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钱珏 《考试周刊》2013,(57):22-23
本文运用著名社会心理学家爱利克·埃里克森的社会心理发展阶段理论及同一性危机的研究方法,对小说《麦田里的守望者》中的主人公霍尔顿在青少年阶段表现出的同一性危机进行深入分析,详细阐述其危机产生的原因及霍尔顿如何在一个冷漠污秽、充满伪善、缺少沟通的异化的成人世界中追求纯真,实现顿悟,化解危机,重获新生的曲折过程。  相似文献   

美国著名"遁世作家"J.D.塞林格在其杰作《麦田里的守望者》中独具匠心地塑造了霍尔顿这一叛逆的青少年形象,用富有特色的语言生动地描述了霍尔顿在步入成人的过程中所经历的精神危机和成长痛苦。本文对霍尔顿的成长历程进行了分析和解读。  相似文献   

纳丁·戈迪默在小说《伯格的女儿》中描述了一位年轻女性——共产党员伯格的女儿罗莎的成长经历.文章通过运用"成长理论",探讨罗莎的心路历程的三个阶段:起初,无知带来的悲惨童年;其后,在"舒适"的巴黎生活中困惑;最终,在顿悟中找到了真正的自己. 戈迪默始终坚持人道主义观点,深刻剖析黑暗的种族隔离制度给人类带来的灾难和人性的扭曲.  相似文献   

刘宇 《林区教学》2008,(8):32-33
渡边是村上春树《挪威的森林》中的主人公,霍尔顿是塞林格《麦田里的守望者》中的主人公,他们虽出现在不同的国家和时代,但在他们身上却有着相似的特质,即面对现实世界有着相似的困惑与迷茫,并用一种叛逆的方式表达着自己对现实的不满。笔者将对二者进行比较分析,以探讨青春成长期青少年的成长问题,并揭示处于成长困惑期的青少年的内心世界。  相似文献   

塞林格的《麦田里的守望者》是一部公认的具有自传性质的成长小说。小说截取主人公霍尔顿成长过程中关键阶段具有特殊意义的几天,着力描述、刻画其经历、感受、回顾和期盼,折射其成长过程中的心路历程及其挫折、烦恼、彷徨、感悟、选择,进而反映一代人、一个时代、一个社会乃至整个人类成长过程中的动荡、变迁,等等。霍尔顿的成长经历在众多青少年读者中引起了共鸣,  相似文献   

《接骨师之女》是美籍华裔作家谭恩美的具有自传色彩的作品,讲述华裔移民的母女关系。本文从成长小说的角度,试图探究主人公露丝的成长历程,露丝在中西方文化的碰撞下,如何在经历了最初成长的困惑到启蒙再到顿悟后,由天真走向成熟的成长历程。表明露丝的成长是一个由困惑到启蒙再到顿悟的过程,是在充满着冲突、困难和困惑下发现世界和认识自我的一次探险。  相似文献   

"成长"是伊恩·麦克尤恩作品中一个常见的主题。在《在切瑟尔海滩上》这部小说中,爱德华的成长伴随着了解残酷真相、失去友谊以及错失爱情的痛苦,在痛苦的一次次洗礼中,爱德华逐渐地顿悟,终于走向成熟,并摆脱了那个时代对自己的羁绊。  相似文献   

“桃李满园”,对于特教教师来说,几乎是一种奢望。那么,特殊教育意义何在?教师个人价值能否体现、如何体现?疑惑久解不开,特教工作于笔者便没了归属感,人也自卑起来:每逢有人问询工作,我总是含糊其辞地说“小学教师”,遇到刨根问底的就硬着头皮说“在县实验小学工作”!直到某天读了一则故事,我的信心之火才开始点燃。  相似文献   

人在成长过程中都要经历一番自我确认、自我定位的痛苦煎熬。《麦田里的守望者》的主人公霍尔顿,他既渴望生活,又想逃离生活,始终相信“生活在别处”。典型的再现了人在成长过程中,尤其是青少年时期一种剪不断、理还乱的迷惘。  相似文献   

简·奥斯汀擅长从女性心灵深处探寻女性成长的规律。在她的名作《爱玛》中,奥斯汀从多个层面呈现女主人公爱玛的成长。与此同时,简·奥斯汀进一步将教育的重要性引入爱玛成长过程,实现自我的救赎,从而确立了其小说中主人公特有的成长模式。从这个角度来说,《爱玛》是奥斯汀一部独特的女性成长小说。  相似文献   


Following a review of the changing uses of narrative in moral development research, a personal narrative from an interview with a secondary teacher, who is also a parent of an adolescent is analyzed. Without standard question interruptions, the narrator crafts an ironic tale of contradictory feelings and actions. Trust is proposed as both an affective and evidential/proof dimension of the relationship between adolescents and adults, as well as among all concerned about moral development and education.  相似文献   

顿悟是当代认知心理学的一个重要研究领域。弄清什么是顿悟和顿悟问题,既是顿悟研究的出发点,又是顿悟研究争论的焦点。通过考察格式塔以来的各种顿悟观,明确了顿悟含义与顿悟问题判断标准,在此基础上,展望了今后的研究趋势。  相似文献   

顿悟思维:意识的还是潜意识的   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
围绕顿悟的格式塔概念人们进行了大量的争论。目前的争论可以分为两类:一类主张顿悟与潜意识有关,属于特殊的加工过程,而另一类则尽力从意识的角度来解释顿悟,认为顿悟属于一般的认知加工过程,两类观点从顿悟的定义、酝酿现象的解释及顿悟理论等方面体现出来。综合以往研究来看,顿悟确实与潜意识有关,但在一定程度上它又是可以被人们所认识的,两类理论各有其合理与不足之处。今后的研究应该采用更为先进的手段,从跨学科角度进行。  相似文献   



Leadership provided by the headteacher is widely acknowledged to be a crucial variable in determining the effectiveness of schools. However, the majority of leadership studies consist of either surveys or interviews which the researcher has conducted with head teachers or case studies written by the head teachers which draw heavily upon their own experience, and as such are essentially 'autobiographical' in the perspective they provide on leadership in schools (Ribbins &; Sherratt, 1992). The objectives of this article are to: set out a new model of effective school leadership based on recently completed empirical research; demonstrate how the multi-perspective methodology adopted contributed to a critique of existing models of leadership and the development of a new grounded model and discuss the analytical issues raised by the multi-perspective methodology which involved all the stakeholders in a school community.  相似文献   

案例教学是一门教育艺术,它摆脱了传统教学模式的限制,大胆的运用案例进行教学。通过问题情境的创设和交往式的教学方式,启发学生内在的学习兴趣,触动学生的潜意识心灵,使学生在学习过程中,得到知识的同化、产生顿悟,从来培养学生的创造力和主体性。  相似文献   

Insight and intuition in mathematics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary I have tried to argue that the conclusions in [G] are, at least in part, false. In particular Griffiths' suggestion is incompatible with his view of insight. The problem of the goodness of models calls for skilful use of the concept of abstraction. Intuition and the intuitively obvious have no necessary connection with models, as the Poincaré example shows.  相似文献   

市场 张裕牵手法国法拉宾;南航携手天合图谋国际航线;职场 通用汽车亚太区总裁换帅;奥迪在华整合撤消中国区;格兰仕空调二度换帅;[编者按]  相似文献   

The need for engineering educators to influence reform of science-technology education in schools and, especially, contribute in stating technology as a new school subject is argued. The approaches to applying systems theory in education are outlined. An introductory ‘Robotics and Real Time Control Systems’ course has been developed as a possible approach to systems education and insight into engineering. The course concept and the master plan, based on the ‘threaded’ metacurricular approach, are proposed. The stages of design process for the course curriculum are considered. The course has been implemented in a number of high schools in Israel. An example of one project performed by a student team is presented.  相似文献   

Mobile apps are a potentially powerful medium for performance technologists. In this piece we analyze four selected apps‐Coach's Eye, for amateur athletes; EpicMix, for skiers; Cloth, a wardrobe manager; and FLPR, a home‐theatre management tool‐to show the connection between app design and performance support. With user ratings and anecdotal feedback built into the review of the apps, training professionals have a front‐row seat on this expanding arena of problem‐solving products.  相似文献   

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