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In this paper four scenarios are presented which illustrate possible futures of teacher education in Europe. These scenarios are the result of a project of Research and Development Centre 19 of the Association for Teacher Education in Europe. 1 The four scenarios differ from each other in their emphasis on four driving forces: pragmatism, idealism, individualism and social coherence. Each scenario is described in terms of characteristics of society, education and teacher education, roles of teachers and teacher educators, and is illustrated in a short scene.  相似文献   

市场经济和理性主义在给经济社会带来生机和活力的同时,也造成了实用主义、个人主义、形式主义、功利主义的流行,理想主义、忧患意识、实践中批判思维的缺失。这就对现代化建设中党的建设提出了挑战。建设学习型党组织就是要坚持马克思主义信仰,形成坚持不懈的求知精神,超越功利主义的束缚;形成忧患意识,不断学习新知识,提高执政能力;树立正确的实践观,在实践中学习,在改造客观世界的过程中不断地改造主观世界。  相似文献   

In the preceding papers the scenario model of ATEE-RDC19 is used as a reflecting instrument on trends and development in teacher education in different European countries. In this short contribution, a reflection on those papers is made to see whether common trends arise. In this rough picture, it is possible to see that in all analysed countries there is a tendency towards a more pragmatic and individualistic approach in society, influencing teacher education. But these two trends (toward pragmatism and towards idealism) are not in all case studies strongly connected. However, bearing in mind some critical comments on the scenario model, strong and definitive conclusions are to be avoided.  相似文献   

In this article I argue that the subject‐object distinction, operative in Continental Europe during the late‐1700s and early‐1800s, led to the religion‐secular distinction in higher education in the United States.

Many scholars believe the origins of the shifting nature of the religion‐secular distinction resided with some form of influence that students from the United States encountered while they pursued advanced academic work in Germany. These scholars studied this influence at an institutional or organizational level. An intellectual approach to history would assess the metaphysical currents of idealism that proved to be the primary influence that students from the United States encountered during their time in Germany. While idealism would never fully take hold in the United States, it gave shape and direction to the emerging movement of pragmatism. As a result, the separation of subject and object, under the guise of pragmatism, is reified in the religion‐secular distinction in the academy in the United States. Once religion becomes the object of a subject, the subject's sense of self‐dependence forces the religion‐secular distinction. However, the religion‐secular distinction proves to be a transitory relationship.

Inevitably, the underlying issue proves to be that only the secular can serve as the sustainable object of its subject.  相似文献   

哈耶克对个人主义的理解,奠定了其自由主义社会政治理论的基础,而他的个人主义有其独特这处,主要建立在“无知观”的基础之上,奉行的是他所谓的进化理性主义,或者说是波普所说的批判理性主义,这是理解哈耶克的钥匙,本文着重讨论了哈耶克的个人主义理论及他对唯理论个人主义的批驳,并分析了他对理性的理解与批判,试图从认识论的层面上对哈耶克的理论有所把握。  相似文献   

小学全科教师,指的是在小学教育阶段,能够根据学生兴趣和社会需要,通过主题化课程开发和整合化课程实施,对学生进行个性化教育的教师。与分科教师的知识传授者角色不同,小学全科教师是个性化教育的实施者、整合化课程的开发者和活动化课程的引导者。从本质上看,免费定向农村小学全科教师培养,符合小学包班授课的国际趋势;适应了农村自然小班化的现状;是增强师资地方适应性的需要。  相似文献   

德国中小学的汉语教学无论规模还是质量在欧洲大陆堪称领先,但其取得的成绩和面临的困境并不为中国有关领域所熟悉。本文对德国中小学汉语教学的历史与现状、组织机构与教学大纲建设、师资与师资培养等方面进行了述评。作者认为,对德汉语教材编写要以口语交际为中心,以文化内容为核心;对德中小学汉语教师培训要有针对性;最好为汉语国际教育硕士开设德语课,以便学生有更多的选择。  相似文献   

在教师的“个人主义”文化与合作文化之间保持张力   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
理性地看待教师的"个人主义",客观地审视教师合作制度,在教师的"个人主义"与教师合作之间保持适当的张力,才能消除人们对于个人主义教师文化所持的狭隘认识,也有利于教师合作制度的变革,而且对最终实现教师的专业成长也大有裨益。  相似文献   

博洛尼亚进程后,德国职教师资培养制度发生了重大变化,将连续的大学教育变革为学士-硕士两个阶段,从而实现了教师教育专业与其他专业之间的灵活转换。但同时,这一改革还保留了德国职教师资培养的一些传统,如对资格的严格要求,从而保证职教师资成为一个专业化的职业。  相似文献   

How individual characteristics affect the acquisition of knowledge in teacher education has been widely unexplored thus far. The “Teacher Education and Development Study—Learning to Teach Mathematics (TEDS-M)” provides a database for examining this research question across countries. Based on the Taiwanese and German sample of TEDS-M, the relationship between future lower secondary mathematics teachers’ knowledge and their affective, cognitive and socio-demographic characteristics was examined using multilevel modelling whilst controlling for the teachers’ opportunities to learn. The results reveal that in Germany, teacher knowledge is more strongly affected by future teachers’ individual characteristics than teacher knowledge in Taiwan. These results are interpreted against the background of cultural differences between “the West” and “the East” or “individualism” and “collectivism”, respectively.  相似文献   

近些年,以新制度学派为代表的新自由主义经济学在我国日渐流行,一些人甚至认为中国的改革进程就是在这一经济学的指导下进行的。新自由主义经济学的方法论是个人主义方法论,这一方法论的历史观本质上属于唯心史观,因此,将其运用于中国制度变迁的分析有很大的局限性。  相似文献   

文化多样性下的中美课堂学习方式差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对比中关课堂学习方式差异的五个方面,认为造成学习方式差异主要是由于个人主义与集体主义、儒家思想、实用主义等文化多样性的影响。  相似文献   

作为德意志文化传统之一的实用主义具有鲜明的双重性.由于中世纪以来各邦诸侯坚守的实用主义,使德意志的统一被人为地延迟了相当长的时期;因为普鲁士历任统治者信奉的实用主义,使其成就了自身的强大和国家的统一;也正是联邦德国推行的实用主义带来了二战后经济的复兴和国家的重新统一.  相似文献   

This paper applies the work of Jacques Lacan, a French psychoanalyst, to decipher the desire of the teacher in Aboriginal education. It argues that the images of Aboriginal people represented in Australian classrooms are effects of the teacher's Imaginary, the Imaginary being one of the three psychoanalytic domains theorised by Lacan over a period of 30 years of teaching. The author questions whether it is possible for teacher education courses to move the student teacher beyond the Imaginary, and beyond the inventions of Aboriginal people that he or she has produced in his or her own mind. A possible way out of this endless cycle of romantic idealism and deficiency is proposed outside the usual approaches to cultural awareness training and professional development.  相似文献   

德国的职业教育非常发达 ,有完善的职业教育体系、严格的师资培训制度、配套的职业教育法规 ,更有其经济腾飞的“秘密武器”———双元制职业教育模式。德国的职业教育堪称“欧洲师表” ,在世界上享有盛誉 ,是当代世界一个有代表性的“样品” ,其经验对于我国职业教育的发展有很大的启示  相似文献   

刻板地将个人主义教师文化曲解为消极文化并对其大加挞伐是错误的.个人主义文化其实是一种内涵丰富、成因复杂、利弊共存的教师文化形式.在变革教师文化的过程中,我们需要在全面中肯地认识个人主义教师文化的内涵、成因和利弊的基础上对其进行合理取舍.  相似文献   

This research looks at class management in senior high schools during tutor supervised teaching practice in and around the west Norwegian port city of Stavanger. The main focus is on the management of pupil behaviour, but some attention is also given to the management of pupil learning. It is recognised, of course, that the two overlap.

The study provides tentative evidence ‐no grand claims are made ‐ that Norwegian pre‐certified teachers (this term is explained below) value a class management style which is consultative rather than authoritarian. The preferred model is ‘indulgent persuader’ rather than ‘sergeant major’.

Campus, ministry and chalkface cultures seem to support non‐combative styles of class management, which suggests that the idealism of the tutor and civil servant is not pitted against the pragmatism of the pre‐certified teacher.

When'I' is used in the article, it refers to Paul Stephens, who implemented and conducted the empirical research. Otherwise, the content reflects the joint thoughts of both writers. To avoid literary tedium, the terms ‘pre‐certified teacher’ and ‘teacher’ are sometimes used interchangeably. The context makes it clear whether ‘teacher’ refers to pre‐certified or qualified persons.

Citations from Norwegian sources (except for one published in English) have been translated from Norwegian to English. So too have replies to a questionnaire which was used in the study.  相似文献   

论个人主义教师文化及其变革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刻板地将个人主义教师文化曲解为消极文化并对其大加挞伐是错误的。个人主义文化其实是一种内涵丰富、成因复杂、利弊共存的教师文化形式。在变革教师文化的过程中,我们需要在全面中肯地认识个人主义教师文化的内涵、成因和利弊的基础上对其进行合理取舍。  相似文献   

德国职业教育对我国职业教育发展的启示   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
德国之所以成为世界经济强国是与它职业教育的良好发展密不可分的。从其职业教育的基本制度——双轨制到其职业教育的管理,从其完备的职业教育立法、完善的职业教师培训制度到重视学生实践的能力,这些都是德国职业教育的成功经验。从这些经验当中可以找到适合于我国职业教育发展的东西。  相似文献   

文章从历史与现实相结合的角度,重新探索了杜威实用主义哲学蕴含的民主和科学精神,阐释了杜威自由主义与个人主义存在的内在合理性,以及杜威对历史与现实的超越。这对重新认识西方哲学有一定的启示。  相似文献   

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