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要走出美术教育的误区 ,首先要提高教师的理论水平、转变家长的陈旧观念、抵制社会不良因素的影响 ,为正确实施美术教育提供有力保证 ;再从更新教育观念入手 ,把培养学生的创新能力融入美术教育中  相似文献   

特级教师是师德的表率、育人的模范、教学的专家,研究特级教师思想、总结提升其教育思想和教学艺术精髓,是贯彻落实<湖南省建设教育强省规划纲要(2010-2020年)>的需要,是为改革和发展寻求保障条件.文章以著名特级教师王沛清为例,阐述了特级教师教育思想特征及其形成历经.王沛清教育思想主要表现为--平易,是平与易的结合.平,是平常、平等;易,是简约、简洁.基于教育而言,前者,可以是一个教育工作者的基本态度,后者亦可以说明一个教育工作者的科学方法.  相似文献   

艺术创新论是我国古代文艺理论的一个重要组成部分。晚清学者刘熙载在前人的基础上加以总结和发展,建立了自己的艺术创新理论。他标举“清新”一说,强调“识见”的重要,重视独特的艺术表现。同时,对如何进行艺术创新,提出了一些精辟的见解。  相似文献   

创业是一个非常热门的社会话题。不管是解决下岗工人就业问题,还是大学生就业问题,政府都在积极鼓励创业。但是在任何一个国家,适合创业的人都可能是少数。因为一个人能否成为创业者,与某些先天的特质(如性格和智力类型)或者早期社会化过程(如价值观)有关。本研究重点关注个人价值观如何影响创业意愿,以及影响创业意愿的可能的中介变量(本研究重点关注创造力)。基于Schwartz的个人价值观体系,使用来自17个省市自治区的46所大学的样本(n=2715)的研究发现,保守价值观(安全、遵从、传统)与创业意愿之间呈负相关,而开放价值观(自我导向、刺激、低享乐主义)和自我提高价值观(权力和成就)与创业意愿之间呈正相关。在多元回归方程中,当控制了创造力的影响作用以后,个人价值观对创业意愿的解释效度显著降低,因此,创造力是个人价值观影响创业意愿的一个部分中介变量。研究结果具有如下政策含义:首先,创业教育和培训或许可以在短时间内提高一个人对创业过程的理性认识,改善和提高某些创业技能,如社会技能和财务管理的技能,但是否能改变一个人的价值观、是否能提高创业意愿,促使更多的人走上创业的道路,需要谨慎对待。其次,大力培养年轻人的创造力是"中国制造"转向"中国创造"的关键,因为个人价值观对创造力影响巨大,而创造力对创业意愿也同样影响巨大,同时世界经济也正在从以知识为基础的活动,转向以创造力、创新、想象力和创业为基础的活动。如果能建立某种公平的筛选制度,在考虑到包括个人价值观和创造力等一些个人因素以后,可以将更多的社会资源向某些个体进行适当地倾斜,这也许可以在比较短的时间内提高整个社会的创业活动的质量和创新水平。当然,这种筛选机制不能以牺牲程序公平为前提。  相似文献   

This article considers the appeal of cognitive neuroscience research to the general public within the context of the deep puzzles involved in using our minds to understand how our minds work. It offers a few promising examples of findings that illuminate the ways of the mind and reveal these workings to be counter‐intuitive with our subjective experience. However, this promise is tempered by the powerful role that perception, attention, and cognition play in how we reason about evidence. It argues that the interplay between what we believe about the nature of our minds and what the findings suggest constitutes a primary challenge in encouraging public understanding of cognitive neuroscience findings.  相似文献   

用智慧开启人类互通的价值理念平台   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济全球化的到来 ,人类现存的价值理念不仅暴露出无法克服的缺陷性 ,也表现出前所未有的趋同性 ,人们也许不难找到彼此互通的价值理念平台 ,困难的是如何启动这个平台 ,本文就此问题做一个哲学上的解析。  相似文献   

Science & Education - The purpose of this exploratory study was to investigate if neuroscience, a contemporary example of science-in-the-making, provides a useful domain for contextualized...  相似文献   

新时期党要完成各项任务,实现中华民族的伟大复兴,关键在加强党的执政能力建设.而加强党的执政能力的关键在于创新,即不断推进的党的理论创新、政策创新和体制创新,使党的政策不断适应新的形势、新的变化(请调整相应英文),真正代表最广大人民的根本利益,把中国特色的社会主义事业不断推向前进.  相似文献   

Creativity tests, at best, measure only a small sliver of the whole of creative giftedness. These tests assess aspects of creative intelligence. But creativity is at least as much a conscious decision and even an attitude toward life as it is a traditionally defined ability. This article discusses how well-intentioned gifted educators may be following the wrong path by overly relying on tests of creativity to measure creative giftedness. This article presents a triangular theory of giftedness that conceptualizes creativity largely as an attitude toward life rather than as ability based.  相似文献   

<约翰逊博士传>是西方近代传记中的"鼻祖".作者以"人"为本,张扬人的个性,展现了人勃发、鲜活的生命力;让人与上帝PK,彰显人的理性,光大了人的生命意志和智性光辉;戏剧性的谈话和流动性的场景渲染人性本色,升扬了人性的真善美.  相似文献   

Within the emerging field of educational neuroscience, concerns exist that the impact of neuroscience research on education has been less effective than hoped. In seeking a way forward, it may be useful to consider the problems of integrating two complex fields in the context of disciplinary boundaries. Here, a boundary perspective is used as a lens for analyzing the results of a systematic review of the educational neuroscience literature. Recurring vocabulary used within the literature suggests indirect use of boundary principles, including the idea of connections and bridges between disciplines, inter-, multi-, and transdisciplinarity, and reference to tools (boundary objects) and people that may be useful in the evolving field of educational neuroscience. Analyzing the educational neuroscience literature through the lens of boundary principles indicates that the boundary between the two disciplines may itself be a bridging mechanism useful for the creation of a new discipline and new knowledge.  相似文献   

The Freshwater Ecology Laboratory at Connecticut College has developed an interactive, Web-based identification key to freshwater algal genera using the Lucid Professional and Lucid 3 software developed by the Centre for Biological Information Technology at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. The Key to Freshwater Algae was funded by the National Science Foundation (Award #CCLI-0229531) to encourage awareness of microscopic diversity through a creative, investigative approach to learning. Users may answer questions in any order to quickly and efficiently narrow down the list of taxa to only those that match the characteristics they have chosen. All characters and terms are clearly explained for ease of use by those unfamiliar with the algae. This non-hierarchical, user-friendly key is linked to Web pages containing a wealth of resources, including images, movies, and information about the morphology, ecology, and reproduction of each organism. These materials are especially well suited for classroom use in conjunction with cultures purchased from the Carolina Biological Supply Company, a popular distributor of biological materials. Cultures from the Carolina Biological Supply Company representing nearly 75 freshwater genera from a variety of algal groups were observed and photographed using high resolution digital imaging to fully document cellular structure and highlight distinguishing features. High quality video footage of each taxon incorporating titles, diagrams, and structural terminology was outputted as QuickTime movies, on DVD, and on VHS cassettes. The Key to Freshwater Algae and supplemental materials are available online at http://silicasecchidisk.conncoll.edu to provide an innovative alternative to traditional dichotomous keys that is particularly appropriate for introducing students in undergraduate life science courses to the algal groups and genera.  相似文献   

耗散结构论:解读美国高等教育发展的金钥匙   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国是高等教育最发达的国家。除政治、经济、文化等方面的原因外 ,普里高津的耗散结构论为我们找到了解读美国高等教育发展的金钥匙 :合理的高等教育结构是其发展的决定性因素。“结构决定功能。”正是由于美国在发展过程中形成了一种适合高等教育发展的结构 ,为美国高等教育的飞速发展奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

The term brain based is often used to describe learning theories, principles, and products. Although there have been calls urging educators to be cautious in interpreting and using such material, consumers may find it challenging to understand the role of the brain and to discriminate among brain based products to determine which would be suitable for specific educational goals. We offer a framework for differentiating the multiple meanings of the brain based label and guidelines for educators and consumers to use when evaluating educational products labeled as brain based. The guidelines include: identifying educational goals and target student populations, aligning goals and product purposes, reviewing product merits, identifying benefits and limitations of the product, and characterizing the product's impact on behavioral performance.  相似文献   

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