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This study compares learning success of online and on-campus students in a general education soil science course with lab and field components. Two terms of students completed standardized pre- and postassessments designed to test knowledge and skills from the lecture and lab content of the course. There was no difference in overall grade or lab assignment grades between course formats. Online students outperformed on-campus students on the preassessment in the first term and on the post-assessment in the second term; the two populations scored the similarly for the other assessments. Online students showed a 42% grade improvement from pre- to post-assessment; on-campus students had a 21% improvement. Online students also showed better learning success in lab-related knowledge and skills based on individual assessment questions. The students in both populations successfully met the learning objectives for this lab- and field-based science course.  相似文献   

Increasing numbers of universities are offering courses in online and hybrid formats. One challenge in online assessment is the maintenance of academic integrity. We present a thorough statistical analysis to uncover differences in student performance when online exams are administered in a proctored environment (i.e., in class) versus an unproctored environment (i.e., offsite). Controlling for student grade point average (GPA), no significant differences in mean overall course performance or exam performance between the two groups were found, nor were there any differences in the mean vectors of individual exam scores. The study reveals that the group taking online exams in the unproctored environment has significantly more variation in their performance results. In examining potential causes of the greater variation, analyses were performed to assess whether an increased level of possible cheating behavior could be observed from performance results for students in the unproctored section. No evidence of cheating behavior was found.  相似文献   

In this study we examined differences between online distance education and traditional classroom learning for an introductory undergraduate statistics course. Two outcome dimensions were measured: students final grades and student satisfaction with the course. Using independent samples t-tests, results indicated that there was no significant difference in grades between the online and traditional classroom contexts. However, students enrolled in the online course were significantly less satisfied with the course than the traditional classroom students on several dimensions. This finding is inconsistent with the no significant difference phenomenon, described in Russells (1999) annotated bibliography, which supports minimal outcome differences between online courses and face-to-face courses.Jessica J. Summers and Tiffany A. Whittaker are Assistant Professors, and Alexander Waigandt is an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology at the University of Missouri–Columbia. Dr. Summers holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Texas at Austin. Her research interests include the study of social contexts of motivation, academic classroom community, and cooperative learning. Dr. Waigandt holds a Ph.D. in Community and School Health from the University of Oregon. His primary research interest is in demographic analysis. Dr. Whittaker holds a Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. Her research interests include model selection methods in structural equation modeling and multiple regression, interpretation of score reports in computer-based testing, and the effects of missing data on the recovery of item and person parameters in the item response theory framework.  相似文献   

资助工作是高校学生工作的主要环节,是"以人为本"理念的集中体现,是"教育公平"制度的重要抓手,是促进我国高等教育稳定发展的关键因素。拟从比较视域入手,详细梳理高校学生资助工作中存在的法律政策不健全、监管体制不完善、工作流程不科学、人文关怀不细致、育人模式不全面等问题,并对修正路径加以有效探索,以期完善我国学生资助工作体系,使其逐步法制化、科学化、人文化。  相似文献   

高等教育的国际化:外国学生政策之比较分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
高等教育的国际化主要可以由学生、教师、课程及研究这四个方向来进行。由于国际学生的流动人数庞大 ,其消费构成价值数百亿美元的市场 ,因此招收外国学生不只有利于长期政治、经贸关系的耕耘、国家竞争力的提升 ,更是重要的外销服务性产品 ,故工业先进国家和区域性组织将之视为既是高等教育、也是政治和经济的重要策略。为了进一步了解高等教育国际化的内涵与策略 ,本文由高等教育国际化的历史发展、高等教育国际市场的类型与规模切入 ,并分析欧盟、荷兰、澳洲、日本和马来西亚等国的相关政策。透过比较研究 ,本文指出高等教育国际化具有多重目标、留学生选择留学国家时考虑多重因素 ,因此为了完成高等教育国际化的特定目标 ,各国 /区域组织必须选择对应策略。值得注意的是 ,高等教育国际化固然有其重要性 ,但是过度重视招收外国学生也可能带来负面影响  相似文献   

正网络学习资源建设必须强调以学生为中心,使学生从外部信息的被动接受者转变为信息加工的主体,从学习资源的接受者转变为学习资源建设的主体,通过学习情境的创设和体验,激发学生学习的主动性和积极性。上海电视大学在人力资源管理课程的网络学习资源的建设过程中遵循这一思想,运用多媒体和网  相似文献   

网络课程的开发对开放教育的教学质量起着重要的作用,因此如何建立一个好的网络课程开发平台就显得至关重要.本研究采用文献检索分析、实验开发等方法从技术层面、学习模式层面和普及层面对依赖传统技术的网络课程开发平台、各学校开发的网络课程开发平台、商业化的网络课程开发平台和基于云计算的开发平台等四种主要的开发平台进行了比较,结果表明,基于云计算的商业化网络课程开发平台是未来的发展趋势.最后,文章还提出了未来的网络课程开发平台的功能模式和网络课程开发平台的评价指标.  相似文献   

Attracting significant attention from the media and policymakers, international student assessments are serving as pressures on and challenges for individual countries. Even so, paying attention only to publicly released rankings in international student assessments may lead to superficial interpretations of the assessment results. Simply equating the rankings with educational outcomes can be a questionable perspective because the assessment results can be interpreted differently. In this context, this article has explored student achievement in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) tests in comparison with civic knowledge achievement in the IEA Civic Education Study across 17 countries. This article has also evaluated efficiency in educational processes by assessing outputs (student performance in PISA) against inputs (educational spending and learning time) directly used in the education system. These two approaches clarify that publicly released rankings in PISA change to some extent when the rankings are reevaluated by taking other factors into consideration. This implication should be allowed for in interpreting the results of international assessment and the relative rankings of participating countries.  相似文献   

In this paper, we used the platform log data to extract three features (proportion of passive video time, proportion of active video time, and proportion of assignment time) aligning with different learning activities in the Interactive- Constructive-Active-Passive (ICAP) framework, and applied hierarchical clustering to detect student engagement modes. A total of 840 learning rounds were clustered into four categories of engagement: passive (n = 80), active (n = 366),constructive (n = 75) and resting (n = 319). The results showed that there were differences in the performance of the four engagement modes, and three types of learning status were identified based on the sequences of student engagement modes: difficult, balanced and easy. This study indicated that based on the ICAP framework, the online learning platform log data could be used to automatically detect different engagement modes of students, which could provide useful references for online learning analysis and personalized learning.  相似文献   

通过对92名不同还款状态下的助学贷款受信学生的债务监控能力进行差异比较以及不同债务容忍度者的债务监控能力的差异比较,结果发现,还贷正常学生较还贷违约学生的债务监控能力高,而且低债务容忍度学生比高债务容忍度学生的债务监控能力高.  相似文献   

本文以师范生的普通话水平性别差异为考察对象,采用分层随机取样法和T检验统计法,对上饶师范学院767名在校大学生的普通话考试成绩进行取样统计分析,并辅之以纸质调查问卷的形式,调查了北京师范大学、华东师范大学等十所师范院校的2084名大学生。得出了"师范生普通话水平存在性别差异,女生好于男生"这一结论。通过对性别差异的具体表现以及男女师范生的共性特点的分析,结合心理语言学等相关理论,对其影响因素进行分析,提出应对策略。  相似文献   

This multiple case study explored faculty formative use of student evaluation feedback. Results were based on interviews of ten education faculty members at a midwestern research university and reviews of relevant documents. It was found that end of semester student evaluation, originally used for summative evaluation, was also used by faculty for teaching improvement purposes. Faculty cared for student evaluation feedback and used discretion in using the feedback to improve their teaching. Faculty also experienced anxiety and tensions in the context of a mandated summative evaluation. Variations were found in faculty use of evaluation feedback, as a result of difference in background and experience.  相似文献   

两次世界大战对人类社会造成了巨大的灾难。两次世界大战既有共性,又具有各自的个性。本文从六个方面全面而系统地对此进行了比较分析,这对于进一步研究两次世界大战和总结历史经验与教训是十分有益的。  相似文献   

孔子和亚里斯多德是古代中国和西方两位杰出的思想家。他们的法律思想分别在中国和西方法律思想史上占有重要地位,对他们的法律思想进行比较研究,可以给我们以许多有益的启示。文章对生活在同一历史时期的中西方两位伟大的思想家———孔子和亚里斯多德的法律思想从政治倾向性、方法论基础、正义观、伦理基础、“人治”和“法治”论等五个方面进行了比较研究。  相似文献   

章用史学视角和比较方法对全球化作一探讨。认为人类历史是一部全球化的历史,它经历逐步全球化的过程后在19世纪末至20世纪初,20世纪末至21世纪初分别形成了两次全球化高潮。两次全球化的本质同是资本主义经济体系的全球化,根本动力都是科技革命,两不但都引发了不同明的交流与冲突,而且均伴随有反全球化的斗争,它的后果表明两都是一柄利弊相依的双刃剑,但上述共同点在表现形式与发展程度上存在很大差异,最后章从百多年的历史变迁中分析了产生这些差异的原因。  相似文献   

Two distinct student groups, in terms of academic performance, were identified early in the semester as either being under-performing students or over-performing students using an online homework system. The students who are identified as under-performing received, on average, lower grades than their fellow students but spent more time completing the homework assignments. These students are great candidates for targeted advertisement of student resources such as tutoring services. The students who are identified in the over-performing student population received higher grades than their fellow students, but spent less time completing the homework assignments. These students are great candidates for honors programs, independent research projects, and peer-tutoring programs. Incorporating these evaluation criteria to online homework systems will allow instructors to quickly identify students in these academic student populations.  相似文献   


This paper argues that the scheme of appraisal agreed between NATFHE and college employers is capable of implementation in a developmental manner that is compatible with the ideal of further education teaching being a professional practice. It outlines a case study of the innovation of one appraisal scheme at a College in the south west, identifying the key elements of the scheme that give it a developmental emphasis and some elements which inhibit it.  相似文献   


In thin study pupil control Ideology was conceptualized along: a continuum ranging from “custodialism” at one “extreme to “humanism” at the other. Hypotheses were deduced from a conceptual framework which emphasized the saliency of client control in organizations with unselected clients. Data for student teachers (N = 282) were collected from students who completed their student teaching experience during the 1065-06 school year at Oklahoma State University; the instruments were administered and completed in group meetings both before and after student teaching. It was hypothesized that student teachers would be significantly more custodial in their pupil control Ideology after the student teaching experience than before; separate tests of the hypothesis were made at both the elementary and secondary levels. Ail hypotheses tested were confirmed at a level of significance beyond the .001 level.  相似文献   

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