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儿童性虐待逐渐成为一个社会热点问题,遭受性虐待儿童的心理健康问题引起学者的广泛关注。综合国内外有关儿童性虐待的研究发现,目前对儿童性虐待的定义并不统一,有效的心理干预措施还不健全。回顾儿童性虐待已有的研究成果,阐述了儿童性虐待的定义、影响及心理干预的有效方法,以及心理干预的三种方式——个体治疗、团体治疗、家庭治疗。通过分析儿童性虐待的现状和研究方向,旨在唤起人们对儿童性虐待的重视,为儿童性虐待的防治提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

我国已经形成了国家、省、市、县四级中小学校长培训基地网络,本文在阐述四级培训基地管理职能、培训条件、培训主体资格的基础上,依据国家政策法规,遵循发展性原则、形成性原则和实效性原则,初步构建了适合于中小学校长培训特点的反映时代要求的校长培训基地资格认定评估体系。  相似文献   

目前,我国高等教育正经历从精英型向大众型的转变,招生人数逐年增加,贫困生人数也随之增加,高校的贫困生已形成一个巨大的、不容忽视的群体.近几年来,党和政府、学校以及社会相关部门都十分重视高校贫困生的资助工作,随着新资助体系的落实,逐渐形成了“奖、勤、贷、补、减”等有机结合、多元化的高校家庭经济困难学生资助体系,这对于确保贫困生安心学习顺利完成学业等无疑起了十分重要的作用.但是,现有资助体系及其实施过程中也存在一些问题.本文就目前资助体系中存在的一些问题进行分析,并提出相应的解决方案.  相似文献   

李燕  陈鹏  陆小妹 《文教资料》2009,(30):169-170
随着高等教育的快速发展、教师资格认定工作的进一步深入,许多理论和实践上的问题日益显现。本文结合实际工作,分析当前高校教师资格认定存在的问题,并就如何改进和完善高校教师资格制度作了探讨。  相似文献   

为使高校贫困生认定工作更合理、科学、准确,针对贫困生资助工作的相关政策进行分析,对在实际操作过程中存在的一些共性问题进行探讨,从高校贫困生认定工作的服务理念、信息管理、工作方式、引导教育四个维度提出对策,推进精准认定,助力精准扶贫。  相似文献   

家庭暴力这个自古就有的社会问题,一直都未能杜绝。这与对家庭暴力的认定在法律上没有详细的界定标准,以及管理部门太多,协调不够等有关。为此,从家庭暴力认定上入手,完善相关法律规定,统一认定家庭暴力标准,确定家庭暴力管理机构,对于防范和制止家庭暴力,促进家庭和社会的和谐稳定有着重大意义。  相似文献   

徐亮 《辽宁高职学报》2011,13(2):103-104
对家庭经济困难学生进行资助是我国一项重大决策。贫困生的认定、评议是否合理,影响到国家资助政策落实的公平性和真实性。为此,应加强各级政府的管理,增强高职学院辅导员的工作责任心,构建社会诚信体系,使国家资助款项真正用在家庭经济困难的学生身上。  相似文献   

大学贫困生认定的相关问题的调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我国高校在贫困生的认定工作上存在着公平性不够、学生的隐私权没有充分地得到维护等问题,要解决这些问题,我们必须采取相应的对策与措施。  相似文献   

儿童问题行为的评估及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儿童问题行为是国内外心理学和教育工作者共同关注的热点问题,其发生率仍在逐年上升.儿童问题行为不仅影响儿童身心的健康发展,而且影响我国素质教育的进程.在教育过程中,教育者只有对儿童的各种行为表现做出合理的评估,才能够有针对性地实施教育计划.本文对儿童问题行为的评估标准、注意问题和对策等方面作了初步探讨.  相似文献   

北京大学地球与空间科学学院积极探索基于量化评估的贫困生认定体系,这一体系由家庭所在地、主要收入来源、住房情况、父母情况、家庭其他成员情况、本人特殊情形、家庭意外情况、缴纳学费情况、学习情况共九大类、三十四小类量化因子组成。此体系涵盖的多样化致困因素比单一的家庭人均年收入更能够客观真实地反映学生家庭的困难程度。  相似文献   

性侵害受害儿童的心理病理学研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
性侵害会对儿童的身心发展产生不良影响。本文介绍了儿童性侵害的定义、儿童性侵害的流行率与发生率、性侵害受害儿童的心理病理学研究。在此基础上,提出了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

This article addresses the issue of child sexual abuse, providing contextual information about the problem, such as the fact that in 85–95% of cases, the offender is known to and trusted by the victim. Because children are greatly influenced by situations depicted in books (and other media), positive and negative influences of general children's literature are discussed. More importantly, the author argues that carefully selected children's literature can help to prevent child sexual abuse. Since statistics reveal that the average sexually abused victim is eight years old, this study focuses on current and suggested literature for children ages four through eight. Content and evaluative criteria are discussed, followed by a survey of thirteen children's books that deal with child sexual abuse. Finally, ideal characteristics of prevention are suggested and some literary models are proposed.  相似文献   

Researchers and theorists offer a strong base of research in physical activity for high risk groups, particularly sedentary children, adults, and the elderly. Little research examines the lifelong healthy movement behaviors of former competitive athletes. This paper raises some important questions relevant to this population, in particular the disturbing, yet limited research pointing to a serious failure of former competitive athletes to necessarily live longer, healthier, and more physically active lives. The scarce research that seems to highlight this neglected problem is outlined and hypotheses that may contribute to this phenomenon are offered and categorized in the following three sections: atypical physical behaviors found in the sporting realm, utilitarian uses of physical activity, and the long-term consequences of athletic identity. Suggestions are offered to direct future research and to implement practical intervention strategies and educational programs.  相似文献   


This study explored teachers’ reactions to implementing a Pre-K-Grade 5 school-based child sexual abuse prevention education program. Fifty-seven classroom teachers and two school counselors attended one of nine focus groups conducted after the implementation of the Committee for Children’s Second Step Child Protection Unit. Teachers discussed their feelings about teaching the unit before and after implementation, their students’ reactions to the lessons, and parental feedback. Initially, teachers were anxious and apprehensive about teaching the six-lesson curriculum but found the experience to be positive and rewarding. Students engaged enthusiastically with the lessons, and parental pushback was minimal. Challenges and recommendations for implementing teacher-led personal safety education are discussed.  相似文献   

近期在媒体上曝出许多幼儿园幼教虐待儿童的事件,这些事件深深震慑着我们的心灵,我们在气愤、悲痛的同时,应该认真反思一下我国学前教育存在的问题,采取积极有效的措施,使学前教育不断完善。  相似文献   

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse is the largest royal commission in Australia’s history and one of the largest public inquiries into institutional child abuse internationally. With an investment from the Australian government of half a billion dollars, it examined how institutions with a responsibility for children, both historically and in the present, have responded to allegations of child sexual abuse. Announced in the wake of previous Australian and international inquiries, public scandals and lobbying by survivor groups, its establishment reflected increasing recognition of the often lifelong and intergenerational damage caused by childhood sexual abuse and a strong political commitment to improving child safety and wellbeing in Australia. This article outlines the background, key features and innovations of this landmark public inquiry, focusing in particular on its extensive research program. It considers its international significance and also serves as an introduction to this special edition on the Australian Royal Commission, exploring its implications for better understanding institutional child sexual abuse and its impacts, and for making institutions safer places for children in the future.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects victim disability (physical vs. intellectual vs. none), victim resistance (physical vs. verbal vs. none) and respondent gender (male vs. female) have on attributions of blame and credibility in a hypothetical case of child sexual abuse. Three hundred and thirty‐five respondents read a fictional police statement regarding the sexual assault of a 12‐year‐old girl by a 23‐year‐old man before completing 28 attribution items. Principal axis factoring revealed six reliable factors. Subsequent multivariate analysis of covariance—controlling for respondents’ general attitude towards disability—revealed that males deemed the victim more culpable for her own abuse than did females. Further, perpetrators were deemed more culpable when the victim physically (vs. verbally) resisted. Finally, a significant three‐way interaction suggests victim resistance influences attributions of perpetrator blame given a victim’s disability status, at least amongst male observers. Implications and proposals for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

媒体曝光未成年人性侵害案件不断增多,引起了社会各界广泛关注。对未成年人进行性侵害防范教育刻不容缓。各项法律法规明确规定了未成年人性侵害防范教育的责任主体,但在现实中却存在着严重的责任主体缺位现象,尤其是作为主要教育责任主体的教育行政部门严重缺位与不作为,导致普遍的未成年人性侵害防范教育缺失。教育行政部门应该发挥部署、协调、管理与监督作用,创造条件,赋予学校与家庭实施预防性侵害教育的能力,在保护儿童免受性侵害的系统工程中发挥预防与教育作用。  相似文献   

从九十年代初至今,詈语研究成果颇丰,然而大多数研究者都是对“詈语”进行宏观研究,却少有针对詈语家族中的重要成员——“性詈语”——进行专门研究.从人格心理学,禁忌文化和语言变异三个方面来探讨性詈语,进而揭示性詈语的产生机制,内在驱动力及演变发展规律.  相似文献   

Mental health clinicians, charged with treating a growing number of incestuous daughters, have little empirical data on which to base their clinical judgments. The present study explored the hypotheses of child psychiatrists on the impact of incest. The results suggest that these clinicians view incest as almost always causing serious psychological disorder. While there appears to be little agreement on the nature of acute sequela, disturbed heterosexual functioning was frequently cited as a long-term consequence. In addition, the results suggest that psychiatrists consider factors related to the make-up of the incestuous family, and not the actual sexual behavior, as most pathogenic. The implications of the present results for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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