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Boy Scoute     
The science teacher believed very strongly in practical work as a means of teaching science effectively, and she wanted her pupils' parents to see how well their children were learning by her methods. She therefore arranged for all the parents to come and…  相似文献   

Sunny Boy     
My name is Min Wujue.My English name is Michael.I'm eleven years old th is year.I have a big mouth,big nose and two big eyes.I am from  相似文献   

A Kind Boy     
It took Tom several(fL个)months to saveuP(积蓄)seven dollars(美元).He wanted to--〕atoy Plane 50 oned盯he went to the shoP withtheZ on the way, Tom saw a little boye巧ing on a eorner of the street.生旦are you erying?”Tom asked. “Three big boys一生一my fourdollars just now,”the boy said,“1 wason立一way to buy some exercise-books,but now 1 ean’t.” 及加thought ofthe一立少。nar“in the Poeket‘He thought of the toyplane and山e poorZ一丁 bm wantedtowalkaway,_~鱼一为edidnot.Atlasthe旦_four…  相似文献   

我们常常把 boy翻成 男孩 但在实际语言环境中 该词 “ ”, ,还有很多意思 请看下列这组句子 , : ⒈T his is my old boy. ⒉T hese are my boys. ⒊H e's a playboy. ⒋T his is yellow boy. ⒌Li X iao is an office boy. 这些句子中的 boy分别译为 老朋友 儿子们 花花 “ ”、“ ”、“公子金印 勤杂人员 更有趣的是 中国有句俗语 一个 ”、“”、“ ”。 , :和尚挑水吃 两个和尚抬水吃 三个和尚没水吃 译成英语是 , , , :One boy is a boy熏Two boys half a boy…  相似文献   

A Naughty Boy     
一天,老师在课堂上提了一个问题,全班只有彼得回答出来了,然而,他却因此被送到校长那儿挨了顿批评。你能猜出这是一个什么样的问题吗?如果看了后面的8幅图还猜不出来,那么读短文,你就一定知道答案了。读完短文,再做图后的练习。试试看!  相似文献   

宋钟基 My Boy     
田梦园 《音乐世界》2010,(19):13-13
一直以乖乖牌形象示人的宋钟基,居然在《成均馆绯闻》当中尝试起了花花公子的角色。不过,生活中的他还是那个乐观开朗有些纯情的大男生,谦虚的个性让他收获了很多人的爱。  相似文献   

A Clever Boy     
州洲呀M议曲勺生日快到了。黯】黝嘿l靴黝撇瀚醒勿属鑫一寥蘸】篡骥麟黔瀑撇黝爹落磷翼笋:一举脚一丫沂隽谬戮:!聆矿薰鬓蒸薰薰蘸夔薰翼薰翼聂!鬓骥薰鬓蘸蘸薰薰薰蒸勇薰已O比叮A Clever Boy@佚名 @苏骏鼎$我们的工作室~~  相似文献   

A Lazy Boy     
Bill is a schoolboy.He is ten.But he is lazy(懒惰的).He doesn’t like to do any work.He doesn’tstudy hard at school.His parents are doctors,theywant their son to be a doctor after he grows up.Butone day Bill said to his father,“When I finishschool.I want to be a cleaner.”  相似文献   

我,是一个色盲男孩。我的世界只有两种颜色。1 打小时候起,我就安安静静地坐在脚踏车的后座上,跟随妈妈去了不知多少家的眼科医院。然而,每回妈妈总是抚摸着我的头,眼睛湿润着走出医院……后来,我长大了,懂事些了。我知道了世界上不仅仅只有我所知道的两种颜色,但我从医生无奈的眼神里依稀察觉到,我的世界似乎注定只有两种颜色了。  相似文献   

A Bright Boy     
I have a little brother. He is very bright and intelligent. The favorite thing he does is to play toy bricks . He has several bags of toy bricks1. Every day the first thing he does on entering the house is to sit on the ground and build various things wit…  相似文献   

A Naughty Boy     
朱文 《初中生》2002,(5):53-54
一天,老师在课堂上提了一个问题,全班只有彼得回答出来了,然而,他却因此被送到校长那儿挨了顿批评.你能猜出这是一个什么样的问题吗?如果看了后面的8幅图还猜不出来,那么读短文,你就一定知道答案了.读完短文,再做图后的练习.试试看!  相似文献   

Red Boy特写     
Red Boy(红孩儿)是我的英语老师。此人乃一年轻小伙,浓眉大眼,气质不俗。然而,其行为实在古怪:常常一连几天西装革履、摩丝满头,帅得颇具明星水准;又常常一连几天蓬头乱发、没精打采,颇像霜后的茄子。 Red Boy口语极为流利,上课时常常“呜里哇啦”一大堆,表情也配合得天衣无缝。说完后便微笑着看我们,很得意。我们虽  相似文献   

A Silly Boy     
炎热的夏天,火辣辣的太阳炙烤着大地。I’m basking*,.从/、劝、That’5 wilyl’一n sitting here.*I’m waiting for*the st:n to dry*一ny sllirt.门从小肋拳: That,5 whyl’m sitting here.这正是我坐在太阳底下的原因。nIB二k Ili/adj,傻的,愚蠢的;wet/飞:出汗,流汗b  相似文献   

An Honest Boy     
Jim is an honest(诚实的) boy. He is fifteen years old. His parents died three years ago and he had to make a living by himself. One day, when he was walking in the street, he found a wallet(钱包) full of money. He found  相似文献   

Booie Baker wanted to be a ball playersomeday.He could run very fast-fasterthan any other boy on his street.Hecould catch all right, too.But he just couldn'thit the ball. Booie thought that he was going to be aball player anyway.He thought so until oneday when his friend Butch had a birthday.Butch was eight that day.It was a Saturday.  相似文献   

作为《模范棒棒堂》的班长,棒棒堂男孩的队长,其实敖犬身上的责任不轻;只是我们都觉得这个男孩喜欢跳舞,爱好搞怪,也会耍酷;那到底敖犬是怎样的敖犬?他的快乐与烦恼到底是什么呢?请听他自己说。  相似文献   

李俊基是一个善变的人,无论是外形抑或内心,常常翻天覆地。前一刻柔媚的男子变成了现在的粗犷与豪放;曾经多虑而在意,现在都变得天空海阔。过去已是惘然,未来,才是真正的追求。  相似文献   

孙佳 《音乐世界》2010,(3):55-59
伴随着大雪纷飞的寒冬,2009年终于落幕了,然而对一个人来说他的光芒正在慢慢点亮,他就是因饰演《原来是美男啊》中“毛巾男”姜新禹而瞬间成为众多女性粉丝心中“大众情人”的郑容和。热爱音乐的淘气鬼郑容和自言被姜新禹同化成了稳重的熟男。  相似文献   

In Metro City(大都会市),Dr.Tenma is a great scientist*.He invents* many helpful* robots.Tobyis Dr.Tenma’s son.He is a clever boy.可一次意外,Toby消失了。  相似文献   

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