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French and Dutch differ regarding the manifestations and lexical functions of the stress pattern of words. The present study examined group differences in stress processing abilities between French‐native and Dutch‐native listeners, thus extending previous cross‐linguistic comparisons involving Spanish‐native and French‐native adults. The results show that Dutch‐native first‐graders significantly outperformed French monolinguals, and that French‐native listeners schooled in Dutch produced intermediary performances, suggesting that stress‐processing abilities are a learnable set of skills. The present study also examined the contribution of stress processing abilities to reading development in Dutch, a stress‐based language, compared to that in French, a syllable‐based language. Although the expected correlation between stress processing abilities and reading was not observed in the Dutch monolinguals, such correlation was observed in the French‐native bilinguals schooled in Dutch and not in the Dutch‐native bilinguals schooled in French. This suggests that stress processing abilities influence reading development in a second, stress‐based, language. Moreover, the monolinguals and bilinguals schooled in Dutch showed significant associations between lexical development and stress processing abilities. Ways in which prosody might be involved in lexical and reading development are explored and discussed.  相似文献   

河北省坝上地区本是一片优质牧场 ,由于气候干旱、人口增长以及人类对土地的不合理开发利用等原因 ,导致该地区生态环境恶化 :土壤沙化、土壤肥力减退及草场退化等 ,制约着经济的可持续发展。因此 ,必须采取措施控制生态环境进一步恶化  相似文献   

室内居住环境是人接触最频繁的空间环境,人在室内的一切活动会受到诸多因素的影响,这些因素综合造成的室内空间形象会给人留下多种特殊的印象,从而影响到人的生理感受和心理状态。在思考设计居住空间环境的过程中,室内绿色环境是人们最喜爱和接受的,绿色背景墙的应用,绿色植物的摆放,绿色装饰品的选择…绿色空间作为共享空间,被越来越多的设计师所追捧,绿色空间的设计使室内居住环境设计进入一个新的境界。  相似文献   

化学实验在素质教育中非常重要,本文就化学实验在培养学生的观察能力、思维能力、实验能力、创造能力方面谈一些看法。  相似文献   

文章首先针对家庭教育在青少年品德发展过程中的作用进行了一次调查,调查结果显示:尽管学龄儿童的交际圈、生长环境已经由家庭转移到了学校,但是青少年儿童的道德水平在一定程度上还是受到家庭的制约的。随后,文章针对测试结果进行了相应的分析。结果显示:家庭环境各分量表如家庭气氛、父母的要求、父母的榜样作用等都对青少年儿童的道德想、集体意识、行为举止、扶助需要、亲和需要等均有影响。  相似文献   

长期以来,人们一直把中国古代明称为黄河明。然而,20世纪80年代以来的考古发现表明,中国南方的古代明比黄河明毫不逊色。本通过黄河明与古代南方明的形成发展条件的分析,认为,南方优越的水热条件和相对封闭的自然环境是造成古代南方明消失的根源所在。在这样的条件下形成的古代南方明,虽然比较发达,却十分脆弱。在强大的黄河明南侵的压力下,这种脆弱的古代南方明被摧毁,无声无息地消失在中华明的历史长河之中。  相似文献   

英语语境与交际能力的培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
语言通过生活环境建构自己,生活环境又为语言提供了表达功能的场所,因此“以言行事”与“生活环境”密不可分。外语教育面临的最大问题也正是这种言语活动所依赖的语境的缺失。在外语具有“可学性”(learnability)前提下,必须创建用语言来执行交际功能的言行环境。语境选择要与学生生活相统一,在“情”与“境”的合力下,让学生的想象力、直觉、创造精神和交际能力得到良好的发展。  相似文献   

自然环境是人类赖以生存的物质基础。人类社会的发展在一定程度上受自然地理环境的制约,同时气候条件也会对社会的发展产生较大影响。自然环境对人类文化形成与发展的制约作用,时代愈早表现得愈明显。河洛与海岱地区古文化的形成与发展、以及不同考古学文化生产和生活方式的异同,与自然环境有着密切的关系。人类只有适应自然,辩证地处理好与自然的关系,按自然规律办事,才能够去改造自然,并在一定程度上战胜自然,从而使人类文化持续地向前发展。  相似文献   

This paper discusses children's development of writing abilities and suggests ways in which children can be helped to develop their writing abilities by exploring the patterns, constraints and possibilities of language and by developing an awareness of the processes of written composition. The paper describes Boxes, a program to explore patterns in language and reports a small study of the program in use with children aged 9 to 10.  相似文献   

本文通过对中师化学教学特点的研究,总结出了一套切实可行的教学方法,通过实践,取得了良好成效。  相似文献   

At the time of its introduction at the end of the 1980s, the concept of natural capital represented new, more ecologically aware thinking in economics. As a symbol of novel thinking, the metaphor of natural capital stimulated a debate between different disciplinary traditions on the definitions of the concept and research priorities and methods. The concept became a means to control the discourse of sustainable development. In this paper, I focus on the power/knowledge implications of the use of the concept, and I follow the career of the concept of natural capital in ecological economic publications between the years 1988 and 2000. The main interests are: (1) in the use of the concept to affect the rules according to which claims concerning sustainable development can be made and (2) in the constitution of objects of environmental knowledge.  相似文献   

Culturally disadvantaged children appear to do less well in analyzing categorical relationships than middle class children.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代,建筑师们提出了“生态建筑”的概念,“生态建筑”也叫“绿色建筑”.自古以来世界各地的乡土民居都很讲究在自然中的位置,人们选择适宜的风土、水文、地理气候条件,因地制宜、就地取材.在大兴城市建筑后,人们曾忽视了生态问题,因此出现了许多危害人类生存的现象.现在,人们重新认识了生态的重要性,要处理好人、建筑和自然三者关系,使建筑既要为人创造一个舒适的小环境(居住环境),同时又要保护好周围的大环境(自然环境).  相似文献   

Many countries include mental calculation within their curriculum, as the literature shows benefits related to it. However, evidence mainly focuses on the effects of teaching mental calculation on computational fluency. Therefore, the authors aimed to assess the effects of teaching mental calculation on double-digit computation, number line estimation, and computational fluency. Fifty second-grade students from a Uruguayan private school were randomly assigned to a control or treatment condition (n?=?25 each). The treatment group participated in 15 sessions of mental calculation intervention, while the control group received “teaching as usual.” Assessment took place before and after the intervention. The authors found no significant impact of the treatment on the mathematical outcome variables. The results are explained in the context of the available literature and the methodological decisions taken. From a perspective of evidence-based teaching practices, the present study contributes to a better understanding of effective instructional principles.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to extend previous studies on the influence of environmental measures on intelligence scores by examining how proximal and distal measures of children's environments in the preschool period and in the primary-grade period are related to their performance on reading achievement tests. Reading performance was explored using two approaches. The first approach involved the identification of children within a longitudinal sample who had poor reading skills at 8 years of age. The second approach used the full range of reading scores to explore whether factors influencing poor reading were different from those influencing good reading. Participants were 113 children, including 35 children with poor reading skills, who were part of a longitudinal study of cognitive development. Socioeconomic status (SES), Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (HOME) scores at 3 and 10 years of age, and school-administered and individually administered reading achievement scores were obtained. Both SES and HOME scores were found to be related to reading abilities, but preschool environment measures were more strongly and consistently related to and predictive of reading scores. Differences in the patterns of correlations and the results of the predictive models were found between the full sample and the poor readers. Variables other than proximal and distal measures of the environment are involved in the development of reading skills.  相似文献   

本文从内分泌调节的几个重要概念入手,对典型激素的相关功能做了概括与梳理,尤其是对几种特殊激素和下丘脑垂体门脉系统进行了诠释.  相似文献   

“探究光对鼠妇生活的影响”是人教版初一《生物学》教材中的第一个探究实验,教材安排这一活动的主要目的是帮助学生学习科学探究的步骤,培养科学探究能力,同时认识环境中非生物因素对生物的影响。以鼠妇为探究对象,并在教学中要求学生亲自捕捉鼠妇,有利于培养学生关注身边生物的意识,从而培养学生从实践中发现问题的能力。  相似文献   

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