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Voxer is a messaging tool that allows for voice, text, image, and video communication. To explore Voxer's role in education, we surveyed 240 educators. Heutagogy served as the theoretical framework for the study. Results indicated that participants used Voxer to communicate with educators from diverse roles and from beyond their schools, districts, and regions. Respondents employed Voxer more for professional learning than with students and/or families. The majority of respondents reported that what they learned through Voxer had impacted their practice as educators. We discuss implications of our findings for educators in an era of ubiquitous social media.  相似文献   

Students entering the business workforce today may well share some responsibility for developing, revising, or evaluating their company's Web site. They may lack the experience, however, to critique their employer's Web presence effectively. The purpose of developing Digital Discernment, an e‐commerce Web site evaluation tool, was to prepare students for this work. The tool provides them with a listing of criteria with which to assess e‐commerce sites, lets them evaluate pre‐selected sites qualitatively and quantitatively, and allows them to compare their evaluations with their peers. In this article, we discuss and examine the effectiveness of this tool and consider the ways in which it can help students in their future business careers.  相似文献   

文章详细介绍了网络安全及相关技术,分析了其中的一类应用安全问题—PC机的安全问题,给出了解决这类问题的安全技术—PC防火墙技术。  相似文献   

该文从理论和实践两个角度探讨了智能主体作为认知工具对人类学习的影响。从理论的角度,智能主体可以扩展人们的最近发展区、培养学生的认知策略,它是一种认知工具;从实践的角度,智能主体的教育功能包括处理信息过载、作为教育专家和为学生创设编程环境等,智能主体的设计决定了它的有效性和功能的发挥。  相似文献   


This article describes the background to telematics, the equipment needed for its use, and the methods of operation. It also gives information about a ‘CIME‐ICEM’ line in the host computer at the Belgian Ministry of Information.  相似文献   

International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education - Comparative studies on paper and pencil– and computer-based tests principally focus on statistical analysis of students’...  相似文献   

University and college institutional advertisements, which typically are broadcast as public service announcements during the halftime of football games, were the subject of a quantitative analysis focused on commonality in messaging and employment of the semiotic theory of brand advertising. Findings indicate advertisements focus on students’ social lives at the expense of depictions related to an academic focus and that, at statistically significant levels, smaller universities are more likely than large ones to depict their research as having an impact beyond their own campus. Findings suggest that institutions recruit out-of-state students in pursuit of revenue rather than using the advertisements in service of efforts to raise funds.  相似文献   

In this paper, the main features of SICA are discussed: These include

˙ implementing a bloc diagram of a system using a flexible data structure and a high level language, and

˙ time domain and frequency domain analysis of an implemented system.

The system could be linear, non-linear, continuous or discrete. Also outlined are the main extensions and applications of SICA.  相似文献   

数控加工具有加工精度高、效率高、质量稳定等特点,而合理掌握刀具补偿方法,灵活应用刀具半径补偿功能,合理设置刀具半径补偿值,是保证其精度高、质量稳定的重要因素.因此,编程操作人员必须熟练掌握数控机床加工中的各种刀具补偿的原理和方法.  相似文献   


This paper draws on an ESRC-funded study of play and creativity in preschool-aged children’s use of apps in the UK. The main objectives of the study were to collect information about access to and use of apps in the home, establish the most popular apps and identify the features of those apps that are successful in promoting play and creativity. A mixed-method approach was used to collect data, including video filming of children using the most popular apps. In identifying play types that emerged in the analysis of data, the team utilised an established taxonomy, which outlines sixteen play types. This taxonomy was reviewed and adapted to analyse data from the project relating to digital play. Through this process, an additional type of play, transgressive play, was identified and added to the taxonomy. The paper outlines the implications of the revised taxonomy for future studies of play.  相似文献   

传信就是通过说话人表明信息的来源.论文考察和分析现代维吾尔语的传信范畴,通过分析维吾尔语的语法表现形式,探讨维吾尔语是如何选择传信策略去表达认知立场的.  相似文献   

李佳 《高教论坛》2014,(10):31-36
即时通信是第一大上网应用,也是智能手机上最受欢迎的应用,但将其使用于英语口语训练的研究并不多见。借助于常用的第三方即时通信工具练习口语,即需即用,师生都易于上手。通过该途径备考期末口语考试,学生在口试成绩、学习能力和学习观等方面都有了改观。这一移动语言学习的方法更新了口语训练的传统模式,具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

在中国短信产业兴盛的大背景及手机广泛普及的今天,短信互动与大众传媒的结合越来越多.这种互动方式一定程度上改变了电视与观众间固有的点对面的单级传播模式,首次赋予了观众直接参与、影响电视节目流程内容的权利.由此,短信投票类电视节目充斥于荧屏,并引发了对于大众传媒社会责任的思考.对于短信互动这一形式,应适量有分寸地应用,才能真正提高节目质量.  相似文献   

在中国短信产业兴盛的大背景下及手机这一通讯工具广泛普及的今天,短信互动与大众传媒的结合越来越多.这种互动方式在一定程度上改变了电视与观众间固有的点对面的单级传播模式,首次赋予了观众直接参与、影响电视节目流程内容的权利.这让短信投票类电视节目如雨后春笋般地出现在荧屏中,并由此引发了对于大众传媒社会责任的思考.对于短信互动这一形式,理应适量有分寸地应用,这样才能真正提高节目质量.  相似文献   

In this article we respond to the call to action that is the crisis among seniors called The Silver Tsunami! We describe the education of students through the use of Feil's Validation Therapy. There are growing concerns among social service providers regarding the rapid increase of the elderly population and the lack of adequate staff to provide care for our seniors. If we as educators, agency administrators, or committed family members ignore this call to action, the cycle of the employee “revolving door” will continue with inadequately trained and emotionally disconnected personnel working with aging persons. Frontline workers are the backbone of any agency. They are the ones who interact with seniors and their loved ones and collaborate with other medical and community professionals. We, as their teachers, must enhance their knowledge and skills so they many continue to provide service to the second most vulnerable population.  相似文献   

根据信息化建设高速高效特点,提出一个新型的信息发布模式。"基于精细化管理的短信平台设计"课题组设计的短信平台主要为高校精细化管理平台的各个子系统提供短信收发功能,还提供了家校联系、会议通知、信息查询、紧急通知的短信群发和点对点单发功能,从而提高工作效率、降低办公成本。  相似文献   

单片机在机床数控化改造中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以C616车床数控化改造为例,介绍单片机数控系统的控制原理,指出设计数控系统的方法和步骤.  相似文献   

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