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表扬与内在动机的关系是一个充满争议的问题,在心理学界长期并存着表扬有益于内在动机和表扬削弱内在动机的两种对立的观点。最新研究表明,表扬对学生学习动机的影响受多种因素的制约,如表扬者是否有真诚的态度;表扬能否增强受表扬者的胜任感和自主感,  相似文献   

高中生的英语学习动机影响其英语学习过程,融入型动机与工具型动机在学生们学习英语过程中是很关键的因素。任何一种动机都不是一成不变,在某一个学生身上是融入型动机,在另一个学生身上可能是工具型动机;在一种场合是融入型动机,在另一种场合可能变成工具型动机。所以,我们要提高学生们的融入型动机和工具型动机,因为学习动机的提高可以增强学生们的学习动力。  相似文献   

表扬与内在动机的关系是一个充满争议的问题,在心理学界长期并存着表扬有益于内在动机和表扬削弱内在动机的两种对立的观点。最新研究表明,表扬对学生学习动机的影响受多种因素的制约,如表扬者是否有真诚的态度;表扬能否增强受表扬者的胜任感和自主感,能否促进受表扬者正确的归因方式的形成;表扬者传达的行为标准或期望是否恰当等。在教育实践中。  相似文献   

表扬与内在动机关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
表扬与内在动机的关系是一个充满争议的问题,在心理学界长期并存着表扬有益于内在动机和表扬削弱内在动机的两种对立的观点。最新研究表明,表扬时学生学习动机的影响受多种因素的制约,如表扬者是否有真诚的态度:表扬能否增强受表扬者的胜任感和自主感,能否促进受表扬者正确的归因方式的形成;表扬者传达的行为标准或期望是否恰当等。在教育实践中,教师必须对表扬与学习动机的关系有清醒的认识,实施表扬须遵循科学的原理和方法。  相似文献   

表扬与被表扬表扬是一种精神激励。每个人都期望得到别人的表扬、赞美与认可,是人的一种基本的精神需要。表扬别人需要注意的是:既不要吝惜一个表扬,也不要滥用表扬;表扬要发自内心,出自真诚;表扬尽量要及时而具体,不要太迟或过于笼统;表扬还要注意适当的时机和场合;表扬还应注意多样性,可根据具体情况采用相应的方法。被表扬需要有良好的姿态。被人表扬自然是件令人愉快的事情,需要注意的是:既不要沾沾自喜、得意忘形,也不要过分谦虚、不好意思;不要轻易怀疑别人的表扬动机;自己的优点、成绩、闪光点,受到别人表扬后应戒骄戒躁,更加努力。…  相似文献   

学习动机一般可分为两大类,一是认识兴趣动机;二是学习义务感责任感动机.了解每个学生学习动机的现有水平和状况,对学生表扬鼓励过程中要尽量恰当,要及时给学生创设一个融洽的学习环境.  相似文献   

即时评价 为信息技术课堂锦上添花   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
即时评价是指,在教育教学活动过程中,评价者对评价对象学习态度、方法、过程、效果等方面即时的表扬和批评。它往往与教育教学活动过程融为一体,对调控教学、激励学生具有及时的调节与导向作用。教师在课堂上的即时评价,不管是表扬还是批评,无论是一个词语还是一个眼神,都会转化为学生的情感体验,从而产生相应的行为表现。  相似文献   

<正>在教师的育人工作中,批评和表扬是两种常用而重要的手段.不恰当的批评有时很可能"点金成石",毁掉一个学生一生的前程;不经意间的一次表扬则往往可能"点石成金",改变一个学生,成就一个学生。表扬所产生的无穷魅力远远超乎人们的想象。做为一  相似文献   

表扬在教育教学中有神奇的作用。得到表扬是每一个人的渴望,无论年龄大小、职务高低。表扬能使人积极上进,不甘落后。表扬是一种最廉价、最易于使用且最有效,但也是最容易被人们忽视的激发学生动机的方法。教师教育学生应该多表扬,少批评,任何一个学生的身上,都能找到长处,找到优点,教师应及时发现,及时表扬。表扬是多渠道的,表扬的方法也是多种多样的。  相似文献   

表扬是在教学领域中运用较为广泛的一种手段但是在不同的条件下,表扬的作用是不同的,尤其是对儿重而言,更是如此。研究表明,表扬的真诚性、归因、自主性、标准和期望、及时性和频率都会对动机造成影响。  相似文献   

通过访谈,考察在实际生活中母亲对幼儿批评/表扬使用倾向,发现表扬型的母亲占批评/表扬类型的52.4%;批评型的母亲占批评/表扬类型的14.3%;混合型的母亲占批评/表扬类型的33.3%。通过对批评/表扬类型的进一步探讨,不仅能进一步丰富、深化人们对批评和表扬的认识,而且能为教育者采取科学有效的反馈技巧提供更具针对性的理论指导。  相似文献   

The current study examined students’ perceptions of the effects of different forms of instructional feedback on their performance, motivation, and emotion. Forty-nine students attending an eastern US university participated in focus group discussions. The groups explored students’ reactions to grades, praise, and computer versus instructor provided feedback, as well as students’ views of the ideal feedback. Students named detailed comments as the most important and useful form of feedback. Grades were deemed to be unnecessary if the goal of an activity was to learn. Students proposed that low grades elicit negative affect and damage the students’ sense of self-efficacy, and high grades decrease motivation and lessen students’ perceived need to improve. Praise was reported to positively affect emotion, but not to be directly conducive to learning.  相似文献   

表扬、批评和个别谈心是大学生思想教育和管理过程中常用的方法.文章简要探讨了表扬、批评和个别谈心的原理,并提出了一些具体的要求.  相似文献   

表扬作为激励学生的手段在日常教学中越来越受到人们的重视,得到了广泛的运用。但与此同时,也出现了随意性、权术化、虚假性、偏向性、理想化等不良的表扬倾向,这些不良的表扬倾向影响了课堂教学的有效性,对学生的发展产生了一定的消极影响。因此,要克服表扬的无效,就要探讨有效表扬的意义和价值。  相似文献   

表扬、批评和个别谈心是大学生思想教育和管理过程中常用的方法。文章简要探讨了表扬、批评和个别谈心的原理,并提出了一些具体的要求。  相似文献   

为了研究初中生学习投入的特点及表扬与批评对其学习投入的影响,使用学习投入问卷、表扬和批评经历问卷对464名七、八、九年级的初中生进行了调查。结果发现:(1)初中生的学习投入在后两年显著降低,到九年级时有32.7%的学生处于低学习投入状态;(2)来自老师和家人的表扬与批评对初中生学习投入有着重要影响,在各个年级中均能分别正向和负向预测学习投入。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of person praise and process praise on college students’ motivation and how these effects change as students progress through their undergraduate years. Hundred and eleven college students worked on three puzzle tasks and received either person praise, process praise, or no praise. Following subsequent failure, students reported on their intrinsic motivation, perceived competence, performance attributions and contingent self-worth. Results indicated that process praise enhances intrinsic motivation and perceived competence more than person praise, and that these effects vary as students advance toward their degree. While person praise decreased motivation for sophomores and juniors, process praise increased motivation for seniors; freshmen reported no significant differences in their motivation. Implications for classroom practice and the need for research that considers developmental differences within college samples are discussed.  相似文献   


Verbal praise, a type of external reward addressed in many theories of motivation, has often been recognized as an important mediator in the development of students' motivation in the classroom. However, the lack of consistently replicated findings regarding students' reactions to verbal praise, combined with the paucity of research on post-secondary students, prompted the current investigation. Using an experimental design, the author found that college students exposed to well-administered verbal praise by a professor spent significantly more time doing homework than did students who received no verbal praise. Characteristics of effective verbal praise that contributed to the results, the potential usefulness of verbal praise as an enhancer of student motivation, and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to determine how gender and age moderate the long‐term and post‐failure motivational consequences of person versus performance praise. In Study 1, fourth‐ and fifth‐grade students (n = 93) engaged in a puzzle task while receiving either no praise, person praise, product praise, or process praise. Following a subsequent failure experience, behavioural measures indicated that product and process praise enhanced motivation and person praise dampened motivation for girls, but that there were few effects of praise on subsequent motivation for boys. In Study 2, a parallel procedure with preschool children (n = 76) showed that person, product, and process praise all enhanced motivation, relative to neutral feedback, for both girls and boys.  相似文献   

The relationships between teacher praise and feedback, and students' perceptions of the classroom environment were investigated in six rural elementary schools (n = 747). The Teacher Feedback Scale and My Classroom Scale were developed as part of this study and used to collect the data. Structural equation modelling was used to test a hypothesised model. The results indicated that negative teacher feedback and effort feedback were both related to students' relationships with their teachers, while ability feedback was associated with perceptions of the classroom environment. Praise was not related to classroom environment or teacher-student relationships. Significant age and gender differences were found. Additionally, differences were found between students who were satisfied with their classroom and those who were dissatisfied. Satisfied students received more general praise, general ability feedback, effort feedback and less negative teacher feedback when compared to dissatisfied students.  相似文献   

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