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中国学校心理学家角色的缺失和需求   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国的学校心理服务系统发展比较完善,学校心理学家是该系统中最主要的两种角色之一,并发挥着越来越重的作用.中国的学校心理工作刚刚起步,存在着工作人员的角色和功能模糊,专业化程度低、工作方法和模式不成熟等方面的问题,总体而言缺少学校心理学家这一职业角色.随着教育系统对专业心理服务的需求愈加强烈,在中国教育和心理健康领域缺少学校心理学家专业支援的问题也愈加明显.在"融合教育"成为国际教育形势的时代,学校心理学家在中国具有巨大的发展空间,他们能够在教育中贡献心理学的力量,推动中国教育观念和教育实践的进步.  相似文献   

学校心理健康教育师资队伍的建设是有效开展学校心理健康教育的保证,美国学校心理健康教育师资队伍的发展非常迅速。1913年,全美有学校心理健康教育工作者115人,1950年有1000人,1970年上升到5000人,20世纪七八十年代,人数迅速突破20000人。到2000年,全美学校心理学家大约有22000至25000人。与此同时,学校心理健康教育工作者与学生的比率总的发展趋势是逐步增长的。1934年,这一比率为1-60000,1950年为1:36000,1986年增加到1:2100,2000年大约1:2000,2002年大约为1:1800。此外,美国学校心理健康教育工作者呈现女性化趋势。在过去三十年时间里,  相似文献   

美国学校心理学家学会于2010年3月颁布了新一期专业认证标准,该标准共由四部分组成:《学校心理学家职业道德准则》、《学校心理学家职业准备标准》、《学校心理学家资格认证标准》及《全面和综合的学校心理学服务模式》。文章对《学校心理学家职业道德准则》(以下简称《准则》)的内容和特点进行了系统介绍和全面分析,以期对我国学校心理学家职业道德准则的建立提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

本文从美国学校心理学的历史发展切入,重点介绍了近年来对美国学校心理学家培养起决定作用的基于胜任特征的学校心理学家培养模式.并在此基础上,总结归纳了美国学校心理学家培养的主要经验:通过阶段式培养目标的设计来满足不同层次培养对象的差异化需求;培养效果需要充分的培训时间和对实习环节的重视来保障;以行为主义为指导的培训方法是有效提升胜任特征的重要途径;多方法、综合性的评估确保了培养效果评价的准确性与可靠性.最后,结合我国当前心理健康教育教师的培养现状,从明确培养方向、规范资格认证制度、探索有效可行的培养方法等三个方面提出了美国学校心理学家培养经验对我国的启示.  相似文献   

美国学校心理学家的培养过程   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
19世纪后半期科学与实验心理学的发展,以儿童测验与个别差异的研究为起点,心理学正式开始进入教育领域。早期的标准化测验确认了人的心理能力的可测性,帮助科学家和教育者对学生心理的发生和学习过程进行研究、诊断、干预和预防。学校心理学家就是作为掌握心理测验以及其他理论与技术并有效服务于教育领域的专业人员而出现的。1996年,国际学校心理学会(1SPA)在其年会上通过了最新的关于学校心理学家的定义:“学校心理学家一词指的是受过心理学与教育专业训练,在学校、家庭以及其他可能发生影响的环境下为儿童和青少年提供心理学服务的专业人员”,美国学校心理学会(NASP)在此基础上又增加了一条规定:“学校心理学家是达到全美学校心理学会颁发的职业资格证书的职业心理学家和教育家。”美国学校心理学家已经成为一项非常专业化的职业,他们是职业的心理学实践者,其工作的一般目标是从心理学角度对教育者以及青少年学  相似文献   

英、法、德等欧洲国家学校心理现状简述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1991年1月1日欧盟关于职业资格承认指导委员会成立并开始运作。这标志着欧盟国家教育资历的相互认可,专业人员可在任何欧盟成员国内从事相应的职业活动。一、学校心理学家的资格与准入水平在英国,学校心理服务的专业人员被称为“特许教育心理学家”。英国心理学会掌管着其培养问题。学会的主要责任是:审查心理学家接受训练与工作的经历,看他是否有资格在学校享有“特许教育心理学家”的头衔。其角色大概相当于美国的“学校心理学家”,或我  相似文献   

学校心理学是德国应用心理学的重要分支,其发展面临着前所未有的挑战.德国学校心理学家是公共教育事业和教育培训事业的协同设计者,具备一致的职业形象.德国职业心理学家协会正在积极应对学校心理学的发展危机,为学校心理学家寻求专业化发展之路.  相似文献   

现实疗法是美国心理学家格拉瑟在学校教育情境和心理咨询环境相结合背景下提出的一种心理咨询理论与方法.现实疗法理论重视对学生问题行为的矫正,强调学生的发展性和选择性,注重自我意识、社会性发展和自我责任,突出学生责任心的培养.现实疗法也注重个体的选择,体现出了较强的多元文化适应性.在学校教育中,有效运用现实疗法理论,能够兼顾教师角色与学校心理辅导员角色的统一,也能够减少目前专职教师与其他教师间的角色冲突,有利于提升学校心理健康教育质量,而且也能全面提高整个学校的品质.国外实践也证明了现实疗法在学校教育中的效能.在我国学校教育中借鉴并运用现实疗法,有利于落实学校心理健康教育全体参与的整体发展模式,对于深化素质教育实践有积极价值和重要意义.  相似文献   

美国学校心理健康教育的内容主要包括心理健康咨询、生活指导、生涯辅导以及磋商性服务,其途径主要是依托学校心理健康教育课程、学校心理健康中心、学校青年服务中心等开展个别与团体心理咨询、学生自我心理保健教育、校园活动渗透心理健康教育以及进行社会服务和设立健康图书馆等形式的心理健康教育。通过对学校心理健康教育工作者培养资质的认证、学校心理健康教育工作者资格认证以及颁布一系列心理学工作者的伦理学原则与行为规范等手段和措施,对学校心理健康教育进行有效的督导。  相似文献   

<正>中职学校心理健康教育是我国学校心理健康教育的重要组成部分,不仅关乎中职学生的健康成长,也关乎他们求职就业与适应社会、适应职业的重要竞争力。因此,占我国高中阶段教育“半壁江山”的中职学校心理健康问题,也越来越引起全社会的高度重视。本期访谈,俞国良教授将为读者介绍我国中职学生心理健康现状,分析中职学校心理健康教育存在的问题和特点,并结合当前面临的挑战与机遇,就推进和深化中职学校心理健康教育提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

我国中小学心理教师的角色模糊及其深层次原因剖析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文对我国中小学心理教师的角色模糊现象及其体制的原因进行了理论探讨。心理教师的角色模糊主要表现为心理教师与管理者、与德育教师及与普通教师的混淆。造成这一混淆的根本原因在于心理健康教育在德育和管理框架内运作,缺少与特殊教育的联系,现存殊教育范围的狭窄及其与主流教育的脱节等。解决混淆的根本途径在于深化目前的德育与管理体制的改革,在特殊教育框架内,以特殊儿童的服务为核心,重新整合心理健康教育资源,使心理辅导与心理测评发挥其应有作用。  相似文献   

This research uses an active listening approach within a narrative inquiry methodology to consider the views of three teenage males aged 15–17 years on the topic of missing education. Missing education is a term used to describe children and young people (CYP) not receiving a suitable education or being on a school roll. The participants’ accounts were analysed using a Voice-Centred Relational Method to identify the complex interplay of systemic factors, the importance of individual experience and supportive adult–pupil relationships. The reflective accounts presented in this paper highlight implications for active and effective listening to CYP. A model was created to support the approaches educational psychologists (EPs) could use to support school staff, parents and other professionals in their work with individuals “missing education”.  相似文献   

Research has pointed to the importance of interprofessional collaboration (IPC) between school psychologists and medical providers in the provision of quality mental health care for youth with chronic health conditions. However, little is known about current IPC practices among school psychologists. This study examined school psychology trainees’ and professionals’ perceptions of training, preparedness, and current practices related to IPC with medical providers. Survey results indicated that participants (N = 317) endorse relatively low levels of training and preparedness and limited practice of IPC with medical providers. Additionally, results indicated that perceptions of training and preparedness were associated with current practices in IPC with medical providers. Findings demonstrated the impact of training and preparedness on subsequent engagement in IPC and have implications for the future training of school psychologists as they seek to address the needs of youth with chronic health conditions.  相似文献   

Counselor education programs have the responsibility to prepare school counseling graduates adequately for effective partnerships, consultation, and collaboration with other school professionals. Current practices as well as theory should inform preparation. This study was conducted to determine current collaborative efforts of practicing school counselors and school psychologists in 1 southeastern state. Implications for educators and 1 training model that distinctly accentuates collaboration are presented.  相似文献   

Although federal law has provided guidelines for autism eligibility for special education, school-based autism assessment and eligibility vary widely across states and identification continues to lag behind national prevalence data. The main role of the school psychologist continues to be conducting evaluations for special education eligibility, and given current barriers, some school psychologists do not feel equipped to make a recommendation for autism eligibility. This article summarizes the barriers school psychologists face when conducting autism assessments in the schools, including systemic barriers, lack of training or professional development, resulting lack of confidence, among others. We conclude by highlighting recommendations for multipronged systemic changes that will improve the capacity of special education teams and specifically support the pivotal role of the school psychologist in conducting autism eligibility evaluations in the schools.  相似文献   

Specific learning disability (SLD) identification procedures vary across states (Maki et al., 2015, School Psychol Quart, 30, 457–469); however, the extent to which SLD identification methods are implemented at the district level is not well understood. Moreover, the high‐stakes nature of SLD identification necessitates extensive training, but research regarding graduate and postgraduate training in SLD is limited. This study examined school psychologists’ SLD training and practices through survey methodology. Results showed that a growing number of school psychologists use, prefer, and receive training in response to intervention and pattern of strengths and weaknesses to identify students with SLD while the use of and preference for ability–achievement discrepancy may be decreasing. However, nearly one‐third of school psychologists still reported the use of ability–achievement discrepancy. In addition, over half of school psychologists reported using state department of education guidance documents to inform their SLD identification practices. Implications for training and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Health care and education reform provide opportunities to build systems that promote rather than retard collaboration between school psychologists and medical professionals. School-linked and school-based health services (SLSBHS) are a family of approaches that provide medical, social, and mental health services to students through school settings. These services have potential to provide more than acute care or first-aid services. SLSBHS provide medical care to uninsured children, students with chronic medical needs, at-risk children, and the overall school population. However, there are usually not enough funds to hire new staff members in most school districts. Expanding the roles of current school staff, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and implementing creative fiscal strategies are necessary to develop SLSBHS. Interdisciplinary collaboration may be the largest hurdle to developing SLSBHS. As such, school psychologists and medical professionals may need to rethink their professional roles and develop new techniques of interdisciplinary consultation to fulfill the potential of SLSBHS.  相似文献   

Despite persistent calls for school psychologists to provide comprehensive and integrated services, school psychologists may have difficulty providing these services because of critical shortages in the profession. This practical action research study involved surveying district supervisors of school psychologists and training program directors in the state to identify the current and projected shortages in Florida. This multimethod, multi‐informant case example also focused on facilitators of and barriers to addressing the critical shortage. How the data have been used to inform recruitment, retention, and advocacy efforts to identify school psychology as a critical shortage legislatively are provided as well as recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

Evaluation of successful professional intervention for two case studies of female adolescents’ school refusal behaviour is presented. Data gathered from the young person, professionals, and parents in each case are synthesised to propose a multi-level, ecologically situated model of intervention for school refusal behaviour. The proposed model indicates an interaction of child, psychological support, family support, professional, and systemic factors. The utility of explanatory case studies to a practice-based evidence base for practitioner educational psychologists is highlighted.  相似文献   

Gender and sexually diverse (GSD) students face unique challenges in schools due to the privileging of cisgender and heterosexist norms in these settings. In particular, GSD youth who belong to ethnically and racially minoritized groups face further challenges within school environments that disregard their cultural contexts and intersectional identities. It is important for school psychologists to ensure safe and high-quality mental health, educational, and behavioral supports for these students. One possible avenue for building these types of supports is through school consultation. When school psychologists collaborate with other professionals in a culturally competent, participatory way, their work has the potential to bolster behavioral, academic, and mental health outcomes at the individual, group, and/or systems levels. Adapting Ingraham's multicultural school consultation model, this article proposes a multicultural, GSD affirming school consultation framework that also approaches the experiences of racially and ethnically minoritized individuals through the lenses of intersectionality and minority stress frameworks. Across its five domains, this adapted framework aims to give practitioners and researchers a conceptual foundation to support GSD students of minoritized ethnic and racial identities by considering interactions among consultants, consultees, and clients within their wider school contexts.  相似文献   

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