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现代教学思想的一个显特点是确认教师在教学过程中主导作用的同时,更强调学生的主体作用。通过在教学中从培养学生的历史思维能力入手,引导学生用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的观点,对任何历史事件都能从丰富详实的历史材料中把握历史发展的脉络,达到培养其历史思维能力的目的。  相似文献   

阅读训练的主要目的是提高学生的阅读速度、理解深度等。除了更多地掌握词汇、语法,文化背景的了解也会大大提高学生的阅读理解能力。本文就文化的定义、类型、民族性等分析文化的特点,并且根据语言与文化的关系说明文化联想在提高阅读理解的能力方面的重要作用。  相似文献   

历史唯物主义科学地揭示了人类社会的基本规律,是社会历史观的伟大革命.在人类社会历史领域,到处体现和贯穿着唯物主义原则和辩证法原则,马克思主义唯物史观是历史唯物主义和历史辩证法的统一.  相似文献   

讨论有关教育技术装备选择问题,包括硬件的选择配置的重要性,选择不慎会造成的结果,探讨如何尽量做到正确选择的途径,相关制度形成的意义。  相似文献   

本通过概述教师职业发展的历程,就批判反思型教师提出的背景、意义与价值进行分析。在此基础上,笔提出了培养批判反思型教师的四个前提条件,即个性化的解放、教育体制的解放、教师的自我解放和培养体制的解放等。  相似文献   

贪污与肃贪是一对孪生兄弟。自私有制与国家出现之后就已产生,并与史实同寿。彼此之间愈演愈烈,构成一部鲜活的历史画卷。贪污、贿赂是权力的产物,权力是国家的象征,因此,在国家消亡之前,肃贪的历史任务不可能完结。历史上产生的东西难以通过历史的继承来消除,唯一的做法就是不以历史为榜样,反其道而行之。这就是通过使广大人民的全面、自由的发展,个人生产力水平的普遍提高,去实现真正的“自由人的联合体”[1]。  相似文献   


‘Historical thinking’ has a central role in the theory and practice of history education. At a minimum, history educators must work with a model of historical thinking if they are to formulate potential progression in students’ advance through a school history curriculum, test that progression empirically, and shape instructional experiences in order to maximize that progression. Where do they look, and where should they look, in order to construct such models? Over the past several decades, three major strands have developed, one based in the empirically minded and instruction-oriented British Schools Council History Project, a second through the more philosophically oriented German field of history didactics and historical consciousness, and a third in the US. All three had roots in the historiography and philosophy of their own national traditions. Canadian history educators have been working with a pragmatic hybrid defined around six ‘historical thinking concepts.’ While this model has both been highly influential in the reform of Canadian history curricula and prompted adaptations elsewhere, there has been only minimal theoretical discussion exploring the relationship of these concepts to each other or to the three traditions which helped to shape them. This article is a contribution towards filling that gap.  相似文献   

用唯物史观指导史学研究的现实思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唯物史观在中国史学研究中的运用,有一个逐步发展的历史过程。从总体上看,自从马克思主义史学在中国诞生以来,人们对唯物史观的理解与运用不断走向科学化。新中国成立以来尤其是改革开放以来马克思主义史学所取得的丰硕成果,充分证明了这一点。新的历史时期,唯物史观的基本原理及其在史学中的运用有着广阔的发展前景,但同时也受到来自不同方面的挑战,我们必须积极应对。一、唯物史观在运用过程中所面临的挑战从改革开放以来的史学理论建设来看,随着“百家争鸣”的学术研究环境的出现,史学研究无论在范围的拓展还是理论的深化方面,…  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of the use of scaffolds in written classroom assessments through the voices of both native English speakers and English language learners from two middle schools. Students responded to assessment tasks in writing, by speaking aloud using think aloud protocols, and by reflecting in a post-assessment interview. The classroom assessment tasks were designed to engage students in scientific sense making and multifaceted language use, as recommended by the Next Generation Science Standards. Data analyses showed that both groups benefitted from the use of scaffolds. The findings revealed specific ways that modifications were supportive in helping students to comprehend, visualize and organize thinking, and elicit responses. This study offers a model for both sensitizing teachers and strengthening their strategies for scaffolding assessments equitably.  相似文献   

以德治国是儒家伦理型政治的一项重要传统,它虽然不乏科学合理之处,但又不可避免地存在缺陷,毛泽东的治国实践就是对其最有力的验证。21世纪的以德治国就是在依法治国的历史进程中提出和加以实施,并与依法治国并行不悖的;实施以德治国应主要从加强干部队伍的道德建设、加强公民道德建设、加强制度建设三个方面着手。  相似文献   

文章阐述了康德历史哲学的主题、自然意图说以及康德关于历史发展力和历史发展目标的观点 ,认为康德历史哲学具有丰富和深刻的思想 ,它一方面把 18世纪的西方历史观提到一个新的哲学高度 ,另一方面又直接影响了费希特和黑格尔的历史哲学思想的形成 ,对西方思辨的历史哲学发展作出了重大的贡献  相似文献   

Krieshok (1998) reviewed the empirical literature and concluded with ten things the field knows for sure about career decision-making, as well as ten things we assume we know but which the literature suggests need reconsideration. This article summarizes those findings in light of their implications for career center practice, including less emphasis on becoming decided, more emphasis on acting as one's own agent, and the importance of addressing clients' resistance to engaging in anything more than simple short-term interventions.  相似文献   

本文基于社区教育的内涵、本质、目标,试从宁波社区教育近几年的探索与实践,探讨社区教育为实现“人人学习,时时学习,处处学习”的学习型城市的目标,而采用的一些行为路径和推进策略。  相似文献   


No articulation of `historical thinking' has been as influential as Sam Wineburg's position, according to which historical thinking is, fundamentally, the recognition of the ways in which the past is different than the present. Wineburg argues, further, that achieving that state is `unnatural.' This paper critiques both of these claims, arguing instead that we should replace a generic conception of historical thinking with one that is much more rooted in the specific practice of the discipline. It is surely necessary for students to learn this practice, but it is not unnatural. Instead, learning to think historically is learning to speak the language of the discipline that we call ‘history.’  相似文献   

现阶段响彻中国大地的中国梦,反映了当代中国人的共同理想,党领导人民共同奋斗的发展方向;民族复兴正是1840年以来中国近现代史的发展主线,伴随着仁人志士的探索历程;近年来重提中国梦,是昭示中国特色社会主义在新时期的发展目标,展示承载中华儿女梦想的美丽中国蓝图;国内外情况表明,中国梦的实现,面临极好发展机遇。也是当代国人、尤其是优秀大学生展示青春才华的历史舞台。  相似文献   

实践中由于缺乏科学的决策思维方式经常导致决策的失误。传统的机械式决策思维与现代的适应式决策思维在决策主体、决策对象和决策方法等方面有明显的区别。科学发展观要求我们转变决策思维方式,变机械式决策思维为适应式决策思维,从而实现公共决策水平的提高。  相似文献   

亚里士多德是古希腊哲学的集大成者,举世公认的历史上第一位百科全书式的思想家。他不仅是哲学大师,而且是逻辑学、心理学、生物学、伦理学、政治学等多个学科领域的奠基者或重要创始人。作为古希腊哲学的集大成者,他不仅总结了以前所有哲学家的思想,还澄清了他们的混乱,并且把自然哲学和本体论紧密结合在一起,从而代表了希腊哲学的最高水平。正因为他是古希腊哲学的集大成者,故后人对他的哲学立场派别归属问题,众说纷纭,不一而衷。亚里士多德在哲学方面的主要代表作是《形而上学》、《物理学》、和《论灵魂》。在他的诸多哲学著作中,详细地阐述了他的基本哲学思想。从古代希腊哲学的发展史看,进而从全部西方哲学史来看,亚里士多德是一位承上启下的哲学家。他的思想吸引了西方众多学者的探索。马克思曾称亚里士多德是古希腊哲学家中最博学的人物,恩格斯称他是古代的黑格尔。  相似文献   

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