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Ⅰ.把下列每组字母中含有相同读音的一组选出来。1.A.TV B.TA C.LT D.HN2.A.IY B.RN C.UV D.WK3.A.QO B.UD C.AD D.BE4.A.VA B.PY C.SX D.IR5.A.JS B.UW C.OG D.ZHⅡ.从B栏中找出A栏中相应的答语。1.Good evening,M r Li.2.H ello,Jim.3.Nice to m eet you.4.W hat’s that?5.Thank you.6.H ow are you?7.W ho’s that?8.This is m y friend,June.9.Goodbye.10.W ho is Victor?(A)A.Bye.B.H e is Am y’s brother.C.H ello,Li Lei.D.Good evening,M r Liu.E.Nice to meet you,too.F.It’s A.G.This…  相似文献   

(Ⅰ)A.同步阅读Passage1H ello,Im M aggie.Im13years old.I have a brother and a sister.M y brother is9and m y sister is only4years old.I like ham burgers andsalad.M y brother likes tom atoes and m y sister likes ice cream.W e have asm all sports collection.W e all like tennis.Today is D ecem ber21st.It ism y m others birthday.There s a big birthday cake on the table.H ow m uchis it?D o you know?Its7dollars.Com e to m y m others birthday partyand have som e cake.1.H ow old is M aggie s brot…  相似文献   

在日常生活中,英美人常常使用一些恰如其分的交际语言,而中国学生在这方面却经常出错。笔者拟对如何使用交际英语加以归纳和分析,供同学们学习时参考。一、要遵循交际英语的表达习惯。例如:1)—Hello!M ay I speak to Mike?—Y es,.Amy nam e is M ike B.Im M ikeC.this is Mike speaking D.M ike is m e打电话时,双方的询问与回答都有习惯用语。例如:—H ello!M ay I speak to LiPing?—W ho s that?/W ho is thatspeaking?—This is LiPing./This is LiPing speaking.因此,本题答案为C。2)—W ould you m ind m y sm oking he…  相似文献   

一、打电话(m aking phone calls)1.(全国卷Ⅰ,21)—Can I speak to M r W ang please?—A.W ho are you?B.Im W ang.C.Speaking.D.A re you John?2.(广东,22)—This is Tara Patelfrom Cotton H ouse in K idder-m inster.Could I speak to M r Sm ith,please?—A.H ello!B.Im M r Sm ith.C.W ho are you?D.Speaking.答案与简析:1.C2.D以上两题均考查打电话时的交际用语。用英语打电话和用汉语打电话在习惯表达方式上有着明显的不同。按英美国家的习惯,接听电话时问对方“是谁”,常用“W ho is that(speak-ing/calling)?”,…  相似文献   

我的狗不识字布朗夫人:哦,亲爱的,我把珍爱的小狗给丢了!史密斯夫人:你该在报纸上登广告啊!布朗夫人:没有用的,我的小狗不识字。他真是一个大人物—我叔叔下面有1,000个人。—他真是一个大人物。干什么的?—墓地守墓人。M y D og C an t R eadM rs Brown:O h,m y dear,I have lostm y precious little dog!M rs Sm ith:B utyou should putan adver-tisem entin the papers!M rs B rown:Its no use,m y little dogcan t read.H e Is R eally Som ebody—M y uncle has1,000m en under him.—H e is really som ebody.W hat does hed…  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.热身运动(W arm-up)1.Enjoy a song:O ld M acD onald(sing anddance after the teacher)2.D aily oral practice.(日常会话练习)。D ialogues:T:H ello。W hat's your nam e?S1:M y nam e is…T:N ice to m eet you。S2:N ice to m eet you,too。T:H ow are you  相似文献   

1.在西方国家,接电话的人拿起电话后,常常先说“H ello!”,并“自报家门”,即说明自己的单位、住址或电话号码。例如:H ello!This is N o.14M iddle School.您好,这里是第十四中学。H ello!5658508.您好,这里是5658508。2.电话中的“我是……”,在英语里要用“Thisis...”表达,而不能用“I am...”。例如:H ello!This is M r W ang.我是王先生。3.问对方是谁时,英语中不用“W ho are you?”,而用“W ho s that?”。如问对方“是……吗?”,不用“A re you...?”,而要用“Is that...?”。例如:H ello,this is Bill.W ho s that?您好,…  相似文献   

教学过程一、组织教学,引出新内容。1.G reeting(问候)(满面笑容向学生挥挥手)师:H ello,boys and girls.N ice to m eet you.生:(向师挥挥手,快乐地)H ello,M issH uang.N ice to m eet you,too.2.N ow m ake a dialogue with m e.与我对话。师:H ello.W hat's your nam e?生:H i.M y nam e is G ao W ei.(多问几名学生)3.师:Can you ask m e?生:Y es.W hat's your nam e?师:(出示卡片,引出内容)M y nam e is PanPan.I'm a panda.(出示卡片)N ow I'm a cham eleon.多领读几遍后抽查。二、教学新内容1.板书课题:U nit1It's red.介…  相似文献   

U nit1M y nam e is G ina.●单元知识点拨自我介绍用英语作自我介绍时,通常使用“I am 姓名”或“M y nam e is 姓名”句式。例如:H ello!Im M ary.(=H ello!M y nam e is M ary.)大家好!我是玛丽。询问他人姓名1.用英语询问他人姓名时,通常使用“W hats your nam e?”,答语通常为“M y nam e is 姓名”。例如:—W hats your nam e,please?你叫什么名字?—M y nam e is A lan.我叫艾伦。2.英文“姓名”三特点(1)先“名”(given nam e)后“姓”(fam ily nam e),“姓”和“名”分开书写,且首字母要大写(注:中文姓名是先“姓”后“名”…  相似文献   

1.丑小乖:看!妈妈昨天给我买了只狗。他叫小欧。酷贝贝:你好啊!2.酷贝贝:妈妈昨天给我买了个热狗。味道好极了。3.丑小乖:一个什么?酷贝贝:一个热狗。4.丑小乖:那是什么?酷贝贝:就是烤熟的狗。5.丑小乖:你怎么啦?小欧?酷贝贝:噢!我只是开个玩笑。A B aked D og1.U gly G irl:Look!M y m other boughta dog for m e yesterday.H is nam eis C oco.Cool Baby:H i!2.Cool Baby:M y m other boughta hotdog for m e yesterday.Its delicious.3.U gly G irl:A what?Cool Baby:A hotdog.4.U gly G irl:W hats that?Cool Baby:Its a ba…  相似文献   

这是谁的?你的?我的?还是他(她)的?还是到失物招领处去问问吧。不过用英语怎么说你的、我的、他(她)的?正月十五元宵节,聪明鼠去看花灯。咦?前面发生了什么事?怎么会有那么多人呢?好热闹的聪明鼠哪能放过这个机会,他拨开人群硬是挤到了前面。于是,聪明鼠听到了以下的对话。(请注意画线的词)D og:W hose cap isit?C ock:It’sm ine.M y cap isred.D og:W hose glove isit?D eer:It’sG oat’s.It’shis.H isglove isblack.D og:W hose scarfisit?Tiger:It’sD eer’s.It’shers.H erscarfisgreen.D og:W hose carrotisit?Snow m an …  相似文献   

Passage1H ello.I’m M aggie.I’m13years old.Ihave a brother and a sister.M y brother is9and m y sister is only4years old.I like ham-burgers and salad.M y brother likes tom atoesand m y sisterlikesice cream.W e have a sm allsports collection.W e alllike te…  相似文献   

1.—Jane,your dress is beautiful.—A.N o,itisn t.B.Y es,it is.C.W here?D.Thank you.2.—H elp yourselfto som e fish,please.—.A.Thanks.Ive had enough B.N o,I can tC.I don tlike it D.O K3.—Im sorry I broke the window.—.A.Thats right B.N ot at allC.N ever m ind D.M y pleasure4.—ShallI close the window,M r and M rs W hite?—.A.D on tdo that B.N o,you m ustn tC.N o,please don t D.N o,you can t5.—D on t m ake any noise in the living room!M y baby is sleeping.—.A.Sorry,I won t …  相似文献   

Ⅰ.补全对话 从下面方框内选出合适的句子填入空白处,补全对话。 A : 1 B :H ello,Steve. A :W hats your nam e? B :Jim H arold. A : 2 B :J-I-M -H -A -R -O -L-D . A : 3 B :Its 62975463.A .H ow do you spell it? B.Is this a case? C.W hats it? D .W hats your phone num ber? E.H ello,m y nam e is Steve. A : 4 B :N o,itisn t. A : 5 B :Its a com puter. A :Thank you. Ⅱ.看图完成对话 1.—W hats this? — . 2.— ? —Y es,it is. —H ere you are. —Thank you. 3.—A re these pears? —N o,they aren…  相似文献   

H ello,everybody!M y nam e isW u C haonan.Ihave a good English teacher.H er nam e is W uC henlei.She is tall and beautiful.She is24years old.T hough she is young,her English isexcellent.She has been ourEnglish teacher for3years.She w orks hard like agarde…  相似文献   

根据图画完成下列对话,每空填一词。1.A :W ho is taller,Li M ing orLuo Lin?B : is taller.A :W ho is ofall?B :Lin Lei.2.A :W hich do you like best?B :I like m y catbest.A :M ustyou herevery day?B :Y es,I feed her three tim esa day.3.A :W hich subjectdoes he like, English, m aths orChinese?B :English.It is the im -portantofallfor him .4.A :H ello,can I to W angH ua?B :Im afraid he isn t .H ewent to the zoo this m orn-ing.5.A :W here do you like living,in the city or in thecountry?B :I…  相似文献   

教学实录:Step1.W arm upT:H ello,boys and girls.Ss:H ello,M iss M ei.T:Look at our classroom.W hat are there in theclassroom?There isaTV set.There are m any students.Y ou go on,O K?S1:There is a teacher in the classroom.S2:There are four fans in the classroom.…T:W elldone。Let’s sing a song“In the Class-room”.Ss:O K.(教师联系生活实际,引导学生观察身处的教室,以自由问答的形式开门见山地导入句型There is\are…,使英语的生活化教学得到了充分的体现。师生共同演唱“In the C lassroom”,不仅…  相似文献   

教学过程1.W arm ing-up(1)English Song“H ello”用班内孩子的英文名替代歌曲中的Sarah,John,M ike,营造愉悦、轻松的课堂氛围。(2)G reetings:H ello,dear children.I amW endy,your English teacher.I want to be yourfriend.D o you w antto be m y friend?Ifyes,clap you  相似文献   

Happy English     
M y neighbours我的邻居D ictionary:door-plate门牌boydoor门男孩old person老年人w om an女人Play gam e:如果图画符合句意,就在括号中打“√”。()1.This is m y arm.()2.G ood afternoon.m an男人b婴a儿bygirl女孩擦鞋垫iron gate铁门()3.Trick or treat!()4.H i,John.This is M ike.H ello!N iceto m eet you.请将上面带※号的句子翻译出来,于2006年11月10日前寄到江西省南昌市子安路75号《小星星》杂志社“H appy English”栏目,参加“小翻译”的评比。“小翻译”可是有奖品的哦!星星姐姐H um orous story:W ord s box:代词he…  相似文献   

大家好!我的名字叫戴晓琪,玛莉是我的英文名字。我现在在滨江小学读书。我在五年一班。看!我很酷吧,在不久的将来我要成为一位作家。我很友好,请和我做朋友吧!H ello!M y nam e is D aiX iaoqi.M erry is m y English nam e.N ow I’m studying atB injiang Prim ary School,an  相似文献   

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