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案例教学法有利于对学员自主学习能力、分析和解决问题能力、交流与合作能力、以及研究和创新精神的培养。案例选择是案例式教学法实施的关键,本文试图通过实践,选择适合的案例,探索一种符合计算机学科教学特点,有利于后勤士官人才培养目标实现的案例式教学模式。  相似文献   

理实一体化是面向士官学员开设的注重理论授课与实践训练相结合的一种教学模式,理实一体化专业教室是开展理实一体化教学的关键所在。本文分析了理实一体化教学模式的特点,提出了某型装备的一体化专业教室建设和管理方案,确保学员真正能够做到在做中学,在学中做,从而提高士官教育的教学质量。  相似文献   

随着军校英语教学改革的日渐深入,士官英语教学模式的改革也已成为摆在我们面前的重要课题。以往"以教员为中心"的教学模式逐渐被淘汰,新的教学理念与模式也应运而生。建构主义理论秉承"以学员为中心"的践行原则,极大地克服了传统英语教学模式的弊端,为军校士官英语教学带来了生机与希望。本文阐述了建构主义理论内涵与特点,并在此基础上探索出以建构主义理论指导军校士官英语教学的策略。  相似文献   

文章鉴于士官学员知识基础差、理解能力偏低的特点,探讨了一种将实验和理论交叉融合的教学模式。以牛顿第二定律内容为例,阐述了融合式教学模式的实施方案,并对教学效果进行了分析总结。  相似文献   

鉴于目前士官任职教育的职能及特点,士官英语课程迫切需要从理念及实践中探讨和摸索与之相适应的新型教学模式.基于能力本位教育的思想,转变教育理念,更新教学内容,改进教学手段,并调整教学评价体系,对传统的士官英语教学模式进行改革,进而构建以能力教育为本位的士官英语实践教学模式.  相似文献   

结合STS教育的特点和士官教育实际,设计了STSA教学模式,并对STSA教育在士官物理教学中的应用进行了初步的探讨和分析。  相似文献   

本文指出了目前现代化教育环境下士官院校任职教育中存在的教学问题,分析了基于信息化技术条件下进行教学模式改革的必要性,系统地探讨了该条件下三种教学组织模式,对深化士官任职教育中教学模式改革具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

本文针对卫生士官学员特点、课程特点和学员认知岗位的实际需要。从案例的选择、案例组织和案例教法实施三个方面阐述如何灵活运用案例教学法以增强卫生士官计算机教学效果.培养学员综合能力。  相似文献   

随着专业技术士官职业教育地位的逐步提升,在士官职业教育转型的特殊时期,基于局域网络环境的士官职业教育模式需完善和健全。本文分析了士官职业教育构建局域网络教学模式的必要性,从转变教学理念、优化教学目标、转变师生角色、创新教学评价四个方面对这一模式的构建进行了探讨。  相似文献   

优化士官基层管理课程教学模式,应借鉴建构主义理论发展成果,全面更新教学理念。从教学内容设计、教学过程设计、学习资源建设和课程考核评价四个方面,对教学改革的具体措施进行了探讨。  相似文献   

交际教学法述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
交际教学法虽然在英语教学中得到了广泛运用,而且在我国的英语教学或外语教学中已经成功地流行了20余年,但是许多英语教师和教学研究并没有完全认识其全貌。由于很多人只认识了其中一个层面,或把它当作不讲语法的听说法,或视之为改良的直接法,因此有必要对它进行重新界定。为了更好地了解此法,应从以下几个方面对交际法进行评述:它的形成和发展,它的基本主张,它的变体如任务教学法、活动教学法、平衡教学法和综合教学法,它存在的问题以及带给我们的启发。  相似文献   

情境学习日趋成为教与学的焦点,基于情境教学的杰斯帕系列也随之广为流行,它自然有其促进学习的显特征,但也存在着不足。对于与传统学习方法相对立的情境学习的评价,提出了“公包”方法,对于实现“完美”评价有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

牛晓平 《海外英语》2012,(14):228-229
Presupposition is widely studied in the field of linguistics nowadays while it was firstly put forward in philosophy.Early study ex amined it from semantic approach,which treated it as the relation between two propositions.In 1970s,it was found presupposition was also a pragmatic concept,which held that presupposition varied with context.The author holds that semantic approach can’t solve all the com plex problems while it’s the basic part about the issue.Only through the pragmatic approach can we study it dynamically.  相似文献   

词块教学法在二语习得和教学中已被众多研究者关注,本文主要通过介绍词块及词块教学法,以及把词块教学与高中英语写作教学结合起来的实例来展示词块教学法所具有的优势和其带来的启示。  相似文献   

在以英语作为外语的写作教学活动中,占主导地位的教学方法主要有三种:结果教学法、体裁教学法和过程教学法。目前国内高校英语专业所采用的教材多根据结果教学法理论和体裁教学法理论编写,与这两种教学方法相比,过程教学法有这二者无法比拟的优势,目前在很多高校和中学的英语写作教学课堂中使用,但是和这种教学方法相匹配的教材目前却少之又少。对这三种主要英语写作教学理论进行比较分析并尝试提出基于"过程教学法"理论的英语写作教材的编写原则,具有非常重要的理论和实践研究价值。  相似文献   

对跳远助跑速度与运动成绩之间进行了辩证分析,认为跳远助跑速度提高对其运动成绩具有积极意义的体现在于一种宏观的发展趋势和统计规律;而在助跑速度提高的具体某阶段,需要构建与提高的助跑速度相匹配的力量素质和技术体系,形成以助跑速度提高为基点的螺旋上升的整体技术和运动成绩.  相似文献   

A well-known ad-hoc approach to conducting structural equation modeling with missing data is to obtain a saturated maximum likelihood (ML) estimate of the population covariance matrix and then to use this estimate in the complete data ML fitting function to obtain parameter estimates. This 2-stage (TS) approach is appealing because it minimizes a familiar function while being only marginally less efficient than the full information ML (FIML) approach. Additional advantages of the TS approach include that it allows for easy incorporation of auxiliary variables and that it is more stable in smaller samples. The main disadvantage is that the standard errors and test statistics provided by the complete data routine will not be correct. Empirical approaches to finding the right corrections for the TS approach have failed to provide unequivocal solutions. In this article, correct standard errors and test statistics for the TS approach with missing completely at random and missing at random normally distributed data are developed and studied. The new TS approach performs well in all conditions, is only marginally less efficient than the FIML approach (and is sometimes more efficient), and has good coverage. Additionally, the residual-based TS statistic outperforms the FIML test statistic in smaller samples. The TS method is thus a viable alternative to FIML, especially in small samples, and its further study is encouraged.  相似文献   

LGD教学法在高职应用外语专业教学中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无领导小组讨论(Leaderless Group Discussion,以下简称LGD)教学法是是基于小组合作学习教学法、模拟情景教学法、角色扮演法、案例教学法和项目教学法等六种外语教学法的一种集成创新。多元集成的LGD教学法具有的涵摄性特征,在实践中符合基于能力本位的教育观、适应工作过程的课程观、适应行动导向的教学观、适应学习情景的建设观、有利于完成职业胜任的评价观的要求,具有良好的应用前景。对LGD教学法的观点作出科学的推导和证明,则有待于我们对高职教育规律的深入探讨与更多的工学结合实践。  相似文献   

语块教学对学生听力能力影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章研究了语块教学法用于听力教学中,对学生听力能力的影响后,认为将语块教学法运用于英语听力教学中,对提高学生的听力能力和听力策略的运用是有效的,对提高学生的综合语言能力也有一定作用.  相似文献   

Although educational computer games have been recognized as being a promising approach, previous studies have indicated that, without supportive models, students might only show temporary interest during the game-based learning process, and their learning performance is often not as good as expected. Therefore, in this paper, a two-tier test approach is proposed for developing educational computer games. To evaluate the performance of the proposed approach, a role-playing game was developed and an experiment was conducted on the “migratory bird identification” unit of an elementary school natural science course. Two classes of fifth graders participated in the experiment. One class was the experimental group who learned with the proposed game-based learning approach. The other class was the control group who learned with the conventional e-learning approach. The experimental results showed that the proposed approach not only significantly promoted the students’ learning motivation, but also improved their learning achievements. Moreover, it was found that the students who learned with the educational computer game showed significantly higher technology acceptance degree than those who learned with the conventional e-learning approach. Accordingly, it is concluded that the proposed digital game-based learning approach is effective.  相似文献   

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