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Summary and conclusions This paper has reported on two of the methods used to evaluate the implementation of the N.S.W. Junior Secondary Science Syllabus. The study was designed to address a number of questions which formed the framework for the construction of interview schedules. The data obtained using the interview schedules in turn provided the basis for the construction of questionnaires pertinent to science teachers in N.S.W. The questionnaire data reinforced by the interview data suggest that teachers are generally favourable to the notion of a syllabus which allows teachers feedom of choice in selection of contentprovided that they are given the support necessary to take advantage of this freedom with confidence. This study is seen as an integral part of the cycle of Syllabus development. It is distinctly formative rather than summative evaluation. (See Scriven 1967.) Regular and frequent communication with the teaching force is vital to the formation of a Syllabus which is in touch with teacher's needs as curriculum developers and implementers.  相似文献   

毛姆的小说在我国拥有大批读者,其作品有着独特的叙事方式和技巧。毛姆本人对小说叙事理论也多有认识。本文从文本出发,结合小说叙事学理论,对作家作品中的第一人称叙述、逆转与呼应等手法作一探讨。  相似文献   

Recent policy debates surrounding Japan??s graduate education raise a serious skepticism in the validity of its ??research-based?? or ??learning-by-doing?? training approach that these institutions have uniquely established. Proponents of reform suggest drastic restructuring of the graduate programs by replacing the experience-based mentoring aspect with more systematic education that blends an array of coursework and examinations. However, whether such a coursework-based model of graduate training will successfully function without sacrificing the traditional virtue of Japanese practices is an unsubstantiated matter. Japanese graduate schools have produced scientists who have made immense contributions to the advancement in our scientific knowledge. Policy makers and academia in Japan should humbly acknowledge this fact and prudently determine what aspects of their educational content should be reformed and what should be retained. In order to do this, the merits and demerits of alternative models must be clearly understood. The objective of this study is to affirm both the strengths and weaknesses of the traditional approach that Japanese universities need to consider preserving and eliminating, in order to capitalize on their institutional heritage while also building in the educational caliber of the rigorous US graduate training model in the reforming process.  相似文献   

This study utilizes linear and log‐linear stochastic models to examine the impact that a variety of variables (including graduate education) have on M.S.W. students' desires to work in clinical practice. Data was collected biannually (between 1992 and 1998) from a complete population sample of all students entering and exiting accredited graduate programs of social work in California (n = 5,793). The influences of past practice experiences, professional motivations, socio‐demographic characteristics, ideological affiliations, and education and training experiences while a graduate students were all examined. Findings suggest that there is tremendous commonality in the variability of interest toward doing clinical practice among all student groups both before and after the completion of graduate studies. Male and female students, students of varied ethnic, social class and political identifications/affiliations, along with students of varied ages did not differ in their desire or interest to engage in clinical practice. The desire to prepare for private practice had the strongest influence—that was maintained over the course of their education—on students' interests in clinical social work. Desires to work with the poor were not associated with students' desires to be clinicians who wish to apply their trade across a wide variety of problems and populations.  相似文献   

有关区际协调问题的探讨,应突破目前较流行的南水北调中线区际协调的二维(受水区、调水区)系统,进一步把“调水区”维度一分为二——丹江口水库及坝上(简称坝上)和丹江库口水库坝下(简称坝下,又指汉江中下游),在此基础上构造由受水区(X)、坝上(Y)、坝下(Z)所组成的三维系统。在三维系统中,提出南水北调中线区际协调的关键在丹江口水库坝上;在比较研究中,指出区际协调、因势利导、顺势而为的结果有可能形成“南水北调中线经济区和经济带”;根据保护水源区的要求,并结合湖北省十堰市的实际,论述了设立水源保护区的必要性,提出了设立国家南水北调中线工程水源保护区、加快对汉江——堵河流域水电资源开发、推进部西北武当山区创建有机农业示范基地、实施工程移民和生态移民并举等对策与建议。  相似文献   

实用主义是遭受最多误解和责难的哲学术语之一。在中国,它已经完全成为一个贬义词。通过比较其创始人皮尔士和早期代表人物詹姆斯对实用主义的阐释,也许可以澄清实用主义的最初含义从而使这一哲学思想能够得到应有的正视和理解。  相似文献   

<正>William Somerset Maugham was a prominent English novelist and dramatist in the 20th century. He was a prolific writer. In the fifty years of his literary career, he wrote more than ten long novels, some dozens of plays and nearly one hundred short stories. He also wrote a lot of comments, informal essays, travel notes and reminiscences. Up to the present time his major works have been reprinted in many editions, and he has now become one of the favourite writers of modern readers.  相似文献   

WORKSHOP WAY® is a scientific educational system that does not leave human growth and academic achievement to chance. It organizes time, materials and strategies in ways that permit students to develop and maintain positive feelings as persons and learners, and to handle new material without fear of failure. It is used successfully in both elementary and secondary schools. This paper presents the application of WORKSHOP WAY at the University level, to a course for adult nursing students reentering the educational process. The philosophy and psychology, workshop orientation, structure of class time and assignments and evaluation are discussed in detail.Ideas developed in this paper originate in WORKSHOP WAY books published by The Workshop Way, Inc. for all grades from pre-K to university levels. Further information concerning the WORKSHOP WAY can be obtained by writing to: WORKSHOP WAY®  相似文献   

国内的文学史著作分别将毛姆列入自然主义或现实主义两个不同的阵营。毛姆的创作本质上应属于现实主义,但是又不同于19世纪的经典现实主义。他是一个有法国特色的英国现实主义作家。  相似文献   

构造了一个二元三角多项式算子Tnn(f;r,x)(r为自然数),使其对每一个关于变量x,y均以2π为周期的二元连续函数都能在全实轴上一致收敛,且给出最佳收敛阶的估计。  相似文献   

美国联邦政府对大学生的资助从1965HEA的混合政策转向1972HEA的单向资助学生,其立法政策子系统内部主要有支持资助高等教育机构和支持资助学生两大联盟.当联盟之间的学习和外部环境的影响发生作用时,各联盟会改变自己的政策信仰进而达成妥协,最终促成政策的出台.  相似文献   

这里通过对著名作家英国威廉@毛姆(1874-1965年)几部重要作品的分析,探索其作品中所反映的反基督教情绪的根源,并通过毛姆的创作及人生观的转折分析了叔本华、易卜生对其所产生的影响,从而对毛姆作品中所反映的宗教观作出了合理的解释.  相似文献   

摆脱枷锁 走向彻悟——试评毛姆作品所反映的宗教观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
这里通过对著名作家英国威廉·毛姆 (1874 - 196 5年 )几部重要作品的分析 ,探索其作品中所反映的反基督教情绪的根源 ,并通过毛姆的创作及人生观的转折分析了叔本华、易卜生对其所产生的影响 ,从而对毛姆作品中所反映的宗教观作出了合理的解释。  相似文献   

论毛姆对张爱玲的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
毛姆是迄今为止英国小说界难得的几个雅俗共赏、深得各阶层广大读欢迎的作家之一。他创作的作品大都以真人真事为素材,在读中享有很高的声誉。与毛姆一样,张爱玲的小说人物也颇具真实性。她主张按照生活本来的样子反映生活,把真实地表现生活视为艺术的生命。毛姆对张爱玲的影响,主要体现在学思想、表现方式、传统与现代的结合、精神分析方法四个方面。把握张爱玲的创作渊源,为的是进一步加深我们对其作品的理解。  相似文献   

武峥  刘宾 《许昌学院学报》2013,32(3):128-130
在以结果为导向的预算体制下,美国政府形成了项目评估、部门评估和跨部门评估的绩效评估体系。其中以项目等级评估工具(PART)为主的项目绩效评估取得了较好的成效。近年我国政府在财政项目支出绩效评价方面进行着积极的探索,应借鉴美国项目绩效评估理论与实践,加快推动我国绩效预算制度改革。  相似文献   

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