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The author examined the conditions (i.e., social support and dysfunctional coping) under which perceived stress predicted psychological well‐being in 459 college students. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated a significant 2‐way interaction (Perceived Stress × Social Support) and a significant 3‐way interaction (Perceived Stress × Social Support × Dysfunctional Coping) predicting well‐being. Low social support deteriorated the association between stress and well‐being. Only the frequent use of dysfunctional coping exacerbated the association between stress and well‐being across high and low social support. Implications for counseling college students are discussed.  相似文献   

为了解身心障碍患者家庭亲职压力与社会支持具体现状及关系,以《社会支持评定量表》《亲职压力简表》为研究工具.结果表明,身心障碍患者家庭亲职压力处于非常高的水平,社会支持得分相对较高;与患者关系在亲职压力与社会支持(客观支持、主观支持)方面得分有显著差异,受教育水平在亲职压力和社会支持均存在显著差异;社会支持与亲职压力存在一定的关系(|0.014-0.339|),对支持利用度、主观支持对亲职压力有显著性的负向预测作用.研究表明,身心障碍患者家庭所接受的社会支持越多,护理人可能所感受到的亲职压力越低.  相似文献   


Despite elevated rates of suicide and evidence of poor mental health among medical professionals, there is a paucity of research in the UK into the mental health of students destined for these careers. This study estimated and compared the prevalence of mental ill-health in students studying veterinary medicine, medicine, dentistry and pharmacy in the United Kingdom. A group of law students was also included, who, although subject to similar stressors as undergraduates, do not go on to share a heightened risk of suicide as professionals. A total of 1744 respondents completed a questionnaire with validated measures to assess wellbeing, psychological distress, depression and suicidal ideation and attempts. Results indicated that law students experienced the poorest mental health of the student groups studied. Wellbeing was highest among veterinary and medical students. However, the medical students were the most likely to have previously attempted suicide. These findings highlight the importance of directly comparing student groups and of appropriately supporting students as they progress through training and into the professions.  相似文献   

我国社会工作专业教育以学校课堂教学活动为主,教育界需要探索契合社会工作特点的课堂教学方法。应用抛锚式教学模式开展社会工作价值观教育并进行相关经验研究,正是这方面的初步尝试。运用定性研究的方法,通过对社会工作价值观课堂教学案例的研究,总结出相关的经验:抛锚式教学模式具有相对于传统教学方式的优势,同时也带给教师多重挑战。  相似文献   

This article reviews school effectiveness theory, concentrating on the unidimensionality of the school effect concept, and focuses on differential school effectiveness, by which is meant the capacity of the school to be effective with different groups of pupils. It presents findings from research exploring the associations between sex, social class, and school attended with Cypriot primary pupils’ progress in Mathematics. There was no evidence of significant differential effectiveness in relation to sex and social class, the gap between boys and girls, and between different social classes increased in all schools, reflecting the national picture. Implications for school self-evaluation are discussed.  相似文献   

采用羞怯量表、简式父母教养方式问卷、青少年生活事件量表、领悟社会支持量表对522名初中生进行测量,考察父母教养方式、生活事件、领悟社会支持与羞怯的关系,并探讨生活事件、领悟社会支持是否在父母教养方式与初中生羞怯之间起中介作用。结果发现:(1)父母教养方式、羞怯、生活事件、领悟社会支持之间两两相关显著;(2)父母教养方式可以显著预测初中生的羞怯水平,即积极的父母教养方式能直接负向预测初中生羞怯水平,消极父母教养方式能正向预测初中生羞怯水平;(3)生活事件和领悟社会支持在父母(消极和积极)教养方式与羞怯间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

该文研究之目的:探索当前大学生的拖延行为与一般自我效能、知觉压力之间的相关关系。之方法:采用分层随机抽样的方法从杭州市大学生中抽取280人作为对象,利用问卷调查法收集调查对象的相关数据,运用SPSS25.0软件对数据进行录入和统计分析。之结果:大学生拖延行为具有较高发生率(大学生拖延行为发生率为80.4%);大学生拖延水平与一般自我效能呈负相关关系(r=-0.143,p<0.05),与知觉压力呈正相关关系(r=0.250,p<0.01)。之结论:就杭州市大学生而言,一般自我效能较高者,拖延水平相对较低;知觉压力较大者,拖延水平相对较高。就此,为制定帮助大学生群体减少拖延行为的策略提供实证依据和科学建议。  相似文献   

张信勇  王雯雯 《科教导刊》2019,(12):166-167,192
本文旨在探讨主动性人格、领悟社会支持与大学生生涯适应力的关系。通过采用生涯适应力量表、领悟社会支持量表和主动性人格量表对277名大学生进行问卷调查。结果显示:(1)主动性人格、领悟社会支持与生涯适应力呈显著正相关;(2)结构方程模型结果显示,主动性人格在领悟社会支持对生涯适应力的影响中起完全中介作用。  相似文献   

本文结合人文社会科学研究生培养的特点,指出军校人文社会科学研究生的培养应紧贴党的创新理论前沿,紧贴学科学术前沿,紧贴自然科学前沿;应围绕部队需求,加强质量监控机制、创新教育机制、立体育人机制建设,不断提高研究生的培养质量。  相似文献   

The social norms approach is an increasingly widely used strategy of behaviour and attitude change that is based on challenging misperceptions individuals hold about their peers. Research to date has been carried out predominately in the US college system, with a focus on substance use behaviours. The aim of the current study was to explore peer perceptions of both substance use and other behaviours in a British student sample, as the first step in determining whether the social norms approach may be applicable within Europe. Students at eight further education colleges in the UK were surveyed on their personal and perceived peer health and college engagement behaviours and attitudes by means of a printed and online survey. Respondents reported a perceived norm of frequency of substance use that was higher than the reported norm. Results relating to the injunctive norms of substance use were mixed but demonstrated that the majority of respondents do not actively approve of tobacco, cannabis or other drug use. Respondents also reported a norm of academic engagement that was more positive than the perceived norm of their peers. The results relating to substance use are consistent with work conducted in the US college system, despite the differences in culture and legislation. In addition, the results indicate that there may be similar misperceptions around other areas of health and college engagement. This suggests that the social norms approach may be a viable method of behaviour change in UK students.  相似文献   

The connections between an international student’s communication network, perceived social support, and intercultural adjustment are not well understood. This study aims to test the network–support–adjustment path among international students. With data collected from 215 international students studying at a large U.S. university, path model analyses showed that tie strength, a relational characteristic of one’s communication network, was positively associated with perceived emotional support, which in turn was positively related to sociocultural adjustment. In contrast, network density and proportion of U.S. ties were not associated with perceived informational support, although perceived informational support was found to contribute to enhanced psychological adjustment. Therefore, the network–support–adjustment path was only partially supported with the current data. This article discusses theoretical and practical implications of these findings.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法,以503名流动儿童为对象考察了其歧视知觉与自尊的关系,以及社会支持和流动时间在其中的作用.结果发现:(1)在歧视知觉方面,公立学校流动儿童显著低于打工子弟学校儿童,小学生显著低于初中生;(2)在社会支持方面,公立学校流动儿童显著高于打工子弟学校儿童,小学生显著高于初中生;(3)流动儿童的歧视知觉与自尊呈显著负相关,社会支持对二者关系起部分中介作用;流动时间对二者关系起调节作用,即对于流动时间达3.5-10.5年的儿童,歧视知觉对自尊的负向预测力最强.  相似文献   

采用负性生活事件量表、领悟社会支持问卷和攻击行为问卷,对从广东省东莞市某寄宿中学抽取的796名高中生进行研究。男生在身体攻击因子上得分高于女生(P值均<0. 05),在愤怒、敌意因子上女生得分显著高于男生(P值均<0. 05);高一学生在身体攻击、愤怒、总分因子上得分均显著低于高二学生(P值均<0. 05)。寄宿高中生负性生活事件与攻击行为之间呈显著正相关,和领悟社会支持呈显著负相关(P值均<0. 01),寄宿高中生领悟社会支持与攻击行为之间呈显著负相关(P值均<0. 05)。领悟社会支持在负性生活事件正向预测攻击行为间起多重中介作用。中介拟合模型指标(χ~2/df=4. 80,NFI=0. 95,CFI=0. 96,TLI=0. 93,IFI=0. 96,GFI=0. 96,RMSEA=0. 07)。寄宿高中生的负性生活事件可以直接影响其攻击行为,也可通过领悟社会支持间接影响攻击行为。  相似文献   

结合大学系部的学生管理模式,就学生管理干事参与班级管理,认为要加强对辅导员和班主任、系学生干部工作的督导,调动专任教师积极参与,才能达到有力、有效的管理班级。  相似文献   

主体性是指行为的发生者对其行为的过程和结果所持有的积极主动的态度,其主要特征是行为主体的强烈内在需求,主动参与的精神和驾驭自我的意识。语文课堂教学中的主体参与,就是要唤醒学生的主体意识,发挥学生的主体作用,展示学生的主体人格,体现学生的主体价值,让学生在主动参与中学会学习。  相似文献   

本研究旨在考察融合教育教师职业压力、社会支持和职业倦怠之间的关系,采用问卷调查法对来自北京市、厦门市、中山市的367名融合教育教师进行调查.结果 发现:融合教育教师的职业压力显著影响教师的职业倦怠;融合教育教师获得的社会支持显著影响其职业倦怠.融合教育教师的社会支持在职业压力与职业倦怠关系中发挥部分中介作用,即融合教育...  相似文献   

Research Findings: In the past 20 years school districts have increasingly adopted classroom-based social and emotional development programs. The dissemination of these programs, however, has surpassed our understanding of and ability to assess factors that influence program implementation. The present study responded to this gap by developing a questionnaire that focuses on teacher perceptions of implementation support and teacher attitudes about social–emotional learning and by assessing its psychometric properties. One hundred forty-five Baltimore City Head Start preschool teachers completed the questionnaire. Factor analyses suggested 6 underlying constructs, which we termed administrative support, training, competence, program effectiveness, time constraints, and academic priority. Several of these scales predicted teacher reports of program implementation. Practice or Policy: The questionnaire holds significant promise as a tool for assessing readiness and barriers to social and emotional program implementation.  相似文献   

A sample of 141 international students from different U.S. colleges completed surveys related to social support, demographic variables, and acculturative stress. Findings indicated that social support and English proficiency uniquely contribute to the variance in students' acculturative stress. Results also indicated that students who primarily socialized with non‐Americans and that students from Asian countries experienced more acculturative stress compared with other subgroups. Implications are discussed and suggestions for counseling practice are provided.  相似文献   

大学生心理卫生及影响心理健康的因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在一作为中国社会文化层次较高的群体,一向被认为是最活跃、最健康的群体之一,但从心理健康的角度来分析这一群体,统计结果表明有相当数量的在校生存在不同程度的心理障碍,影响心理健康的因素是各种种样的,包括个体的外界是环境因素以及个体自身的心理素质等。  相似文献   

本文着重从理论与实践的结合上,探讨了“参与型”在课堂实践中的具体实施途径和取得的效果,同时也指出了存在的问题。  相似文献   

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