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采用问卷调查等方法,对中小学教师职业声望总体以及教师职业道德声望、能力声望和贡献声望等进行了调查研究。结果显示:(1)各类群体对我国中小学教师职业声望的总体评价比较高,居中等偏上水平;(2)中小学教师职业道德声望和能力声望水平"一般",但声望水平有所上升;(3)与医生、律师、公务员相比,教师的经济地位和社会地位还处于较低水平,初中和小学教师在20种职业排名中,排位靠后;(4)社会公众对中小学教师有较高的职业期望,教师职业是许多家长在对孩子进行职业选择时,优先考虑的三大职业之一。  相似文献   

近年来,提高教师社会地位的呼声不绝于耳,特别是对于从事基础教育的中小学教师来说,提高其社会地位刻不容缓。职业声望是评价教师社会地位高低的标准之一,笔者对历年来学者所作的职业声望研究进行历史考察,以期理清我国中小学教师的职业声望状况,对提高教师社会地位做以参考。  相似文献   

试论当代中国军人社会声望的制约因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
声望作为评价社会分层的三个纬度之一,对于研究社会分层和社会流动具有重要意义。本文从社会评价体系、军人专业素质及军人个体的社会互动等三个方面分析当代中国军人社会声望的制约因素,力求为破解提升军人社会形象瓶颈和优化"社会——军队"人才流动机制提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

在当代社会阶层化的背景下,以职业作为划分阶层的依据已成为研究分层现象的主要模式.幼儿教师作为一个职业共同体,在整个社会的职业体系中仍处于较低的位置.究其原因,主要有经济地位的排他性、社会权益的结构屏障和职业声望的社会屏蔽三个方面.为此,要加大财政支出,缩小阶层差距,切实提高幼儿教师的经济地位;要明确幼师职权,优化阶层结构,切实提高幼儿教师的社会权益;要严格准入制度,避免阶层分化,切实提高幼儿教师的职业声望.  相似文献   

自1995年以来,国内有关学者对当前国内的职业声望现状以及职业声望评价的影响因素进行了大量研究。对这些已有的成果进行了分析,并针对有关研究结论以及其中所存在的问题提出了自己的看法和意见。  相似文献   

<正>大学是一个微缩的社会。在这个微缩的社会里,同样充斥着各种各样的矛质和冲突。对于教师来说,各种矛盾和冲突的焦点在于学术职业分层导致的收入、资源、声望和权力的不平等上。学术职业分层是学术系统最重要的社会行动,是社会分层在高校学术系统中的反映,关涉学术系统最基本的社会关系,对于形成学术职业的分层结构和分层文化发挥着重要影响。因此,高校学术职亚分层制度变迁的逻辑直接决定着高校人事制度改革的方向。在高等教育国际化、后大众化的历史时期,高校学术职业分层  相似文献   

中产阶级的兴起直接导致了战后西方社会结构的变化。在批评马克思分层模式的同时 ,西方社会学家从韦伯的社会学理论中吸取了更多的养分并形成了职业社会分层的理论体系 ,其中存在着功能派和冲突派的矛盾 ,职业社会分层模式也遭受着不同的批判。事实上 ,这种分层模式并不能解释复杂的社会不平等现象。因此 ,各种分层理论之间兼容并蓄 ,通过综合而逐渐提高其理论解释的全面性是必要的。  相似文献   

社会分层是社会学的重要研究领域,近来备受关注,其内涵是指社会分为层级,各个层级之间具有垂直的不平等关系,由于这种不平等关系,不同层级的人群享有不同的政治权利、经济收入和社会声望.社会分层刺激着人们接受学校教育,通过接受教育获得较好的职业所需的资格和品质,取得个人介入社会分层过程的较为优越的条件.  相似文献   

职业认同程度是决定一个人职业发展成败的重要指标.社会学视野下的职业认同主要是指角色认同.当前幼儿教师由于经济地位、社会声望偏低而出现了角色失调、角色冲突等问题,甚至出现了行为偏差.要增强幼儿教师的职业认同感,就必须切实提高幼儿教师的经济地位和社会声望.  相似文献   

采用自编的《大学生职业地位认知问卷》,随机抽取680名本科生进行职业地位认知的现状调查,结果发现,研究型职业的社会地位得分最高,现实型职业的社会地位得分最低,在社会权利和社会声望上研究型职业得分最高,在经济资源上艺术型职业得分最高,在经济资源、社会权利和社会声望三个维度上现实型职业得分最低;在职业地位认知方面,女生得分显著高于男生,文科在艺术型和研究型职业上的社会地位认知得分显著高于理工科学生。  相似文献   

Effects of college prestige on men's occupational status and income   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This study assesses the effects of college social prestige and college selectivity on men's occupational status and income. The analyses are based on a national sample of men from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. College selectivity, but not college social prestige, has a significant impact on middle-aged men's income in a single year. Neither college social prestige nor selectivity, however, affect further growth in middle-aged men's income. Nor do they affect men's occupational status.  相似文献   

I used data from the 1995 cohort of the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth to investigate the factors associated with the attainment of Australian university degrees and estimate their domestic labour market benefits. I considered vertical and horizontal stratification in education and examined monetary and non-monetary benefits. The probabilities of attaining a university degree differed significantly by individual and family background. Individual’s family backgrounds significantly predicted the prestige of their universities, but not their fields of study. University graduates enjoyed higher income and occupational prestige relative to non-graduates. Among university graduates, income and occupational benefits differed significantly by fields of study but less by the prestige of universities. These findings indicate that vertical stratification in education plays an important role in the intergenerational transmission of social status in Australia. My findings suggest that policies should ensure equal access to higher education for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. Strategies to reduce inequality in higher education are discussed.  相似文献   

通过分析《新视野英语教程:读写教程Ⅰ》中的职业状况可知,高职公共英语教科书中存在人物职业分布不合理的现象,职业声望得分较高的职业描述比较详细,且较多正面描述,而职业声望得分较低的职业描述简略,且较多负面描述。该教科书中对人物职业的描述不符合中国的社会结构现实,不利于帮助学生树立正确的职业观、不利于改善社会不平等现象。  相似文献   

Occupations differ in their prestige, but little research has examined how workers manage working in a low-prestige occupation. This case study with retail-clerk apprentices in Switzerland uncovers the identity strategies the apprentices employ to help them normalise the situation they find themselves in: they are learning an occupation that is not assumed to require any specific knowledge or skills. We base our arguments on theories about occupational prestige, identity and stigma management, as well as on a qualitative study in VET (vocational education and training) schools. Three identity strategies are dominant among retail-clerk apprentices and are deeply embedded within the retail context and the Swiss apprenticeship programme. First, apprentices embrace ideas of discontinuous careers and lifelong learning, which encourage them to improve their occupational position through mobility within or outside the retail sector. Second, the VET programme builds on apprentices’ consumer interests and encourages their self-valorisation through the prestige of products and shops. Third, apprentices emphasise that retail work is skilled work, a strategy that is consistent with the positive societal perception of the Swiss VET system. These strategies provide insights into how apprentices construct positive occupational identities although they are placed low on the occupational prestige hierarchy.  相似文献   

国外高等教育分流与社会分层流动研究的特点及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国外高等教育分流与社会分层流动研究起步较早,成效显著,在理论依据、研究目标、研究对象、研究内容、研究方法和研究结论等六个方面呈现出从单一取向向二元(或多元)结合转变的特点.借鉴国外经验,我国高等教育分流与社会分层流动研究要加强基础理论建设,确立以研促建目标,重视社会整体调查,注重多元方法分析,强化互动规律探讨,致力互动机制构建.  相似文献   

Prestige hierarchies, common to all organizations, are considered for positions at a university. Davis and Moore (1945) have called such stratification in any social system a universal necessity. Using procedures developed to measure prestige of occupations in national surveys, the attribution of prestige attached to university positions was determined. One hundred and eight positions were scaled, and the scale's validity and underlying scaling criteria were evaluated. It appears that university prestige is a microcosm of national prestige, and seems to have a similar socioeconomic base.  相似文献   


Obtaining a tertiary degree no longer guarantees entry to the best occupational positions in today’s labour market. Success is no longer about ‘more’ education, but about ‘better’ education for university graduates. This study aims to understand whether university prestige in Korea accounts for occupational outcomes in both monetary and non-monetary aspects, such as salaries and job satisfaction. The study particularly focuses on the way different levels of university prestige are affected by gender. The fourth wave data from the Korean Education and Employment Panel were used, providing information from the results of a panel survey of university graduates in terms of their social and academic background and job employment status. Results show that university prestige continues to matters in occupational outcomes in particular, for wage, but it is not significant for job satisfaction. The effect is more significant among male graduates than among female graduates.  相似文献   

In the past four decades Taiwan was marked not only by rapid economic growth, but also by wide-ranging social, political, and cultural changes. In this fast-paced period, occupational division of work has become narrower and some functions of the family have gradually been taken over by the school. The function of the school has thus expanded. Generally, in traditional society, the school teacher's role was primarily that of guardian of cultural assets and disseminator of existing knowledge. In modem-day society, when values are becoming increasingly pluralistic, the school teacher is no longer facing a static and homogeneous state, but a swiftly changing and highly heterogeneous social environment. In this environment, the spread of knowledge is so fast that educational reform and change have become inevitable. The role of the school teacher has fundamentally changedno longer are they mere disseminators of traditional culture or existing knowledge, but communicators of social, economic, and cultural development. The work of the teacher not only affects educational function and achievement but, through molding the very values of students, is changing and consolidating social values and accelerating the speed of social progress. Based on this premise, this article studies the occupational prestige and professional image of teachers in Taiwan from the perspective of the teacher's changing role. On the one hand, through a collection of data, it provides concrete reference material for policymaking pertaining to the professional status of teachers of higher education, and, on the other, it makes a comparison with findings in our previous two surveys (1971 and 1979) to illustrate changes in the teacher's occupational prestige and professional image, thus providing reference material for raising the level of teachers and improving teacher education in the future.  相似文献   

幼儿教师的社会地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
参照有关幼儿教师社会地位的研究,结合调研所获得的一手材料,本研究发现,当前幼儿教师的经济收入偏低,其政治、专业性、学术性权力有限,且得不到有效保障,职业声望也一般。综合来看,幼儿教师的社会地位在整个社会职业结构体系中处于偏低的位置。  相似文献   

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