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This paper discusses the various definitions of home education and how the term can give rise to misinterpretations. In addition it covers recent changes to legislation and policy relating to home education in some European countries, such as France, Ireland, Luxembourg and Belgium. These changes have been based on a misunderstanding of the nature of home education. Little attention has been paid to the difference between children who are absconding from school and those who are being conscientiously educated by their parents at home. By contrast, there has been a slight but positive change in attitudes towards home education in some of the Länder (regions) of Germany. The author argues that governments should conduct well reasoned, objective research before considering measures to limit home education in any way.  相似文献   

《民办教育促进法》在实施中存在着一些普遍性问题,如区域发展不平衡加剧、"名校办民校"膨胀、合理回报难以执行、会计制度不适用与多帐并存、政府扶持政策难以落实、办学自主权受到冲击、教育者和受教育者权利没有得到充分保障等。应从协调与已有法律法规的关系、重新定位民办教育、通过行政法规或地方法规完善相关措施、完善监管体系等方面入手,解决上述问题。  相似文献   

我国法学专业教育中仅注重法律规则的教学,对于事实认定方法则几乎完全忽视。事实认定是法律实务中的重点和难点,而且由于法律领域中的事实认定具有较强的规范性、技术性,所以需要进行专门的教学。在现有的法学教育课程体系下,可将事实认定方法的教学融入不同课程,并结合法学实验教学、诊所法律教育开展这项内容的教学。事实认定方法教学的主要内容为国内外的相关理论、事实认定中的逻辑规则和经验运用。  相似文献   

Conclusions In education literature, there is often confusion between compulsory provision of education and compulsory schooling, falsely giving the impression that schooling is compulsory. This is not the case. Home education is permitted in some form or other in all the European countries studied except Germany.Where the alternative of home education is denied to children who are in difficulty, such as very young children of itinerant workers, or children who are school phobic, one has to question whether the good of the individual child is being considered, rather than the ideals or convenience of education administrators. Home education is a welcome alternative to those children who need it and benefit from it and there is no evidence in academic literature or general writing on education to suggest that home education does not usually offer a good alternative to the children involved, both academically and socially.Much research has been undertaken into home education in the US, there have been a few studies within the UK and a study in Switzerland of the laws which apply to home educators within each canton and an assessment of the numbers of home educated children in both Austria and Switzerland. In other European countries, there has been little or no research into the numbers of home educated children, the ways in which home educated children learn, efficient methods of monitoring home education, or whether home education is effective. Perhaps it is by looking more closely at these families that the effectiveness of schooling can be better assessed: fundamental questions can be asked about the added value of schooling.My preliminary investigations indicate that, with the exception of Denmark, where it is easy for parents to set up small schools with financial help from government, there are instances of home education in all the countries studied.  相似文献   

执行《教育法》十年反思   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
《教育法》颁布和施行十年来,对促进实施依法治教,“提高中华民族科学文化水平”起到了应有作用,取得巨大成绩。但在执行《教育法》过程中尚存在学习宣传不力、思想观念陈旧、政府执行不力以及教育侵权状况严重等问题。其主要原因有传统的法律文化观念、急功近利的社会心理和《教育法》自身的技术问题等原因。基本对策是切实加强学习宣传《教育法》,完善修改《教育法》和相关法律,加强《教育法》执法与监督力度,完善教育司法制度。  相似文献   

教育方针在实践形态上经历的由知行统一到知行分离的变化过程,既反映了其教育理性精神的缺失,又决定了教育实践滑入功利主义泥淖的必然。笔者认为,让“术业有专攻”的教育家成为教育的主体,由他们承担起引导教育发展的责任,按照教育本然的规律和逻辑组织教育的各项活动,可以促进教育在自身力量成长的基础上实实在在地进步。  相似文献   

《职业教育法》颁布实施以来,我国职教规模迅速扩大,师资队伍建设成绩显著,质量和水平得到进一步提高,专业层次更加合理,农村职教发展迅速,国际交流与合作明显加强。借鉴发达国家职教法治化的经验,我国职业教育法律法规可以建立适时的立、改、废制度,加强重视经济界参与职业教育,以立法形式保障职业教育与普通教育同等的法律地位。可从明确职教体制和运行机制,加入职教违法处罚条款,建立完善职教法律法规体系等方面着手,进一步加强职业教育法治建设。  相似文献   

义务教育道德与法治课程融入诚信教育是落实立德树人根本任务和进行社会主义核心价值观教育的重要途径。道德与法治课程融入诚信教育,应彰显时代特色的诚信教育观、全程渗透诚信思想的过程观、向自我与社会开放的课程观,以及基于“沟通理性”的师生交往观、内省体悟的学习观。为使道德与法治课程有效融入诚信教育,就要合理建构促进学生素养发展的诚信教育目标、内容,创新以实践反思为导向的诚信教育途径,确立发展性的全过程诚信教育评价体系,等等。  相似文献   

城乡教育关系是指政府在对待和处理农村教育和城市教育问题时所做出的一种制度安排。城乡教育关系制度有着自身的变迁规律,它是由外部环境的变化和教育利益主体的互动共同决定的。外部环境的变化是城乡教育关系制度变迁的诱因,教育利益主体的互动是城乡教育关系制度变迁的直接推动力。在教育利益主体的互动当中,政府是城乡教育关系制度变迁的主导力量,社会与个人是城乡教育关系制度变迁的重要影响因素。城乡教育关系的变迁规律,对当前进行的城乡教育一体化建设具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

Public educator resistance to home education is not a definitive or deliberate offense but part of the culture of teaching, schooling, and the grand culture in which schooling functions. Such resistance, especially at higher bureaucratic levels, stems from a faith stance that might very well be misinformed, misguided, and perhaps even blindly biased. A reading of the roles of teachers and resistance to change from a systems thinking framework informs this work. The main purpose of this article is to present findings from a review of the literature in an effort to expose the critical factors that might inhibit home education growth, acceptance—especially by educators—and greater inclusion as a mainstream education practice. Systemic thinking application in combination with the topic of home education offers multiple strands of understanding home education, systems thinking, and resistance. This article furthers the discussion on home education and prompts educators and researchers alike to reconsider home education and educator roles for the 21st century not as utilitarian functions for local and global economies but as coworkers toward a perceived common goal for children.  相似文献   

家庭中数字电视、DVD、DC等数字产品不断增多,这些数字家电之间经常需要相互连接共享资源。这些家电接入因特网、公共电话网之后,用户可以实现随时随地地监测、控制,而这些功能都离不开家庭网关。文章分析的一个结构完备、功能齐全的家庭网关如何实现上述功能。  相似文献   

写在《民办教育促进法》即将实施之前   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《民办教育促进法》是一部当前所能达到的较好的政策法规,它具有相对的合理性与可行性。但有许多不完善之处。实施细则可以有所补充、完善,以利于《促进法》的正确运用。  相似文献   

本文通过对中外高等教育系统、深入地比较,着重总结了我国高师教育的主要经验与鉴戒,阐释了21世纪的对策与展望;又进而论析了欧美发达国家私立高等教育在管理上的经验与弊端,引鉴出我国发展私立(民办)高等教育的办学方略。  相似文献   

国内外职业教育产学研实施情况的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国职业教育产学研结合的广度和深入还不够,而发达国家开展产学研结合则具有自身的特色,为我们提供了宝贵的经验.我们应该借鉴这些经验,形成具有中国特色的产学研结合职业教育体制.  相似文献   

随着我国特殊教育事业发展步伐的大大加快 ,残疾儿童少年接受教育的权利进一步得到尊重和保障。但目前我国特殊教育还存在着许多困难和问题 ,制约和影响着残疾儿童少年接受平等的和适当的教育。为此 ,需要采取特殊措施发展特殊教育事业 ,依法保障残疾儿童少年受教育权的实现 :大力普及义务教育 ,保障残疾少儿平等接受教育的权利 ;完善特殊教育体系 ,满足残疾少儿日益增长的教育需求 ;提高教育教学质量 ,保障残疾少儿接受适当教育的权利 ;加大特殊教育的投入 ,为残疾少儿提供良好的教育环境 ;完善和落实特殊教育政策 ,保障残疾少儿受教育权的实现。  相似文献   

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