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“全球化”无疑是当下最热门的一个名词了。这不仅因为它已经影响到了我们生活的方方面面,而且在它给我们未来美好憧憬的同时,也让我们感到非常不安。有人说:“其实我们根本不会知道这列急速前行的火车会给我们带往哪里?”在这一期的“科学文化”栏目里。我们试图关注的却是另一个与此相关的话题——科学与全球化之间的关系。几位作者的学术背景分别是:科技史,人类学,全球化,数字化以及经济学。希望他们的文章能够在这一问题上对读者有一定的启发。  相似文献   

历史潮流滚滚向前,科学技术突飞猛进,文化呈现错综复杂的多样性.文化的多样性与科技进步有着千丝万缕的高密度联系.文化多样性孕育科学技术的进步,为科技进步提供异彩纷呈的文化背景,推动科学技术日新月异的发展;而科技进步又对多样性文化发挥其积极的主导作用,促进文化多样性的统一与繁荣.因此,二者之间的互动互补,相辅相成,对于发展我国的科技与文化事业,形成世界科技文化的新格局,均有十分重要的理论价值和实践意义.  相似文献   

科学技术全球化的态势   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文提出了科技全球化的六大态势:从“位空间”到“流空间”、信息知识增长速度大大超过物质增长速度、智力资源的全球开发得到高度重视、从“零和博奕”向“非零和博奕”、从机械模式到社会模式、从实体到虚拟。深刻理解上述科技全球化发展的六大态势对于制定我国相应对策十分重要。  相似文献   

作为全球化的先导和基础,经济全球化的趋势不可逆转。科学技术对全球化的作用首先体现在对社会分工协作的推动上,并最终促成了经济全球化。最后,简要介绍了经济全球化对科学技术的影响。  相似文献   

论科学技术中的文化多样性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文立足于科学技术发展史,揭示了科学技术的多元文化起源,具体分析了科技传统中的文化多样性,指出在当代世界科学技术日新月异的发展和全球化浪潮中,正确认识和对待文化多样性对于民族的进步与文明、世界的和平与发展具有重要的作用.  相似文献   

自二战以来,美国就一直在做着文化帝国的美梦,极力对其他国家进行文化扩张,力求建立有利于巩固和发展其政治、经济霸权的"全球文化"。所以在全球化时代,对文化多样性的研究显得格外重要,它是民族文化发展中最为必要和紧迫的任务。  相似文献   

何又春 《科教文汇》2008,(20):224-225
自二战以来,美国就一直在做着文化帝国的美梦,极力对其他国家进行文化扩张,力求建立有利于巩固和发展其政治、经济霸权的“全球文化”。所以在全球化时代,对文化多样性的研究显得格外重要,它是民族文化发展中最为必要和紧迫的任务。  相似文献   

全球化与反全球化:发展中国家的应对策略   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
唐宇 《科技与管理》2004,6(4):11-13
通过对全球化与反全球化有机结合进行综合分析,对发展中国家在两种截然相反的趋势中所面临的机遇与挑战,提出相应对策,以利于发展中国家把握机遇、权衡利弊、迎接挑战,选择适合本国国情的发展战略,促进其经济可持续发展。  相似文献   

员智凯 《未来与发展》2007,28(8):33-35,32
国际组织的兴盛与发展是当代国际关系中令人瞩目的现象,它对世界和平与发展产生着广泛而深刻的影响。随着科学技术全球化趋势的加强,许多国际科技组织更加活跃。目前中国在国际组织的影响力还比较小,与我国应有的国际地位不相称,特别是科技、教育和文化等方面专家在国际科技组织任职和发挥作用还不够。中国专家应该具有战略眼光和大家风范,更加主动地参与国际组织,加强国际合作与交流,提高中国的国际地位,让世界更加了解中国,中国也可以为世界和平与发展作出更大贡献。  相似文献   

Sweden's technological development based on big science supporting high politics is turning to more welfare-oriented technologies. The tension between the university reform performed by an inward-looking government and industrial innovation carried out by an outward-looking business community is discussed.The paper covers the time span of the quiet postwar years, the attempt to institutionalize science policy in the 1960's and the sectoral approach to science and technology advocated in the 1970's. The implications of the polarization of science policy between the government and the technological community at a time of European integration is discussed.  相似文献   

科学、人文与全球化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类目前不仅面临一个自然生态在遭到破坏.自然资源在减少的问题,同样还在面临一个文化生态在遭到破坏。文化资源在减少的问题。这是一个问题的两个面,它们相互关联,相互影响。  相似文献   

This paper illustrates the overlap of computer ethics and business ethics by examining two issues. The first is the lack of fit between digitalized information and copyright protection. Although there are moral arguments that can be used to justify protection of intellectual property, including computer software and digitalized data, the way that copyright protection has developed often reflects vested interests rather than the considered weighing of moral considerations. As a result, with respect to downloading MP3s, among other material, what is ethical is largely determined by the appropriately passed laws in each jurisdiction, and what is ethically permissible in one jurisdiction may be ethically impermissible in another. The second issue is the outsourcing of IT jobs from the U.S. While the practice has been politicized, examining it from an all-things-considered perspective, this paper argues it is ethically justified.I wrote this while I was a Resident at the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Study and Conference Center and I am pleased to acknowledge the support of the Foundation. I gave an abridged version of this paper at the Third World Congress of Business, Economics and Ethics in Melbourne, Australia, in July, 2004.  相似文献   

周丽娟 《科技与管理》2005,7(3):100-101
在分析国际技术转移和经济全球化成因的基础上,着重阐述了国际技术转移与经济全球化的相互作用。通过综合分析,国际企业受利益的驱动,形成了经济全球化格局,进而促进国际技术转移。  相似文献   

This paper deals with science, technology and Europe. It purports to show that the European Community (the Common Market of Nine European Countries) has been quite successful in promoting trade, economic growth and industrial competition, interpenetration and specialisation. However, since a large, prosperous, unified market was created in Europe in the late Sixties, a host of new problems has surfaced. These mainly concern the quality of Man's life, the relations between Man and Society, the balance between Man and Nature. These new problems cannot be solved by the invisible hand of the market, but require public intervention, common policies. Here the record of Europe is rather more doubtful, although common solutions to crucial issues such as energy, pollution and science and technology have been under the discussion within the Community for a number of years. On the other hand, joint decisions taken in 1973 on the protection of the environment, the setting-up in early 1974 of joint machinery (CREST) for helping to define a common policy in science and technology, first steps toward the creation of a common capacity for long-range forecasting and assessment, as well as the establishment of a European Science Foundation in 1974 and recent moves toward a common energy policy give some hope for the future of European integration in science and technology.  相似文献   

采用<全国科技进步统计监测报告>(2006-2008)中科技进步体系的指标及数据,在构建panel-data模型基础上,通过科技活动投入对科技活动产出的影响进行回归,以揭示重庆市科技活动投入对科技活动产出的贡献.研究发现,科技活动投入的两个分量对科技活动产出均有显著的正面促进作用,且都通过了显著性检验.从而就如何提高重庆市科技进步水平提出政策建议.  相似文献   

眭纪刚 《科学学研究》2009,27(6):801-807
 对科学与技术不做区分会导致科技政策的偏差。本文从区分科学与技术的界限出发,梳理两者在历史上的演进关系,发现科学与技术的关系经历了从无到有、从疏远到密切的过程,并评价发达国家在起飞阶段的科学技术政策得失,最后为我国的科学与技术发展提出若干政策建议。  相似文献   

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