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英语成长记录袋评价是形成性评价的重要内容。为了突出评价的过程性并关注个体差异,运用这种成长记录袋进行评价是必要的。本文从英语成长记录袋的类型、英语成长记录袋的内容、英语成长记录袋评价的途径和方法、英语成长记录袋评价的原则、英语成长记录袋评价的作用等方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

新课程实施中的成长记录袋评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
课程改革实施以来,各实验区的教师和研究人员在语文、数学、英语、科学、艺术、生物等多门课程领域中,对成长记录袋评价进行了不同程度的理论研究与实践探索,创建和使用了多种多样的成长记录袋,成为当前中小学教育评价改革的新亮点。但我们也发现,在实验区的学生评价实践中,有些教师和研究人员对成长记录袋的基本原理与使用要求还存在着模糊甚至错误的认识,致使成长记录袋评价在实践中的应用出现了一些偏差。这不仅影响了成长记录袋潜在优势与功能的实现,也在一定程度上销蚀了教师对应用成长记录袋的兴趣与信心。本文将聚焦成长记录袋评价在…  相似文献   

档案袋评价又名学生成长记录袋评价。所谓学生成长记录袋是指用以显示有关学生学习成就或持续进步信息的一连串表现、作品、评价结果以及其它相关记录和资料汇集。而学生成长记录袋评价则是指通过对学生成长记录袋的制作过程和最终结果的分析而进行的对学生发展状况的评价。(见李雁冰主编:《走向发展性课程评价》p.64)细读这一概念.我们  相似文献   

评价问题是新课改的焦点、瓶颈。如何重新认识评价的功能,改变以往单一、集权式的评价现状,让教师学生都能成为评价活动的获益者,使新的评价体系体现新的课程标准,规范新的教育教学,是所有课改人员共同努力探讨的问题。一年来的课改实验,我们在注重学生终结性评价的同时,更加注重了学生学习中的形成性评价,为突出学生全面发展而设立了成长记录袋,特别是在学科发展性评价方面做了有益的尝试。一、成长记录袋的设计成长记录的内容首先具体体现在记录袋的封面上,封面上的栏目由师生协商确定,具体设计如下:二、成长记录袋的使用成长记录袋的作用…  相似文献   

基础教育课程改革试验实施以来,“关注每个生的成长历程,促进学生的全面发展”已成为一强音。在评价方法上,学生成长记录袋作为学生习过程性评价的典范之一被广泛应用。为实现评理念与行为的恰当对接,仍需做理论的研究和实的探索。一、成长记录袋评价的现实意义成长记录袋是“根据教育教学目标,有意识地各种有关学生表现的作品及其他证据收集起来,过合理的分析与解释,反映学生在学习与成长过中的优势与不足,反映学生在达到目标过程中付的努力与进步,并通过学生的反思与改进,激励生取得更好的成就”的评价过程。成长记录袋评价是以建构主义、…  相似文献   

在新课改背景下,以课本为依据、以笔纸为方式、以分数为标准的评价方式已不能适应德育评价的需要,成长记录袋在德育中的应用是对德育评价的改革和探索。德育成长记录袋主要记录在某个思想品德成长阶段中,学生在成长过程中所取得的每一点进步,包括学生的优秀事迹、活动资料、所获奖励、获奖作品、优秀劳动成果等。成长记录袋评价在使用过程中要体现对学生的关怀和关注,帮助学生认识自我、建立自信,促进学生品德在原有水平上的提高。  相似文献   

本文主要阐述了学生成长记录袋的操作定义、操作过程与运用策略,使用成长记录袋存在的问题,并为下一步更好地实施成长记录袋评价提出建议与意见。  相似文献   

秋平 《宁夏教育》2009,(6):47-47
所谓学生成长记录袋是指用以显示有关学生学习成就或持续进步信息的一连串表现、作品、评价结果以及其他相关记录和资料的汇集。学生成长记录袋评价是指通过对成长记录袋的制作过程和最终结果的分析而进行的对学生发展状况的评价。  相似文献   

档案袋评价方法实施中的问题及建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在基础教育课程改革中,成长记录袋评价方法的实践取得了一定的成效,但也暴露出了一些问题。据此,笔者以对这些问题的探析为基础,提出了有效实施成长记录袋评价方法的建议。  相似文献   

新一轮课程改革倡导“立足过程,促进发展”的课程评价,在综合评价的基础上,更关注个体的进步和多方面的发展潜能。成长记录袋是新课程倡导的一种主要的质性评价方法,正日益受到广大教育工作者的重视,并且不少学校和教师正积极地开展不同程度的实践和探索,取得了一些可喜的成绩,积累了不少宝贵的经验。但必须指出的是,因为成长记录袋是从国外引进的一种新型评价方式,进入教育测量领域的时间不是很长,许多教师和研究人员,对成长记录袋的认识还比较肤浅,在应用成长记录袋的过程中还存在着不少问题,影响了成长记录袋潜在优势和功能的实现。本文…  相似文献   

《Education 3-13》2012,40(4):401-416
This article explores the idea of portfolios as a way to collect evidence of pupils' learning and achievement in their language learning in the primary school. The emphasis is on portfolio work as an active and reflective process to underpin and support learning and to show evidence of achievement and progression. Pupil choice and reflexivity are essential in the process. The process can encourage learners to draw on their learning experiences across the curriculum. Whilst a means of providing evidence of learning, and for showcasing work pupils are proud of, portfolios are seen as central to and embedded in the day-to-day learning and underpinned by the principles of formative assessment. Designed to be used with other modes of assessment including the European Languages Portfolio, portfolios are in essence flexible, inclusive and a dynamic record of learning, achievement and potential for every learner. In this article, the use of portfolios from an early age as a means to promote development and learning and a way of assessing learning are inextricably linked. Teachers working to develop portfolio work, and some of their pupils, add their voices to the discussion of portfolio development towards an enhanced dialogic assessment culture.  相似文献   

A sample of 293 local district assessments used in the Nebraska STARS (School-based Teacher-led Assessment and Reporting System), 147 from 2004 district mathematics assessment portfolios and 146 from 2003 reading assessment portfolios, was scored with a rubric evaluating their quality. Scorers were Nebraska educators with background and training in assessment. Raters reached an agreement criterion during a training session; however, analysis of a set of 30 assessments double-scored during the main scoring session indicated that the math ratings remained reliable during scoring, while the reading ratings did not. Therefore, this article presents results for the 147 mathematics assessments only. The quality of local mathematics assessments used in the Nebraska STARS was good overall. The majority were of high quality on characteristics that go to validity (alignment with standards, clarity to students, appropriateness of content). Professional development for Nebraska teachers is recommended on aspects of assessment related to reliability (sufficiency of information and scoring procedures).  相似文献   

The richness and complexity of video portfolios endanger both the reliability and validity of the assessment of teacher competencies. In a post-graduate teacher education program, the assessment of video portfolios was evaluated for its reliability, construct validity, and consequential validity. Although video portfolio facilitated a reliable and valid assessment of teacher competencies, procedures to improve assessment quality were also revealed and are therefore discussed: more explicit grounding of assessment results in the data, peer debriefing, prolonged engagement with the assessment data, cross-checking to find confirmatory or counter examples.  相似文献   

翟轶璠 《海外英语》2012,(6):283-284,288
Formative assessment is crucial to differentiated language teaching.To ensure the quality of differentiated teaching,some assessment instruments should be adopted during formative assessment,such as differentiated learning portfolios and group activity journal.The effective application of these instruments can also improve the students’ autonomous language learning ability.  相似文献   

教学评价是课堂教学的重要组成部分,科学的评价方式是实现课程目标的有力保证。受传统的教育观和人才观的影响,目前我国高中英语教学的评价方式还依赖终结性评价,学生成绩成为他们的最终定论,而他们的学习过程、情感态度、价值观和能力往往被忽视。文章将形成性评价引入高中英语教学中,以福建省漳州市第三中学高一年级学生为例,尝试使用问卷调查、课堂观察和学习档案袋这三种形成性评价的方法,旨在激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高其学习的自信心和积极性。同时就形成性评价在实施过程中出现的问题进行了总结和反思。  相似文献   

如何建立和完善高中学生综合素质评价体系,是教育界长期关注的话题。在实践中被广泛应用的纸质记录袋评价存在着多主体评价难落实、评价信度难保障、评价资料难处理、评价价值难实现等问题。运用电子成长记录平台进行综合素质评价,可以明确评价主体责任,有效展开评价过程;建立监督保障机制,有效保障评价信度;方便应用评价结果,有效提升评价价值。  相似文献   

成长记录袋的创建与使用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
成长记录袋有意识地收集学生的作品或有关证据,以反映学生在某一领域的努力、进步与成就。任课教师创建和使用成长记录袋一般要经过明确目的和用途、对内容选择提供指导、明确学生角色、确定评分程序和标准、交流和使用等几个主要步骤。在当前的评价实践中,学校和教师还要注意谨慎选择成长记录袋的应用领域、将成长记录袋的应用与教学有机结合、给教师和学生足够的自主权并加强教师培训。  相似文献   

This paper forms part of an exploration of assessment on one part‐time higher education (HE) course: an in‐service, professional qualification for teachers and trainers in the learning and skills sector which is delivered on a franchise basis across a network of further education colleges in the north of England. This paper proposes that the validity and reliability of portfolio‐based assessment, a key component of many HE programmes in addition to the course being researched here, is contestable. Analysis of the processes of compiling portfolios for assessment, through the conceptual framework of the New Literacy Studies, suggests that the ways in which portfolios are assessed and the ways in which the crucial requisites of validity and reliability are assigned to them, mask complexities and contradictions in their creation by the student. This paper argues for a new, critical analysis of portfolio production and raises a number of questions about the validity, reliability and authenticity of the assessment process that the portfolios reify.  相似文献   

谢琪 《教育学报》2002,(6):47-49
本文讨论了信息技术课程教学中学生成绩多元评价模式的原则及评价的内容 ,包括课堂平时成绩、电子作品集、考试 ,并提出了具体的实施策略。  相似文献   

Open enrollment and walk-in advising at two-year colleges make placement assessment a continual, year-round process, effectively prohibiting the use of placement processes like entrance portfolios. On the grounds of expediency, many two-year institutions have turned to computerized editing tests such as COMPASS for placing entering students into writing courses, even though such tests do not directly measure writing. Forgoing placement assessment entirely through directed student self-placement, such as that described by Royer and Gilles, has also become an attractive alternative for some institutions. Beginning with the premise that assessment is a rhetorical act, the authors describe their reasons for resisting computer editing tests and suggest possible problems with using only directed student self-placement in open access institutions. They then describe a placement process, the Writer's Profile, which they developed. A sample student profile is presented to illustrate the interaction and negotiation among writing teachers as they read profiles and reach an agreement about their placement recommendation. The authors argue that the form of assessment chosen is important because as a rhetorical act assessment affects curriculum, pedagogy, faculty development, and even the surrounding community's expectations and perceptions of college writing.  相似文献   

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