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真是一个好天气,熊爸爸和熊宝宝要去划船啦!首先要做一些准备工作。他们买了一大一小两顶帽子,可是爸爸的头大帽子小,儿子的头小帽子大……他们会怎么办呢? 1. On a sunny day, Smal Bear goes boating with Papa. They go to buy hats first. Papa gets a small hat for his big head. Smal Bear gets a big hat for his smal head. 一个晴朗的日子,熊宝宝和熊爸爸一起出去划船。他们首先去买帽子。爸爸给他的大头买了顶小帽子。小熊给他的小头买了顶大帽子。  相似文献   

1.Welcome to Bear Country!Down a sunny dirt road lives a family of bears——Papa Bear,Mama Bear and Small Bear.欢迎来到熊王国!在熊王国的一条洒满阳光的土路上,住着幸福的熊熊一家:熊爸爸,熊妈妈和小熊。2.They live in a big tree.It is a very fine house.There is a big kitchen,a sitting room and two bedrooms.他们住在一棵大树里。那是一个很温馨的房子。有一间大厨房,一间客厅和两间卧室。  相似文献   

What Time Is It? Tom’s grandfather lives in the countryside(乡下).There is a big farm near his house.When Tom hastime,he often goes to the farm to help his grandfather. Tom is free today.He is going to see his grandfather.He gets to the bus station early for the early bus.The early bus is going to leave at 6:30.He looks around.There are a lot of people in the station.Some arestanding in line。Others are walking around.There is no place for him to sit in. Tom walks into the tea house next to the station.There is a big clock on the wall.It is only five twentynow.He finds a seat and sits down before a big mirror(镜子)on the wall.He asks for a cup of tea and some cakes.Just then,one of his friends.Jim,comes in and sits with him.  相似文献   

都华  李波 《顽皮娃娃》2007,(4):19-21
1.熊爸爸和熊妈妈带着4个熊宝宝去种树。  相似文献   

森林中住着熊熊一家.有一天,天气晴朗,阳光明媚,熊熊一家在公园散步.这时,熊妈妈说:"我们来玩捉迷藏吧!不过不允许出这个公园半步."贪吃的熊宝宝和熊爸爸点了点头.首先是熊爸爸来找.别看熊爸爸古灵精怪,到了有正事的时候,它呀比谁都笨.熊爸爸翻了这边又找那边,累得腰酸背疼,却怎么也找不到,最后只好低头认输.熊宝宝见爸爸沮丧的样子,不禁在后面取笑爸爸.  相似文献   

“有三只熊住在一起,熊爸爸,熊妈妈,熊宝宝。熊爸爸,胖胖的;熊妈妈,很苗条;熊宝宝,非常可爱……”每每耳边响起这首温情的歌曲,我脑海中那尘封的记忆便清晰地浮现在眼前。  相似文献   

熊爸爸带熊宝宝去爬山,锻炼身体。熊宝宝蹦蹦跳跳的,十分开心。只听见"撕拉"一声,熊宝宝感觉屁股凉丝丝的,低头一看,呀,糟  相似文献   

John lived with his mother in a rather big house, and when she died, the house became too big for him, so he bought a smaller one in the next street .There was a very nice old clock in his first house, and when the men came to carry his furniture to the new house , John  相似文献   

熊爸爸,熊妈妈和熊宝宝生活在森林里。叮……电话响了。来我们家吃午饭吧!熊姑妈说。好的,我们马上就去,熊妈妈说。  相似文献   

My Good Friend     
Jack is one of my best friend~①.He is a student in Grade Seven.He is thirteen years old this year.He comes from the UK.He is very tall with short black hair.He has two big eyes and big mouth~②.He likes playing football and collect~③ stamps in his free time.He is very outgoing and be~④ friendly to others.He always gets good grades in his study.His favorite subject is English and after class he often helps me on~⑤ my English,though  相似文献   

1Papa,Mama,Brother and Sister go to the shore for weekend.There is a house for them to stay in.爸爸、妈妈、哥哥和妹妹周末去海边度假。那有一所房子供他们居住。2"Let’s put on swimming suits and go into the water!"says Brother."Wait,we must clean up,room by room!"says Mama."我们穿上泳衣下水吧!"哥哥说。"等等,我们必须要先把每个房间收拾一下",妈妈说。  相似文献   

谁在月亮下面唱歌 有一天晚上,月光很好,熊爸爸决定带熊宝宝去夜营。熊宝宝好奇地问熊爸爸:"什么叫夜营啊?我听说过野营,没听说过夜营啊?"熊妈妈在一旁偷偷地笑。她插话说:"夜营就是晚上住在外面的意思,你爸爸小时候常常夜营,嘿嘿,他说这个能锻炼胆量。"熊宝宝一听,觉得脑袋都大了,好像有一股寒风在后脑勺那里呼呼地吹。他很不情愿地说:"嗯嗯,这个,有点儿意思。"他不想让熊爸爸看出来他胆小。  相似文献   

1.How do you make a banana smoothie?你是怎样制作香蕉饮料的? make作“制作”解释时,后面可以接双宾语,指人的间接宾语和指物的直接宾语。通常的结构是:动词 间接宾语 直接宾语;动词 直接宾语 for 间接宾语。例如: Mother made Tim a big cake on his birthday. =Mother made a big cake for Tim on his birthday. 提姆的生日那天,妈妈为他做了一个大蛋糕。  相似文献   

It was time for Mr Bell to close his shop. He was checking his money.His son Tom, who was 15, then, a big man walked into When Tom came back, Tom could see the gun in the had just gone outside to the shop with a gun in his buy a newspaper. Just hand. he could hear the man asking his father for money. man's hand, but the man didn't see or hear Tom.  相似文献   

My Father     
My father is tall. He has two big and bright eyes, but a small mouth. He is a worker. He gets up early everyday,he is never late for work.His colleagues like him very much. He is good at cooking. If you come to my home for dinner, you will be surprised:  相似文献   

Talking clock     
Alice 《高中生》2010,(36):41-41
While proudly showing off his new apartment to friends,a college student led the way in to the den."What is the big brass gong and hammer for?"one of his friends asked.  相似文献   

趣味阅读理解 Mike, a sixteen-year-old young man, likes sports. Sohe's the strongest in his class. It was a summer evening. It was too hot for him tostay in the rooms. He went out to the river. On the bridgehe met some of his friends and they talked for a long timeuntil late at night. When he was passing through a darkand narrow street, he heard someone calling for help. Inthe moonlight he saw a big man fighting with a muchsmaller man.  相似文献   

When papa was growing up, at the turn of the century in a village in northern Italy, education was for the rich. Papa was the son of a dirt-poor farmer. He used to tell us that be couldn't recall a single day when he wasn't working. The concept of doing nothing was never a part of his life. In fact, he couldn't fathom it. How could one do nothing?  相似文献   

秋天来了,熊妈妈的果园里到处都是水果。碧绿的西瓜、红红的苹果、黄黄梨、紫色的葡萄……真是好看极了!熊妈妈和熊宝宝高兴地采摘水果,他们装了满满一车子,然后运回家。水果太多了,把屋子塞得满满的。熊妈妈和熊宝宝没地方住,只好睡在外面了。天好黑、好冷,熊妈妈和熊宝宝冻得睡不着觉,在院子里走来走。  相似文献   

Unit 11 What time do you go to school? A. 同步阅读 Passage 1 Tom is a student. He studies in No. 2 Middle School. He is a good student at school. He is a good son at home. On weekdays, he gets up at six o>clock in the morning. He washes his face and hands. After that, he does some reading. He reads Chinese or English for about ten minutes. At the same time, his mother cooks breakfast for him. At half past six, he has his breakfast. He usually has two eggs, some milk and some noodles for …  相似文献   

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