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Recent research in English education has emphasised dialogically organised instruction to promote learning talk; yet little is known about teachers’ perceptions of their efforts to teach dialogically. This study draws on video-cued interviews to examine how secondary preservice English teacher Emma experiences trying to teach dialogically and the conflicting demands it elicits for her. Findings indicate that she must navigate competing discourses including the curriculum, the ideas of her mentor teacher, her beliefs about dialogic teaching and her university schooling. Emma’s accounts revealed that satisfying these at once was not achievable, and that her endeavour to become a dialogic teacher was rife with conflict.  相似文献   


This study reports Year 1 findings from a multisite cluster randomized controlled trial of a cognitive strategies approach to teaching text-based analytical writing for mainstreamed Latino English language learners (ELLs) in 9 middle schools and 6 high schools. There were 103 English teachers stratified by school and grade and then randomly assigned to the Pathway Project professional development intervention or control group. The Pathway Project trains teachers to use a pretest on-demand writing assessment to improve text-based analytical writing instruction for mainstreamed Latino ELLs who are able to participate in regular English classes. The intervention draws on well-documented instructional frameworks for teaching mainstreamed ELLs. Such frameworks emphasize the merits of a cognitive strategies approach that supports these learners’ English language development. Pathway teachers participated in 46 hrs of training and learned how to apply cognitive strategies by using an on-demand writing assessment to help students understand, interpret, and write analytical essays about literature. Multilevel models revealed significant effects on an on-demand writing assessment (d = .35) and the California Standards Test in English language arts (d = .07).  相似文献   

This article explores language and literacy teachers’ classroom experiences in a digital age. Drawing on multi‐literacies and new literacy studies frameworks, we use metaphors of classroom as text and teacher as author to build an understanding of the challenges and changes examined in the findings of two separate studies. The teachers were challenged to reconsider conceptions of individual ‘knowers’ and textual authority/authorship in their classrooms and how they engage students critically in an exploration of the word and the world beyond the edges of the page and the walls of the English language arts classroom.  相似文献   

整合性语言艺术强调将各种孤立的语言艺术形式相融合,在自然的学习情境中整体上提高学生的听、说、读、写能力。通过对整合性语言艺术的发展、特点和原则等进行简要介绍,并以语法教学为例探讨如何在实际教学中整合各种语言艺术,希望能为我国的英语教学尤其是语法教学带来新的启示。  相似文献   

From a small beginning in the colonial period the City Super-intedency of Schools has grown to its present enormous, complexly integrated proportions by means of numerous forces and many devious meanderings. While the following data refer chiefly to records of Massachusetts, their implications are deemed applicable to the nation as a whole, since many of the present forms of educational ideas and institutions grew out of these movements in the seventeenth and eighteen centuries.  相似文献   

依据体态语言学原理,探析了体态语言的内涵、价值,以及体态语言在武术教学中的作用。并就武术教师如何在教学中运用好体态语言做了探讨。  相似文献   

英语课堂用语,作为英语教师在课堂上从事和组织教学所使用的语言,它不仅是教师进行英语教学的工具,同时也是学生学习英语时一个重要的语言输入来源。课堂用语的数量和质量在某种程度上决定着英语课堂教学的成败。因此,对当前英语教师课堂用语的使用进行深入认识与思考对于英语教学具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This research effort reports the findings of an empirical study focusing on the ways in which technological tools are implemented specifically in mathematics education in a Title I school. The purpose was to identify the perspectives and actions of the school’s mathematics specialist and the multi-graded (grades 2–3) classroom teacher as they attempted to deliver instruction with technology for both English Language Learners1 (ELL) and non-ELL students. Findings showed that a critical factor in access to mathematics education and technology for ELL students in a multi-graded 2–3 classroom in a Title I (K-5) school setting was language. Although potentially powerful technologies—analog (concrete objects) and digital (software) were used, many ELL students could not access the content solely because of language difficulties. Teachers used the concrete objects as modeling tools, to reveal students’ thinking, and for communication of foundational mathematics. Conversely, the software used served none of these functions because the available software did not do the kinds of things the manipulatives did, teachers’ knowledge of exemplary software was insufficient, the school used an impoverished model of technology integration, and teachers were constrained by the school district’s policies of English immersion for ELL students.This paper was presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, 2005, Montreal, Canada, on Tuesday, April 12, 2005, 4:05–5:35 pm, in Le Centre Sheraton Montreal/Salon 7, in a session titled, “Science and Mathematics Teaching for Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students” sponsored by Division K-Teaching and Teacher Education/Section 1—Research on Teaching Practices, Teacher Knowledge, and Teacher Education in Math and Science.Tirupalavanam G. Ganesh is a December 2003 graduate of the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. program in Educational Media and Computers, Division of Curriculum and Instruction, at the College of Education, Arizona State University. He also holds a Master of Computer Science degree from Arizona State University. His teaching interests include graduate and undergraduate courses for in-service and pre-service teachers in the use of learning technologies for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education and technology integration. His research interests include studying the impact of informal learning experiences in settings such as museums and after-school programs, technology integration, and teacher’s practices in elementary/middle schools. Address correspondence to Tirupalavanam G. Ganesh, Assistant Professor, Instructional Technology, College of Education, Curriculum and Instruction, University of Houston, 256 Farish Hall, Houston, TX 77204-5027. Tel.: +1-713-743-0574; e-mail: tganesh@uh.edu.James A. Middleton is Division Director of Curriculum and Instruction at the College of Education, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. He obtained his Ph.D. in 1992, in Educational Psychology from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. His teaching interests include mathematics methods for secondary teachers and graduate courses in children’s mathematical thinking and technological innovation. His research interests include motivational processes in education, children’s mathematical thinking especially in the area of rational number and geometry, and technological innovation in mathematics instruction and assessment. James A. Middleton, Director, Division of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, Arizona State University, Box 871011, Tempe, AZ 85287-1011. Tel.: +1-480-965-9644; e-mail: james.middleton@asu.edu.  相似文献   

英语学习的重要性使得社会上出现了许多针对基础教育的英语培训机构.研究主要采取了定性与定量分析相结合的方法,以徐州三所知名的英语基础教育培训机构为研究对象,运用交互式语言教学法的理论为基础对培训机构的英语教学方法进行了实证研究.  相似文献   


Two sets of software developed for early reading instruction (top rated and best selling) were reviewed and evaluated for gender portrayal of central and secondary characters of the opposite sex. Male central characters were present in 37% of the top-rated computer software and in 63% of the best selling software. Female central characters were observed in 16% of the top-rated software and 11% of the best selling software. The lack of consistency between children's software requires further investigation. In a more positive vein, when central characters and secondary characters of the opposite sex were compared for salient characteristics that could be classified as sex role stereotyping, no differences were observed.  相似文献   

甘南藏族学生英语课堂焦虑调查及启示   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
在梳理国内外相关献的基础上,通过问卷调查和描述性统计分析,研究了藏族学生英语课堂焦虑的特点。结果显示:交际焦虑和听不懂焦虑的程度居引起焦虑各类别之首;初中、高中学生的平均焦虑指数高于大中专学生;男生的平均焦虑指数高于女生。  相似文献   

就高中英语课堂互动的模式和教师话语两个方面对分层随机抽取的十名高中英语教师展开了课堂现场观察研究,结果显示高中英语课堂互动模式主要为启发反馈跟踪(IRF)模式,互动频繁,且成功率高。教师常用问题启动交互,采用意义协商、及时反馈、元语言和体态语等来维护和平衡交互。但互动内容多为语言操练,缺乏真正意义的语言交际,不利于语言的学习和习得。  相似文献   

What can preservice teachers tell us about the impact of culture on literacy? Participants responded to an open-ended survey asking, “How do you think your culture influences what you read and write?” Three themes emerged in their answers: family influence, self-exploration through literacy, and the cultural politics of literacy. Further examination led to three premises about literacy. Findings highlight the importance of students’ literacy history and provide means for teachers to reframe their instruction, based on student voice.  相似文献   

Classroom language is an extremely important form of talk.In a foreign language classroom,the teacher has to organize language teaching by using the target language.Therefore,classroom language in foreign language teaching seems more important.  相似文献   

The current situation of English teaching cannot keep pace with the requirements of the Senior High School Standards (the Ministry of Education, 2003). Due to the influences of the traditional teaching method, some English teachers still insist on the teacher-centered teaching approaches. The result is that there is less target language (TL) input and TL output in class, and senior students are weak in their oral English. This paper attempts to discuss the importance of language environment in classroom and...  相似文献   

通过对大学英语教师的访谈和对学生的问卷调查发现:在大学英语课堂,教师和学生使用汉语是客观存在的现象。母语在大学英语课堂教学中的使用有被动改变和主动选择两种情况。尽管师生在使用汉语的量和具体场合上有所区别,但双方都认为合理使用母语能够在一定程度上增强课堂教学效果,促进英语教学。  相似文献   

研究旨在从师生双方的认知角度探究优秀英语网络学历教育辅导教师的专业能力构成。问卷调查、访谈和统计分析发现,师生的认知具有广泛的一致性,但对部分能力构成的侧重有所差异;学生的年龄和学习阶段也影响其对教师专业能力的倾向。研究并为提升英语网络教学效果及促进英语网络辅导教师队伍的专业化发展提出建议。  相似文献   

在英语课堂交际模式控制中,教师使用语言的质量往往直接影响和决定教学效果的好坏,因为教师的语言修养在极大程度上决定着学生课堂上的脑力劳动的效率。通过课堂实践,从大量的课堂实录中,并结合相关语言学和教育学理论,认真反思教师在英语课堂交际模式控制中语言的使用情况,文章归纳整理了四个带普遍性的问题,并提出了针对所存在问题应采取的对策。  相似文献   

将英文电影引入艺术院校的英语教学是提高学生英语学习兴趣、英语听说能力和跨文化交际能力的有效途径之一。英文电影在艺术院校英语教学中的应用,要注意结合学生的艺术专业进行影片的选择,设计相应的教学内容和要求。  相似文献   

对学生的学业表现做出评价是教师工作的重要组成部分,也是教师学科教学知识的重要内容。教师评价素养的高低关系到影响教与学的效果。本文采用定量分析方法调查了173名中国某省高校外语教师的评价素养。研究发现被调查教师评价素养整体水平不高;其评价素养对评价实践有显著的预测作用;对评价素养水平起影响作用的因素主要有与测试相关的职前学习,在职科研和参与命题经历。  相似文献   

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