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The ability of 1-year-old infants to remember the location of a nonvisible target was investigated in 3 experiments. Infants searched for a toy hidden in one of many possible locations within a circular bounded space. The presence, number, and spatial arrangement of local cues or "landmarks" within this space were varied. The results of Experiment 1 showed that search performance was highly successful when a landmark was coincident with the location of the toy ("direct"), but less successful when a landmark was adjacent to the target location ("indirect"). The results of Experiment 2 suggested that search with an indirect landmark may be more fragile than search with no landmarks at all. In Experiments 3a and 3b, 2 different configurations of indirect landmarks were employed; search performance was equally poor with both of these and was inferior to search with no landmarks. It is concluded that infants of this age are able to associate a nonvisible target with a direct landmark and are able to code the distance and direction of a target with respect to themselves or with respect to the larger framework. However, there was no evidence that they can code the distance and direction of a target relative to another object. The difficulty of coding with indirect landmarks is interpreted in terms of cognitive complexity and conflict between spatial strategies.  相似文献   

浅论当代大众文化语境下的戏剧教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当代大众文化的语境之下,一面是戏剧教育的贫弱现状,而另一面则是戏剧发展和素质教育对"戏剧教育"的热切需求,这些都在呼唤着"戏剧教育"的加强和普及。在复兴戏剧教育的道路上,我们唯有:坚持素质教育的总方向,推动戏剧走入中小学课堂;加强高校的戏剧通识教育,促进戏剧文化传承与推广;借助编演实践,推进课程改革,促进项目教学;支持校园戏剧,塑造学生角色意识,才能够重新找回戏剧艺术和戏剧教育的辉煌。  相似文献   

本认为,发达资本主义国家的繁荣和国际社会主义运动的挫折表面上与“两个必然”渐行渐远,实际上加快了“两个必然”的进程。科技革命、资本扩张和自我调节一方面促进了资本主义的发展。同时也为社会主义准备了更加成熟的条件,社会主义在探索中走上了更加健康的发展道路。但社会主义代替资本主义是一个长期曲折的历史过程。  相似文献   

对于以儒学为代表的中国文化传统而言,五四新文化运动具有一定程度的内发性,在一定的意义上可以看作是中国文化传统所内蕴的生命力的现代表征;在基本的精神方向上,20世纪儒家思想的新开展与五四新文化运动保持了内在的一致性;在中国文化近现代化的发展链条中,现代新儒学对于中国文化的现代重建正可以说是接续了五四新文化运动的历史任务,与五四新文化运动一起共同构成了中国文化近现代化的发展链条之中具有紧密联系的有机环节.因此,所谓五四新文化运动是"全盘反传统"的和"五四新文化运动造成了传统的断裂"的论断都是有待商榷的.  相似文献   

我国即将加入WTO,广播电视教育面临着机遇和挑战,经济全球化必然给我国经济带来整合.面对这个形势,一方面,广播电视教育必须加快国际化的发展步伐,加快实现电大教育的国际化进程;另一方面,要正确估价经济整合给城乡基层生产单位带来的影响,及时调整办学方向和培养目标,以市县两级为重点,迅速完善电大网络建设,发挥电大网络教育优势,将教育的重点转向农村.  相似文献   

加快转变经济发展方式是中西部地区实现跨越发展的关键所在,对于落后地区的怀化要真正落实市委市政府提出的科学发展、后发赶超的战略目标,就必须在转变发展理念、转型发展模式、创新发展路径上走出一条适合本地区发展的道路来.  相似文献   

This article includes a multimethod, multisource analysis and synthesis of the degree to which contemporary family-oriented early intervention policies and practices are family centered. Federal laws and legislation, state-level policy positions, and the viewpoints of service providers and consumers were analyzed as part of the study. The findings, taken together, indicate a movement toward adoption of family-centered early intervention policies and practices at the different levels of analysis. There are, however, discrepancies between what state-level policymakers and "street-level" providers and consumers see as current beliefs and practices within states.  相似文献   

Locomotion alters the spatial structure of an observer's perspective, that is, the network of observer to environment distances and directions. The purpose of the present 6 experiments was to investigate the sensitivity of 12-48-month-olds to changes in perspective that are occluded from view by walls and by darkness. To assess sensitivity, children were shown a target object in one room, walked into an adjacent room and asked to point in the straight-line direction at the target. In Experiment 1, 42 12-48-month-olds were tested and results indicated that children older than 36 months responded by pointing straight at the occluded target, whereas younger children tended to point in the direction of their route away from the target. In Experiments 2-4, 24- and 48-month-olds were tested and results demonstrated that 48-month-olds were sensitive to the proprioceptive and to the visual-environmental cues for the changes in perspective structure. The 24-month-olds, however, responded by pointing straight toward the target when visual-environmental cues were absent, whereas they pointed in the direction of their route when they were present. In Experiments 5 and 6 additional 24-month-olds were tested to assess the effects of short-term training and of a continuous view of the target on responding in the presence of visual-environmental cues. The results indicated relatively early sensitivity to proprioceptive cues for changes in perspective and somewhat later sensitivity to appropriate visual-environmental cues under these conditions.  相似文献   

We studied a group of fourth grade students identified by their classroom teachers as having above average ability in mathematics who were participating in pull-out enrichment sessions. We sought to test, using observational and microgenetic methods, hypotheses regarding students' measurement strategies that have been generated post hoc by other research teams. These above-average mathematics students did not show initial difficulties with turn commands previously reported in mixed populations. They created strategies to accurately determine the correct direction of turn and to estimate the amount of turn. They did follow a similar developmental order as students in previous work: They synthesized and integrated two schemes, turn as body movement and turn as number. Analyses extending this work revealed a process of psychological curtailment in which students gradually replace full rotations of their bodies with smaller rotations of an arm, hand, or finger.This revised version was published online in September 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

该文提出从追捕问题研究无人机的协同作战能力,进而为协同追捕策略的研究提供仿真验证平台.首先,按照所受人工势场(APF)力的合力决定下一次移动的新位置坐标,根据动力学和运动学方程计算速度及方向;其次,利用“伸缩式”搜索方法搜索目标;最后,设计“势点”作为子目标的追捕决策,并进行了仿真验证.仿真验证该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

以低功耗单片机MSP430F247为控制核心,通过对GPS模块、大气压传感器、湿度传感器(SHT71)与时钟芯片(DS1302)采集的信息进行处理,文中设计了一个能测量和显示经度、纬度和海拔高度、大气压力、温度、湿度、速度和移动方向的系统.该系统具有电子指南针、电子导航、路点轨迹描绘、天气预测、秒表、万年历、时钟、闹钟、音乐播放和自动校正时间的功能.  相似文献   

近代中国哲学的开启是在王学复兴的声浪中拉开了序幕,并构成现代新有的理论先导,而形成了一个绵延几个人的心学运动。一方面,现代新儒家力图隆升儒家心性之学与西学抗衡,另一方面重建儒家哲学现代体秒的需要,迫使他们走上形而上的道德本体论之路,这一广泛意义上的心学运动经历了“五四”前的先导,确立、体系化的努力和逻辑归结与解构等一系列过程。  相似文献   

在时间维度和价值维度上审思高等教育的发展谱系,高等教育的未来与未来的高等教育包含两层含义。其一,指向未来发展路径的高等教育,技术理性与主体性的双向作用不可偏废:技术理性延展了高等教育未来的想象力,主体性纵深了高等教育未来的建构力;同时,技术理性是促成主体性的基础,而主体性引领技术理性的方向,两者共同作用达成高等教育的未来实现。其二,指向未来美好图景的高等教育,需要将主体性置于价值优先地位,以体验式的合作学习进行感入式的沟通对话,发挥主体创造性,超越技术理性,在未来的高等教育的未来中走向真理式的诗意生活。  相似文献   

惠州在发展县域经济当中,机遇与挑战共存,要加快其县域经济的发展,需要采取正确的策略方针。一方面,要选择正确的发展路径。包括着力培育特色支柱产业以形成产业集群、加快城镇化建设和大力发展民营经济;另一方面,要选择正确的政策措施。包括充分发挥政府主导作用、加强财政与金融政策的扶持、加强区域经济合作、加快科技进步与创新、加强人力资源开发与管理等。  相似文献   

食品质量安全面临着新的形势,食品质量与安全专业的知识结构和课程体系的建设处于起步阶段。从分析食品质量与安全专业的现状,并结合武夷学院的办学特点和优势,重点探讨开设该专业的必要性,专业人才培养目标与方向、建设方案、预期成效等内容,为我校食品质量与安全专业建设提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from a quasi-experimental study evaluating future teachers’ attitudes and beliefs in response to a cross-curricular university course on evolution and creation bridging biological and Christian theological perspectives. Based on previous findings, we hypothesized that a course providing learning opportunities for epistemic insight within this multidisciplinary arena might have effects on attitudes and beliefs relevant to the field. Hence, the main research question was the following: To what extent do student teachers’ attitudes and beliefs change by attending a cross-curricular course on evolution and creation intended to develop student teachers’ epistemic insight into the nature of science and into the relationship between science and theology? The answer from this quasi-experimental evaluation study (pre–post-design; test group n =?26, control group n =?24) is as follows: It depends upon the variable investigated! Pre–post-analysis using a repeated measures ANOVA revealed that the cross-curricular course integrating epistemic insight induced changes in creationist beliefs, in students’ perception of conflict, and in acceptance of evolution. In contrast, there was no effect on attitudes toward evolutionary theory, on attitudes toward the Biblical accounts of creation, or on scientistic beliefs. However, when student responses were analyzed individually, case-based evidence for belief change in students with scientistic positions emerged. Among the reasons for those different effects, we discuss conceptual differences between attitude and acceptance, features of the student teacher sample, and the particular content of the course explicitly addressing creationism but not scientism. In conclusion, the paper corroborates the role of epistemic insight in the multidisciplinary field of evolution and creation and provides initial evidence that epistemic insight possesses a particular potential concerning positions at both ends of the spectrum.  相似文献   

Recent eye movement experiments offer preliminary evidence that skilled readers activate word‐level prosodic information when silently reading sentences. This paper reviews the role of eye movements during reading as well as the preliminary evidence for prosodic processing. A new experiment examines whether prosodic processing differs for high and low frequency words. Readers' eye movements were monitored while reading target words presented in sentences preceded by parafoveal previews that either contained the exact initial syllable of the target (i.e. the congruent preview condition) or the initial syllable plus the next letter (i.e. the incongruent preview condition). Reading times on high frequency words did not differ in the congruent and incongruent preview conditions, but reading times on low frequency words were faster in the congruent condition. The implications of the present result and previous studies are discussed in terms of phonological hub theory, which is a production‐based theory of word recognition during skilled silent reading.  相似文献   

Impact of inert metal particles flow on aluminium plate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Inert metal explosive,a new kind of explosive,is a mixture of high explosive and inert metal particle.When this kind of explosive is detonated,an inert metal particle flow will be formed by the ex-plosive product driving.To determine the characteristics of the movement of the metal particle flow,a series of aluminium plates were designed to be the targets on which the metal particle flow impacted.The test result was presented and a numerical model was set up to analyze the impact of the high speed inert metal particles on aluminium plate.Based on the numerical analysis,the relationship between the characteristic of the mark on the target plate and the initial condition of the inert metal particles was pro-posed.From the analysis of the impact on target plates,more information about the movement of the metal particles could be reconstructed.  相似文献   

根据ABB IRB4400机器人结构和D-H运动学模型,分析了ABB六轴工业机器人示教的过程,讨论了机器人示教运动的理论基础,论述了自动磨抛系统的工业机器人运行轨迹与速度、工件坐标与工具坐标等系统参数的设定方法。  相似文献   

自西雅图事件以来,反全球化运动已经走过了六年多的发展历程,它的影响日益显露出来。一方面,反全球化运动揭露了全球化的弊端,对拨正全球化的发展航向具有进步作用;另一方面,反全球化运动又有自身难以克服的缺陷。构建和谐世界不啻为解决反全球化矛盾与冲突的正确方向。  相似文献   

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