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跳高、跳远之间运动技能和运动素质迁移的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张天德 《体育科学》2000,20(1):55-57
运用文献资料、对比、理论分析等方法,就跳高与跳远之间运动技能、运动素质的迁移规律进行了研究,结果表明两个项目之间存在着许多相互迁移的共同要素,且跳远对跳高的积极性迁移更为明显;同时也分析了两个项目之间在某些技术细节上存在差异而产生一定干扰;指出,运用迁移原理,加强跳远训练是提高跳高成绩的有效途径。  相似文献   

对甲A女排(济钢赛区)8支队伍的发球、一传、扣球、拦网、防守5项技术进行统计分析、评价,认为一传为最好,其次是扣球防守,发球拦网最差。还对新规则实施后比赛的特点做了简要的分析。  相似文献   

对于初学排球技术的学生来说,要让他们掌握复杂的排球扣球技术,不是一件容易的事,作为一名教师,要上好扣球技术的教学课,提高教学质量,就必须充分调动学生的学习积极性,采取有针对性的、行之有效的教学手段和方法。扣球技术是由助跑起跳、扣球手法、挥臂击球、落地等几方面组成的,因此,在学习扣球技术时,要采取分解的教学方法。一、助跑起跳教学方法是在助跑有节奏的前提下,从基本的二步、三步学起,要点是速度上由慢到快,步幅上由小到大。常采取的练习方法有:1. 在正常走的情况下,进行二、三步助跑起跳,要求节奏明显,步伐…  相似文献   

运用三维高速录像解析法对中国女排队员刘亚男单脚起跳背飞与背快扣球技术进行了现场拍摄和数字化解析.结果表明,背飞扣球技术的助跑速度为5.86m/s,高于背快扣球助跑速度2.95m/s,助跑速度快是单脚起跳背飞扣球在助跑环节的主要技术特征;背飞扣球在左脚着地瞬间,几乎是以全脚掌形式来完成制动向前的水平速度,具有积极性起跳技术特征;背快扣球是以脚跟先着地逐步过渡到前脚掌的形式来完成制动向前的水平速度,具有消极性起跳技术特征;背飞和背快扣球的起跳时间相同,为0.26s.但两种扣球技术起跳环节在缓冲和蹬伸的时间分配却不相同.  相似文献   

挺身式跳远是技术环节较多的复杂跳远技术动作,但在教学中,学生由于起跳腿力量不足,或者上板困难,跳的距离较近,腾空高度差,空中停留时间短,来不及体会空中动作就落地了,根本做不出优美的动作,容易影响到学生练习的自信心和积极性.笔者结合多年的教学和训练经验,提出以下练习方法与同行进行交流.  相似文献   

世界优秀女排强攻手扣球技术特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
本文通过对世界优秀女排强攻手扣球技术的运动学综合分析,揭示世界优秀女排强攻手扣球技术特征,为丰富扣球技术教学与训练理论以及指导扣球技术训练提供一定的参考资料。  相似文献   

(二)跳发球与二号位一般扣球、正面上手发球运动学参数比较研究1、跳发球与二号位一般扣球助跑起跳运动学参数的比较(1)跳发球与二号位一般扣球动作结构和运动学参数的相同处。跳发球是一项新近发展起来的技术,其动作结构与扣球基本相似。尤其助跑起跳技术与二号位扣球技术相近,都采用二步起跳的方式。表7、8是跳发球与二号位扣球助跑距离的运动学参数。由此可见,5名队员跳发球助跑距离平均大于跳落距  相似文献   

现代排球扣球技术研究成果分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
扣球技术是排球运动中制胜的重要技术之一,是得分、得权的主要手段。在排球运动漫长的发展过程中,随着扣球技术的不断发展,人们对它的研究也越来越深入、系统,其研究的方法、手段日新月异,为了进一步了解目前世界上对扣球技术的研究动态,把握扣球技术发展状况与趋势,特对当今世界扣球技术最新研究成果进行综合、分析、比较,使其研究的信息为运动实践服务。  相似文献   

运用生物力学的分析方法,对排球扣球技术动作,特别是对助跑、起跳、空中击球和落地等动作进行了研究,总结和归纳动量矩定理及动量矩守恒定律运用到排球扣球技术中的一些规律,其目的是规范排球扣球技术动作,引导学生掌握正确的扣球技术动作,提高扣球的质量和效果,丰富排球教学与训练的理论和方法,推动排球专项技术的发展。  相似文献   

世界优秀男排运动员后排进攻扣球技术的运动学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金致伟 《体育科学》2002,22(4):70-80,87
利用三维高速摄影法(DLT法)对意大利、古巴、巴西运动员的后排进攻扣球技术的特性进行了分析。结果表明,6号位后排进攻扣球技术的助跑速度、弹跳高度,冲跳距离,击球速度,击球点等运动学参数均高于其他扣球技术,攻击力很强,建议各项运动队应该这一扣球技术的训练和在比赛中的作用。  相似文献   

通过对沙滩、室内排球同一上步扣球起跳动作进行运动学、动力学同步数据采集,比较了二的力、冲量及功率等指标,得出如下结论:1)沙滩排球扣球起跳蹬伸阶段下肢肌群爆发力的发挥水平远远低于室内排球,不利于增大蹬伸冲量的积累;2)分析起跳冲量的内部结构发现。沙滩排球扣球起跳的蹬伸冲量远小于室内排球,从而致使沙滩起跳的恢复系数小于室内的;3)沙滩排球起跳的速度力量水平发挥远低于室内排球是在沙滩上起跳效果差的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

对体育教学中排球扣球助跑起跳技术的分析,提出排球扣球教学是排球基本技术教学中最难的一项教学。建议:1.增强适应球能力的训练;2.熟练掌握助跑;3.增加助跑水平速度;4.掌握助跑起跳时机。  相似文献   

根据沙滩排球项目特点,提出了女子沙排运动员单脚起跳扣球进攻技战术,并在福建女子沙排队训练实践,成功应用于十运会,为提高女子沙滩排球网上攻击力提供了训练建议。  相似文献   


Biomechanical analysis has typically been confined to a laboratory setting. While attempts have been made to take laboratory testing into the field, this study was designed to assess whether augmented reality (AR) could be used to bring the field into the laboratory. This study aimed to measure knee load in volleyball players through a jump task incorporating AR while maintaining the perception-action couplings by replicating the visual features of a volleyball court. Twelve male volleyball athletes completed four tasks: drop landing, hop jump, spike jump, and spike jump while wearing AR smart glasses. Biomechanical variables included patellar tendon force, knee moment and kinematics of the ankle, knee, hip, pelvis and thorax. The drop landing showed differences in patellar tendon force and knee moment when compared to the other conditions. The hop jump did not present differences in kinetics when compared to the spike conditions, instead of displaying the greatest kinematic differences. As a measure of patellar tendon loading the AR condition showed a close approximation to the spike jump, with no differences present when comparing landing forces and mechanics. Thus, AR may be used in a clinical assessment to better replicate information from the competitive environment.  相似文献   

为了解后排进攻在世界女子排球比赛中的运用情况及与90年代后攻技术的差异,本研究在总结前人研究的基础上,运用实地调查法、数理统计法、对比分析法,对世界女子排球比赛中后排进攻的使用频率与效果、后排进攻位置的变化及发展趋势以及后排进攻运动员掌握跳发球技术的可能性进行了探讨。  相似文献   

采用录像拍摄与解析的方法分析了优秀男排运动员沙滩排球扣球起跳阶段的人体重心的速度变化及人体环节的配合特点。研究表明:在沙滩上起跳时人体重心水平速度损失少、腾起垂直速度小、腾起角度小;在沙滩上起跳时人体环节的配合均较差,这是由沙滩的流动性、可压缩性等特性所致。  相似文献   


There are well-known biological differences between women and men, especially in technical-coordinative variations that contribute to sex differences in performance of complex movements like the most important offensive action in volleyball, the spike jump. The aim of this study was to investigate sex-dependent performance and biomechanical characteristics in the volleyball spike jump. Thirty female and male sub-elite volleyball players were analysed while striking a stationary ball with maximal spike jump height. Twelve MX13 Vicon cameras with a cluster marker set, two AMTI force plates, surface EMG, and a Full-Body 3D model in Visual3D were used. Main findings include sex differences (P< .05) in jump height (pη2 = .73), approach [speed (pη2 = .61), step length], transition strategy [plant angle, neuromuscular activation (pη2 = .91), horizontal force maxima and impulses], acceleration distances [centre of mass displacement (pη2 = .21), minimal knee and hip angles], use of torso and arms [incline, angular velocity (pη2 = .23)]. Correlations support that the results cannot be explained fully by strength and power differences between sexes but represent the product of technical-coordinative variations. Their relevance is acknowledged for both sexes and numerous performance determinants displayed sex differences. The integration of such attributes into sex-specific training seems promising but its effect requires further investigation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify differences between volleyball and beach volleyball spike jump movements performed on an indoor surface and sand surface respectively. Eight elite male volleyball players performed spike jump movements on both surfaces. An eight-camera motion capturing system (250Hz) was used to generate 3D kinematic data. Seven groups of variables representing the kinematics of the centre of mass, the countermovement, the approach phase, and the angular amplitudes and maximal velocities of the lower and upper limbs were examined using Hotelling's T2(2). Significant differences were observed in the movement of the centre of mass (P < 0.05), the countermovement, the kinematics of the approach phase, and the angular amplitudes of the lower limbs. However, no significant differences were observed either in the maximal angular velocities of the lower and upper limbs, or in the amplitudes of the upper limb motion. In conclusion, the participants showed significant adaptation to changed movement conditions. As a result of the compliance of the sand surface, the participants slowed down their movements, especially during the phase of transition from knee flexion to extension and during the extension phase. Furthermore, the participants demonstrated changes in foot position to reach the greatest height possible.  相似文献   

Volleyball has been described as an 'interval' sport with both anaerobic and aerobic components. At the higher skill levels, technical performance may be limited by physical characteristics as well as physical fitness, and performance characteristics such as speed and vertical jump. This investigation compared teams at the two uppermost levels of men's volleyball in Canada for differences in physical, physiological and performance characteristics. The subjects were members of the national (n = 15) and universiade teams (n = 24). The parameters examined included percent body fat, maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max), anaerobic power, bench press, 20-m sprint time and vertical jumping ability. The only significant difference in physical characteristics between the two teams was in age. Despite similarities in standing and reach height, the national team players had significantly higher block (3.27 vs 3.21 m) and spike (3.43 vs 3.39 m) jumps. An evaluation of anaerobic power measures produced similar power outputs during a modified Wingate test, yet the national team members had higher scores (P less than 0.05) for spike and block jump differences as well as 20-m sprint time. The large aerobic component of elite volleyball play was supported by the high VO2 max value recorded for the national team players (56.7 vs 50.3 ml kg-1 min-1). The results suggest that either years of specific physical conditioning and playing or the selection of individuals for the national team who possess more desirable characteristics as a consequence of genetic endowment, plays a significant role in the preparation of international calibre volleyball players.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to determine whether physiological, anthropometric, and skill test results could discriminate between junior volleyball players of varying ability. Twenty-eight junior volleyball players competed for selection in a talent-identification volleyball programme. Participants underwent measurements of stature, standing reach stature, body mass, skinfold thickness, overhead medicine ball throw, vertical jump, spike jump, 5-m and 10-m speed, “T” test agility, maximal aerobic power, and passing, setting, serving, and spiking technique and accuracy. A discriminant analysis was conducted on the selected and non-selected groups to obtain a regression equation that could be used to predict selection in junior volleyball squads based on the dependent variables. Passing and serving technique were the only significant variables included in the discriminant analysis. Cross-validation results showed that 17 of 19 selected players (89.5%) and 5 of 9 non-selected players (55.6%) were correctly classified into selected and non-selected groups, respectively, providing an overall predictive accuracy of 78.6%. The results of this study demonstrate that selected skill test results (i.e. subjective coach evaluations of passing technique and serving technique), but not physiological and anthropometric data, discriminate between successful and unsuccessful talent-identified junior volleyball players. These results demonstrate the importance of developing passing and serving technique in talent-identified junior volleyball players.  相似文献   

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