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发展海水淡化、浓盐水综合利用技术已被《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006-2020年)》列为“亟待科技提供支撑”的国民经济和社会发展重点领域的优先主题以及《国家“十一五”科学技术发展规划纲要》的重点任务之一,成为从根本上提高我国水资源保障能力的最有效的途径之一。膜蒸馏是一种结合了蒸发过程的膜过程,是一种新型的具有市场潜力的膜技术。本文对膜蒸馏的技术原理、研究进展,特别是在海水淡化与浓海水资源化方面的研究进展进行了总结阐述。  相似文献   

缺血性脑卒中(即脑梗死)是一种高致残率及高致死率的急症,其发病率随着人口老龄化的到来呈增高趋势,严重威胁老年人的生命健康,同时是目前世界第三大死因,在心血管病造成的死亡中,其位居第二。相比高收入国家,我国等一些中低收入国家缺血性卒中的死亡率尤为严重,为保证做出准确的早期诊断,制定有效治疗方案并改善预后,充分了解其早期生物学检测指标已迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

生物标志化合物是一类有机化合物分子,具有特殊的"标志作用",被广泛地应用于石油地质中。常用的生物标志化合物指标有正构烷烃、类异戊二烯烷烃和甾烷等,对它们的特征和类型的分析,可以很好的应用于有机质溯源、成熟度和油气源对比等研究。  相似文献   

I engage with the impact of disruptions on my work life, and consider the transformative potential that these disruptions offer. I focus on four parts of my life: as a researcher, teacher, administrator and editor. In each, I examine the nature of the disruption and the way I deal with it. I also consider how the present disruption may facilitate a transformation of current practices that lead to a better world at the individual and institutional levels. Rather than lamenting the inconvenience of a crisis, I prefer to celebrate the opportunity to do better.  相似文献   

研究新兴技术的市场潜力,有助于把握新兴前沿技术的竞争趋势、促进科技成果的转化。基于专利组合分析方法,利用能"洞察技术进展与竞争趋势"的专业知识产权分析平台Relecura,选择技术颠覆潜力和技术成熟度两项综合指标,以医疗领域新兴技术新抗体为实证,对其技术领域、技术子领域、国际专利分类代码和美国专利分类代码等进行了实证分析。研究中采用的综合考虑了多种因素的指标和方法,具有更强大的技术市场潜力分析功能。  相似文献   

The discovery of protein biomarkers that reflect the biological state of the body is of vital importance to disease management. Urine is an ideal source of biomarkers that provides a non-invasive approach to diagnosis, prognosis and prediction of diseases. Consequently, the study of the human urinary proteome has increased dramatically over the last 10 years, with many studies being published. This review focuses on urinary protein biomarkers that have shown potential, in initial studies, for diseases affecting the urogenital tract, specifically chronic kidney disease and prostate cancer, as well as other non-urogenital pathologies such as breast cancer, diabetes, atherosclerosis and osteoarthritis. PubMed was searched for peer-reviewed literature on the subject, published in the last 10 years. The keywords used were “urine, biomarker, protein, and/or prostate cancer/breast cancer/chronic kidney disease/diabetes/atherosclerosis/osteoarthritis”. Original studies on the subject, as well as a small number of reviews, were analysed including the strengths and weaknesses, and we summarized the performance of biomarkers that demonstrated potential. One of the biggest challenges found is that biomarkers are often shared by several pathologies so are not specific to one disease. Therefore, the trend is shifting towards implementing a panel of biomarkers, which may increase specificity. Although there have been many advances in urinary proteomics, these have not resulted in similar advancements in clinical practice due to high costs and the lack of large data sets. In order to translate these potential biomarkers to clinical practice, vigorous validation is needed, with input from industry or large collaborative studies.Key words: urine, protein, biomarker  相似文献   

Currently, world is facing a global outbreak causing a pandemic threat known as COVID-19. This infectious disease is triggered by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). Gut microbiota harbours multi species community with a strong impact on host immune homeostasis. However, our knowledge about this gut microbiota and its symbiotic relationship with immune activation in association with SARS-CoV-2 is limited. Unbalanced bacterial flora with too many opportunistic infections can shift immune system towards a cascade of inflammatory responses leading to multi organ damage. This review will highlight immune-regulation via various mechanisms in SARS-CoV-2 infection. Diet has an unbelievable influence on gut microbiome that allows a new state of homeostasis to be reached through timing, frequency and duration of intake. This review article focuses on gut, lung microbiota and immunomodulation with specific attention on immune activation by gut microbiota.  相似文献   



Acute kidney injury (AKI) is significant problem in children with congenital heart disease (CHD) who undergo cardiac surgery. The economic impact of a biomarker-based diagnostic strategy for AKI in pediatric populations undergoing CHD surgery is unknown. The aim of this study was to perform the cost effectiveness analysis of using serum cystatin C (sCysC), urine neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (uNGAL) and urine liver fatty acid-binding protein (uL-FABP) for the diagnosis of AKI in children after cardiac surgery compared with current diagnostic method (monitoring of serum creatinine (sCr) level).

Materials and methods

We developed a decision analytical model to estimate incremental cost-effectiveness of different biomarker-based diagnostic strategies compared to current diagnostic strategy. The Markov model was created to compare the lifetime cost associated with using of sCysC, uNGAL, uL-FABP with monitoring of sCr level for the diagnosis of AKI. The utility measurement included in the analysis was quality-adjusted life years (QALY). The results of the analysis are presented as the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER).


Analysed biomarker-based diagnostic strategies for AKI were cost-effective compared to current diagnostic method. However, uNGAL and sCys C strategies yielded higher costs and lower effectiveness compared to uL-FABP strategy. uL-FABP added 1.43 QALY compared to current diagnostic method at an additional cost of $8521.87 per patient. Therefore, ICER for uL-FABP compared to sCr was $5959.35/QALY.


Our results suggest that the use of uL-FABP would represent cost effective strategy for early diagnosis of AKI in children after cardiac surgery.Key words: acute kidney injury, cardiac surgery, children, biomarkers, cost effectiveness analysis  相似文献   

Preterm delivery is a major contributor for neonatal mortality. Intensive research is underway to establish a reliable biomarker that can ascertain the risk of preterm delivery in pregnant women. The aim of our study was to evaluate the role of various biochemical parameters as potential biomarker for risk assessment for preterm labor. Forty women presenting with preterm labor and 40 women who delivered at term were included in the study. Parameters that were evaluated include corticotrophin (ACTH), prolactin, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), ferritin and Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP). Serum ACTH, ferritin, ALP and Ferritin/Iron ratio were significantly higher in the subjects who delivered prematurely as compared to the controls. Comparison of sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratio, positive and negative predictive values for different cut offs for ACTH, ferritin, ALP and ferritin/iron ratio was carried out. Ferritin emerged as the best marker with area under curve of 0.96 as compared to 0.88 for ACTH, 0.825 for ALP and 0.735 for ferritin/iron ratio. Our study establishes the superiority of ferritin as a predictive biomarker for preterm labor as compared to the rest of the parameters evaluated.  相似文献   

由于遥感考古能够全面、立体、快速有效地探明地上和地下古遗址的分布信息,在现代考古中发挥着十分明显的作用,越来越受到考古工作者的重视,逐渐成为考古研究的重要手段.本文重点评述了遥感考古的国际发展现状及趋势、我国研究进展、探讨了空间技术在发现历史文化遗产和古人类遗址与环境重建中的作用,并提出了学科发展对策及建议.  相似文献   

中国工业部门的碳排放:影响因素及减排潜力   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
国涓  刘长信  孙平 《资源科学》2011,33(9):1630-1640
本文首先采用修正的Laspeyres指数分解方法,分析了1994年-2007年中国工业及分工业部门CO2排放的主要影响因素,解析了差异原因。然后,基于退耦理论深入研究了工业部门碳排放与经济增长之间的耦合状态和减排政策执行的有效性。最后,对各分工业部门的减排潜力进行定量分析。本文的主要结论是:①工业产出是中国工业部门碳排放增长的主要正向影响因素,能源强度效应是主要的负向影响因素,它们对碳排放的影响分别为357.20%和-248.67%;食品工业、纺织工业、机械工业和其它工业的碳排放呈现出递减的趋势,而石油、电力工业部门的碳排放量增加最多;②1994年-2007年和2000年-2007年工业部门碳排放的退耦指数分别为0.63和0.56,说明碳排放与经济增长处于弱退耦状态,减排政策的执行还缺乏一定的有效性;③深度挖掘石油、电力工业、煤炭工业及冶金工业部门的减排潜力将是工业部门减排的关键。  相似文献   

珊瑚礁是生产力水平最高,同时也是最脆弱的海洋生态系统之一。由气候变化及人类活动导致的珊瑚礁全球衰退,已经影响到珊瑚礁的钙化和碳循环过程,也加大了长期悬而未决的珊瑚礁二氧化碳(CO_2)"源-汇"争议。尽管珊瑚礁的钙化过程伴随CO_2释放,但考虑到珊瑚礁生态系统内部复杂的生物地球化学循环过程,以及造礁珊瑚特殊的混合营养特性,其作为碳汇功能的属性也不容忽视。文章从提高珊瑚礁对气候变化的弹性适应角度出发,尝试厘清有关珊瑚礁生态系统的CO_2"源-汇"争议,探索将珊瑚礁由碳源向碳汇转变的生态调控方式和途径,以期为实施海洋负排放、践行国家碳中和战略提供理论和技术支撑。  相似文献   

略论潜在信息需求   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
论述了潜在信息需求开发的可行性、开发利用的基本原则与方法  相似文献   

"势"不仅是传统战略思想的核心概念之一,也是现代企业竞争中的一个重要模式.基于对企业竞争势能量本质和资源能量属性的认识,从能量视角揭示出企业竞争势的形成源于对资源能量的积累,并对企业竞争势形成中的资源积累对象、驱动和模式等要素进行分析;构建了企业竞争势价值创造的机理模型,揭示企业由"势"转"利"的机理,指出能级和契舍度的关键作用;分析了在多周期中企业竞争势消散动因和企业竞争势的动态优化提升.  相似文献   

土壤有机碳作为土壤肥力形成的基础,不但影响土壤质量、功能和粮食产量,而且在全球气候变化中扮演重要角色。在我国土壤资源同时面临保障粮食安全、发挥生态系统服务功能和应对气候变化等多重挑战的背景下,准确把握中国农田土壤固碳潜力及速率,对于实现土壤资源合理利用和农业可持续发展具有重要意义。文章首先介绍了对中国农田土壤有机碳变化速率和土壤固碳潜力的基本认识以及研究中面临的挑战,而后从基础研究、土壤信息平台、方法体系及研究成果与国家农业管理决策支撑方面提出了研究建议。  相似文献   

Microalbuminuria is an established cardiovascular risk indicator in diabetes, hypertension and the general population. There is lack of information on MAU in healthy obese Indian adults and an ongoing debate whether obese adults deserve targeted identification and clinical intervention for MAU and prediabetes. We aimed to screen the healthy obese, young (group I) and middle aged (group II) adults for prevalence of MAU and prediabetes and study its association with Framingham risk score. The study included 50 healthy obese young (20–30 years) and middle aged adults (31–50 years), attending the outpatient clinic of Dept. of Medicine for a duration of 2 months (July–August). The patients were screened for fasting blood sugar, lipid profile and MAU. Of the total patients 28 % had MAU, 32.14 % of which had prediabetes and 33.33 % had diabetes whereas 10 % were normoglycemic. The group I patients had 50 % cases of MAU and group II had 25 % patients with MAU. Group II 63.63 % pre-diabetics. The values of MAU obtained were correlated with age, gender, body mass index, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, FBS, waist to hip ratio using Pearson’s Coefficient (p < 0.05). The 10 year CVD risk calculated using FRS in subjects with MAU was higher as compared to those without MAU. Thus we conclude that Indian, young and middle aged obese adults to be at a risk of prediabetes, MAU and CV risk warranting their routine screening for better clinical outcomes.  相似文献   

IntroductionIntensive physical activity causes functional and metabolic changes in the athlete’s organism. The study aimed to verify the common national available reference intervals (RIs) for common inflammatory and screening coagulation tests in a population of healthy young female athletes.Materials and methodsOne hundred and twenty-one female athletes (age range: 16–34), from various sports disciplines (water polo, handball, volleyball, football, basketball), were included in the study. All participants completed the international physical activity short-form questionnaire. Blood samples were collected between 8–10 am, after an overnight fast, before any physical activity. Reference intervals were determined according to Clinical & Laboratory Standards Institute EP28-A3C Guidelines.ResultsCalculated RIs for white blood cell count (WBC), prothrombin time (PT), and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) ratio were in accordance with the common national RIs. Calculated RI for C-reactive protein (CRP) was lower (< 2.9 mg/L) than the proposed cut-off for a healthy population (< 5.0 mg/L). Reference interval for fibrinogen was higher (1.9–4.4 g/L), than the available RIs (1.8–3.5 g/L). D-dimer cut-off value was set at 852 µg/L fibrinogen equivalent units (FEU), higher than the proposed 500 µg/L FEU for venous thromboembolism (VTE) exclusion.ConclusionsThe applicability of the available RIs for WBC count, PT, and APTT-ratio was confirmed. However, RIs for CRP and fibrinogen differed significantly than the available common national RIs for the healthy non-athletes’ population. A higher cut-off for D-dimers should be extensively verified before implementation for VTE diagnosis exclusion in a group of healthy young female athletes.  相似文献   

王露  杨海龙  封志明  吕耀 《资源科学》2012,34(1):150-158
木薯是我国的非粮作物,是生产生物乙醇的主要原料之一。广西是木薯的传统种植区域,随着木薯需求量持续增长,其种植潜力问题越来越受到研究机构与政府部门重视。本文从广西木薯种植的气候适宜性、土壤适宜性、地形适宜性和土地利用的社会经济限制性出发,较为系统地评估了广西木薯种植的自然适宜性和社会限制性,定量揭示了广西木薯种植的土地潜力、可能规模及其地域格局。研究结果表明,广西木薯种植的主要限制因素是地形条件,其次是土壤因素;若不考虑土地利用的社会经济限制性,广西3/5的土地适宜木薯种植;但考虑到土地利用的社会限制性,广西适宜木薯种植的土地则只有115.5万hm2;与目前已种植木薯22.3万hm2相比,尚有约4倍的土地种植潜力;从地域格局看,广西未来木薯发展的重点将在柳州和来宾地区。  相似文献   

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