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当事人的管辖权异议权利本为法律赋予当事人的一项重要诉讼权利,然在司法实践中却经常被滥用,究其原因乃是现行的法律对于提起管辖权异议具体条件和其被滥用时的规制的规定过于粗糙,如何在法律上明晰提起管辖权异议的主体,明确具体审限,设置惩罚措施对管辖权异议的有效运行尤为重要.  相似文献   

论民事诉讼管辖权异议的主体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
管辖权异议是我国民事诉讼管辖的一项重要制度,但法律对管辖权异议的主体尚无明确规定,导致理论界和实践中一直存在认识上的分歧。本文通过具体分析指出,应当确立原告、被告、共同诉讼人、诉讼代表人、第三人在一定情形下的管辖权异议主体地位,以利于当事人诉讼权利的行使和实体权利的保护,实现诉讼公正和效率的基本目标。  相似文献   

管辖权异议是一项重要的诉讼权利,然而该权利在实践中并未得到很好的保障。本文结合当事人诉讼权利平等原则和既判力等理论,对管辖权异议中的相关问题进行探讨分析,提出管辖权异议应遵循"一失一限"规则,提起管辖权异议的主体应只有原告和被告,其客体应包括裁定管辖和法定管辖,其对象应包括受诉法院、附条件的受移送法院、受指定法院和受转移法院。  相似文献   

民事诉讼管辖权异议的程序问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章就管辖权异议程序的几个问题进行了探讨 ,建议设立异议权告知制度 ,进一步扩大异议的主体范围 ,论证了可以异议的管辖种类的法理依据以及管辖权异议的内容和形式 ,文章还就管辖异议权的保障机制作了设想。  相似文献   

获得有管辖权法院的审判是诉权的应有之意,确定管辖权的规范是诉权保障的重要制度构成,不容规避和违反.面对实践中当事人"争管辖"、法院"抢管辖"的现象,最高人民法院颁布了<关于审理民事级别管辖异议案件若干问题的规定>(以下简称<规定>).<规定>从级别管辖异议的提起和审理、异议裁定的上诉以及管辖权转移的规制等方面对审理级别管辖异议案件涉及的问题进行了规定,确立了级别管辖权异议制度.<规定>对于缓解级别管辖实践中存在的问题具有积极意义,对于诉权保障也具有多方面的制度价值.作为一项司法解释,<规定>也有其局限性.在异议的主体、审查程序、滥用管辖权异议的规制、移送管辖等方面留下了进一步思考和研究的课题.  相似文献   

刑事管辖权异议制度是刑事诉讼当事人认为法院对案件无管辖权的主张和建议的制度,它与刑事诉讼当事人获得公正审判权联系在一起,是保障人权的重要体现;在国际刑事司法领域中,美国刑事管辖权异议制度具有很大的优越性,很值得我们去借鉴。  相似文献   

本文针对我国当前仲裁管辖权的若干现实问题进行了分析,在借鉴国际和国外优秀经验的基础上,结合我国国情,提出了一些完善的构想。这些问题分别是:仲裁管辖权的主体界定、取得要件的构成、管辖权异议的范围以及异议的有权处理机构等。  相似文献   

管辖是民事诉讼中的基本制度 ,在现行法律有了较为明确的规定下 ,实践中仍存在一些问题 ,如协议管辖与管辖权转移的效力冲突、管辖权异议制度的缺陷等。对此需从立法上加以完善 ,以促使民事诉讼追求的终极目的———司法程序的公平与公正的实现。  相似文献   

科技奖励中的异议与异议制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了异议的本质、分类及其产生的社会根源,从控制论角度剖析了异议制评审模式和异议制的作用,并认为应加强对报奖前异议和奖后异议的征集和处理工作。  相似文献   

作为我国刑事诉讼法中的一块立法空白,管辖权异议制度正在成为越来越多的人关注的焦点。在许多国家普遍确立该制度的同时,面对该制度在我国刑事法律体系中的缺失,众多学者提出了在我国建立该制度的构想。本文将从传统法律文化的角度探讨该制度在我国建立的可能性,以求得对该制度的一些反思。  相似文献   

In this article Sarah Stitzlein highlights an educational right that has been largely unacknowledged in the past but has recently gained significance given renewed citizen participation in displays of public outcry on our streets and in our town halls. Dissent is typically conceived of as a negative right—a liberty that guarantees that the government will not interfere with one's public self‐expression. Stitzlein argues that, insofar as the legitimacy of the state depends on obtaining the consent of the governed, the state must allow the lively proliferation of dissent. Attending to this negative rights perspective, Stitzlein explores the educational implications of reframing the right to dissent as a positive right. This includes discussing the state's obligation to cultivate the skills of dissent in its young citizens and, correspondingly, student entitlement to this training. These educational implications, especially for civics education, are far more substantial than the thinner implications of the negative right to dissent.  相似文献   

Scholars have argued that workers portrayed on television were often comfortable voicing disagreement to their supervisors but that disagreements rarely resulted in any change to the status quo. Organizational dissent, which by definition represents a challenge to the status quo, has been linked to a number of benefits for the dissenter and the organization. The researchers of the present study examined how dissent was portrayed on primetime television. Results indicated that dissenters often approached supervisors who had the power to address the frustrating circumstance that triggered the disagreement but that dissent was instrumentally ineffective and failed to elicit emotional support from the dissent audience.  相似文献   

Dissent is conceptualized as a largely able-minded political expression. Ashley Taylor argues in this essay that educational philosophers, therefore, lack an understanding of dissent that can capture the politically relevant expressions of students labeled with significant disabilities. While traditional frameworks of dissent may capture many of the ways disabled activists and their nondisabled allies have challenged oppressive social structures, these models nevertheless rely on a conceptualization of dissent that fails to make sense of the political agency of people understood as having significant intellectual disabilities. Taylor reframes the embodied and localized refusals and transgressions of labeled students as forms of politically relevant dissent, drawing on her own observational data from the classroom as well as the ethnographic work of researchers in the field of disability studies in education. By developing a richer and experientially-based understanding of dissent, Taylor offers an alternative conceptual orientation toward dissent that has normative implications for theorists and practitioners alike.  相似文献   

为保护当事人对保密性的期待,增强仲裁的吸引力,在当前实践中,仲裁裁决通常是不公开的。仲裁裁决不予公开尽管有助于保护当事人的声誉和商业秘密,但也在一定程度上阻碍了仲裁制度的发展。因此,改变既有实践,使仲裁裁决的公开常态化实属必要。此外,在仲裁裁决公开之前,应赋予当事人异议权,使当事人参与到裁决的公开的实践中来,减少当事人对于公开裁决的疑虑,以更好地保护当事人的利益。  相似文献   

执行程序在价值取向上注重效率,故执行异议前置审查程序中判断执行标的实体权属遵循《物权法》的物权公示原则。与之相衔接,执行异议之诉则立足实质正义,力求探知真实的权利状态,按照《执行规定》第17条公正判断案外人是否具备“足以排除强制执行的实体权利”,共同共有、占有、用益物权、担保物权和债权请求权等在一定条件下均可能成为“足以排除强制执行的实体权利”。《物权法》与《执行规定》第17条是案外人执行异议机制不同阶段的实体法依据,两者并无矛盾冲突。  相似文献   

In this study, full-time employees were surveyed to determine the degree to which different considerations factored into their decisions to express upward or lateral dissent. Employees rated considerations similarly when reportedly dissenting to either supervisors or coworkers, with organizational climate and organizational attachment considerations being comparatively stronger than concerns associated with being perceived as adversarial and experiencing retaliation. A comparison across types of dissent revealed that organizational climate, organizational attachment, and adversarial perception/retaliation were more important considerations when employees expressed upward versus lateral dissent. Additionally, results suggested no significant differences in the way management and non-management employees weighed considerations when expressing dissent.  相似文献   

Although samizdat (self‐publication) has existed since the days of Catherine the Great as the principal means by which banned works have been circulated in Russia, the most fertile period for the underground Soviet press was from 1968 through the early 1970s. A study of the content and contributors of two prominent samizdat publications, the Chronicle of Current Events and Supergirl Oktyabrina, reveals differences in the concerns of the dissidents and their relationship with the regime. The Chronicle's content was primarily literary and oriented toward the “human rights” movement. In contrast, Oktyabrina was satirical and comical, with no serious literary intent. An examination of the Soviet's handling of these two samizdat publications suggests that dissent in Russia is handled selectively, and that the Soviet authorities are not interested in eliminating all dissent, only the dissent that they find challenging to their rule.  相似文献   

Some parents and caregivers, frustrated by low academic performance of their local school, emphasis on testing, or the content of the curriculum, have worked independently or formed parent groups to speak out and demand improvements. Parents and families enact solutions such as opting out of tests, developing alternative curricula, invoking parent trigger laws, and withdrawing their children from public schools. When engaged well, these outcries of family dissent can be used to improve public schools and to keep them truly public. In this article, I define good dissent and show how it keeps schools healthy. I examine the actions, publications, and web sites of major parent organizations and individual parents to argue that some parents are demonstrating good and admirable dissent that can help improve school quality, parent satisfaction with schools, and student experiences in them; others not only fail to employ good dissent, but may actually be hurting the viability of our public schools and the type of graduate they produce.  相似文献   

This study (N?=?326) was conducted to examine the associations among instructor humor, inappropriate conversations, and instructional dissent. First, results showed students are more likely to employ rhetorical dissent when they perceive their instructors as humorous in the classroom. Second, using expectancy violations theory as a guide, results also indicated that students’ perceptions of instructor-relevant humor moderated the relationships between enactment of inappropriate conversations and students’ expressive and vengeful dissent. These findings support the importance of employing relevant humor in course instruction, especially when instructors engage in inappropriate conversations in the college classroom.  相似文献   

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