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试析建构主义知识观及其教育意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张杨 《天中学刊》2004,19(3):107-109
建构主义是教育心理学中的一场革命。建构主义下的“知识”具有动态性、主体主动建构性和新旧经验相互作用等特征。这种知识观要求我们在教育中确定学生的主体地位、激发学生的学习兴趣、为学生呈现结构良好的学习内容、培养学生创造性的学习能力和多种学习思维方式。  相似文献   

社会建构主义教学观及其对我国课程改革的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会建构主义教学观认为,个体获得知识不仅是个人建构的过程,也是内在的社会化过程,文化活动和语言活动等社会因素影响个体的学习。社会建构主义教学观有两种代表观点:皮亚杰的社会认知冲突理论和维果斯基的社会文化理论。社会建构主义从课堂教学、同伴间相互作用以及言语角度分析知识建构过程;在当代课程改革的实际应用方面,包括合作学习与交互式教学、情境性教学、跨学科学习、教育评估和教育改革。这种教学观在理论、实践和方法论上影响了未来的教育发展方向。  相似文献   

建构主义学习理论对外语教学中有效输入的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建构主义学习理论强调学习是一个积极主动的建构过程,学习者主动地根据先前的认知结构,注意和有选择地知觉外在信息,建构当前事物的意义.本文结合建构主义学习理论的一些主要观点,在分析语言输入的特点的基础上,探讨了在我国外语教学中的有效语言输入途径,认为外语教学要充分发挥学习者的主体性作用,为学生创设丰富的有利于学生语言建构和再建构的信息环境,让学生不断实践和大量地操练.只有这样,语言输入才能被更多地吸收,才能被转换为输出.  相似文献   

This study examined relationships between college students' alcohol consumption and epistemological development. Results indicate students who are frequent binge drinkers have not developed a value system that transcends the influences of peers. On the basis of these findings, a constructivist approach to counseling students with problems related to high‐risk drinking is discussed.  相似文献   

Personal Epistemology Research: Implications for Learning and Teaching   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The ideas that individuals hold about knowledge and knowing have been the target of research programs with disparate names, such as epistemological beliefs, reflective judgment, ways of knowing, and epistemological reflection, all of which appear to be a part of a larger body of work on “personal epistemology.” Epistemological perspectives are salient in numerous academic experiences, have been shown to be related to learning in various ways, influence reasoning and judgment throughout our lives, and have implications for teaching. Yet this work has remained outside the mainstream of educational psychology and cognitive development. This paper addresses three main questions: (1) What is personal epistemology research and how is it conceptualized? (2) How are individuals' conceptions of epistemology related to learning and instruction? (3) Given what we know about personal epistemology, what might educators do? Suggestions are also provided for future research and theoretical development.  相似文献   

从当研究生到指导研究生——恢复研究生教育30年有感   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以自己从我国恢复研究生招生之初当研究生到当下作为博士生导师的亲身经历和事例出发,谈了我国恢复研究生教育30年来取得的巨大成就,分析了30年来我国研究生教育模式发生的一些内在变化,提出了我国在建设高等教育强国过程中如何加强和改进研究生教育的五项建议,即坚持研究生教育的精英人才培养理念,研究生教育要鼓励学科交叉、拓宽学科基础,加强导师队伍建设,关心当前研究生导师队伍自身素质的提高,严格进行研究生的培养过程管理,建立有效的质量监控机制.  相似文献   

This article discusses the relation between experience and learning in the context of recognition of prior learning (RPL) and from an experiential constructivist perspective. The study is based on a case of in-service training, based on RPL, in the care sector for elderly people. The data consist of interviews with actors in this process, which have been analysed with a qualitative interpretative approach. The results show how prior learning plays a central role in the training process, both on an individual and a collective level. The participants’ prior learning is taken as the starting point, particularly in learning conversations where prior learning is made visible and used, and where participants learn from each other. Further, new learning is taking place as a consequence of the recognition process, and the study particularly highlights how prior experiences could be the basis of new learning in a process of reflection and discussion.  相似文献   

Introducing critical pedagogies into undergraduate early childhood teacher education programs may enable working class teachers who work with working class children to better examine assumptions of developmentally and culturally appropriate practices. This study focuses on a Latino assistant teacher who, after having returned from a semester of student teaching, attempted to cultivate an ethos of professional interaction among his peers. His ability to name, challenge and ultimately reject inappropriate ideologies and practices (Bartolomé, 2004 Bartolomé, L. I. 2004. Critical pedagogy and teacher education: Radicalizing perspective teachers. Teacher Education Quarterly, 31(1): 97122.  [Google Scholar]) are coupled with his concern for his children and his community. Illustrating Dahlberg, Moss, and Pence's definitions of “quality” and “meaning making,” (2001) this study also considers ways in which administrators and teacher educators can respond to and support teachers who return to their jobs after their student-teaching experiences.  相似文献   

Active learning is one of the most efficient mechanisms for learning, according to the psychology of learning. When students act as teachers for other students, the communication is more fluent and knowledge is transferred easier than in a traditional classroom. This teaching method is referred to in the literature as reciprocal peer teaching. In this study, the method is applied to laboratory sessions of a higher education institution course, and the students who act as teachers are referred to as “laboratory monitors.” A particular way to select the monitors and its impact in the final marks is proposed. A total of 181 students participated in the experiment, experiences with laboratory monitors are discussed, and methods for motivating and training laboratory monitors and regular students are proposed. The types of laboratory sessions that can be led by classmates are discussed. This work is related to the changes in teaching methods in the Spanish higher education system, prompted by the Bologna Process for the construction of the European Higher Education Area  相似文献   

大学英语阅读教学在大学英语教学中占有重要地位,然而我国传统的英语阅读课堂仍然以教师为中心,以讲解语法为主。在讲解语法时,语言使用和语言环境容易分隔开来,这并不利于学习者英语交际能力的培养。Halliday的系统功能语法的相关观点以及新加坡的英语教育改革,为改变我国大学英语阅读课教学这一现状带来了一定的启示。大学英语阅读课应当融入以体裁为基础的阅读教学,使体裁阅读教学法成为大学英语阅读教学有益的补充;教师在讲解阅读材料时,可以涉及文章的文体类型、结构以及相应的语言使用特点,并且深刻挖掘语言之后的社会文化背景,引发英语学习者深层思考。通过系统地将语言与语境结合,增强学生的语言使用能力,提高芙语阅读课的教学效果。  相似文献   

社会建构主义教学理论强调外语教学过程以学生为中心,突出认知主体;教师转变角色,由"主讲"变为"主导";注重开展交互性学习,重视创设语言环境,加大英文输入;培养学生自主学习能力和注重知识重现的原则。高职院校英语教学要以社会建构主义理论为指导,改革教学方式方法,以提高学生语言应用技能。  相似文献   

This paper addresses two major and potentially conflicting movements: the importance of diversity as both a conceptual and political issue and the rise of the evidence-based practice movement in education. This tension is particularly important when evaluating and reporting universal interventions because of their intended applicability across diverse groups of children and adolescents. This study contributes to this discussion through an analysis of published school-based universal social and emotional learning (SEL) intervention evaluations in terms of their theoretical and empirical attention to student diversity characteristics. We defined student diversity in terms of five characteristics: gender, race/ethnicity, SES, disability status, and sexual orientation/gender identity. We assessed how and when demographic characteristics were reported, how these characteristics were analyzed as moderators of program outcomes, and how differential effects based on diversity were incorporated into reported intervention generalizability discussions. Results showed that diversity characteristics were inconsistently reported across articles. Most studies did not test for moderating effects, but those that did found inconsistent effects across diversity characteristics. Further, conceptual and/or empirical support for conducting the moderation analyses was often not provided or sufficiently supported by previous literature or a hypothesis. This research highlights the need for a more nuanced understanding of how SEL program effects may be moderated by student demographic characteristics and suggests caution about the generalizability of the reviewed SEL programs across diverse groups of children and adolescents.  相似文献   

随着对高技能专业人才的需求的增加,当前中国的专业型研究生教育正处于快速发展时期.建立有效的财政资助体系将有助于促进其规模和质量的提升.从发达国家经验看,助学贷款是专业型研究生资助体系的重要构成部分.本文首先从理论上论证了专业型研究生采取成本分担与助学贷款政策的依据,并从成本和收益视角提出了贷款配置的基本原则.其次,研究以美国为例进行实证分析,所得结果与理论观点基本一致,有以下发现:(1)助学贷款在专业型研究生资助中所占比重较大;(2)联邦政府在专业型研究生贷款的发放和补贴中承担了主要角色;私人机构对专业型研究生贷款也相对学术型研究生更高;(3)贷款在配置时兼顾了专业型研究生教育的成本与收益因素.最后,本文结合理论及美国的实证结论,探讨专业型研究生贷款配置原则对中国的启示及其局限性.  相似文献   

以学习者为中心的教学研究主要集中在理论介绍和教学模式探讨上。本研究旨在构建社会建构主义理论指导下以学习者为中心的大学英语教学模式。具体而言,学习者应参与到教学准备阶段设定教学目标、选择教材、安排教学任务的活动中;教师在教学实施阶段应创设真实多样的学习环境和学习任务;教学评估应采取终结性与形成性评价相结合、教师评估与学生评估相结合的评估机制。  相似文献   

袁刚 《海外英语》2020,(7):258-259,262
Education philosophy,which plays a major role in teacher beliefs,is crucial for teacher educators. Ever since the end of last century, there has been a trend in North America to promote, or restore active learning in college/university classrooms. This paper, based on some explorations of the social constructivism, the six assumptions in Andragogy, the ARCS model, the active learning theory and some practical activities, proposes an integrated education philosophy about adult learning. It is assumed this will be able to provide some insight and guidance for college practitioners.  相似文献   

In the context of the debate about the extent to which secondary school Informatics curricula should include specifically vocational content, this paper explores the possibility that in Informatics teaching, there is value in adopting pedagogical approaches, rather than curriculum content, based on practice in industry and business settings. This paper reports research findings that raise questions about the widely held assumption that students will gain their programming knowledge and skills predominantly from classroom activities undertaken at the instigation of the Informatics teacher. Investigation of sources of students' information about programming skills and knowledge indicates that such an assumption is not well founded, and leads to the suggestion that innovative approaches to pedagogy in this area should be explored.Two studies, each a part of a larger project, are reported here. The first showed that a group of Grade 5 students, skilled programmers in the MicroWorlds multimedia programming environment, sought and acquired programming skills and techniques from a wide variety of sources, many of which were not classroom based. The second reports a formalisation of this model of student initiated seeking among a range of resource people for immediately needed expert advice. This was observed in a deliberately constructionist learning environment in an after-school Computer Clubhouse where students are supported by mentors with different specialist areas of expertise as well as by a teacher.The importance of these issues for Informatics teaching, assessment, course design and evaluation, and for the preparation of Informatics teachers is considered, and the need for further research in this area is outlined.  相似文献   

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