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In summer 2000, the HungarianAccreditation Committee (HAC) completed theinitial round of its eight-year cycleevaluations of all higher educationinstitutions in Hungary. Based on theexperiences and information gained during thisinitial phase of quality control in Hungary,higher education institutions are developing aninternal quality audit mechanism. Some havealready submitted draft reports outlining theirbasic and specific standards relating to theirmissions and programmes. Since autumn 2000,they have been submitting a quality auditreport to the HAC annually. Concurrently, theHAC is working on a new quality evaluationmanual intended to eliminate redundancy of dataand include the institutions' annual qualityaudit results in its own external evaluation.  相似文献   

教育部第二轮本科教学评估将采用的审核评估模式,其所参照的是国外院校质量评审,其概念、构念和理念值得我们在实施审核评估时充分借鉴。本文结合教育部本科教学评估新方案和国外的院校质量评审,对审核评估作一剖析。  相似文献   

院校审核是英国高等教育质量保证署(QAA)一种新的评估方式,旨在审核各高等院校的课程和学位标准授予的质量。其重点在于审核学生所接受的课程质量和教学设施的供给,以及学生的学习产出是否达到预期的学术标准。借鉴QAA的院校审核方法,有利于我国高等教育质量保障体系的发展。  相似文献   

引领性创新有助于推动中国制造企业突破位势天花板、以非线性打击的技术轨道迈向世界一流创新企业,有助于拉动产业链生态位,有助于提升国家创新体系的整体竞争力,而高质量外部审计有助于实现引领性创新,这是因为:高质量外部审计能够减缓由信息不对称导致的代理冲突、促进引领性创新战略生成、缓解引领性创新的融资约束、促进完善引领性创新生态系统.然而,当前外部审计距离高质量外部审计还有不小差距,主要表现在:外部审计机构风险意识不足、外部审计机构与被审计对象沟通不畅、审计结论单一等.为此,文章从企业、企业监管部门和外部审计机构不同角度提出致力于促进引领性创新的外部审计机制优化建议,包括:赋予外部审计战略意义、设计提升外部审计质量的激励机制、不断提升审计质量.  相似文献   

第二轮审核评估实施方案与首轮相比在评估周期、核心聚焦、实际流程、评估尺度和结果标识等方面基本不变,在质量文化、基准比对、风险规制、结果使用和评审方法等方面有若干新举措.从本轮评估的不变之处可以看到专业的坚守;从本轮评估的变动之处也可以看到首轮的不足;而从《深化新时代教育评价改革总体方案》的政策导向中则可以看到未来改革的方向.本轮评估要深刻领会制度设计上的不变之处,也要正确理解与首轮评估的不同之处,并在评价改革总体方案指导下进一步明确未来的改革方向,而最关键的是要基于质量风险的规制,从质量文化建设层面出发,努力实现角色定位、价值导向和方法路径等三大转变,以切实提高院校内部质量保障体系建设的实效.  相似文献   

校本管理是一种新的教育管理模式,在西方教育管理领域影响很大。校本管理的核心是权力下移,它包括财政预算、人事聘任、课程设置以及教育决策方面权力的下放。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Not all community college presidents begin their careers with the goal of becoming president, yet something causes them to alter their initial career paths to seek a presidency. Understanding how community college leaders make the decision to seek and subsequently prepare for a presidency can help identify candidates with the potential to fill anticipated vacancies, meet national needs, and lead innovation. This article explores one set of findings from a year-long study that reveals the importance of external influences as catalysts for changing a potential leader's career path.  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - External quality audits have been introduced in many parts of the world including Asia Pacific, Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. While external quality...  相似文献   

Although there are challenges in delivering a quality improvement initiative at academic medical centers, the potential benefits to resident physicians‐in‐training, hospitals, and patients are significant. This article describes the effects of an institution‐wide effort. Resident physicians‐in‐training from four medical specialty programs partnered with hospital staff while working on team quality‐improvement projects. We tracked clinical outcomes and used validated assessments. The results showed improvements in learning and organizational culture.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that teacher communities figure among the most vital factors for promoting educational change within schools. While there is widespread consensus on the idea of collegiality as an instrument for promoting and sustaining change, scholars are much less clear on the characteristics that teachers' professional communities within schools must possess in order to promote and sustain such change. This paper discusses the role of friendship and conflict in teacher communities and argues for a rethinking of the way the intermingling of professional and interpersonal ties in schools contributes to school change.  相似文献   

"团"之"揣"义的产生是外力干扰词义发展进程的结果。人们对"用耑为专"的"过度类推"导致"抟(团)"写成"揣";又因声符"耑"误读"抟(团)"音,并在儒、释经典中高频出现,"团"最终感染了"揣"义。研究证明,在充分研究词义发展内部规律的前提下,适当关注词义发展中的外力干扰十分必要。  相似文献   

The use of digital games as an instructional tool has garnered increasing attention in the education community. Empirical work supported by theory on the learning affordances of digital games allowed the game-based learning community to arrive at the consensus that digital games provide an excellent medium for the acquisition of skills and the exploration of concepts. The field, however, lacks research on how best to teach with games. For example, an unanswered question is whether gameplay should take place before instruction, after instruction, or integrated throughout in order to maximize the effectiveness of the game. To answer this question, a study was conducted with 103 middle school students who either played a digital game designed to teach algebraic concepts before receiving formal instruction, received formal instruction before playing the game, or received formal instruction intermittently during their gameplay session. The results indicate while on average all participants showed improvement in terms of learning, those who played the game before receiving instruction showed significant improvement. These results provide evidence supporting the theory that games are effective when used as an advanced organization tool.  相似文献   

Although widely accessible, photography continues to be underutilized as an educative tool. In this article, I discuss a need for photography to garner greater presence in the classroom, in particular as students link classroom learning to democratic pursuits. To facilitate this process, I propose photo activism as a useful mechanism for understanding the transformative nature of photo production, interpretation, and dissemination as photography is connected to individuals' lived experiences.  相似文献   

2008年6月,上海电大接受了国际开放远程教育协会(ICDE)的质量评审(Qualityr Audit).ICDE是联合国下属的享有国际权威的远程教育机构.它聘请国际远程教育专家制定质量评审的内容、实施现场的评审.ICDE质量评审的内容和关注点,或许对我国电大教学质量保证能够提供一些有益的启发和思考.  相似文献   

This article examines how the field of religious education informs religiously based colleges and universities as they teach about their institutional missions. A discussion of the audiences, languages, and the temporal orientations of institutional mission education is intended to provide insights and parameters as mission offices chart their futures and justify their purposes to diverse constituencies. Particular attention is given to current challenges, namely the unjust structures and practices that have shaped institutions and their missions. Utilizing examples from his home institution, the author argues for a “present approach” to mission education.  相似文献   

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