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初中毕业至今已有十几年,当时向往大人们不必捧书苦读且可以工作赚钱;而如今身为成人,天天面对工作,却又每每想念和回味豆蔻年华的点点滴滴. 遥想那年,有那么多的情节历历在目,就像一出心爱的电影,看了许多次,越看越珍藏心底. 童年总是随着升入初中而进入尾声,小女孩有一日终究蜕变成少女.  相似文献   

Gugerell  Stefan H.  Riffert  Franz 《Interchange》2011,42(3):225-259
Wisdom has been a topic of religion and philosophy since the dawning of human civilization. But only during the last two or three decades wisdom has become a topic of empirical research in developmental psychology, adult and old age education, as well as in management and leadership studies. The aim of this paper is to elaborate a new definition of “wisdom,” in order to provide a more adequate foundation for empirical wisdom research. To reach this goal, two empirical wisdom theories (Baltes and Ardelt) and two philosophical wisdom approaches (Ryan and Whitehead) are presented, discussed, compared, and synthesized. The results show that despite the fact that Baltes’ definition of “wisdom” is somewhat wider than Ardelt’s, their approaches have many aspects in common. Additionally, also Whitehead’s ideas on wisdom are quite similar to Baltes’ core criteria concerning wisdom-related knowledge, but Whitehead mentions two additional aspects which go beyond Baltes’ approach. Further, according to Ryan, wise persons must have very few unjustified beliefs; this necessary condition for a wise person is neither mentioned by Baltes, nor by Ardelt or Whitehead. Based on the ideas of these four approaches, a new definition of “wisdom” is presented, in which wisdom is relativised to time indices and moral systems. This definition consists of a cognitive, an ethical, and a reflective component. Further it is shown that Fischer’s and Dawson’s Lectical Assessment System is a major candidate for measuring wisdom on the basis of our new definition.  相似文献   

师爱如海,深沉而理性。优秀的教师各有方法,但他们的共同点就是拥有博大的爱心。只有用爱赢得学生理解和信任后,教育才能直指人心。  相似文献   

On Time     
~~On Time~~  相似文献   

On Health     
The first wealth is health.健康是人生第一财富。Life lies in physical exercise.生命在于运动。  相似文献   

On Learning     
To be conscious that you are ignorant is a greatstep to knowledge.察觉自己的无知,就是向知识跨进了一大步。  相似文献   

On Test     
Do you like test? Do you think test is the most important thing for all the students? Some may answer yes;others may say no.  相似文献   

On Happiness     
I never consider ease and joufumess as the purpose oflife itself.——Albert Emstem爱因斯坦我从不认为安逸和快乐就是生活本身的目的。The supreme happiness of life is the conviction thatwe are loved.——Victor Hugo雨果  相似文献   

Come On     
One day,mytO MacDonald.Imother and 1 went saw a foreigner. He had yellow hair and blue eyes.I tried to show my English and then said:“Hello .what your name,Please?’’“My name is Jim.and you?”“My name is Du Yi.” “Your English is very good.’’“No, 。 my English is just SO--SO.”I did my gesture while saying Chinese.Because I didn’t knowhow to say this sentence in English.Fie said:“].111~t Llg(come on)!”When t heard it,1 was so ashamed,and 1 will do my best. (指导老师:朱敏)…  相似文献   

鱼的记忆力只有7秒?网络上流传着这样一段话:有人说鱼的记忆力只有7秒,7秒之后就不记得以前的事情,所有的一切又变成崭新的开始。所以,在那小小的鱼缸里面,它永远不会觉得无聊。  相似文献   

this指代较近的一个人或物,these是this的复数形式,指代较近的几个人或物,而that常用来指代较远的一个人或物,those是that是复数形式,指代较远的几个人或物。  相似文献   

On Miracle     
Suppose I stood on the, root of a ten-story building.In midair, a whirlwind swept me up. and brought me safely to the ground.  相似文献   

On Honesty     
Honesty is a basic human quality. It is the truthfulness to others and to yourself. As one of the most important moral standard, it is also the most difficult quality to develop in the modern society.  相似文献   

On Love     
从前有一个伟大的男人,娶了他理想中的姑娘为妻。他们相爱并生了一个小女孩,小姑娘聪明活泼,深得父亲喜爱。[第一段]  相似文献   

正一个离别一个故事。你觉得离别伤感,我却笑着说再见;我对离别讳莫如深,他却风轻云淡。青果们的离别又怎样呢?是不是另有一番别致与风范?@漠颜忧思:相遇,相识,相知,到最后的陌路,虽然我们在不同的角落,但都在同—个世界勇敢生活……@snow悠悠:青春给我们三年,为的是教会我们离别吗?  相似文献   

On Avarice     
There are two sorts of avarice:the one is but of a bas-tard kind,and that is,the rapacious appetite of gain,notfor its own shake,but for the pleasure of refunding it imme-diately through all the channels of pride and luxury;the otheris the true kind,and properly so called,which is a restlessand unsatiable desire of riches,not for any farther end oruse,but only to hoard,and preserve,and perpetually in-crease them.The covetous man,of the first kind,is like a  相似文献   

On Weekend     
Peter and Barbara Hayes went to a French restaurant last weekend.Peter had a steak with a baked potato and carrots.Barbara had a boiledlobster with a baked potato and peas.They both had a French saladand French bread,and they drank a bottle of French wine.Peter order-ed cake for dessert,and Barbara ordered cheese.Then they went to a French movie.There is a movie theater near  相似文献   

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