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数学问题解决中的元认知能力对数学成绩的提升有重要作用。用《数学问题解决中的元认知量表》,整群抽样方法对584名维吾尔族初中生进行调查。研究表明:维吾尔族初中生数学问题解决中的元认知监控能力较好,但元认知个体知识能力不足,数学问题解决过程中可能体验更多困难。数学成绩优异和对数学感兴趣的学生在元认知各因素上表现出显著的优势。分析数学问题解决中的元认知能力与数学成绩的关系发现,两者呈现显著正相关,相关系数为0.8。逐步回归分析发现,元认知监控能力独立预测数学成绩64%的变异。基于此,本文提出数学教学中应设置元认知能力训练环节,这一方面可以给学生提供利用元认知监控资源的机会,另一方面教师可以通过自我提问等训练方法弥补维吾尔族初中生元认知个体知识、情感体验方面的不足。  相似文献   

"问题解决"的数学教学方式在高中数学课堂中正如火如荼的开展,但由于受高考应试教育的束缚,"问题解决"式的教育方式在教学中仍然存在着大量的问题。本文首先从"问题教学"的内涵以及教学原则两方面对高中数学的"问题解决"式教学进行阐述,进而指出当前我国高中数学"问题解决"式教学中存在的一些问题,最后就高中数学的"问题解决"式的教学途径进行研究。  相似文献   

从应用题到解决问题,这绝不仅是名称上的变化.弄清楚这其中变化的实质,有助于我们更好地继承应用题教学宝贵的、成功的经验,也有助于我们更好地开展解决问题的教学.该文立足于应用题和解决问题的内涵,探讨解决问题的教育价值,并结合当今小学数学教学实际,提出了解决问题的教学建议.  相似文献   

讨论了如何将数学问题解决中的化归、归纳、函数与方程、分类、数形结合、反证法、同余等常用的数学思想方法应用于中学数学教学的一些尝试.  相似文献   

教育部颁布的《全日制普通高级中学课程计划》,第一次在我国基础教育课程中增设“综合实践活动”板块。新颁布的《高中数学课程标准》中要求高中数学设立“数学探究”学习活动。数学探究即数学探究性课题学习。2008年在全国实施新课程标准,数学教师有必要了解数学课题学习的方式方法。目前教育理论研究中对课题学习的研究很多,但多数不指定什么学科,数学学科有其自身的特点,因此,本文从数学课题学习的选题开始,探讨怎样进行高级中学的数学课题学习。一、选择数学“课题”数学课题学习的首要任务是“课题”的选择。课题的选择要有助于学生体…  相似文献   

This article discusses factors related to academic achievement among African-American male and female students. A review of the literature on achievement and gender differences among African-American students and two empirical studies I conducted are presented. The results of the first study, which focused on achievement, indicated that successful achievers reported more positive self-perceptions, more interpersonal support, and more active problem solving. The results of the second study, which focused on gender differences, indicated differences in support favoring females. In addition, some gender differences were found in this sample that differed from those found for White students.  相似文献   

采用<一般自我效能感量表>(GSES)和<成就动机量表>(AMS)对139名职业中学学生进行测量,结果表明:职中生一般自我效能感和成就动机各因子之间性别差异均不显著;一般自我效能感的年级差异极其显著,而成就动机中追求成功动机和合成动机方面存在显著年级差异,但在避免失败的动机方面差异并不显著;职中生一般自我效能感总分与追求成功动机和合成动机之间存在显著正相关,而与避免失败动机之间存在显著负相关;追求成功动机和合成动机对职中生一般自我效能感有显著预测作用.  相似文献   

In this study, the cognitive characteristics of students' decision-making processes centered on phases, difficulties, and strategies are analysed in the personal dailylife context involving biological knowledge. The subjects were first year science and general high school students in Seoul, Korea; 6 female students and 7 male students. The students' decision-making processes were analysed by think-aloud and participant observation methods. On the whole, the students' decision-making processes progressed in following order: recognizing a problem, searching for alternatives, evaluating the alternatives, and decision. During the decision-making processes, the above phases were repeated by trial and error. Students preferred noncompensatory rules that did not allow trade offs among alternatives for decisions, rather than compensatory rules of selection. Students had a tendency to have difficulties in analysing the difference between initial state and desirable state of the problem, organising biological knowledge-related problems, and clarifying values as selective criteria. Even students who had high achievement and more positive science-related attitudes did not apply biological knowledge to search for alternatives, and could not utilise scientific values as selective criteria very well. We discuss the implications of these results for teaching of decision-making in respect to scientific literacy.  相似文献   

元认知是影响人的认识活动效率的重要而高级的认知机能。本研究通过自编"学生物理问题解决元认知监控行为检视表",对高一学生问题解决过程中的元认知监控行为进行分析,怀特图显示:学优生和学困生在元认知监控行为的"计划、调节、监察、检查、反思"五个项目的表现上都存在巨大差异;从解题前的计划到解题中的调节和监察,再到解题后的检查和反思,学生整体的元认知监控行为表现越来越差。据此,提出高一物理教学建议:教会学生知识组织的方法;提升学生的策略性知识;提高学困生的解题信念;加强自我检查的学习体验;培养学生解题后自我反思的习惯。  相似文献   

小学生数学问题解决中的"视觉-空间表征"   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
"视觉-空间表征"是采用视觉表象的表征方式,空间视觉化能力是个体对刺激情境进行"视觉-空间表征"的能力,前者成为小学生解决数学问题的主要心理机制之一,后者则成为影响小学生能否成功解决数学问题的重要主体因素.V/A模型阐述了"视觉-空间表征"与数学问题解决、空间视觉化能力的关系及其在数学问题解决中的作用机制."视觉-空间表征"包括图像表征、图式表征两种,图像表征是图式表征的基础,也是低年级小学生数学问题解决的有效表征方式.  相似文献   

中学生父母教养方式、应对方式与学业成绩的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章采用父母教养方式量表和中学生应对方式量表对300名中学生进行问卷调查,研究了父母教养方式对中学生应对方式形成的影响,以及父母教养方式、应对方式与学业成绩之间的关系,结果肯定了父母教养方式对应对方式形成的重要影响。  相似文献   

古希腊人在数学上取得了辉煌的成就,但也存在缺点,留给后人有待思考解决的问题还很多.  相似文献   

During the last decades numerous studies have been conducted with the aim of finding predictors of an effective school measured in terms of the average level of the students' academic achievement. Few of these studies have examined how the students' perception of their work environment at school influences their academic achievement. The present article applies theory and findings from research on the adult work environment to the daily school life of children and adolescents. The analyses are based on self-reported data from the "Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Survey" (the HBSC study), using data from countries in both Eastern and Western Europe. Data from 11, 13 and 15 year old students in Finland, Latvia, Norway and Slovakia are used. The findings suggest that the most important psychosocial school setting predictors of students' perception of their academic achievement are that they feel satisfied with school, that they feel the teachers do not expect too much of them, and that they have a good relationship with their fellow students. The findings imply that interventions which enhance the students' satisfaction with school are likely to improve their achievement as well.  相似文献   

生物检索表是生物学研究中常用的一种专业工具,通过将某一群生物依照某些稳定且易于观察和鉴别的特征进行一系列的化分,最终指向门、纲、目、科、属、种乃至亚种等分类阶元,多用于对未知分类地位的生物进行科学分类和鉴别.  相似文献   

Predictive relationships among perceived family processes, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, incremental beliefs about intelligence, confidence in intelligence, and creative problem-solving practices in mathematics and science were examined. Participants were 733 scientifically talented Korean students in fourth through twelfth grades as well as 71 individuals in fifth grade, tenth grade, and former Korean Science Olympians. Across all students, perceived positive family processes directly predicted creative problem-solving practices in mathematics and science and were indirectly predicted through enhancing confidence in intelligence and intrinsic motivation, which, in turn, predicted students' creative problem solving in mathematics and science. Confidence in intelligence was the best predictor of creative problem solving for scientifically talented fifth- and tenth-grade students but not for Olympians. Alternative interpretations, the importance of confidence in intelligence for creative problem solving in mathematics and science, and educational implications are discussed.  相似文献   

在数学认知水平评价体系中,一般化与特殊化是第四层次探究性理解水平的一个重要指标。对上海市某重点初中六至八年级的测试表明,所测试各年级的学生在一般化与特殊化策略与思维上的总体表现较低;特殊化策略及思维的运用好于一般化;低年级学生多运用特殊化的策略,一般化思维运用普遍较差,但随着年级的增加有所提高;特殊化与一般化思维的灵活运用上存在一定思维定势。  相似文献   

采用数学学习态度问卷对500名高中生进行调查。性别、父亲受教育程度、母亲受教育程度的主效应显著,性别与父母受教育程度及三者之间的交互作用均显著;多元逐步回归分析显示,性别、父亲受教育程度、母亲受教育程度、智力的想象力成绩、数学学习动机、自我效能感等6个变量对数学成绩有预测作用,可解释数学成绩45.4%的变异量。  相似文献   

高中数学由于具有复杂性和抽象性,一部分学生学习感到困难。而在教学和学习的过程中运用类比思维,可以在一定程度上解决这一问题。并且还可以培养学生对数学的学习兴趣,达到提高数学成绩,提高教学效率的目的。因此,教师要分析类比思维,在教学中应用类比思维,激发学生兴趣,提高学生学习能力。  相似文献   

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