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Online Branches     
Many people dislike walking to the bank and standing in long lines. They are dissatisfied with their bank's limited hours, too. They want to do some banking at night, and on weekends. For such people, their problems may soon be over. Before long, they may be able to do their banking from their own home of the day, any day of the week.  相似文献   

Chat Online     
Your friends might be in Australia or maybe just down the road, but they are all just a few clicks away. Life has changed for millions of young people across the world who now make friends online. Whether you use chat-rooms, QQ, MSN or ICQ, you are a member of this group."I don't often talk with my parents or grandparents, but I talk a lot with my old friends on QQ," said Fox's Shadow, the online name used by a girl student in China. "Most of my classmates use QQ after school."lenQ Q i…  相似文献   

从神话时代的伊琳与贝里的战争开始以来,受到这两位神保护的人类与噜啦种旅也不断地互相争斗。现在这世界上噜啦种族已经不存在了!噜啦种族为什么会突然消失?我们在寻找从未经历过冒险,并且拥有智能及勇气的人,使用召唤器前往希尔特的过去,调查所有事情的来龙  相似文献   


There is a widening gap between administrators’ and faculty members’ attitudes towards online education. This post-positivist grounded theory study explored features of the experiences that shaped sixteen faculty members’ attitudes towards online education. Two features are identified: (a) they strived to express subject matter of personal significance, and (b) they strived to take on various social roles. The degree to which these efforts were facilitated – or thwarted – shaped their attitudes towards online education. This analytical focus recognizes that online education changes not only how faculty members teach; it also introduces new activities that affect the meaning of teaching for faculty members.  相似文献   

You’re Online     
~~ C. not be honest on the Net D.make friends with those you believe in [答疑解惑] 1. D 这是一道主旨题。根据全文,咱们可以看出,本文是作者对孩子们上网的“安全建议”。 2.C 这是词义题,需要联系上下文。根据文意,“由于你看不见他们,甚至听不见他们的声音。”咱们可以确定,“有些人很容易假冒身份”。当然,“假冒”只是大概的意思。看选项C,“给出一个错误的描述”大体跟咱们推断的意思相近,就选它吧!(事后别忘了查字典哟。“misrepresent”,动词,“表述失实”、“歪曲”之意。) 3.B 这是推断题。根…  相似文献   

元始乾坤,茫萘渺淼、混沌黑暗.众神之祖盘古生于其间,十万八千年才醒一次.他无法忍受这混沌不堪的宇宙、反手抓来一把巨斧、吞声巨吼,愤砍雷霆,天开地辟!  相似文献   

随着<刀剑Online>中的"知音石"和"风羽"用途越来越广泛,游戏中被称为"鼠标VOS"演奏系统也逐渐为玩家所重视.演奏入门容易精通难,希望在这方面有所成绩的玩家不妨看看下面的技巧.  相似文献   

我曾服用过含有激素成分的药2个月,现在停药了想怀孕,听说激素类药在体内代谢十分缓慢,短期怀孕会对胎儿有影响,请问我在何时怀孕比较合适? 广东顺德 司红  相似文献   

有人问我“唐宋八大家”是怎么回事,我一听,就先嘬了下牙花子。“唐宋八大家”当年是语文考纲范畴,我当学生那会儿,光是背下这八个人的名单,就得费好大力气,比背“辛德勒的名单”还难。更不要说比较这八个人的生平与文字风格,分析各自的文章特点——这活儿恐怕连专修中国古代文学史的研究生来干,都很难说得清楚。  相似文献   

Listen,can you hear it?That sound of dial-upmodems echoing across the country...it's the sirencall of the World Wide Web,beckoning to millionsto enter the brave new worlds of e-commerce,e-news,e-trading,e-mail,e-everything.Including e-crime.As computer prices have dropped,computerownership has soared,and with it,computer  相似文献   

Increasing MSW students’ information competencies was achieved through a 2-year project in which online video tutorials, in-class exercises, and course assignments were created and integrated into two required foundation courses. Tutorials demonstrated basic and advanced search techniques, online databases, and online course-specific research guides. Tutorials were viewed during and outside of class. In-class exercises and course assignments enabled students to immediately apply what they had learned. Results indicate a significant increase in the adequacy of students’ search for online information and ability to critically examine sources and evidence. Implications for social work education are discussed.  相似文献   

Drawing inspiration from Clegg’s [2008. “Femininities/masculinities and a Sense Self – Thinking Gendered Academic Identities and the Intellectual Self.” Gender and Education 20 (3): 209–221, 241] statement that ‘less traditional universities and areas of course provision and research might be important sites to investigate in relation to academic identity’, I undertake a single strategic case study of an expert, older, male critical educator, employed as an instructor in two ‘less traditional’, for-profit settings: one online university and one brick and mortar university. The article departs from a theoretical consideration of ‘future directions’ of three subfields: masculinities and higher education (HE) from critical and feminist perspectives, masculinities (and other identities) online (through the Internet research subfield of gender and technology), and masculinities and aging from critical and feminist gerontological perspectives. It employs the methodological strategy of ‘sketches’, arguing that these settings, which appear to position critical and feminist pedagogues in the proverbial ‘belly of the beast’, are important spaces in which to explore how a critical pedagogue navigates ‘less traditional’ HE settings.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the online environment alter how students and instructors interact. Scientific discourse among students and instructors in an online text-only synchronous environment was analyzed. In converting dialogue to text, many of the nonverbal cues, such as facial expression and tone of voice, which instructors use to gauge student understanding are lost. The participants adapt their communication style to the medium, and we present a new interaction pattern for student–instructor communication found prevalent in the synchronous, text-only, online environment. This study has implications for instructors who use synchronous, text-based communication for their courses, namely the value of posing additional questions from the instructor to verify student understanding.  相似文献   

Providing effective motivational support is a critical determinant of a successful online distance learning experience for students in higher education. In this study, we examined how students’ academic level and use of 8 motivational regulation strategies influence 3 types of student engagement: behavioral engagement, emotional engagement, and cognitive engagement. A total of 95 undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in online courses in 4-year universities in the United States participated in this study. A series of hierarchical regression analyses of undergraduate and graduate online students (N = 95) showed that behavioral engagement, emotional engagement, and cognitive engagement are predicted by different motivational regulation strategies after controlling for the academic level. Additionally, students’ academic level was found to be a predictor of cognitive engagement but not a predictor of behavioral engagement or emotional engagement. The results suggest that online course instructors, tutors, and designers should provide students with differentiated motivational scaffolding based on their motivational profile in order to promote different aspects of learning engagement.  相似文献   

This study investigated the distribution of incentives (e.g., certificates, badges) for massive open online course (MOOC) completion, and relationships between incentives and MOOC outcomes. Participants were 779 MOOC students internationally who participated in at least 303 different MOOCs offered by at least 12 providers. MOOC participants most commonly intended to receive, and in actuality received, free and paid course certificates of completion; other incentives (e.g., digital badges, postsecondary credits) were far less common. In addition, MOOC participants' intentions to receive both free and paid certificates were consistently and positively related to perceived learning and course completion, net other factors. (Keywords: massive open online courses, MOOCs, motivation, incentives, microcredentials, certificates of completion)  相似文献   


Surprisingly, and despite the vast literature on the subject, there is little agreement on the most vital issues surrounding online learning in community colleges. While some studies report that community college students are hampered by online course enrollment, others have found that community college students who take online courses are more likely to persist and succeed in the long term. With this in mind, the present essay will review and synthesize the empirical research literature in order to establish what is known about online coursetaking and the effects on community college students with regard to course completion, persistence, transfer, and degree completion.  相似文献   

This article is a case study of the use of the Indicators of Engaged Learning Online (IELO) framework (See Appendix 1) as a guide to evaluate the quality of online courses. The framework lends itself well to measures of engagement, particularly, in terms of online course design because of its comprehensiveness. Six online courses were evaluated for quality in terms of engaged learning based on thirty indicators contained within the framework. Results ranged from a score of 21 to 71 out of a potential total score of 90. This 0–90 scale represented a continuum of passive to engaged learning. The purpose of the pilot study was to explore how the Indicators of Engaged Learning Online (IELO) framework could be used as a tool for evaluating the quality of online courses by instructional designers (IDs) and instructors. Insights into the practical use of the IELO framework and the need for improved guidelines for IDs and instructors as they assess the amount of student engagement designed in a course are provided. Recommendations for practice have implications for both aspects of engagement: how a course is designed and how it is delivered.  相似文献   

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