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2001年教育部将研究性学习作为一项特别设立的教学活动以必修课形式纳入《全日制普通高级中学课程计划(试验修订稿)》,北京市从2002年开始实施。为了保证研究性学习课程的顺利开展,北京四中用一个多学期的时间进行了精心准备:校长带领各科教研组长赴上海考察、学习,回来后以教研组为单位充分讨论,教研组长间又进行了认真交流。在全校干部、教师统一思想、统一认识的基础上,制定了北京四中研究性学习课程实施方案。目前,北京四中以科技俱乐部为龙头,在科技活动、研究性课程和学科教学中全面开展研究性学习,既推进了高一年级研究性学习课程的…  相似文献   


State-led school turnaround in the United States has raised important questions about state efficacy and capacity for school improvement and institutional change. State intervention conventionally relies on compliance-driven coercive pressure drawing on the regulative underpinnings of institutions. State technical assistance for turnaround is an opportunity to examine how microlevel interactions between state- and site-level staff draw on the normative and cognitive underpinnings of institutions to help create conditions for change. Sensemaking research suggests that site-level staff cognition is important for change. Yet less is known about the internal cognitive process through which sensemaking unfolds, especially when existing cognition is conditioned by the institutional status quo and when competing cognitions are instantiated by those outside of local institutional contexts. This conceptual essay proposes a theory arguing that change is more likely when local actors experience accumulating moments of institutional interstitiality precipitated by forms of institutional work that undermine existing beliefs and assumptions. Implications for future academic and action-oriented research are discussed.  相似文献   

最基本的干涉现象是双缝干涉.通过一个缝的光和另一个缝的光迭加,出现明暗相间的条纹,我们说这是干涉条纹.最基本的衍射现象是单缝衍射.通过单缝的光在屏上也形成明暗相间的条纹,我们说这是衍射条纹.干涉条纹和衍射条纹都是光波的迭加形成的,都是光的波动性的表现,为什么不统一叫做干涉条纹呢?  相似文献   

The research sought to find out how international students came to terms with cultural differences and positioned themselves in a complex environment such as a boarding school. This article considers how a researcher's insider position can enrich the understanding in a multicultural school setting while identifying the hidden dilemmas. The adoption of multiple roles was one of the strategies used to cope with these dilemmas and the article shows how these can be useful in revealing emergent participant meanings and perceptions in ethnographic research.  相似文献   

Recent research into the phonological aspects of children’s early reading development holds that English beginners are more aware of word-sounds at the onset and rime level than at the individual phoneme level. A link is suspected with the comparative irregularity of English orthography. As it is widely assumed that children need to be aware of phonemes before they can benefit from a traditional phonics approach, a ‘new’ phonics or ‘rhyming analogy’ approach has been recommended as an easier route than traditional phonics for English beginning readers. This paper argues, however, that English beginners are just as capable of a phonemic approach as beginners in other languages, that phonemic awareness is not a precondition, that beliefs to the contrary are based on misunderstanding, and that systematically applying grapheme-phoneme correspondences throughout each word is an excellent basis for word-identification even in English. These claims are supported by test results.  相似文献   

Research in Higher Education -  相似文献   

安妮特·拉鲁的《不平等的童年》是运用民族志方法进行儿童研究的典范之作。其在理论上拓展了我们对阶层优势代际传递的内在机制的认识,并在方法上将儿童作为社会生活的平等参与者,避免了以往研究中存在的忽视儿童的主体性的问题。  相似文献   

在学习理解邓小平社会主义本质论的基础上,应进一步搞清什么是社会主义。只有坚持改革,社会主义才有出路,改革必须始终坚持马克思主义的基本原理与本国国情相结合,依据实际情况创建符合国情的社会主义模式。  相似文献   

教育人种志研究具有关注情境、关注生活以及研究方法弹性等特点,对教师的理论修养和实践水平的提高具有重要的作用。该研究方法主张在"离我远去"原则指导下,教师进入真正的研究情境,通过田野研究提升自我理论修养、实践能力,努力实现理论与实践的结合,从而更新自己的教育水平和思维能力,真正实现自己的专业成长。  相似文献   

The ‘community of inquiry’ as formulated by C. S. Peirce is grounded in the notion of communities of discipline‐based inquiry engaged in the construction of knowledge. The phrase ‘transforming the classroom into a community of inquiry’ is commonly understood as a pedagogical activity with a philosophical focus to guide classroom discussion. But it has a broader application. Integral to the method of the community of inquiry is the ability of the classroom teacher to actively engage in the theories and practices of discipline‐based communities of inquiry so as to become informed by the norms of the disciplines, not only to aspire to competence within the disciplines, but also to develop habits of self‐correction for reconstructing those same norms when faced with novel problems and solutions, including those in the classroom. This has implications for science education and the role of educational philosophy in developing students' ability to think scientifically. But it also has broader implications for thinking critically within all key learning areas. Here we concentrate on science education. We present the parallels between philosophical inquiry and scientific inquiry that need to be realised to promote and engage with scientific inquiry in the classroom. We also discuss the conflicts between philosophical inquiry and the way inquiry science in the classroom is portrayed in the education literature. Based on philosophical and historical perceptions of science as inquiry, a practical approach to implementation of scientific inquiry in the science classroom is presented.  相似文献   

Recent trends indicate a move away from self-contained classrooms and toward content-focused departmentalization in elementary schools. This study takes a snapshot of the existing organizational structures used in elementary schools in one district and explores administrators’ beliefs and practices regarding this phenomenon. Our findings suggest administrators base their decisions to organize grade levels on various factors, including their own experiences, contextual dynamics, and personal perceptions of outcomes for students and teachers.  相似文献   

Reforming Science Teaching: What Research Says About Inquiry   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Journal of Science Teacher Education -  相似文献   

Based on the identity theory and the sociological institutionalism theory, this study establishes a triple identity analysis framework and describes the interaction pattern and internal logic between the internal identity cognition and the external identity expectation of rural-oriented pre-service teachers through the study of educational ethnography. It is found that while they form a dominant identity in the interaction with policies, they are also endowed with the identity “privilege” and the energized learning motivation, but there are mutual restrictions between policies’ entitlement and empowerment. In the interaction with social norms, they exchange with the policies reciprocally due to the torture of moral obligation, and then consciously undertake the responsibilities of their identity, but ego and publicity still conflict with each other in the underlying logic. In the interaction with their ego, they gradually reconcile with themselves and reshape their identity after experiencing identity rejection under the stigmatization cognition. Then, in the process of habitualization and institutionalization of identity, they adopt two different strategies: passive compromise and active adjustment.  相似文献   

第三次国际数学与科学水平测试(TIMSS1999,Third International mathematics and Science Stuay的缩写)录像研究发现:参与的7个国家8年级数学教学中与现实生活联系的数学问题所占比例为9%-42%,平均为22%,与学生成绩没有必然关联。对LPS(The Learner’s Perspective Study的缩写)北京和上海4位教师连续10节以上课的中间5节共计20节录像课的编码研究,得出其相应值为11%,且主要以综合应用形式集中出现在应用专题教学中。在教学中,数学与现实生活的联系不应有统一标准,数学教学是多样化的。  相似文献   

“是什么”与“像什么”是两种带不同倾向的追问与叙述方式。两者分别属于逻辑思维与形象思维,各有不同的认识取向与表述特色。相互结合则可产生互补效应。全面深一刻地探究教育现象和表述教育观念。当沿着这两条基本路径交叉进行。  相似文献   

叙事研究作为一种研究方法,既是教育研究者进行教育科研的方法,也应是教师进行教育研究的方法,且因其关注教育的日常生活、阐发教育的价值与意义等特征而更加适合教师。  相似文献   


Making decisions about which technologies, if any, are appropriate for your classroom or educational institution has never been easy. These difficult decisions are, however, increasing in their complexity as new technologies continually enter the marketplace, expectations of parents and students rise for more technology in the classroom, budget constraints require institutions to do more with less, and the benefits of distance education place mounting pressures on educators to provide resources beyond the boundaries of the traditional classroom. So how do you as an educational leader make the challenging decisions related to distance education and other technologies in your school? This article provides a framework for results-focused decision making that can help you make complicated choices in even the most challenging of circumstances.  相似文献   

淮阳人祖庙及庙会是中原汉民族地区兄妹婚神话传播的一个重要中心点.当地讲述人对于兄妹始祖的血亲乱伦有着强烈的拒斥态度,进而在惯常类型之外形成了一种特殊的地区变体.兄妹婚神话以散文体和韵文体两种形式传播,存在着多种叙事传统.讲述人的神话观复杂多样,将神话僵化地界定为"神圣的叙事"无助于现代口承神话的研究.近半个多世纪以来政治和社会文化语境的变化虽然对神话传统的传承产生了一定影响,但并非毫无限度.  相似文献   

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