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通过借鉴市场营销领域的顾客参与理论对远程教育服务体系增值模型的研究,表明学生对于目前的远程教育服务具有中等偏高的满意度,女生满意度高于男生;学生学习参与行为的维度及程度影响这一满意度指标;学费性价比的认知、教学设施使用、教学信息接收、教学信息获取、教学要求、学习疑难提出、教学服务人员接触等行为正向影响学生满意度;学生的学习兴趣满足、网上资源获取及保安服务等参与行为则对满意度起负向影响。远程教育服务体系可以通过学生参与行为的良好互动来提升服务品质,创造学生满意度最大化。  相似文献   

The quantitative and qualitative supply of teachers has a significant influence on student academic performance. Based on the samples collected from four provinces and municipalities in China for the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2018, this study analyzes the effects of the supply of teachers on the academic performance of 15-year-old students through a hierarchical linear model (HLM) as well as a quantile regression model. The study has found that the shortage of teachers and the proportion of teachers with a master’s degree significantly affect student academic performance, and the supply of teachers with higher degrees has a decreasing marginal benefit on student academic performance; its best marginal benefit on student academic performance is achieved when the proportion of teachers with a master’s degree reaches about 75%. For students in different academic performance subgroups, the marginal benefit of an increase in the proportion of teachers with a master’s degree in schools is higher for “top students” than for “students with learning difficulties.” In terms of the difference between urban and rural areas, the shortage of teachers in rural schools is more prominent than that in urban schools, and teachers with higher degrees tend to cluster in core cities. The marginal benefit of an increase in the proportion of teachers with a master’s degree is higher for improving student academic performance in rural areas. Therefore, it is recommended to design a policy of differentiated compensatory earnings for rural teachers, and efforts should be enhanced to promote programs for supporting high-quality teachers. In addition, the allocation of teachers should follow the principle of “differentiated equity,” and more differentiated teaching strategies should be adopted for students with different academic abilities.  相似文献   

文章以忻州师范学院扶贫顶岗实习支教区位环境为原点,对实习支教强化师范类学生从教技能、德能等实践效果进行典型示范分析,从中探索新时期师范院校人才培养模式改革的创新之路。在扶贫顶岗实习支教场域,也即真实的教学情境中,存在于准教师以往对教师的模糊经验,理论概念中的教师角色,在当下的场域中贯穿了教师实践的全过程,有助于培养出教师真正信奉、在教学实践中体现出来的教育观念,促进教师实践性知识的成长。同时,在此场域中准教师的主体意识受到启迪,受到感动,开始感知,逐渐地养成吃苦耐劳、感恩奉献的精神,培养了对农村和农村基础教育的感情,树立起高度的社会责任感,促进了其正确的人生观、价值观的形成。  相似文献   

In this paper, pedagogical issues drawn from a study to examine the nature and quality of correspondence tuition are analysed. The paper observes that effective correspondence tuition depends on a number of factors ranging from the tutors’ academic competence to their professional experience, values and assumptions about distance learning. Given the novelty of the distance mode of delivery at university level in Tanzania, there is a need for an induction programme for newly recruited tutors to provide them with the core skills and techniques of distance teaching. Recruitment of additional tutors, as well as continued professional development, is crucial for the enhancement of student feedback and quality of correspondence tuition.  相似文献   

This study uses data from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) to gain a better understanding of how academic performance and resources vary across rural–urban school communities in Australia. While it is well known that schools in rural areas have difficulty recruiting and retaining teachers, the degree to which schools in larger sized communities across Australia also face this problem is less understood. Moreover, very little is known about the degree to which shortages of instructional materials and equipment are associated with rural–urban location. The analysis includes 353 schools across eight community types that range in size of <1,000 people in small country towns to more than a million people in large capital cities. School principals reported the degree to which instruction in their school is hindered by a shortage of resources, which include qualified teaching staff and instructional materials and equipment. The findings highlight the extent to which school resources vary across geographic location, as reported by school principals. Principals of schools in the centre of large cities were the least likely to report that shortages of teaching staff or instructional materials hinder learning, while principals in rural and remote communities were the most likely to report that such shortages hinder instruction. These differences closely mirror student PISA academic performance and school socioeconomic composition. PISA data indicates that schools located in small rural communities have the lowest socioeconomic profiles, the lowest academic performance and the largest shortages of teaching staff and instructional materials, while schools in central neighborhoods of large cities enjoy the highest socioeconomic profiles, the highest academic performance and the fewest shortages.  相似文献   

By evaluating the impact of policies to financially support university students in Georgia, this article demonstrates the systematic spatial disparities that exist in a context of formally equal competition. The author uses a mixed-methods design, combining quantitative evidence on the entire population of Georgian university applicants in 2005–2009 with data obtained through in-depth interviews with rural families and with policy-makers, to understand the costs associated with attending universities, based on their prestige and location, as well as inequalities stemming from existing policies on the allocation of public funding. She suggests that the distribution of public funding is apparently fair, as urban and rural students incur the same average out-of-pocket tuition costs. Behind the façade of the fair outcome, however, lie serious spatial inequalities based on the complex interplay between the residential origin of higher education applicants, tuition costs, public funding allocations, university locations, and prestige. The analysis shows that urban applicants apply, and gain admission, to more prestigious universities which charge higher tuition than the universities where rural applicants enrol; urban students also manage to obtain higher proportions of the public tuition grant than their rural peers. Thus, rural and urban students purchase higher education of different quality for the same out-of-pocket costs, with urban students being more privileged and rural students relatively less so. Exacerbating this injustice is the fact that rural residents in Georgia earn half of the average urban income.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the influence of local labor market conditions on the year-to-year persistence and attainment decisions of a sample of traditional-aged students who attended community colleges during the 1990s. The findings suggest that the enrollment and attainment decisions of these first-time community college students were not made purely as a response to changes in tuition costs, but rather the result of a more interconnected process whereby changes in tuition, local labor market conditions, and the relative change in both are considered. For those who are sensitive to these relative costs, the likelihood of dropping out is increased. Of those who remained enrolled, the evidence suggests that an increase in tuition appears to provide an incentive or extra motivation to finish a degree, especially an associate’s degree. This finding does not support the raising of in-state tuition to improve student outcomes; rather it draws attention to the complexity involved in student persistence and attainment decision-making.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an investigation into how staff teaching in compressed courses can encourage student engagement and enhance student use of learning time, despite significant restraints of time as well as distance. Typically these courses (described here as units) are expected to have comparable learning outcomes to their full-semester counterparts and provide an opportunity for students to either retake failed units or to acquire credit for their chosen degrees in accelerated time. Organising teaching and learning through intensive modes of delivery may require different approaches to curriculum development and pedagogy compared to traditional unit planning and delivery, especially when the intensive delivery utilises online technologies. This paper explores strategies employed by successful intensive mode teachers in the development and delivery units for maximised student engagement. It concludes that many of these strategies are equally applicable in online and distance education regardless of the unit being intensive or otherwise.  相似文献   

The modernization of the educational process in the ungraded schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan requires the provision of affordable quality education for students in rural areas on information technology, the creation of e-learning. It was important to consider two points: how does e-learning influence the educational process in ungraded schools, and directly on the quality of teaching, and what results can thus be achieved. The significance of the work is also to explore innovative approaches to e-learning system of ungraded schools. Each student in any country has the constitutional right to a quality education. We asked the question: Are these rights implemented for students of rural areas, whether they get the same amount of knowledge like in innovative schools in the big city, whether there is the same access to advanced information technology in education? Having based on the differences in the level of knowledge, skills and competences in general, we have found that children have different levels of knowledge when they finish the secondary school and unequal starting level for admission to higher education. This led us to the need to develop a set of measures to promote the implementation of quality education for students in ungraded schools of the countryside. In this article, we presented the results of work on the creation of e-learning for ungraded schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan. We have tried to show how information and communication technologies, multimedia educational products (digital resources) influence the quality of education in rural schools, how to improve the quality of teaching in these types of schools.  相似文献   

莫愿斌 《高教论坛》2012,(10):66-68
随着科学的发展,产生出了不同的专业。每个专业由于侧重点不同,从而具有不同的特色。信息与计算科学专业是以将数学应用于解决工程问题为研究方向,具有和数学专业明显的不同。因此,对该专业的定积分与微元法的教学必须要与数学专业的形式定义有所区别,也应与其他工科专业的过于粗糙有所不同,而应该充分凸显该专业既注重形式定义的重要,也要突出内在解决实际问题的本质的特色。本文从解决实际问题的方法出发,对定积分与微元法进行比较分析,探讨适合于该专业的关于这两个定义的教学方法,旨在指出该专业所要求的教学特色,以提高专业教学质量。  相似文献   

Focus groups were conducted to explore prospective students' perceptions of tuition fees, maintenance loans and how these impact their decision to engage with higher education. Views on rebranding of the term ‘tuition fees’ to ‘student/graduate contributions/tax’ and the introduction of differential fees for different courses were explored. Concerns around high living costs of being at university featured largely in conversations with students, and much more so than tuition fees. Students were averse to the idea of differential tuition fees which they felt could create an elitist system where only affluent students could access some high‐cost subjects. There was little agreement with the concept of rebranding ‘tuition fees’ to a ‘graduate contribution, or tax’. Overall knowledge of student finance, in particular tuition fees, was limited, which in turn led to doubts and anxiety around the concept of student finance overall.  相似文献   

中国大学生价格反应行为的基本特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文应用对中国13511名大学生的调查数据分析了学生价格反应行为的基本特征。结果表明,虽然接受高等教育需要承担较高的私人成本,学生的付费意愿却非常强烈,在学费上涨30%—300%五种不同幅度时,学生的高等教育需求对学费的弹性介于—0.045~—0.288之间。大学生的价格反应行为具有如下几个方面的特点:首先,学生的高等教育需求对学费及有些学生资助(如奖学金)具有灵敏的反应;其次,学生对学费及不同类型学生资助的反应不仅在性质上存在差异,而且在程度上也有所不同;第三,不同收入水平家庭学生对学费的反应是不同的;第四,学生对学费及学生资助的反应随着学生资助政策及学费的变化而变化。本文也讨论了上述结果对制订高等教育规划与财政政策的意义。  相似文献   

More than 40 years of research has found a positive relationship between increases in the proportion of non-resident students enrolling in an institution and increases in the tuition prices this institution charges to these same students. Notably, this line of research has consistently treated this non-resident student body as if they constitute a homogeneous group in terms of their socioeconomic well-being, when in reality these students come from states with differing levels of socioeconomic prosperity. Notably, given that tuition and fee charges to non-resident students are market-based, institutions charge what out-of-state students are willing to pay. Under this rationale, it follows that the wealthier the student body of an institution is, the more institutions will be able to charge them in terms of tuition and fees for their education. The purpose of this study is twofold. First, it offers a method to measure the level of wealth of the non-resident student body enrolling at an institution considering the level of wealth of these students’ home states, therefore creating a measure of heterogeneity of the non-resident student body. The second purpose is to evaluate whether this measure of heterogeneity is associated with larger increases in the net tuition and fee prices charged to these students compared to the increases related to the homogeneous structure that ignores these students’ home-state wealth. This twofold purpose was addressed utilizing a dataset built from regional, state, and institutional information of 1743 public and private not-for-profit 4-year institutions across the contiguous United States. Since all the outcome variables were found to be spatially dependent, spatial econometrics techniques were employed for model estimation. Results corroborated that treating non-resident students as a homogeneous structure rendered downwardly biased estimates of institutions’ abilities and/or decisions to set higher or lower tuition and fee prices compared to the estimates obtained using the heterogeneous structure. Considering current general disinvestment of states in higher education, the analysis of factors driving non-resident tuition and fee price-setting has become especially relevant for public policy officials and decision-makers at both the institution- and state-levels. Accordingly, this study examines a critical issue in the finance of higher education—the setting of institutional tuition and fees for non-resident students.  相似文献   

我国高等教育学费制度存在着缺乏必要的成本约束机制、无法体现不同学校或专业间的收益差异、实行"一刀切"的学费模式、政府投资不足、学生机会成本受到忽视等问题。鉴于此,我国高等教育学费制度应当确定合理的学费标准和定价周期,加大财政对教育的拨款,完善奖学金及助学贷款制度,国家坚持对经济落后地区的投资倾斜政策,建立高等教育成本核算与控制评价制度。  相似文献   

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed almost all aspects of education. The anatomy and histology courses for pharmacy students focus heavily on the face-to-face communication of theory and practical knowledge, and due to the pandemic, only theory content was delivered in an online format. This brought up many concerns about pharmacy student preparedness. This work explores the effectiveness and student perspective of remote teaching of the theoretical anatomy and histology course in Jordanian universities from the perspective of pharmacy students. The objectives are to determine the strengths, challenges, and the effectiveness of remote delivery on student learning. An online-based validated questionnaire was distributed to students majoring in Pharmacy and enrolled in the course during the second semester of 2019–2020 at 11 universities in Jordan. A total of 442 students participated in the study. Results showed that there were significant differences in perceptions of the social media platforms used in distance learning and remote delivery of the course. Most participants had positive perceptions of the educational process and studying via distance learning. There were many strengths noted including time flexibility and several challenges such as the lack of face-to-face interaction with instructors, inadequate internet connectivity, and technical issues. In conclusion, online-taught anatomy and histology course during the Covid-19 lockdown in Jordan was a success as perceived by students, but the course still possessed challenges need to be overcome in the future.  相似文献   

陈沛  王处辉 《教育科学》2012,28(3):54-59
近年来,教育部不断扩大招收以应届本科毕业生为主的全日制专业硕士。全日制专业硕士招生规模的扩大适应了当前我国社会经济发展、院校专业结构调整和大学生就业形势需要。但是大量数据表明,与学术型硕士相比,全日制专业硕士整体报考吸引力偏低,其原因主要在于:学费标准偏高、选拔方式不够合理、培养模式不够成熟、就业前景尚不明朗等。随着全日制专业硕士招生种类和招生单位的不断增加,考生和社会用人单位对这一新生事物的认同能否跟得上其过快的发展速度成为目前亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

研究以问卷调查法、访谈法以及课堂观察法为基本研究方法,对甘肃省临夏回族自治州H县3个学区8所学校教师专业发展现状与培训需求进行了相关的调查。调查发现,边远学校师资民族成分多元,学历水平不高,学校办学满意度一般,课堂教学中新课改理念尚未落实,教师专业能力亟待提高,课堂教学质量与效率有待提高,学生学习水平整体不理想。就培训而言,教师参加高层次培训少,培训内容与形式多元,培训效果一般。因此,西北少数民族地区农村学校要积极推进"优质学校"发展计划,加强聚焦课堂的校本教研的质量与效率,以教育信息化促建高效课堂,加大教师培训力度,加强学生学习方式的转变。  相似文献   


This project incorporated live broadcasts of teaching from small, multi‐graded, rural schools into university lecture halls where pre‐service teacher education students in the last semester of their programmes were able to observe ‘best practice’ in a learning context that they would eventually be responsible for during their final practicum session. Interactive observation sessions were immediately followed with opportunities for students to discuss various aspects of planning, classroom organisation and teaching strategies appropriate to multi‐graded contexts with the remote classroom teacher. These ‘reverse distance education’ sessions followed an intensive lecture and tutorial series centring upon topics relevant to teaching in small rural communities. Tutorial activities placed student teachers in small rural school scenarios containing everyday ‘problems’ requiring diagnosis and the generation and analysis of solutions. At the conclusion of scenario discussions, students had networked, collaborated with colleagues and applied current research findings in generating viable solutions and considered school community reactions to these proposed solutions.

The incorporation of interactive video technology with these problem situations consolidated the concept and skill development of student teachers and increased both their real time involvement in their chosen professions, and their access to best practice. This dual focus upon a problem solving approach to teaching immersed the student teacher in situations derived from real school environments, and so encouraged a collegial and open approach to teaching. Extensive evaluations revealed that pre‐service teachers were more thoroughly prepared for rural teaching experiences, displayed competence in effective multigrade teaching skills, and exhibited control during involvement  相似文献   

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