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Objective testing techniques, such as multiple-choice examinations, are a widely accepted method of assessment in gross anatomy. In order to deter cheating on these types of examinations, instructors often design several versions of an examination to distribute. These versions usually involve the rearrangement of questions and their corresponding answer choices. This study will determine whether the distribution of different versions of an examination affects student performance in a lower division anatomical science course. Students who receive the original version of an examination may be at an advantage over those that receive a shuffled version of an examination because of the systematic tendencies that go into examination construction. This study concludes that the shuffling of questions and answer choices to produce multiple versions of an examination does not affect student performance.  相似文献   

Concern about academic dishonesty has led to studies designed to explore its nature, prevalence, and causes. Nevertheless, to date there has been little empirical work designed to test the efficacy of measures to reduce cheating behavior. Many authors agree that there should be institutional statements about academic dishonesty that give definitions and state the penalties for cheating. The purpose of this study was to examine the efficacy of such statements in terms of their influence on perceived severity and perceived incidence of plagiarism in undergraduates. We found that having the students read a carefully worded statement about plagiarism was an effective way to change the perceptions of how seriously plagiarism breaches academic guidelines. Our data further suggest that providing guidance about avoiding plagiarism that encourages students to take a more serious view of the issue is likely to have positive effects on future behavior.  相似文献   

本科教学工作水平评估对高校教学工作影响的调查研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对上海水产大学和上海师范大学教学科研人员和教学管理人员进行的问卷调查表明,本科教学工作水平评估对教学工作的影响是积极的,建立评估制度是保障高等教育质量的有效措施。调查揭示了评估对教学工作影响的一些特点:教学管理人员对评估影响的肯定程度高于教学科研人员;评估对教师教学和教学管理的影响大于对学生学习的影响;评估对教学工作的外在影响强于内在影响;评估对教学工作的影响随时间推移会逐渐减弱。  相似文献   

对于新建的民办本科院校来说,主动提出参加教育部第一轮的本科教学工作水平评估是严峻考验,也是发展机遇。迎接评估和做好评估准备工作,是民办本科院校的一项重要任务,也是新建本科院校的一个共同课题。本文结合自己在学校迎评创建中工作,浅谈了本科评估对民办本科教育质量的促进作用。  相似文献   

Although multiple choice examinations are often used to test anatomical knowledge, these often forgo the use of images in favor of text‐based questions and answers. Because anatomy is reliant on visual resources, examinations using images should be used when appropriate. This study was a retrospective analysis of examination items that were text based compared to the same questions when a reference image was included with the question stem. Item difficulty and discrimination were analyzed for 15 multiple choice items given across two different examinations in two sections of an undergraduate anatomy course. Results showed that there were some differences item difficulty but these were not consistent to either text items or items with reference images. Differences in difficulty were mainly attributable to one group of students performing better overall on the examinations. There were no significant differences for item discrimination for any of the analyzed items. This implies that reference images do not significantly alter the item statistics, however this does not indicate if these images were helpful to the students when answering the questions. Care should be taken by question writers to analyze item statistics when making changes to multiple choice questions, including ones that are included for the perceived benefit of the students. Anat Sci Educ 10: 68–78. © 2016 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

This report describes a small study that analysed module marks of one cohort of science undergraduates from one academic year. It explored how group summative assessment marking affected the overall marks in comparison with individual assessment. A tutor allocated students to mixed ability project groups. Individual marks for the group work component were derived by tutor‐, peer‐, and self‐assessment weighting. The results showed that students with high individual marks obtained lower marks in the group component. Similarly, students with low individual marks obtained higher marks in the group component. Study limitations, results and conclusions are reported.  相似文献   

高等学校本科教学面临的挑战与改革   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
我国高等学校本科教育近年来有了巨大的发展 ,但也面临着严峻的挑战。为应对新形势 ,本科教学必须深化改革 ,进一步转变教育观念 ,调整专业设置与课程体系 ,更新与丰富教学内容 ,改革教学方法 ,以培养适应我国 2 1世纪发展需要的高质量人才。  相似文献   

通过扫描电镜、X射线衍射仪和热重差热分析仪等大型仪器对本科生的开放,总结了最近几年来,我校环境与化学学科在大型仪器对本科生开放过程中的经验,介绍了培养学生实验技能和创新思维模式所取得的成绩,同时探讨了开放过程中存在的问题和相应的对策。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the predictive validity of a two-step admissions procedure that included a cognitive ability test followed by multiple mini-interviews (MMIs) used to assess non-cognitive skills, compared to grade-based admissions relative to subsequent drop-out rates and academic achievement after one and two years of study. The participants consisted of the entire population of 422 psychology students who were admitted to the University of Southern Denmark between 2010 and 2013. The results showed significantly lower drop-out rates after the first year of study, and non-significant lower drop-out rates after the second year of study for the admission procedure that included the assessment of non-cognitive skills though the MMI and the admissions test. Furthermore, this admission procedure resulted in a significant lower risk of failing the final exam after the first and second year of study, compared to the grade-based admissions procedure. Finally, students admitted through the MMI and the admissions test scored significantly higher on academic learning self-efficacy and critical thinking compared to students selected by grades. The implications for higher education admissions are discussed.  相似文献   

大学生考试舞弊行为由多种原因所致,主要包括社会因素、心理因素与教育因素三个方面。对于大学生考试舞弊现象,需要从施行诚信教育、提升教学水平、改革考试制度等多方面入手,将之当做一项系统的社会工程进行综合治理,才能收到标本兼治的效果。  相似文献   

柯林伍德和伽达默尔作为哲学家,都提出了问答逻辑。柯林伍德是从反对传统历史学研究方法出发,提出了历史哲学视域下的问答逻辑,这本质上是一种方法论上的问答逻辑;而伽达默尔则是从本体论上,在哲学解释学中提出了问答逻辑。对于两者提出的问答逻辑,虽然有不同之处,但更有许多的共通性在其中。两者的理论渊源相同,都是受苏格拉底和培根的影响;内在逻辑结构相同,都是一种问答的结构;都具有开放性的特点。此外,二者在反对科学主义泛滥的倾向方面都起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   

Teamwork assessment creates a more comprehensive educational experience by broadening the diversity of skills that students develop. Developing teamwork skills is particularly important due to a recognised skills gap among science graduates. This study investigated student perceptions of developing teamwork skills during their undergraduate science degrees. A mixed methods approach was used, which included the analysis of both quantitative and qualitative online survey data. The key findings showed that, although students understood the importance of developing teamwork skills for their future, a substantial proportion did not feel sufficiently prepared with these skills by their science degree. To develop teamwork skills, more students valued working in teams during laboratory sessions, team sports and informal study groups than non-laboratory based formal teamwork assessment. In support of previous teamwork studies across disciplines, the most cited factors contributing to poor teamwork experiences were difficulties scheduling meetings and unequal contribution among team members. This study indicates pedagogical improvements that may enhance the teamwork experience of students during assessments.  相似文献   

在高校教育管理中,应运用系统论、控制论方法,在本科生教学与研究生教学之间建立起互馈关系,包括两者之间的前馈关系与后馈关系。对本科生教学与研究生教学之间建立互馈关系具有制约的因素,首先是教育管理的体制因素,其次是由于学科建设中专业建设与学位建设的重点不同,此外是教育管理上缺乏系统管理的科学理念。要建立本科生教学与研究生教学之间互馈的良性机制,就要在深化教育体制改革中加强管理部门之间的协调与交流。在学科建设中加强与完善专业建设与学位建设的结合,在改进教育管理中培养系统管理的科学理念。  相似文献   

略论大学生体育消费问题   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
大学生是一个特定的体育消费群体,对其体育消费观念、消费特征进行研究,对于合理引导大学生的体育消费,提高大学生的体育消费水平,推动高校体育教学改革等具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

大学生就业的忧与思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
市场经济使大学生的就业观发生了很大的变化,其中隐藏着诸多问题,这既影响到大学生的就业,也影响到社会的发展。本文对大学生在就业中关于"义""利"之辨问题、精神问题、主体性问题和价值观取向问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

文章以J大学工商管理专业为例,调查了276位本科生,在此基础上,通过构建结构方程模型,实证分析了教师教学水平、教师教学方式、学生学习动机、学生学习行为、学生自主学习和教学环境对教学效果的影响,以及在此过程中学习自主性中介作用的发挥情况。研究结果表明,教师的教学方式、教学行为、学生学习行为、教学环境、学习自主性均会显著影响教学效果,且学生的自主学习有显著的中介作用;而学生学习动机对教学效果的影响缺乏显著性。文章分析了实证结果产生的原因,并从高校、教师、学生三方面入手,提出了针对高校本科专业有效提升教学效果的对策建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determinewhether student engagement in three goodeducational practices (cooperation with peers,active learning, faculty-student interaction)increased between 1983 and 1997 in response tothe calls to improve the quality ofundergraduate education in the United States.The data source was 73,050 students whocompleted the College Student ExperiencesQuestionnaire. The results from multipleregression and effect size analyses showed thatthe frequency of involvement in these goodpractices did not change over time. Variationin the scores of the three indicators acrossyears and types of institution(doctoral-granting universities, comprehensiveuniversities, liberal arts colleges) wasminimal indicating a stable pattern with onlyrandom fluctuations during this 15 yearperiod.  相似文献   

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