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教育载体是承载和反映具有一定教化功能的要素或要素体系。它是联系各教育要素的桥梁,是教育活动的综合组织形式,在教育活动中居重要地位。教育载体的表现形态多种多样,从不同的方位、角度审视,可把它分为不同类型。在国防教育过程中,一般认为教育载体具有承载性、目的性、系统性、规范性和相对性等特征。  相似文献   

从方法论的角度来看,教育行动研究的出现推动教育研究由简单范式向复杂范式转换,促使教育研究过程与行动过程合一,成就沟通理论与实践的复合型研究主体。同时,由于教育行动研究本身的局限,也导致实施过程中的误解和误用。从方法论角度反思教育行动研究,能更好地理解和更主动地运用教育行动研究。  相似文献   

论大班额背景下的我国学校教育生态   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国学校教育的特点之一是大班额,它是由学校的自然生态子系统和社会生态子系统共同建立的一种复合生态系统,在空间、教育关系和时间上具有明显的结构性。从不同的角度可以将它划分为多种不同的生态类型,在多种生态因子的综合作用下存在由低级形态到高级形态的演进过程。一个成熟的学校生态具有多种生态效能,可以采用生态化的评价指标来对学校教育生态质量进行综合性评估。  相似文献   

:教育行动研究是教育理论和教育实践结合的有效途径 ,效度则是决定这种结合的程度的主要因素。基于不同理论基础的研究效度具有不同的特点 ,教育行动研究的效度既不能以量化研究的效度来衡量 ,也不完全等同于质化研究的效度 ,而要从教育行动研究的目的和过程来把握  相似文献   

根据不同的标准和角度,思想政治教育价值形态可分为:理想价值和现实价值;正面价值和负面价值;显性价值和隐性价值;相对价值和绝对价值;个体价值和社会价值。探讨思想政治教育价值的形态,可以使人们更清晰地把握思想政治教育价值的发展规律,发挥思想政治教育的作用。  相似文献   

问题·叙事·合作--对校本行动研究的一种解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行动研究自20世纪50年代进入美国的教育研究领域以来,逐步成为解决教育问题、改进教育实践的独特方式.校本行动研究是由一线教师和研究者形成的行动共同体.本文从捕捉问题、叙事研究、合作模式的角度解读校本行动研究.  相似文献   

高校法学教师面临的内困外忧使其职业发展成为当务之急。行动研究作为一种基于行动、在行动之中、由行动者开展的旨在通过反思改进行动的研究方法,具有优化路径、节约成本、创新机制的现实价值。行动研究能够从专业教学能力、合作共事能力、教育研究能力等方面促进法学教师职业能力提升,并能够从职业道德和教育理念的角度助力法学教师职业信仰培树,对法学教师职业发展具有炼器和铸魂的双重意义。文章结合布迪厄社会实践理论,通过对场域、资本和惯习三个要素的思辨,探索行动研究在法学教师从业活动中应用受阻的机理,并从政策、投入和态度三个方面提出应对策略。  相似文献   

网络艺术成为可能与计算机谈判及自由分布式网络的形成、数字化技术导致的艺术本体变革、万维网与浏览器软件的发明有关。从构成艺术本体的媒材角度来看,网络艺术的现实形态可以分为语言文字形态、音频视频形态、角色扮演形态三大类。网络艺术的未来前景,从信息科技发展的角度来看,具有无限的可能性。  相似文献   

近年来行动研究备受国内外教育学者的关注。在我国新课程改革的背景下,行动研究作为一种研究方式,更是被看作教师参与课程改革的有力工具而得到广泛提倡。然而在实践中,教师的行动研究正不断遭遇各种困难。从教师自身和外部两个角度分析教师在行动研究各个步骤中遇到的障碍,可以帮助我们深化对行动研究的认识,为行动研究在教育实践中的有效开展提供参考。  相似文献   

目前对"卓越教师"的理解主要从教师素质结构或通过教师发展阶段区别不同层次的教师核心特征两方面展开,这两种解释都具备一定的局限性。由于素养具有的情境性、过程性和整体性特征,教师素养从"以何行动"和"如何行动"两个角度可以帮助人们更好地理解"卓越教师"的本质。教师素养的核心是可持续发展素养。教师的可持续发展素养可以看作是教师能够坚持教育理想、持续获取知识、主动对话环境、产生创造性行为并更新教师信念的能力品质。可持续发展素养不仅包含了教师"以何行动"要求的专业知识和专业技能,也包含了"如何行动"的行动框架。  相似文献   

This article considers the value of collaborative forms of educational action research in higher education and the difficulties involved in implementing such forms of research. It is argued that educational action research represents an opportunity for improving teaching and learning and developing the knowledge and skills of those participating in the process. The article draws upon the author's experience of carrying out such research in a department of business and management. The need for a collaborative approach to educational action research is emphasised. However, the introduction of collaborative action research represents a significant challenge because it requires the commitment of participants; it needs both a critical and a supportive role from those involved; and it entails the management of a process in which participants often have different values and levels of influence. Such challenges can only be met by learning from the experience of introducing collaborative educational action research into higher education. Therefore further research (including action research) needs to be carried out into how it can be more successfully implemented.  相似文献   

This article reports on an evaluation of three action research projects developed by a group of teachers working across the early years in three independent schools. The article examines the role of action research in developing educational leadership capabilities. Drawing on the educational leadership literature, concepts and ideas of action and activism, influence and change, and capacity to develop a vision are used to describe and analyse the data from qualitative pre-project and post-project individual interviews. The article argues that the empirical findings suggest action research was a powerful tool in developing educational leadership capabilities. This article concludes by suggesting that further research is needed to better understand how action research can be utilised to develop sustainable forms of educational leadership in the early years.  相似文献   

Participatory action research and the public sphere   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
Some action research today lacks a critical edge. This article identifies five inadequate forms of action research, and argues that action research must be capable of ‘telling unwelcome truths’ against schooling in the interests of education. It reasserts a connection between education and emancipatory ideals that allow educators to address contemporary social challenges. It suggests how educational trends in recent decades may have led to the domestication of educational action research, and concludes with three messages about quality in educational action research. It re‐thinks educational action research initiatives as creating intersubjective spaces for public discourse in public spheres.  相似文献   

Politicising action research through queer theory   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Queer theory and action research together offer possibilities for exposing the deep injustice of both homophobia and heterosexism. Underpinning identity categories of sexuality and gender, these forms of social injustice lurk in schools, families, religions, communities, and nation‐states. For educators and educational researchers, addressing homophobia and heterosexism in schools and other educational institutions may be enabled through action research that takes up the premises of queer theory. The inquiry part of queer theory and research is interested in how gender, sex, desire, and sexuality organise all human behaviour. Action research can materialise the radical potential of queer theory through research projects that provide opportunities for homophobic and heterosexist teachers, students, administrators, counsellors, parents, and even researchers towards asking questions about how they identify self and other and how this in turn is implicated in a social hierarchy that devalues those whose sexual practices are different from the norm.  相似文献   

Curriculum aims often remain unrealised aspirations. This is because the values and principles implicit in them fail to get articulated in forms that can effectively inform and guide the practice of teaching. Ideas such as ‘learner-centred education’, ‘independent/autonomous learning’, ‘self-directed learning’, ‘enquiry/discovery learning’, ‘collaborative learning’, ‘active learning’ and ‘learning with understanding’ refer to critical aspects of the learning process rather than its outcomes. While often enthusiastically embraced by teachers, they rarely get realised in appropriate forms of virtuous action. Such is the power of an outcomes-based model of teaching and learning to shape the practice of teaching. This paper cites examples of curriculum design that specify the pedagogical values and principles implicit in various educational aims, and shows how they can provide a basis for practical experiments by teachers in their classrooms and schools, in a quest to transform their teaching into concrete forms of virtuous action. Indeed, the paper depicts a number of actual action research projects in which teachers generated some common insights into how to transform their teaching into the practice of virtue in education. It also explores the role of theory-informed action research in developing teaching as a virtuous form of action.  相似文献   

反思性对话之于行动研究及其研究者具有重要价值与意义。文章以不同形式展现了行动研究中反思性对话的境况,从校外协同研究者的视角分析了阻碍反思性对话深入进行的问题及其原因和性质。提出开启和深化反思性对话的策略:开展各种小活动、示范、对话技能的引导与训练以及邀请相关权力部门与利益群体参与对话。  相似文献   

试论"被"的词性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“被”字句是汉语的基本句式之一,历来受方家重视。被字句研究的基本内容包括“被”的词性研究。被的词性认定汉语学界出现过“介词说”、“动词说(助动介词二分说)”、“助词说(助介二分说、助介合一说)”等观点,这些看法都是在对被句句从不同的角度作静态分析时得出的结论,似乎还缺乏令人信服的理据。从语义信息传递的角度作动态的分析可知,被字句是汉语交际中典型的话题-述题语义表达式。被字句的语义信息符号分布表明,无论是否带施动名词N2,句中只能有一个“被”,这个“被”是个副词。副词说能合理地解释被字句中的“被”及施动名词N2是否脱落的问题。  相似文献   


The paper examines the use of action research in teachers’ professional development. It makes a distinction between two forms of action research, discrete and collegial. Discrete action research depends on a tutor/student relationship while collegial action research depends more on the help and support of colleagues within a course cohort. The distinction between the two forms of practical investigation is examined against a background of educating teachers to adapt the curriculum to reduce the difficulties experienced by pupils, and to include all pupils in ordinary schools. With the promotion of integration come change and adaptation in the ordinary classroom which need a form of reflective practice to reform existing procedures. The two forms of practice are explicated in the practice of two University courses which the author has experienced. It is therefore incumbent upon teacher educators to show the way for SEN (Special Educational Needs) professionals to build confident, and rational school practices which offer equal opportunities of success to all pupils in the curriculum.  相似文献   

定义相对论性Pfaff作用量,得到相对论性Pfaff-Birkhoff原理和相对论性Birkhoff方程。证明了一类特殊相对论性Chaplygin方程可以直接纳入相对论性Birkhoff方程。  相似文献   

This article uses a multi-level ecological model to explore the dynamics of localities in England and their effects on the 14+ participation, progression and transition (14+ PPT) of young people at a time when nationally and internationally there is a recognition that transitions from education to employment are both more complex and take longer. Drawing on major research programmes, national enquiries and local studies, the article further develops the concept of a ‘local learning ecologies’ (LLEs) that represent localities in the physical, economic and social senses and that function as part of a multi-level ecological framework or system. The article exemplifies this concept by using qualitative research from one local study to provide insights into an LLE that shows characteristics of a ‘low opportunity progression equilibrium’. The authors conclude by reflecting on international examples of skills ecosystems and suggest that expansive forms of local partnership and ecological governance can be used to begin to move LLEs towards ‘high opportunity progression ecosystems’. However, they argue that because of the power of macro factors and the need to support equity and sustainability, these new forms of local networking will have to be nurtured by sympathetic national action.  相似文献   

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