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率先在全球范围内推动未来技术学院建设,对于中国跻身未来技术全球竞争、促进人才培养模式变革具有关键意义.本文从理论、实践两个维度对未来技术学院的概念、方法、标准等展开了讨论,对比分析了中国科学院大学和麻省理工学院的未来技术学院建设路径.研究认为,未来技术竞争的核心是未来技术人才培养所依托的高等教育体系、政策、制度的比拼,...  相似文献   

Whether or not more effective schools can successfully mitigate the impacts of early disadvantage upon educational attainment remains uncertain. We investigated 2,664 children aged 6–11 years and measured their academic skills in English and maths along with self-regulation at 6, 7, and 11. Experiencing multiple disadvantages before age 5 strongly impaired later self-regulation and academic attainment. However, attending a more academically effective primary school for just a single year was found to partially protect all outcomes at age 6. In addition, more academically effective primary schools significantly lessened the extent to which earlier abilities in reading, writing, and self-regulation predicted these same abilities at age 11. Thus, although attending a more academically effective primary school does not eliminate the adverse impacts of multiple disadvantage experienced at a younger age, it can mitigate them by promoting better academic attainment and self-regulation up to age 11 for children who had experienced more disadvantages.  相似文献   

机器人曾大量出现在科幻电影和与小说中,当其最终成为现实的存在,我们会不会大惊失色?虽然它可能需要数年的研究制造,才能成为我们日常生活的一部分,然而现在,这一天似乎比以往更加接近。  相似文献   

Future Life     
in the past, people could know how their children would five. Now things are changing so quickly. So we don' t even know what our own fives will be like in a few years. Here is how scientists see what the life will be like in twenty years.[第一段]  相似文献   

Functional Ink实用墨水墨水,我们不是已经天天在用了吗?不,这里的墨水是用来制成三维金属部件,以便用于特殊场合。Researchers are making progress in developing functional inks-the materials that are used to print out three-dimensional metal parts.Parts aren't just parts-they need specific features,such as hard surfaces and soft interiors,electromagnetic properties,or heat resistance.At the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany,researchers have been able to  相似文献   

Future Telephones未来的电话 电话让声音长上了翅膀,使信息跨越了时间和空间的羁绊;电话拉近了人们之间的距离,纵使远隔万里,我们也觉得近在咫尺。现代的电话功能越来越齐全,使用也越来越方便,那么未来的电话又会给人们带来哪些惊喜呢?  相似文献   

The Future of Higher Education and the Future of Higher Education Research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Higher education research isclosely linked to the debates on highereducation policy and practice. It provides theinformation basis for decisions about thefuture of higher education. As the themes of the public debate on problems and reform needs in higher education change quickly, higher education research has to anticipate future problems andthemes of debates in order to develop conceptsand to generate knowledge well in advance.Future-conscious higher education researchmight aim to identify likely future changes inthematic areas which are already in thelimelight of public attention, as trends in theareas of expansion of higher education,diversification of structures of the highereducation system, system steering andinstitutional management as well asinternationalisation and globalisation suggest.Moreover, future-conscious higher educationresearch should try to identify thematic areasnot frequently discussed at present but likelyto be major issues in the future. For example,professionalisation of higher education interms of the emergence and expansion of newadministrative and service professions inhigher education institutions might havefar-reaching implications in the future and isworth to be paid attention by higher educationresearchers.  相似文献   

一方面媒介形式急剧变化、新媒体层出不穷,另一方面制度变化、制播分离即将落实,几年前尚朦胧的变革或已经成为现实或者即将发生,日益迫近的变革到底会对播音主持行业带来怎样的冲击值得思考。  相似文献   

This article begins with a brief résumé of three selected texts which have, in different ways, been influential in setting the agenda for thinking about the long‐term future of English. Discussions held at the 1999 NATE conference in a ‘Future of English’ commission were a response to a challenge by Gunther Kress (1995) to try to say what English is for. The working definitions which were achieved are used as a basis for beginning to consider, rather more briefly and tentatively, how the content of English should be defined, what progression would look like in the proposed curriculum, how it should be assessed and what the implications would be for teachers. Finally, the article puts forward some suggestions for a strategy which would aim to ensure that the challenge for a radical review of the English curriculum is addressed in time for 2005.  相似文献   

应当给教育更大支持 记者:我们为教育信息化做了不少呐喊和努力,但好象问题还是很多,教育信息化的发展好像并没有像我们希望的那样很快推进.那么从整个社会发展的立场看,教育信息化处在什么位置上?  相似文献   

The speaker, Dr. Anna Hyer, considered that it was hardly surprising that developments in education are currently the subject of so much attention, since such changes are at the root of any social development, and opinion in the United States has never looked so frankly at the problems of society.  相似文献   


他从来没有让自己在光荣历史里沉寂下去,在乐坛渐趋平淡的时候,在青年才俊不断闪现的时候,聚光灯没有离开过他。这位几十年一直被人称为“古典音乐启蒙者”的标志性人物,一直拥有音乐的春天。  相似文献   

The unity of "unitary" English, subsuming "language" and "literature", has always been a central tenet of NATE thinking and a basic assumption of most progressive practice, and is now enshrined in the National Curriculum1. In this article, however, Chris Davies makes the scandalous proposal that the time has come when "language" and "literature", radically transformed, would be better separated.  相似文献   

在“2010工程”中,IDEO公司动用了电气和机械工程师、工业设计师、互动反应设计师,甚至还有一位影像制作师,这样一个核心小组负责制作三维立体模型。以下介绍IDEO设计的未来产品。一、呼叫我的代理人未来的个人数字助理将不仅仅是为人们安排日程、规划生活。在汹涌的数字和信息海洋中,“代理人”将采用基本的人工智能技术,根据使用者的优先考虑、爱好和兴趣,对信息进  相似文献   

未来课堂的设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
传统课堂的架构如何转型已经成为教育研究的一个重要的领域.为了让学生有更好的学习体验,需要改进目前课堂的架构.这种转变不应只围绕着教学理念和方法,同时也应该包括与之配套的物理空间、装备的设计.目前,己经有一些课堂革新的项目开始探讨传统课堂变革的途径以及课堂的物理架构、信息装备和智能设计的改进.综合现有的研究.未来课堂的设计将从教育原则的体现、物理空间的设计以及信息技术的应用三个方面展开.根据这些设计原则进行初步的实践,尝试设计并实现一些新的课堂,并将它们应用于真正的教学,同时探索"物理+虚拟"的未来课堂形式.未来课堂的设计应该以学生为中心,除了需要满足多种不同形式的知识交流,舒适、方便、人性化等也是应该考虑的重要因素,我们需要象设计汽车一样设计未来的课堂.  相似文献   

环境保护越来越成为世界各国的关注点,对能源的合理开发、使用也正成为国际共识,保护环境,就是保护我们赖以生存的家园,种种因素中,能源成为至关重要的因素。本期特别策划,请大家与我们共同关注未来!  相似文献   

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