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于铁军 《教学与研究》2005,36(11):51-55
近年来,中国国际关系研究中所存在的种种问题,如理论与现实脱节、理论创新缺失、方法论滞后、学术规范和学术批评薄弱等引起学界的积极关注与反思。作者指出,加强自身研究中的“问题意识”是一条连接国际关系的理论与实践、探索理论创新的有效途径;应充分发挥我国重视历史的优良传统,努力促进理论与历史之间的对话;推动方法论的建设,既需要补充定量研究方法的知识,也需要提高定性研究的品质;同时,要重视学术体制和学术规范的建设,开展健康的学术批评。  相似文献   

作为社会大文化的重要组成部分———科学文化,具有四种形态即科学知识形态、科学思想形态、科学方法形态、科学精神形态,当它们向社会系统转化后,起到了推动人类社会物质和精神文明进步的双重作用,而且这种双重作用越来越显突出,充分说明了科学文化的先进性。本文对此进行了较全面的论述。  相似文献   

加强高校技能型社团建设 推进大学生创业教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,社会对创业型人才的需求日益突出,开展创业教育,培养大学生具有开拓能力和创新精神,成为当前高校的一项紧要任务;高校技能型学生社团在提升学生的专业技能,培养创新创业能力上具有不可替代的作用;我们应采取有效措施,加大工作力度,把技能型学生社团建设成为开展创业教育,培养学生创业能力的重要阵地。  相似文献   

Antisocial behavior clearly has its roots in childhood. DSM-IV now recognizes that antisocial behavior follows at least two main developmental routes—a childhood-onset and a post-pubertal adolescent-onset—that vary in etiology, natural course, compounding features, prognosis, and treatment needs. Neuropsychological deficits and family adversity predispose the early starters to a life of antisocial behavior. Aggressive antisocial behavior crystallizes around age 8. Importantly, the adolescent-limited delinquents are free from psychopathology. Findings about developmental pathways and individual factors affecting the development of conduct disorder are presented. Both stability and change characterize the cause of conduct disorder. Conclusions and implications are noted. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

当今日中国一步步走向全球,再审视与当时两个超级大国同台共舞的点滴,显然在那段精彩演绎背后透露出的战略逻辑十分值得我们研究。以往对两国关系的研究多注重当前国际形势的分析及未来走向预测,较少涉及以历史的视角审视国家行为的根源。而本文从结构现实主义理论框架着手,通过对战略大三角的过程模式分析解读这一重大历史进程,并借助史实对战略大三角的形成,发展以及淡化来分析新现实主义在这一过程中的作用,不仅有助于我们正确地看待冷战以来虽饱经风雨却不断发展的两国关系,而且就未来进一步加深理解、拓宽合作以及提升双边关系不无裨益。  相似文献   

伴随着中国城市化进程的加快,越来越多的农村剩余劳动力流入城市,由此而产生的农村留守儿童的教育问题已成为中国社会转型期的一个独特社会问题。通过调查发现,农村留守儿童在安全、学习、品行、心理等方面存在着比较突出的问题。要解决这些问题,需要家庭、学校、社会及政府各方共同努力,协调合作。  相似文献   

School lunch is one of the least critiqued aspects of compulsory schooling. As a result, there may be a tendency to think of school lunch as part of the hidden curriculum, but what and how students eat are evident and ubiquitous parts of the schooling experience. In demarcating the school lunch as an overt educational event, this article attempts to tell a story behind the centerpiece of that event: meat. We hope to add to the small yet growing body of literature in social foundations of education addressing the multiple meanings and theoretical complexities of school food, as we consider the cafeteria's potential in cultivating posthuman eating through the lens of folk phenomenology. We ask: What are the implications of a site—the school cafeteria—where eating animals is routine and normal, yet still ignored and forgotten? This question extends well beyond the cafeteria itself. Thus, our analysis seeks to make overt a phenomenological reversal that returns to the things themselves—animals (human and nonhuman) and their lives and deaths—as a way to recognize food's posthuman and folk significance. We conclude by linking our analysis to the challenges faced by educators and scholars critiquing the neoliberal school that routinely acts as a training ground for docile bodies and technocratically controlled human and nonhuman subjects. Posthuman eating as folk phenomenology is an opportunity to recover what has been lost in the neoliberal effort to (re)produce students as acquiescent consumers.  相似文献   

I. An analysis of the evolution of the idea of culture might seem to be quite an ambitious undertaking, inasmuch as it covers so many aspects — philosophical, historical, literary, and sociological. Such a study in fact requires a certain multidisciplinarity, but, as the title of this essay suggests, the pedagogical aspect will remain our main concern in this discussion. It is not possible in such a study to make an exhaustive analysis of all the nuances that have accrued to the concept of culture during the course of history. And so, our analysis is presented as an attempt to categorize the main currents of ideas delineating this concept, and hence as a certain system — perforce a simplification of a more complex reality. At the same time, during the course of our presentation we shall endeavor as much as possible to respect the chronological course of events, although, as we have said, our analysis is both historical and systematic.  相似文献   

在中学历史课教学中加强素质教育是大有可为的.通过课堂可以培养学生学会做人,学会合作,学会竞争,学会开拓进取,树立正确的人生价值观.历史课教材中有许多有益于加强素质教育的内容,历史教师要善于结合这些内容,采取有效的教学方式进行教学.  相似文献   

In this paper I try to show how intersubjectivity is a deeply taken for granted feature of our every day lifeworld in the sense that we, as cultural beings, always assume the pregiveness of other human beings as intentional agents trying to make sense in accordance with pregiven cultural communicative forms and practices, and it is these reciprocally shared assumptions that make intersubjectivity possible. The achievement of momentary situational intersubjectivity interlocutors thus presuppose the sharing of background experiences. The more sharing the less explicit needs the message be. In our cultural everyday practice we have “codes” for sharing of background premises — for what is appropriate discourse and conduct at any social occasion. Some of these codes seem more akin to musical-aesthetical and emotional, rather than logical, metaphors; as indicated by expressions like “finding the right voice, finding the key, feeling right”. Confirmation of identity and group inclusion/exclusion is also part of that. Other codes are more related to situational definitions and projects, which are particularly relevant in an educational context. In any context, an interpretive approach seems necessary in order to uncover the rationality behind collision of codes or non-successful attempts at achieving intersubjectivity — that can easily be mistaken for deficient competence. In its more radical form the intesubjectivity approach assumes that the early interaction between caregiver and child is functioning as a self-organizing preadapted dialogical system that is biologically based. The child is searching for his “virtual other” in the caregiver and so is the caregiver in the child.  相似文献   

改革开放后,我国的基本经济制度由计划经济体制下单一的公有制转变为以公有制为基础,多种所有制经济共同发展。经济领域发生的巨大变革也使我国社会阶级、阶层状况发生了显著变化,这一变化总体上看是与我国社会主义建设相适应的,但也存在着很多问题。对此我们必须坚持以历史唯物主义的方法和以维护社会的安定和谐、发展繁荣为出发点来认识和分析社会阶层的这些新变化,并采取有效措施解决存在的问题。  相似文献   

当前,采取有效措施,提高学生素质,提高学生在人才市场上的竞争力,已成为各高职院校面临的重要课题。我们认为应从加强专业建设着手,加强师资队伍建设,深化教学改革,强化“双证制”建设,加强就业指导,千方百计提高学生的就业率。  相似文献   

The Egyptian Christian (Coptic) minority’s marginalization in politics and the Egyptian public sphere has been well investigated by several scholars. However, while many scholars and activists continue to call for the inclusion of the Coptic era in Egyptian history curricula, only very few studies have actually analyzed how that historical era—and Copts in general—are presented in these curricula. Thus, I conduct a textual analysis of Egyptian history textbooks from 1890 until 2017. I find that, with few exceptions—contrary to widely circulated speculations—Coptic history has consistently been included, but allocated a disproportionately smaller space vis-à-vis other eras. The analysis also illustrates how Copts are constructed as a largely persecuted and victimized people, with few contributions—implying a narrative arc of decline. Thus, to render Egyptian history curricula more culturally relevant and inclusive, curricular reform efforts need to be reframed to more strategically focus on questions such as how the Copts, and the significance and continuity of their contributions throughout Egyptian history, are portrayed. This study also seeks to offer an integrated framework for analyzing the representation of minorities in textbooks globally.  相似文献   

乍一看,地球工程学似乎是极其无用的科学之一。对于全球变暖问题,一定有比技术性改变地球大气层、云层构造甚至是外太空更加容易的解决办法。但是对比了其他方式—例如改变上亿人的行为习惯及上千企业的工作方式,以大量减少地球表面的二氧化碳总量,何况还有行动缓慢的政府部门— 一些科学家开始更加认真地考虑看上去出乎人们想象的计划。本文列举了应急性临时改变地球的五大计划背后的机械原理。  相似文献   

Researchers widely agree that learning history should involve more than learning historical facts and should include competencies of historical thinking. Various models of historical thinking view students' competency to take historical perspectives as a standard in history education. In this study we introduce a standardized measure for historical perspective taking (HPT) consisting of a short scenario set in the German Weimar Republic. We assessed students' HPT by using rating scales; our data were obtained in grammar schools from 170 German 10th graders. Latent class analyses identified three types of students with similar profiles of HPT. One was present-oriented and two showed more or less contextualized historical thinking. Students' history grades were connected to their HPT competency. We discuss limitations of the study and argue for further research on measures assessing students' historical thinking.  相似文献   

现实中的经济全球化是资本的跨国流动和政府与社会向这种流动的被动让步所构成。大量国际资本的进入,对我国经济发展既有正面影响。又有负面影响。我国既要利用经济全球化所带来促进经济发展的历史机遇,又不能盲目跟随所谓“国际分工的规律”,而要采取一切可能的手段,趋利避害,强化自身。  相似文献   

Recent research has stressed the integral part played by teachers in both preliminary diagnosis and ongoing treatment of a range of conduct and personality disorders. Teachers are not only required to be aware of a variety of new categories of difference (attention deficit disorder, selective mutism, borderline personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, to name but a few), but are also now lauded for extending the role of education into new areas of social management. This paper will take issue with this understanding on two counts: first, teachers have always sought to mould the personalities of students, and the pathologisation of specific forms of conduct is simply a new tactic within a very old and familiar strategy. Second, schools do not simply discover disorders such as ADD as objective facts of nature. Rather, they are part of the process through which such differences are created, and by which individuals can be more effectively governed.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, there has been an enormous increase in the number of studies evaluating the overlap of developmental syndromes or disorders in both children and adults. This overlap of symptoms is often referred to as comorbidity, a term we criticize in this article because of its unsubstantiated presumption of independent etiologies. The premise of this article is that discrete categories do not exist in real life, and that it is misleading to refer to overlapping categories or symptoms as "comorbidities." We illustrate our point by presenting data from 179 school-age children evaluated with rigorous research criteria for seven disorders: reading disability (RD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), developmental coordination disorder (DCD), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder (CD), depression, and anxiety. Fully 50% of this sample met the criteria for at least two diagnoses. The children with ADHD were at higher risk of having at least a second disorder compared to the children with RD. Overall, the high rates of overlap of these behavioral, emotional, and educational deficits in this broadly ascertained sample support the idea that the concept of comorbidity is inadequate. We discuss the concept of atypical brain development as an explanatory idea to interpret the high rate of overlap of developmental disorders.  相似文献   


Native women and girls suffer sexual violence at the highest rate of any demographic in the United States—primarily perpetrated by non-Native assailants. In this essay, we explore how dominant Euro-American discourses regarding trauma, sexual violence, and indigenous peoples complicate this epidemic. These discourses individualize trauma, assign it an unrealistic linear timeline that presupposes a stable subject position, and ignore the experiences of women of color. Such rhetoric renders Native bodies as disposable and disguises structural oppression by blaming women for the sexual violence committed against them. Ultimately, we argue that rhetoric of survivance, which combines survival, endurance, and resistance to assert Native presence over historical absence and perceived oblivion, creates a space in which communities disproportionately affected by violence can simultaneously practice collective coping methods while also challenging dominant discourses. To advance this argument we conduct a rhetorical analysis of the illustrated handbook, What to Do When You’re Raped: An ABC Handbook for Native Girls, which was produced by a Native American women’s organization to address sexual violence. We explore how four central characteristics of survivance—infinitive temporality, storytelling, collective agency, and structural critique—assert Native presence and make visible the problem of sexual violence against Native women.  相似文献   

由人类不同程度的生育障碍催生的代孕,自其产生之初便备受争议。正是由于代孕的出现对社会道德和法律政策产生巨大的冲击,我国才对其实行全面禁止。然而,现实中的代孕却仍然大量存在。因此,立法应以一种务实的态度来面对,与其简单禁止不如审慎规范,对代孕进行全面而正确的认识,区分不同类型的代孕,对具有积极作用的完全代孕实行有条件的合法化。  相似文献   

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