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Development of higher education in Saudi Arabia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article seeks to trace the development of higher education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from its origins to the present day. The study includes discussion of the historical roots of education as based on Islam, Islamic philosophy of education, the aims and objectives of higher education and modern university education. Empirical statistics are given to substantiate the Kingdom's rapid progress in higher education. Since 1957 when modern university education began with a single institution with twenty-one students and a staff of nine it has grown until twenty-five years later in 1982 higher education had grown to seven institutions with 63,563 students and a teaching staff of 6,906. The study examines these aspects of higher education; Saudi students studying abroad, foreign students studying in Saudi Arabia, female education, the role of the Ministry of Higher Education and the financing of higher education.  相似文献   

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is striving to develop a counseling and guidance program to serve its nation. This study focuses on the educational goals of Saudi Arabia in general and the goals and objectives of the counseling and guidance program specifically. The study examines the development of the counseling and guidance program, the philosophical assumptions of the program, the administration of the program, and the training of the school counselor.  相似文献   

金球奖的历史   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Maybe it's just the endless awards show coverage in the news this time of year, but it seems like there' s a trophy(奖品) handed out for everything from best film to best performance by a houseplant. You' ve got your AMAs, your CMAs, your DMAs,  相似文献   

进入20世纪,政治民主化开始一波又一波的考验着传统而保守的政治制度,沙特作为伊斯兰世界典型的政教合一的国家仍然坚守其固有统治,但与此同时,亦遇到了严峻的挑战和冲击。民主化是否是大势所趋,民主制度是否将成为历史进程中所有传统国家的必然选择将成为人类社会不断探讨的政治课题。  相似文献   

Interior design students should be able to use research and evidence‐based design outcomes to make decisions that promote health, safety and wellbeing. This approach will contribute to resolving social, environmental and community issues through design‐oriented thinking Accordingly, the aim of this research in a senior design studio course is to promote a better connection to the local environment needs without losing the creativity aspect. This study covered two semesters and used multiple data collection methods, including interviews, observational field notes, discussions and personal reflections. The findings showed that jury critiques and case study analysis were the most beneficial sources of information for students to develop their project ideas and solutions. The paper illustrates processes, products and aspects that are used in senior projects to find solutions to environmental needs. In addition, the study offers lessons learned and reflections to raise students’ awareness of the cultural needs in relation to the interior design field. This study shows findings similar to earlier research that found that students who identified and analysed a local case study understood the design problem better and were creative in linking their project design solution to the society's needs. The study also reveals that students who relied on analysis of well‐defined local case studies developed focused and detailed concepts and design solutions according to the instructor's and jurors’ assessments. The study also contributes to literature by using a multi‐method approach and offers implications for local and international policy‐makers on interior design curricula.  相似文献   

出于战略利益和地缘破治价值的考量.美国一直非常重视与沙特的双边关系,从沙特现代化的准备阶段开始,美国就参与了沙特的现代化进程.在美国因素的作用下,沙特现代化进程表现出独特的类型特征.美沙合作的关系在沙特现代化的准备阶段和快速现代化阶段逐步形成,而在此期间美国对沙特传统的政治社会体系也采取了现实主义态度.冷战后,特别是"9·11"事件后,美沙关系中的负面因素影响逐渐加强,美沙关系的发展遭遇变数,美国因素对沙特现代化进程的影响可能趋弱.在新形势下,沙特需要综合各种因素,以确定平衡发展的现代化道路.  相似文献   

This study highlights on describing the experiences of Saudi Arabian female Islamic Studies teachers by exploring what is means to be an Islamic Studies teacher teaching in the current unprecedented vibrant and complex tapestry of social, religious and political debates occurring in the larger context of the country. The study draws on phenomenology as a guiding theoretical framework. The seven teachers involved in the study used their identities, beliefs and values to make sense of their everyday lived experiences. Discussions about their lived experiences provided a counter-discourse that challenges the traditional image of Islamic Studies teachers as transmitters of sacred knowledge. The study points to the growing complexity of the Islamic Studies teachers' roles due to an array of challenges that surfaced both in society at large and within the classroom walls.  相似文献   

This paper explains the reproduction of gender divisions and power relations through education in a traditional Islamic country, Saudi Arabia. That country has drawn both upon Islam and its oil wealth to expand female education vastly within traditional boundaries. Its model of female education is unique among all Islamic countries, in its structure and strategies for the reproduction of gender divisions through (1) a dual system of male and female education; (2) a gender‐specific educational policy that emphasizes women's domestic function; (3) gender‐segregated schools and colleges; and (4) curriculum differentiation at the various educational levels. The author maintains that Saudi education, a microcosm of Saudi Arabian society, has intentionally instituted these mechanisms and structures as a means of cultural conservation and social control. The Saudi experience proves previous research findings that female educational expansion does indeed increase women's social and occupational options, but does not necessarily alter gender and power relations.  相似文献   

Realising that suitable and frequent evaluation of achievement levels plays an important feedback role in higher education, an evaluation programme was initiated in the College of Engineering, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. It comprised of giving well designed, comprehensive and objective type tests to a specific category of students and then carrying out a thorough computerised statistical analysis. This paper presents the management experience thus gained and makes suitable recommendations for organising such an activity.  相似文献   

沙特阿拉伯王国建国后,随着石油财富的飞速增长,国家对高等教育十分重视,高等学校的发展从无到有.创办了多种类型的高校,表现出了鲜明的特色,也面临着“外源”现代化国家不可避免的种种问题。沙特的高等教育为国家培养了大量人才.前景应该是广阔的。  相似文献   

从不同方面讨论计算机的安全与防范问题,并针对具体问题提出相应的保护措施.  相似文献   

沙特阿拉伯的学前教育的历史发展经过了早期的缓慢发展阶段和20世纪70年代中期以后的快速发展阶段,有其文化思想、社会需求和政府努力等方面的背景因素,在课程设置、特殊教育、师资培养方面体现出自己的特点。与此同时,沙特学前教育也不得不面对地区发展不均衡、管理不善等方面的问题。  相似文献   

Passed in 2000, the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) mandates Internet filtering for all public schools and libraries. Challenges to the law have been raised on constitutional grounds by free-speech advocates such as the American Library Association and the American Civil Liberties Union. After losing one such challenge in district court, the federal government appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, where the law was upheld in June 2003, though not without possible future concerns. CIPA has profound implications for K–12 school leaders and technology specialists, and a history of the law reveals much about its origins and purpose.  相似文献   

后现代主义作为一种批判的文化思潮,其来势凶猛在西方思想界也是罕见的,而它在中国自然也会找到属于它的土壤。通过对后现代主义定义的诠释以及考察这一学派对传统史学的影响,可以看出后现代并非洪水猛兽,它也是一种对史学和其他学科有极大帮助的学术流派,我们应该正视自己的不足吸取别人的优处,以此让我国史学的发展能够更上一层楼。  相似文献   

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