆陆续续走进会议室。他们环顾一圈发现:会  相似文献   

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