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Wing-Wah Law 《Compare》2002,32(1):61-81
Recent studies on globalisation and the literature of democratisation of society and education cannot explain the complicated interplay between democratisation, localisation and the pursuit of 'national' identity in both education and the broader society of Taiwan between the late 1980s and 2000. The paper argues that these three processes are indivisible in Taiwan. They involve not only the reallocation of power between the state, society and education, but also the redefinition of the territorial and social components of Taiwanese 'national' identity in relation to the Chinese mainland. In particular, social pressure groups, teachers and parents are empowered in policymaking processes at various levels, whilst the power of school principals and education officials to respond to these pressure groups is limited. The role of the school curriculum is now reversed from suppressing to promoting ethnic cultures and identities as points of a new collective identity: 'Taiwan people' with Taiwan as their ultimate homeland.  相似文献   

In this essay Kelvin Beckett argues that Richard Peters's major work on education, Ethics and Education, belongs on a short list of important texts we can all share. He argues this not because of the place it has in the history of philosophy of education, as important as that is, but because of the contribution it can still make to the future of the discipline. The limitations of Peters's analysis of the concept of education in his chapter on “Criteria of Education” are well known. In the chapter on “Education as Initiation,” however, Peters offered a synthetic sketch of education that, Beckett argues, points us toward a more comprehensive definition of education, one which, he maintains, can be accepted by all philosophers, regardless of the tradition they work in.  相似文献   

Robert Martin 《Interchange》1994,25(1):109-112
Rosonna Tite's paper points out two important tendencies in our school system, the increase in legal regulation and the expectation that schools become multipurpose social agencies. Her analysis, while useful, is incomplete and in places wrong or misleading. There are serious deficiences in what we choose to call social problems, not noticed by Tite. And her viewing child abuse as a technical problem obscures the fact that we do not clearly characterize such abuse nor know when it occurs.  相似文献   

The article develops a proposal for learning from the differences that can be present in the milieu of postgraduate programmes that are based on a participative design. Drawing on illustrations of students' and tutors' experience of difference, the idea of 'classroom as real world' is offered as the basis of understanding differences and responses to them which could be applied in the wider, and arguably more significant, social context. The authors also explore tensions which tutors are likely to have to engage with if incorporating a pedagogy of difference into their practice. These tensions are between tendencies to conformity or fragmentation, and between participative ideals and incipient hierarchy, not least as implicated in their role.  相似文献   

This paper critically reviews historical and contemporary debates around the study of youth transitions and social change in the sociology of education and elsewhere. It argues that current accounts of recent social change of the 'post' variety tend to both over state and simplify the character of these changes. The paper suggests that it is more appropriate to think of change in terms of the reconfiguration of relationships between 'inflexibility' and 'flexibility', independence and dependency, and the public and the private. Substantively, these things can be studied through the 'intergenerational transfer' of 'assets' of various kinds within kin networks. On this basis, the paper argues for a shift away from a narrower focus upon parents that has been the basis for some recent useful and relevant work on educational decision-making in sociology of education in the UK. These issues about decision-making are related to the developing debate around Rational Action Theory and culturalist vs structural approaches. It is suggested that recent work in the areas of stratification and class formation theory would prove of value to these, and other, concerns in the sociology of education.  相似文献   


In the United States and a number of nations, one of the most powerful dynamics of educational 'reform' involves the movement toward home schooling. The national media have spoken glowingly about it and the number of children being schooled at home is growing rapidly. In large part, this is stimulated by the circulation of anti-statist discourses and by the continuation and expansion of claims about school failure. In these accounts, the sources of educational problems are multiple: teacher education institutions produce teachers who are unprepared academically and unskilled in teaching the 'basics'; state funded (public, in the US sense of the word) schools have been taken over by 'progressive' models of teaching that are unworkable; these same schools do not teach 'traditional' cultural and religious knowledge, beliefs, and values; and public schools do not listen to conservative parents and are much too bureaucratic. Supporters of home schooling are usually religious fundamentalists who have increasing power in the USA and elsewhere. They have formed a national coalition and have joined in a tense rightist hegemonic alliance with neo-liberals and neo-conservatives, an alliance that seeks to reconstruct our common-sense about education and about all things social. The article shows how the movement toward home schooling has become more extensive and more dangerous than has usually been thought. In the process, home schooling is situated within the larger conservative and authoritarian populist ideological, religious, and social movements that provide much of its impetus. Connections are suggested with other protectionist impulses and connections are made to the history of and concerns about the growth of activist government. Finally, the article points to how it may actually hurt many other students who are not home schooled.  相似文献   

The 'Protean' Spirit of Jeff Lewis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In a recent contribution to this journal, Jeff Lewis has criticised the views of both Nigel Blake and myself on spiritual education. In particular he has taken exception to my own claim that concepts of spirituality are indexed to particular religious or other traditions raising difficulties for any common programme of spiritual education. Lewis claims that my own conception of spirituality is mistakenly 'reductionist' and seeks to base a general conception of spiritual education on a more 'holistic' approach. By way of response, I argue (amongst other points): first, that Lewis does not consistently adhere to this 'holistic' conception and that his account of spiritual life is ultimately no less 'reductionist' than mine; second, that his attempt to ground a perspective-neutral conception of spiritual life in the claims of cognitive science is deeply misconceived; third, that his arguments have seriously problematic socio-political implications.  相似文献   

While teachers have a responsibility to teach in a way that is anti-discriminatory and inclusive of all students irrespective of students' gender, 'race'/ethnicity, social class, disability or sexual orientation, in this paper my focus is on 'race' and racism and the ways in which some teacher education students resist examining their own racialised assumptions. Given that 'race' is invariably constructed in terms of the 'Other', it is imperative, as Gillborn (1996, p. 165) has suggested in the British context, for whites to 'reflect critically on their own assumptions and actions as whites'. It is equally imperative in Australia for 'white' researchers and teachers who are committed to anti-racism to turn the gaze inward and to reflect on our own racialised assumptions. Within this context one of the key concerns of this paper is the extent to which teacher education students can be given the freedom to express their views and explore their value positions without however slipping over into perpetuating racist stereotypes.  相似文献   

该文考察了以往有关大学生社会责任感的研究成果,依据第一手调查资料,认为:大学生社会责任感的培养是一个系统工程,必须符合大学生心理发展的认知教育,在此基础上激发大学生面对社会责任的情感体验与行为倾向,社会和学校要为提高大学生社会责任感,养成负责任的态度提供平台。  相似文献   

In this article, Anders Öhman discusses Gert J. J. Biesta's concept of the risk of education and what it could mean for the study of literature in the classroom. The article's point of departure is Bakhtin's theory of the utterance. The utterance, for Bakhtin, has to be embodied, that is, it has to be governed by a purpose: it must be uttered by someone, or at least the reader or listener must imagine that it is uttered by someone that speaks with an intent. A grammatical sentence that is not an utterance has no author and no direction or intention; it is therefore abstract and belongs to no one. Reading on the Internet, or digital reading, often consists of short passages or text fragments for which it is difficult to identify an author. These fragments are not embodied and thus the reader does not feel addressed by the text. Although Biesta does not reckon with Bakhtin's theory, his critique of “strong education” provides an analysis that runs along similar lines. According to Biesta, the notion of strong education and what he calls the “language of learning” regard knowledge as free of values thus rendering it abstract. In bringing together Bakhtin's and Biesta's analyses, Öhman concludes that in order for knowledge to elicit valuation, it must first become embodied; this process, in turn, is important to creating the conditions necessary for a dialogue to occur between the content of teaching and the students.  相似文献   

The keyword in the Nordic tradition for adult education is 'people' (folk). But the term 'people' is used in three different ways: people as a political category, a cultural category and a social category. Therefore, the term 'people's enlightenment' ( folkeoplysning ) has been defined as different ways to create empowered citizens, to provide enlightenment on the people's culture, and to educate the underenlightened and marginalised. What kind of adult education is required in the current situation? Is a political, cultural or social interpretation of the term most needed? This question is discussed in light of the European integration process. ' Folkeoplysning ' is not, by definition, based on a specific interpretation of the concept 'people'. On the contrary, the concept constitutes a battlefield on which different interests attempt to leave their own imprint.  相似文献   

Towards Understanding of Social Capital and Citizenship Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Social capital is often seen as an indicator of the effectiveness of a society. Societies that are healthy and functioning are also well stocked with social capital. However, social capital is not necessarily 'good'. In the disturbingly troubled times facing western democracies since 2001 the concept of social capital appears all the more relevant. Societies which are significantly divided, it may be argued, demonstrate less trust, civic engagement, positive networking and mutual cooperation among members. In turn this can negatively affect the quality of life of members. This argument is examined from the perspective of school programmes of citizenship education in democratic and newly democratic states. What constitutes divided societies is discussed in other articles within this issue, but the emphasis is upon severe divisions, invariably involving violence. Some of the comments in this paper are speculative and potentially contentious. Nevertheless it is important to raise these issues at this time, particularly for the benefit of emergent and newly formed democracies who may see education and social capital formation as the panacea for their future. We suggest there are many 'lessons' for divided societies wishing to enhance their social capital, including an increase in student years of schooling, designing citizenship education based on inclusive democratic citizenship, and engaging students in active participation to build trust, cooperation and networking skills.  相似文献   

Environmental catastrophes can be avoided and sustainable development can be achieved only if starting from early childhood people are educated to appreciate environmental values, to understand environmental processes, to recognize environmental risks, and to adopt environmentally conscious attitudes, as consumers, as professionals, and as citizens. The development of environmental education in Hungary over the last twenty years has been characterized by the extension of environmental education to an increasing number of university faculties and colleges. A great variety of postgraduate courses in environmental studies have been established. Environmental blocks and special environmental subjects have been integrated into general curricula. The experience gained in postgraduate courses has been applied to undergraduate courses. The principle being followed is that environmental education should be a part of all suitable disciplines at all levels, including the disciplines of the social sciences and of the humanities. Existing shortcomings stem from the highly specialized nature, the inflexibility, and other general aspects of Hungarian higher education and from the failure to pursue positive tendencies. Consequently, environmental studies have not been integrated into all possible disciplines. Except in the cases of course programmes for professional environmentalists, the environmental education offered may not be sufficiently comprehensive. Moreover, it tends to be concentrated in technical and vocational training programmes, while lagging behind in the humanities and the social sciences, except in the case of economics. Hungary must seize the opportunity offered by the PHARE (Po‐logne Hongrie Aide à la Recherche et à l'Edu‐cation)Programme of the European Communities to speed up advances in environmental education.


This paper aims to consolidate the major themes which emerge from the contributions to this special issue on democracy and education. It traces links between democracy in education and wider social formations, and charts possible directions for the processes of democratisation. It asks whether such moves are just a 'democratic face' to mask economic neo-liberalism, or represent real shifts towards social justice and equality. The paper looks first at the connections between democratisation of schooling and three dimensions of the social structure in a country: the political system and governance; wealth and poverty; and gender relations. It draws the obvious conclusion at this point that education is necessary but not sufficient to achieve radical change in these areas. Secondly, the paper synthesises nine of the emergent processes and avenues for democratisation in education: definitions of democracy; legislation and policy for democracy; decentralisation of education; teacher education; teacher unions and networks; governing bodies and parental participation; student associations and networks; partnerships with outside agencies; and research. The conclusion raises another set of questions about strategy within education, with so much clearly depending on the history of democracy (or its absence) in a country, and on what sorts of definitions, networks and allegiances are possible. Internationalisation and 'cosmopolitan democracy' will certainly become increasingly important in establishing the values involved, and comparative education has a significant role to play here.  相似文献   

Traditional analyses of education are subject centered. Education is either viewed from the perspective of the educator (teaching, parenting) or from that of the pupil (learning, child development). These analyses do not facilitate the study of education as a social phenomenon. This paper aims for the clarification of the 'conditio socialis' of education. It highlights the autonomy of social systems vis-à-vis their environment. Communication is described as the constitutive element of social systems. Education is analyzed as a process within which a double system-reference comes into play, viz. to social systems and to human beings. The structure of education is analyzed in the context of this interaction between social systems and human beings. In this context, the improbability of successful education comes to the fore.  相似文献   

This study utilizes linear and log‐linear stochastic models to examine the impact that a variety of variables (including graduate education) have on M.S.W. students' desires to work in clinical practice. Data was collected biannually (between 1992 and 1998) from a complete population sample of all students entering and exiting accredited graduate programs of social work in California (n = 5,793). The influences of past practice experiences, professional motivations, socio‐demographic characteristics, ideological affiliations, and education and training experiences while a graduate students were all examined. Findings suggest that there is tremendous commonality in the variability of interest toward doing clinical practice among all student groups both before and after the completion of graduate studies. Male and female students, students of varied ethnic, social class and political identifications/affiliations, along with students of varied ages did not differ in their desire or interest to engage in clinical practice. The desire to prepare for private practice had the strongest influence—that was maintained over the course of their education—on students' interests in clinical social work. Desires to work with the poor were not associated with students' desires to be clinicians who wish to apply their trade across a wide variety of problems and populations.  相似文献   

基于人口普查、流动人口动态监测和统计年鉴等数据,运用数理统计方法,分析了福州市流动人口的时空变化特征。研究发现:流动人口数量持续增加但分布由集聚转为扩散、来源地趋于开放;流动人口性别年龄结构趋于均衡,迁移"经济性"突出;流动人口受教育程度整体以中等为主,但空间差异显化;流动人口就业非农化明显,呈"退二进三"趋势;经济发展水平及结构的空间差异、城镇基础差异及规划方向调整、社会保障体制二元化、女性地位提高和迁移模式多元化等是最主要的影响因素。  相似文献   

Knowledge is central to both education and sustainability. This article examines a current example of rapid shifts in knowledge and perceptions in education and learning about sustainability in civil society. Through the lens of the public outcry and policy crisis over genetically modified foods in the UK, it points to some major recurring difficulties with policy models of 'public education' used in cases of technological risk. These reveal entrenched policy presumptions that the general public is ignorant about scientific matters and that this ignorance can simply be addressed by better communication. It notes the challenges to these models that have been presented in particular by a group of environmental social scientists in rethinking the politics of GM food in the context of sustainability. It proposes that the term 'ignorance' is one that needs to be applied to the task of risk assessment as much as to the public, and that more inclusive styles of decision making on risk issues are not only more democratic but also more scientifically robust. With innovation occurring at an ever increasing rate, the understanding and management of technological risk will continue to become more important. The knowledge, learning and education involved will be key survival skills if we are to implement sustainability.  相似文献   

本文认为 ,教育的本质和素质教育的本质是一致的 ,二者没有本质的区别 ;透过二者真实关系的探讨 ,可以发现 ,教育问题不单纯是教育部门的问题。因此 ,要真正捍卫教育的本质即彻底贯彻素质教育的精神 ,除了教育部门和教育工作者必须认真扎实地做好自己本职工作外 ,还必须营造一个民主、科学、进步、宽松、和谐的社会政治文化环境。  相似文献   

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