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Although school reform has captured the attention of this country, considerable controversy exists regarding the feasibility of reform, appropriate strategies for implementing reforms, and the adequacy of preparation of school professionals who will work in reformed schools. We propose that collaboration is the theme which unites the various dimensions of school reform and that the potential of school reform success can be analyzed by examining the extent to which the conditions needed for collaboration can be created in schools. We apply this notion to three key reform issues: (a) professionalism; (b) empowerment; and (c) restructured schools, specifically as recommended in special education. We conclude that educators should more carefully deliberate the conditions required for collaboration, should more directly address the preparation of school personnel for collaborative activities, and should call for realistically matching expectations for reform with implementation opportunities and constraints.  相似文献   

The peer nomination technique was investigated as a predictor of academic success among members of a college freshman class. The technique provided scores which were reliable and which were valid against a grade point ratio criterion. The peer nomination scores were shown to tap variance independent of SAT scores and, therefore, their applicability was suggested in academic counseling as a predictor which can be used to identify students who may face academic difficulties.  相似文献   


This study was initiated to help determine if there was an associated probability between a student’s age relative to persistence and retention leading to the completion of a Technical Certificate at the community college level. The research model used in this study is based on a quantitative binary logistic regression model, whereby the dependent variable was completion versus non-completion of a Technical Certificate program. The study’s findings showed that there were statistically significant relationships between the various student’s age groups and completion of a Technical Certificate program. The baseline age group for this study was traditional age students as defined by those students who were between 16 and 21 years old. The age groups of 22 to 27, 28 to 34, 35 to 39, and students over the age of 39 were compared to the baseline group to determine if there was statistical significance between the graduation rates accordingly.  相似文献   

远程教育中交互影响距离理论的扩展应用与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"交互影响距离理论"提供了一个广泛的远程教育教学框架,并允许其它理论的融入,是现代远程教育的核心理论之一.本文通过对国内外与交互影响距离理论相关文献的研究,分析了交互影响距离理论的理论框架及其远程教育系统模式和交互影响距离理论与其它远程教育理论的发展与协同,并探讨了基于交互影响距离理论框架的远程教育系统模式的扩展应用.研究显示,理论的探究是一个领域实践发展极具活力的关键,而理论的协同与创新是理论发展的一种途径,有利于理论走向完善.交互影响距离理论基于协同与创新的扩展应用可影响到远程教育供应链的各个环节,并指导远程教育实践的发展.本研究的目的在于试图呈现一条远程教育理论发展创新的途径.  相似文献   

远程教育学的元研究和学科建设   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
采用元研究方法,不但能回答、解决国外学者对远程教育的理论体系不足提出的问题,而且能深层次分析学科存在问题以及学科发展机制;元研究的逻辑和范畴构建方法是分析、解决远程教育理论体系存在问题的有效途径,通过确认远程教育逻辑起点、核心范畴、范畴体系、部门范畴群以及运用范畴纽结、生成、转化、辐射、统摄等功能将获得真正的学科理论结构.在此基础上,远程教育学学科的内部结构形成.  相似文献   

The Flexible Learning Environment eXperiment (FLEX) distance education project focuses on circus, fairground and bargee children. FLEX challenges the absence of face-to-face immediate feedback in learning. This article discusses the approach to embed didactical functions in the FLEX learning environment to meet constructivist didactical goals. FLEX is designed as a generic learning environment, suitable for different target groups. The article aims at an elucidation of constraints on a generic design due to the transition from design to development and actual implementation of a learning environment. Time pressures and technological constraints typically threaten didactical functions and, thus, innovation. As an example, the FLEX database is discussed. Shared values, ideas and key notions in a multidisciplinary context, and the follow-up of teacher training, are found to affect the actual implementation process. User training has to focus simultaneously upon how technology is used and why and when it is applied. FLEX moreover confirmed the relative robustness of innovative learning environments and the need for resources to back up unforeseen events. Finally, a summary of the article values strong pedagogical underpinnings, the actual use of the learning environment, and the interaction of the learner and the environment. L’Encadrement de l’Innovation Conceptuelle dans les Entreprises d’Education à Distance: Bouchons et

Facteurs de succès critiques. Le projet d'éducation à distance ayant recours à l'expérience de la flexibilité de l'environnement (FLEX) est concentrée sur les enfants du cirque, des foires et des péniches. Flex défie l'absence de feedback immédiat dans l'enseignement. Cet article discute de l'approche pour ancrer des fonctions didactiques dans l'environnement du Flex pour atteindre des buts didactiques constructifs. Flex est concu comme un environnement didactique générique convenant à des publics cibles différents. L'article cherche à élucider les contraintes s'excusant lors de l'élaboration d'un plan générique dues à la transition entre la planification et la mise en m uvre d'un environnement éducatif. La pression du temps et les contraintes technologiques et par la même innovation. A titre d'exemple on discute de la base de données Flex. Les valeurs partagées, les idées et les notions clé dans contexte multidisciplinaire paraissent affecter le processus de mise en m uvre. La formation de l'usager doit être contrée simultanément sur la facon dont la technologie est utilisée et pourquoi et quand il y est fait appel. De plus Flex a confirmé la robustesse relative d'environnements éducatifs innovants et le besoin pour les ressources éducatives de faire face à environnements imprévus. Finalement, un résumé de l'article met en valeur de forts étais pédagogiques, l'usage réel de l'environnement éducatif et l'interaction entre l'apprenant et l'environnement. Einbettung konzeptueller Innovation für den Fernunterricht: Engpässe und kritische Faktoren für den Erfolg. Das Flexible Learning Environment eXperiment (FLEX) des Fernunterricht-Projekts zielt auf Zirkus-, Ausstellerkinder und Kinder, die z.B. auf Frachtschiffen leben, ab. FLEX befasst sich mit dem Wegfall der bei Direktunterricht möglichen unmittelbaren Rückmeldungen beim Lernen. Dieser Artikel beschreibt den Versuch, didaktische Funktionen in die Lernumgebung einzubetten, um so konstruktivistische didaktische Ziele zu erreichen. FLEX wurde als generische Lernumgebung konzipiert, die bei unterschiedlichen Zielgruppen angewendet werden kann. Der Artikel möchte die Grenzen eines generischen Konzepts, die sich aus der Entwicklung vom Entwurf bis zu Fertigstellung und der eigentlichen Anwendung des “learning environments" ergeben, aufzeigen. Zeitdruck und technische Begrenzungen erschweren i.A. didaktische Möglichkeiten und somit Innovation. Als Beispiel dient die FLEX Datenbank. Gleiche Werte, Ideen und Schlüsselfunktionen innerhalb eines multidisziplinären Kontexts und die begleitende Lehrerfortbildung beeinflussen den Anwendungsprozess. Benutzertraining muss gleichzeitig sowohl auf die technischen Möglichkeiten als auch auf den Anwendungsmodus abzielen. FLEX hat die relative Robustheit einer innovativen Lernumgebung und die notwendige Unterstützung durch andere Mittel bei unvorhergesehenen Schwierigkeiten unterstrichen. Der Artikel folgert, dass ein starkes pädagogisches Fundament für die interaktive Nutzung der Lernumgebung und ihres Umfelds unerlässlich sind.  相似文献   


The notion of ‘openness’ in terms like open distance learning (ODL) is sometimes rather carelessly used, for example in the work-integrated learning (WIL) of distance learners (such as the teaching practice of UNISA's education students, where schools and UNISA form a partnership). We indicate that there is very little ‘openness’ in this type of learning, and that ODL and WIL are in fact two irreconcilable concepts. Yet, when WIL is considered in relation to distance education (DE) there is no problem, because DE is a clear and generally understood concept, indicating a particular mode of education provision, within which WIL can be neatly and meaningfully accommodated. We conclude, also on the basis of empirical evidence, that WIL and DE (and not ODL) constitute the proven, established and ideal conceptual frameworks for the design and implementation of inter alia teaching practice (as WIL) in distance teacher training. In closing, we briefly reflect on the implications of our conclusion for institutional identity.  相似文献   

随着汉语在国外受到重视的程度不断增加,师资力量不足,远程教学就成为另一种常见的教学方式,老师和学生同步的教学交流,既存在着局限,又有着与传统课堂教学十分相似的部分。本文以真实课堂为例,介绍了美国远程汉语课堂的现状和教学方法。  相似文献   

Game is a double-edged sword.Though games can definitely arouse students' interests of learning and make students active and enthusiastic in EFL classroom, it is challenging for teachers to manage the games and achieve expected teaching objectives.  相似文献   

Social Presence Online: Networking Learners at a Distance   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
This paper draws on two studies which researched the use of online small group environments where collaborative learning is a central structure for learning. The establishment of social presence is facilitated through the socio-affective aspect of small group interaction which contributed to the effectiveness of learning online. Social presence, the ability of online learners to project themselves into a textual environment which has few visual or contextual cues, will be explored as an important element in facilitating effective online learning. The teacher's role in helping students project their online social presence and in establishing an environment for learning within the larger group computer conference will also be discussed.  相似文献   

There are two models of dissemination of learning within higher education, the classical and the distance learning models. More than the distance, group versus individuality discriminates between them, and groupware can mediate and unify the two models. As higher education faces new challenges, integration of technology within the organization is on the horizon of professional development of the academic community for the years to come. The groupware model has the power to mediate the technical resources available and the essence of teaching and learning, the human communication within a community of people sharing understanding and meaning. Moreover, it has the capability to restructure the working process within the educational institutions. Research and development has to be done, but the emphasis should not bear on technology itself, but on the integration of technology within the working process of the organization.  相似文献   

Little empirical research is currently available on Jewish distance learning, a nascent but growing field of practice. By way of qualitative case study methodology, this research explored the learning experience of a group of adult learners participating in a Jewish education Master's degree program that is offered by way of videoconferencing technology. A key finding was that the learning community constituted an informal learning context, fostering openness to new perspectives, appreciation of collaborative learning, and critically reflective thinking. The study sheds light on the unique cultural vestiges that enhance Jewish learners' shared spirit or desire for community, and their motivation and ability to create it in a distance learning program, as well as on what facilitates and/or hinders learning. The principle recommendation was that to enhance learning, educators in videoconferencing programs should work toward making the learning community a visible entity, and should facilitate collaborative learning opportunities for students both within and across sites.  相似文献   

This Paper presents a series of empirical studies involving approx.850 students to show how flexibility in course design should be informed by the student's culture and native language (L1), gender, and age, and explains how to decide on the most appropriate learning technology in course design by applying the Theory of Transactional Distance. Curves are presented to show how academic English reading rates online and offline are affected by the L1, gender, and age (over a wide age range 18 81 years old). To prevent inequitable culturally distinct overload, course design should be modified using hypertext. Choice of media--in particular synchronous versus asynchronous media--is decided according to the Theory of Transactional Distance. This theory is here extended from tutor to one student to multiple students in a group, and the masculinity can be modified. Briefly, at initial maximal distance (D-S-) early on, the community is fostered with synchronous media for cooperative group learning, followed by (D-S+) collaborative learning using one of two frameworks presented to ensure constructivism in asynchronous mode, then (D-S+) collaborative for Guided Didactic Conversation in asynchronous mode, and finally (D+ S-) cooperatively in synchronous mode for reflective sharing of course learning experiences. At each transactional distance, or in each mode, hypertext is purposively designed to complement the cooperative or collaborative style to provide self access support (additional analysis and reasoning to cooperative, and examples to collaborative) to provide equitable content and quality of learning across wide cultural and L1 ranges, to remove gender bias, and to accommodate variations due to student age. Thus, to promote student autonomy and lifelong learning.  相似文献   

远程学习的评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学习评估是教学过程的一个组成部分。长期以来,学习评估似乎成为了教师的“权威”的象征,然而,这种惟教师评估为尊的机制无助于充分发挥评估对远程教学的促进作用。本文提出了多元评估的设想,即学术评估包括教师评估、自我评估和同伴评估,分析了它们各自的优点和弱点,并讨论了如何针对不同形式的评估提供相应的反馈。作者认为,要使学术评估与课程教学互为促进,构建更加符合远程教育特点和规律的教学模式,就不能只注重学习评估的结果,而是要改革课程成绩评定机制,过程与结果并重。  相似文献   

在远距离教育中,教师与学生的分离差不多就是所有问题的核心。公众和教育家都一致认为,教师与学生的分离以及独立学习,是远距离教育形式的主要特征。本文介绍独立学习的特征、学习方式、评价方式和远距离学习者在学习过程中应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

The No Child Left Behind Act requires that all teachers be certified within the content areas that they teach. However, attracting and retaining highly qualified science teachers in rural school districts is particularly difficult due to limited resources and geographic and professional isolation. Science professional development programs could help improve inservice teachers’ understanding of concepts they are expected to teach, but such programs are often limited in rural areas. This study evaluates a unique distance learning, inquiry-based professional development course in physical science developed to meet the needs of central Appalachian middle school teachers. Instruction through hands-on inquiry investigations distinguishes this program from other distance learning programs. Preliminary findings from the pilot study reported in this paper reveal significant growth in 43 teachers’ content knowledge for six of nine temperature and heat concepts assessed in the course. Outcomes from the distance learning project are discussed as they relate to future research goals and implications for science professional development programs in rural regions.  相似文献   

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