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In academia, thesis supervision is a fundamental task in the good progress of PhD candidates and of the thesis itself. This task can be performed by a unique researcher (acting as a unique supervisor) or shared with other researchers (acting both as co-supervisors). Whether this demanding task is performed alone or in collaboration depends (or may depend) on many factors, among them, on the degree of independence of the researcher, the research topic and current regulations. This implies that, at some point in time, the PhD candidate should leave the exclusive guidance of his/her own supervisor to assume the role of thesis supervisor, alone or with others.The main aim of this paper is thus to analyze thesis supervision roles in Spain in order to identify patterns of behavior. To achieve this, we used the data on all Spanish theses stored in the TESEO database from 1 January 1980 to 20 July 2018, designing and applying a methodology to carry out a diachronic study. The data were divided into five consecutive time periods in order to determine the patterns in their evolution over the years, and analyze various aspects such as the interaction between different roles, the migration from one role to another, the factors that could influence these behaviors, and the independence of researchers from the perspective of thesis supervision. We identified four different roles that can be established in thesis supervision: Supervisor, Co-supervisor with own supervisor, Co-supervisor with PhD student, and Co-supervisor with other. Additionally, we have discovered how thesis researchers’ preference for one role or another has varied over the years, the most and least popular roles by period, and the main migrations between the roles studied, among others.  相似文献   

We propose two new indices that are able to measure a scientific researcher's overall influence and the level of his/her works’ association with the mainstream research subjects within a scientific field. These two new measures – the total influence index and the mainstream index – differ from traditional performance measures such as the simple citation count and the h-index in that they take into account the indirect influence of an author's work. Indirect influence describes a scientific publication's impact upon subsequent works that do not reference it directly. The two measures capture indirect influence information from the knowledge emanating paths embedded in the citation network of a target scientific field. We take the Hirsch index, data envelopment analysis, and lithium iron phosphate battery technology field to examine the characteristics of these two measures. The results show that the total influence index favors earlier researchers and successfully highlights those researchers who have made crucial contributions to the target scientific field. The mainstream index, in addition to underlining total influence, also spotlights active researchers who enter into a scientific field in a later development stage. In summary, these two new measures are valuable complements to traditional scientific performance measures.  相似文献   

从学术研究的共性看学术期刊的编辑初审   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
吴练达  孙广盛 《编辑学报》2005,17(3):162-164
做好稿件的初审工作是办好学术期刊的关键.编辑如何才能把好学术论文的质量初审关,一般是从2个方面来讨论的:一是认为要提高编辑素质,主张编辑学者化;二是从方法的角度出发,阐述初审时可以采用的一些方法.这里提出初审的另类视角,即从学术研究的共性出发来探讨编辑把好稿件初审关的问题.  相似文献   

Many uses exist for the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) in performing social science research. Depending upon a user's interest and imagination, SSCI can be effectively used to ascertain a scholar's influence in the published research record. By utilizing the citation section of SSCI a researcher can map the scholarly influence a scholar exercises in his/her field. Braudel's influence in the Annales school of historical research and his impact upon the social sciences was mapped by examining SSCI for 1980-1989. This approach can serve as a template for other disciplines and is valuable for scholar and subject bibliographer.  相似文献   

当前的学术研究环境需要图书馆为科研机构提供一个新型信息服务平台以满足科研人员的需求。针对传统图书馆服务的局限,文章构建了基于社会网络架构的学术研究平台,整合科研人员、研究工具与图书馆资源及网络信息资源于一体,为科研人员个人、群体和学科领域提供不同层次的应用,延伸图书馆的服务空间和内容,以期提高图书馆信息服务能力。  相似文献   

基于学术不端检测系统构建作者信用档案的设想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尹闯  黎贞崇 《编辑学报》2015,27(1):50-52
针对学术不端行为治理难的问题,提出基于学术不端检测系统构建作者信用档案的设想,阐述作者信用档案构建的意义、前提及其基础数据库的架构,并归纳出严重的学术不端行为及其认定方法:档案建立初期,基础数据库可尝试记入严重的、好认定的学术不端行为,并且行为的认定不受时间的约束;在档案中给予学术行为定性或者定量的评价还欠科学,只提供严重学术不端行为者的信息,供核验者参考.  相似文献   

A library's Web site is well recognized as the gateway to the library for the vast majority of users. Choosing the most user-friendly Web architecture to reflect the many services libraries offer is a complex process, and librarians are still experimenting to find what works best for their users. As part of a redesign of the Oregon State University Libraries’ Web site, entry points for specific user groups were created. One of these user groups was graduate students. The purpose of this study was to explore the ways other academic libraries design their Web sites for particular user groups, specifically graduate students, in order to determine how the Oregon State University Libraries Web site compared to peer institutions. This study analyzed 112 Association of Research Libraries’ Web sites and 26 Oregon academic libraries’ Web sites to determine the availability of resources and services specifically promoted to graduate students. Since graduate students may view the library Web site through the lens of new student, researcher, or instructor, Web sites were also examined to see if sites were created with any or all of these roles in mind. Nearly a quarter of Association of Research Libraries' Web sites that were examined contained a link on the homepage for graduate students, and another 20 percent provided graduate-student information at a lower level in their site hierarchy. A majority of sites had events, subject guides, or course guides for graduate students. Information for graduate students was typically framed in the context of graduate students as researchers. Ideas and examples are given for ways to improve Web site design to better serve this user group. In order to provide improved services to these students, future studies will explore what graduate students need from academic libraries and the ways these students conduct themselves in their various roles of researchers, instructors, and new students.  相似文献   

Regarding evaluation of individual researchers, the bibliometric indicators approach has been increasingly discussed recently, but there are some problems involved with it: construct definition, measurement errors, level of scale, dimensionality, normalization. Based on a psychometric model, the Rasch model, we developed a measuring scale for the theoretical construct ‘researcher’s performance capacity,’ defined as the competency of a researcher to write influential papers. The aim was a scale that is one-dimensional and continuous, is applicable to bibliometric count variables, and takes measurement errors into account. In this paper we present the psychometric model (Bayesian Poisson Rasch model, BPR) and its assumptions and examine the behavior of the model under various sampling conditions. For a sample of N?=?254 researchers in a quantitative methodology section of an undisclosed German academic society for social sciences, using the BPR model we developed a scale that we named ‘Bibliometric Quotient’ (BQ, M?=?100, SD?=?15) (following the term ‘intelligence quotient’). The scale fulfills most of the test-theoretical requirements (e.g., high reliability αt?=?.96, no differential item functioning except for academic age and German states) and in addition allows researchers to be ranked. Women’s BQ scores were 8.3 points lower on the scale than men’s BQ scores.  相似文献   

Ensuring the quality of information is a critical ethical issue for any information system. Research Information Management Systems (RIMSs) need to engage researchers in sharing research information and knowledge, and ensuring its quality. This paper introduces a theoretical framework for researcher participation in RIMSs. The framework is grounded in empirical research and can guide the design of RIMSs by defining typologies of researcher activities in RIMSs, related motivations, levels of participation, and metadata profiles. In addition, the framework defines discipline- and seniority-specific priorities for the researcher's activities and motivations. RIMS managers and scholarly communications librarians can use the framework to assemble RIMS service and metadata profiles that are tailored to the researcher's context. Likewise, the framework can guide the construction of communication messages personalized to the researcher's priorities and her or his motivations for engaging in a specific activity, which will enhance the researcher's engagement with the RIMS.  相似文献   

Most current h-type indicators use only a single number to measure a scientist's productivity and impact of his/her published works. Although a single number is simple to calculate, it fails to outline his/her academic performance varying with time. We empirically study the basic h-index sequence for cumulative publications with consideration of the yearly citation performance (for convenience, referred as L-Sequence). L-Sequence consists of a series of L factors. Based on the citations received in the corresponding individual year, every factor along a scientist's career span is calculated by using the h index formula. Thus L-Sequence shows the scientist's dynamic research trajectory and provides insight into his/her scientific performance at different periods. Furthermore, L, summing up all factors of L-Sequence, is for the evaluation of the whole research career as alternative to other h-index variants. Importantly, the partial factors of the L-Sequence can be adapted for different evaluation tasks. Moreover, L-Sequence could be used to highlight outstanding scientists in a specific period whose research interests can be used to study the history and trends of a specific discipline.  相似文献   

A mid-sized university library system conducted a large-scale mixed-methods research project intended to understand better the student library experience and ways to enhance it. One aspect of the project included a detailed and iterative analysis of interview data. Using a grounded theory (GT) approach, researchers analyzed empirical data from student interviews and identified patterns of behavior. The results of data analyses suggested that students used knowledge and interactions from library class to inform them of how to study academic content and complete non-research tasks and vice versa. As a result, researchers generated an inductive (emerging from the data) theory that asserts that some research and study activities are mutually informative. The article describes the approach used to develop the theoretical construct in hopes that it will provide a deeper understanding of the relationship between research and studying behaviors and how academic libraries contribute to the greater academic landscape in ways not previously recognized.  相似文献   

喻菁 《编辑学报》2012,24(5):429-431
通过分析论文发表对科研人员的作用和影响,认为编辑在与作者交流的过程中,若能本着服务科研的态度,体谅科研人员的苦衷,在稿件初审、同行专家评审意见整理、编辑加工和定稿等环节中帮助作者,不仅能及时制止学术不端行为的发生,而且可潜移默化地影响作者,让科研人员感受到关爱,这可为科研人员营造一种健康的学术环境。  相似文献   

建国以来晚清图书馆学术史研究综述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
该文采用文献计量分析和书目分析的方法对1950年以来中国大陆有关晚清图书馆学术史的论文和著作进行了全面的分析研究。研究结果表明:半个多世纪以来,晚清图书馆学术史研究一直不是中国图书馆学研究的重点,核心作者较少,研究成果较少。该文建议加强晚清图书馆学术史的研究,以弥补中国图书馆学史研究的缺失。  相似文献   

利用语义角色标注技术对文献进行标注,以句子为最小单位进行文献的语义相似度检测。提取文献中所有词语的上位词,为每篇文献形成句子-词-语义角色-上位词四部图。语义相似的句子对比参照四部图确定,最终计算出两篇文献相似句子的Jaccard系数作为两篇文献的语义相似度。实验结果表明,所识别出的语义相似度较字粒度Jaccard系数法、词粒度Jaccard系数法、Winnowing Jaccard系数法等高出13%,然而受语料库限制,本方法还有很大的提升空间。  相似文献   


This case study presents a conceptual model of researcher performance developed by Deakin University Library, Australia. The model aims to organize research performance data into meaningful researcher profiles, referred to as researcher typologies, which support the demonstration of research impact and value. Three dimensions shaping researcher performance are identified: researcher practices, career stage, and activity space. We argue this model serves two practical functions for Deakin Library and librarians: (a) to develop a holistic understanding of what constitutes researcher performance in the contemporary higher education environment in Australia; and (b) to translate this understanding into a service needs diagnostic tool for the development of the Research Metrics and Advisory Service (ReMAS), a strategic library service providing systematic research metrics support to Deakin researchers, schools, and faculties. We argue that both the model and its practical applications may be adapted by other academic libraries within their national and higher education contexts.  相似文献   

Performance evaluation and prediction of academic achievements is an essential task for scientists, research organizations, research funding bodies, and government agencies alike. Recently, heterogeneous networks have been used to evaluate or predict performance of multi-entities including papers, researchers, and venues with some success. However, only a minimum of effort has been made to predict the future influence of papers, researchers and venues. In this paper, we propose a new framework WMR-Rank for this purpose. Based on the dynamic and heterogeneous network of multiple entities, we extract seven types of relations among them. The framework supports useful features including the refined granularity of relevant entities such as authors and venues, time awareness for published papers and their citations, differentiating the contribution of multiple coauthors to the same paper, amongst others. By leveraging all seven types of relations and fusing the rich information in a mutually reinforcing style, we are able to predict future influence of papers, authors and venues more precisely. Using the ACL dataset, our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach considerably outperforms state-of-the art competitors.  相似文献   

档案双元价值是由湖北大学覃兆刿教授提出,用以解释档案的管理功能与社会意义,并评价我国档案管理实践活动的理论观点。它是进入新世纪以来我国档案学界在档案学基础理论领域所提出的极具创新意义的观点。随着越来越多的学者开始关注并投入到对档案双元价值的研究中,档案双元价值论也开启了由学术观点向学术理论转型的进程。本文将着力于分析档案双元价值从观念的发源到理论内涵的发现、发展的理论转型过程,并对档案双元价值论的未来发展与可供研究的空间进行阐释与预测。  相似文献   

胡浩志  耿卓  邓菁 《出版科学》2016,24(1):45-48
专家审稿制是一种保障学术期刊质量、促进学术繁荣的重要机制。专家审稿与编辑审稿之间不是替代关系而是互补关系。职业校对也无法取代编辑校对,相反,学术编辑将取代职业校对人员,完成校对工作。在专家审稿制度背景下,学术期刊编辑需要重新进行职业定位,做一名杰出的初审者、优秀的学术研究者、卓越的校对者、出色的学术联络者以及干练的学术信息推送者,才能提升自我价值。  相似文献   

The objective assessment of the prestige of an academic institution is a difficult and hotly debated task. In the last few years, different types of university rankings have been proposed to quantify it, yet the debate on what rankings are exactly measuring is enduring.To address the issue we have measured a quantitative and reliable proxy of the academic reputation of a given institution and compared our findings with well-established impact indicators and academic rankings. Specifically, we study citation patterns among universities in five different Web of Science Subject Categories and use the PageRank algorithm on the five resulting citation networks. The rationale behind our work is that scientific citations are driven by the reputation of the reference so that the PageRank algorithm is expected to yield a rank which reflects the reputation of an academic institution in a specific field. Given the volume of the data analysed, our findings are statistically sound and less prone to bias, than, for instance, ad–hoc surveys often employed by ranking bodies in order to attain similar outcomes. The approach proposed in our paper may contribute to enhance ranking methodologies, by reconciling the qualitative evaluation of academic prestige with its quantitative measurements via publication impact.  相似文献   

张波 《图书馆》2007,(6):56-57,77
讨论了网络时代文化的特点及对阅读的影响,阅读有各种方式,每一个人应当根据自已的需要选择不同阅读方式。  相似文献   

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