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Type A behavior, 1 of the risk factors for heart disease, is characterized by impatience and competitive achievement striving. An opposing type B pattern is characterized by patience and a lack of competitive achievement striving. Previous observations of mother-child interactions revealed that mothers gave type A and type B children different frequencies of pushing and positive task evaluation. To isolate the effects of type A and B children on caregivers, the present study examined the caregiver behavior of female strangers elicited by boys' type A and B behavior. In addition, it examined whether the child effects differed according to the caregivers' behavior pattern. Results indicated that, relative to type B children, type A children elicited more pushing and positive task evaluation from type B caregivers. However, type A caregivers did not respond to the differences in the children's behavior pattern. The caregiver behavior of type A's and type B's is discussed in light of previous experimental findings of their general responsiveness to variations in their environment.  相似文献   

Self-ratings versus teacher-ratings of adolescents' Type A Behavior Pattern were compared with 80 eighth-grade and 70 eleventh-grade teenagers from a typical high school in Melbourne, Australia. Data indicated that there were significant differences in the ratings from these two sources, with little predictive power from teachers' ratings to adolescents' ratings. Implications for the reliable and comprehensive assessment of adolescents' Type A Behavior Pattern are discussed.  相似文献   

Glass and his colleagues have suggested that the type A coronary-prone behavior pattern, which is characterized by competitiveness, aggressiveness, and impatience, is a response style aimed at maintaining and asserting control over poentially uncontrollable events. The present investigation examined the initial reactions of type A and type B boys and men to uncontrollable events. Children and adults pressed a button to earn nickels on one of the following schedules of reinforcement: a variable ratio of 7 or a fixed ratio of 7. The variable ratio schedule was assumed to appear less controllable than the fixed ratio schedule. The task was either of high or low salience (prominence). Results replicated previous research that type A's initially respond to highly salient uncontrollable events with more vigorous efforts to assert control than type B's. More importantly, the findings provided the first evidence that (1) the initial response to loss of control of type A and type B boys parallels that of their adult counterparts; and (2) the boys' response to the salience of the task is similar to that of their adult counterparts. Implications of the children's responses to uncontrollable events for the maintenance of type A behavior into adulthood and for the etiology of heart disease are discussed.  相似文献   

Arguments concerning the generality and statistical analysis of single-subject data are evaluated. Consideration is also given to the role that philosophy of science can play in evaluating research methodology. From this background, single-subject data emerge as a unique phenomenon with special relevance for psychologists and educators who focus on the individual. Statistical techniques for analyzing an individual's data are found to have numerous limitations. Furthermore, critiques of visual analysis yield analogous arguments against inferential statistics. Philosophy of science has proven a poor touchstone for evaluating scientific methodology. Instead, it is best at placing philosophical foundations under already constructed methods and theories.  相似文献   

个人主体性与类主体性作为两种不同的主体性,其基本特点分别是占有与生产。具有个人主体性的学生在学习活动过程中形成了客观性知识观、以机械学习为主、丧失与他人交往,最终只能得到片面的发展。而具有类主体性的学生,在学习活动过程中形成了建构性知识观、以意义学习为主、建立与他人合作的关系,最终实现自主全面的发展。要实现学生学习活动中从个人主体性到类主体性的转变,就要关注学生自主意识和自我调控能力培养、促进学生对人际互动的参与以及建立“以学生全面发展为本”的课堂文化。  相似文献   

Objective. This study examined linkages between prenatal exposure to alcohol, current maternal alcohol use, child externalizing behavior, and maternal stress in a sample of 4- to 6-year-old children and their mothers. Design. Questionnaires, interviews, and behavioral observations were used to assess study variables in 42 mother - child dyads. Results. Current maternal alcohol use did not relate to children's behavior problems. However, children with higher levels of prenatal exposure to alcohol exhibited more externalizing behavior. In turn, higher levels of child externalizing behavior were associated with increased maternal stress. An alternative model, in which maternal stress was assumed to relate to less supportive mother - child interactions and higher levels of current maternal alcohol consumption, which in turn were expected to relate to higher rates of child externalizing behavior, did not fit the data. Conclusions. The impact of prenatal alcohol exposure likely extends to caregivers. Interventions must focus not only on affected individuals but also on their families, who may experience significant stress in trying to care for such individuals.  相似文献   

This study examined the developments in children’s externalizing problems and interest in reading during their first four years of school (Grades 1–4) and investigated whether this development predicted the children’s Grade 6 reading skills and educational aspirations. Data comprised (1) teachers’ ratings of externalizing problems and children’s (N = 642; 43% girls) self-ratings of their interest in reading, collected between Grades 1 and 4, and (2) measures of reading fluency and comprehension, and children’s self-reports of educational aspirations, collected at Grade 6. First, latent growth modeling showed that a higher level of externalizing problems in Grade 1 was associated with a lower concurrent interest in reading. Second, a positive association between the initial level of interest in reading and a linear change in externalizing problems indicated that children with a lower interest in reading in Grade 1 were rated by teachers as exhibiting higher levels of externalizing problems, which nonetheless declined over the course of their first four years of school more than among other children. Third, a higher initial level of externalizing problems with a linear change in these problems across Grades 1–4 was a predictor of lower subsequent educational aspirations and poorer reading comprehension in Grade 6. Analysis of the indirect effects indicated that a higher level of externalizing problems was associated with a lower concurrent interest in reading, which, in turn, was related to poorer future reading fluency and lower educational aspirations. The findings imply that problem behaviors are interlinked with academic skill development and motivation across the first six years of school.  相似文献   

This study conducted two meta-analyses to synthesize the association between children’s language skills and two broad-band dimensions of psychopathology: internalizing and externalizing. Pooled estimates across 139 samples (externalizing k = 105; internalizing k = 90) and 147,305 participants (age range: 2–17 years old; mean % males: 53.75; mean % White participants: 55.59; mean % minority participants: 43.12) indicated small but significant associations between child language skills and externalizing problems (Hedges’ g = .22) and between language skills and internalizing problems (Hedges’ g = .23). The association between language difficulties and externalizing problems was stronger amongst males and in children with low versus high sociodemographic risk. Implications of the results for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

边缘化外在化知识化--道德教育的现代综合症   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
鲁洁 《教育研究》2005,26(12):11-14,42
当代的教育在现代化的转型中发生了变异,它从指向人自身的存在,指向人的发展和完善,变异为征服、占有世界的工具。而道德教育的本意不在使人拥有某方面谋生的本领,只在使人成为人,因此它被边缘化。当代在“道德的名义”下唯一可资利用的价值就是用道德规范和规则去把人组装在科学理性主义的大机器上,道德教育就蜕变为注入规范、规则的外在化教育。道德之知本是一种实践之知,当代的道德教育却以普遍化、客体化的知识割断了与生活和实践的联系,走上了一条唯知识化的路。  相似文献   

Ethnography was used to elucidate barriers to completion in natural resource sciences distance education. The aim was to increase understanding of those variables associated with persistence and withdrawal, particularly to discern better the role of disciplinary content in these phenomena. The courses provide exemplars of epistemological stances that are broadly relevant. Both withdrawal and persisting students experienced situational, institutional, dispositional and epistemological problems that posed barriers to completion. Elucidation of the epistemological problems makes it evident that course content itself cannot be ignored in any theoretical or practical consideration of distance education attrition.  相似文献   

The effect of general self-management skills on the achievement of behavior disordered (BD) students on independent math tasks is described. Eighteen students with behavior disorders were trained to apply general self-management strategies to affect improvement in performance on independent math calculation practice sheets. A single-subject multiple baseline design across three subjects with five direct, concurrent replications was used to analyze the data. Student performance under two separate conditions, baseline and self-management, was compared. Based on the weekly mean percentage of correct responses to daily mathematics worksheets, students' achievement improved significantly under the treatment condition. Implications for the use of self-management strategies by special needs students are suggested.  相似文献   

The Behavior Intervention Centres are part of the Houston Independent School District's (HISD) Special Education Department. Their purpose is to provide educational services to elementary and secondary students, aged 3 through 21, who exhibit either severely aggressive or severely withdrawn behaviours. This article describes a formalized follow‐up service considered by the authors to be a critical component of the BIC program.  相似文献   

According to self-determination theory (SDT), the extent to which students’ motivation is self-determined is critical for academic performance. SDT also proposes that self-determined academic motivation is facilitated when the learning environment supports the basic psychological needs for autonomy, relatedness, and competence. This model of social support → needs satisfaction → motivation → learning outcomes is termed the general SDT model. Current evidence regarding this general SDT model is limited, in that, to date, no study has examined it in full using within-individual methods, which are critical for understanding inner psychological processes and mechanisms. Using a large and comprehensive college student dataset (total N of responses = 30,765), the current study aims to apply a within-individual analytical approach to the general SDT model. Specifically, we apply a cross-classified path model to account for both the between-student level and between-classroom level nesting structure. This model enables us to explain the relationships between the variables in the general SDT model on three levels: situational (within-student and within-classroom), between-student, and between-classroom.The results generally support the predictions on all three levels. For a student, a classroom, or a student’s specific experience within a classroom, the general SDT model received support. Most importantly, when the same student in the same classroom experiences higher levels of autonomy support, she or he is more likely to have her or his psychological needs satisfied and to study for self-determined reasons, which are associated with higher perceived learning performance. Various unexpected results, such as the direct effects of learning climate and the predominance of the competence need, are also reported. Overall, the current research provides a comprehensive and multilevel understanding of the role of self-determination in college classrooms.  相似文献   

学校是教育人、培养人的基地,高职高专院校在提高辅导员素质的同时,更要以人为本地发挥学生的积极性和主动性,同时对学生进行必要的职业生涯规划和就业指导,促进学生全面发展。  相似文献   

世界短篇小说三大巨匠莫泊桑、契诃夫、欧亨利作为批判现实主义大师,他们身上有太多的相似之处:作品中对现实的高度概括,精巧的构思,真实的细节描写,都向读者展示了他们生活的那个时代的风貌,而且在艺术上也体现了他们共同的美学追求。  相似文献   

Parents of children with educable mental handicaps, behavior disorders, and learning disabilities completed a questionnaire on the types and numbers of program modifications needed to persuade them to accept full-time mainstreaming for their exceptional children. Results suggest that successful full-time mainstreaming requires parent involvement. Contingent upon recognition and implementation of their recommendations for mainstreaming, most parents are supportive of full-time integration of their mildly handicapped children in regular classrooms. Parents' specific mainstreaming recommendations are discussed along with educational reform implications.  相似文献   

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