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人之主体性的成立,需要外在性、经验性和内在性、先验性的结合。这种结合之所以可能的关键,在于主体的内在性基质是作为"无"的自我意识。"无"既超越了具体存在者的有限性,实现了彻底的普遍性和否定性,使主体能够独立自持;同时又必须借助外在的经验现实显现自身,使主体现实化。这个对立统一的方式,就是对象化。  相似文献   

通过对大学定位的概念作对比性分析,认为大学定位是以大学理念为指导,以系统的观点探求大学内部与外部的整合,并使之达到最优化,在此基础上逐步构建大学定位的制度秩序、政策与技术等的定位要素.  相似文献   

危机事件是重要的教育资源,也是反观价值教育的重要契机。多元文化背景加剧了价值选择的困惑,对实用与感官价值的追捧导致价值失序,主体性的彰显引起人与自然关系的失衡。面对这种困境,价值教育在实践中应努力做到:融合多元价值,走向主导价值认同;启迪生命,用爱重构精神价值;缔造命运共同体,走向共生共存。  相似文献   

在政治哲学里,公平常常被拿来作为合法性论证的重要前提和决定性因素。教育公平是关涉教育政策合法性论证的价值前提,它决定了教育政策合法性的表现形式和主要内容,规范和引导着教育政策合法性的确立。同时,教育公平引导下的公民广泛参与是提升教育政策合法性的主要实践路径。  相似文献   

教育政策内在必然地具有着缺陷与不足,这主要缘于三个方面不可避免的约束性条件:由主体有限理性导致的教育政策解决问题能力的局限性;教育政策回应复杂问题能力的低效性;刚性教育政策应对丰富多样实践问题的脆弱性。面对教育政策的必然性缺陷,实践者有三种消极的应对方式,即积极对抗型、阳奉阴违型和赞美获利性;同时也存在着三种积极的应对方式,即选择性适应、反思性适应和改造性适应。作为教育政策相对非利害关联的研究者,存在着三种类型的教育政策批判方式:建设性批判、结构性批判和根基性批判。接受教育政策的不完美特性,有利于让教育政策在通向完美的路上走得更为清醒、更加顺畅和更为通达。  相似文献   

文章通过对中西方价值体系中自由范畴的阐释,及其各自发展逻辑的比较,使我们认识到它们虽然显示出各自不同的自由传统以及对自由的超越、实现方式,但不可否认,自由是中西人生价值的共同指向.  相似文献   

理解教育政策:现象、问题和价值   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
如何理解教育政策,这是教育政策研究者常常感到困惑的问题。本文从教育政策现象出发,解析政策现象之中蕴涵的政策问题及其本质,进而以教育的准公共产品属性为认识基础,认为教育政策就是作为公共权威的政府为了解决相互冲突的对教育产品的不同需求,通过对教育中所负载的价值的选择,从而提供的不同类型的解决方案和采取的政府行为。这种理解融合了"自上而下"和"自下而上"看待教育政策的视角,关注了教育政策的多维度、公共性和"价值负载"的性质。  相似文献   

价值范式及其对教育政策主体的价值分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育政策价值问题是教育理论研究中的重要理论问题。对教育政策价值的分析不应忽视对教育政策主体的价值分析,教育政策从根本上体现并实现着政策主体的价值内容、价值追求与价值选择,教育政策价值与教育政策主体价值有着内在的不可分性。教育政策主体价值依次表现为元价值、隐价值和显价值三重形态。  相似文献   

在政策研究过程中,价值问题是一个不可回避的重要领域。文章运用社会公共政策学、管理学和价值分析的研究路径,阐明教育政策在教育研究中的特殊性;提出价值分析是教育政策分析的起点,是进行教育政策制定和实施的前提,在教育活动中具有澄清价值、价值预测、普及政策和相互借鉴的作用;并通过经验性探索、规范性探索和超伦理研究来阐明教育政策过程中的价值冲突和主要价值问题。  相似文献   

From interviews with seven blind New Zealand adults about their school experiences, this paper discusses how blindness has been constructed by some New Zealand mainstream principals and teachers. The experiences of these participants were not that of inclusion, despite being in ‘the mainstream’. The participants described how principals and teachers were both welcoming and unwelcoming. Inclusive principals and teachers were described as friendly, challenging, helpful and positive. They believed their blind students were like their other students. Principals and teachers who were remembered as excluding blind students were described as unfair, inflexible, unprepared and absent. They believed their blind students were different and did not find a social place for them.  相似文献   

当前,高等教育质量保障存在两种取向:一种是内部评估,另一种是外部评估。高校需全面认识这两种评估的角色与作用。内部评估是高教质量保障的核心,高校在建设内部质量评估体系时首先需依据自身特色建立内部评估体系,其次要调动学生和教师的积极性建立内部评估体系,还要兼顾专业评估和综合评估。外部评估是高教质量保障的监管,高校必须积极配合、主动利用。首先高校要配合好政府的合格评估,这是不容置疑的义务和责任;其次要利用好社会中介组织的诊断性评估,主动寻求中介评估组织的帮助,以帮助诊断学校发展中存在的问题,寻找改进提高的策略。还有,高校对待内外部评估需实现从片面认知到全面认识、从被动应付到主动应对、从各自为阵到互相兼顾的三种转变,才能最终实现二者的相互融合,切实保障高等教育质量。  相似文献   

Contemporary western society is characterised by an individualistic model of the person. Conceptions of socialization insist more on self expression and development than on the individual’s submission to social requirements. Values concerned with individual responsibility and self-realization guide educative actions. The article analyses the influence of parental education on internality and self-esteem in the child with particular attention to how parents lead the child to become responsible (commitment). Two hundred parents (from contrasting social backgrounds) answered a questionnaire on internality and a question on self-esteem. According to their social background, the parents adopt educative practices which induce more or less responsibility in the child. Leading the child to accept responsibility in daily life encourages the learning of internality, but family education has little influence on self-esteem. How subjects “positioned” themselves, i.e., how they placed themselves a variety of measures was examined. Some preferred to position themselves in the centre of the scales while others placed themselves on the extremes. There was a correlation between the positioning of the parents and that of the children.  相似文献   

As teachers struggle to meet the needs of a highly diverse student body, technology holds out the promise of a solution. However, first the nature and scope of differences between students has to be identified. This study (n = 1811) takes a comprehensive approach, selecting differences from each stage in the learning process. These were termed learning orientations. Factor analysis (FA) produced ten learning orientations, which were then subjected to a second order FA. Three learning pathways emerged; cognitive voyaging, industrious pragmatism and multimedia collaboration. About 65% of students are high on industrious pragmatism, 15% high on cognitive voyaging and 9.2% multimedia collaboration. Both learning orientations and learning pathways were used in ANOVAS and t-tests to explore differences in age, gender and ethnicity. Students who were younger and/or of Asian or Polynesian ethnicity were more likely to follow a multimedia collaboration pathway. Older students are more likely to go the cognitive voyaging or industrious pragmatism way.  相似文献   

While it is generally acknowledged that being ‘historically informed’ lies at the heart of critical accounts of education policy-making, the use of historically focused retrospective research methods within the field is rare. This paper makes the case for retrospective research at a time when some of the most significant episodes of post-war educational policy-making are fast passing into the realms of not-so-recent history. In particular, it is argued that current policy scholars now have an opportunity to revisit the issues and concerns regarding the formation of the ‘New Right’ education policy reforms 30?years ago. Drawing on the experiences of a recently completed study of educational policy-making during the 1979–1983 Thatcher administration, it is argued that retrospective methods offer a surprisingly rich opportunity to collect primary data from the policy elites of the 1980s. It is concluded that the time is right for the production of a useful addendum to the founding studies of educational policy sociology that were conducted at the time.  相似文献   

民办高等教育由兴起到现在 ,已经发生了显著的变化 ,出现了新的形势。本文认真分析了当前影响民办高校运作和发展的一些因素 ,提出了一些应对的措施  相似文献   

政策价值现在政策系统与决策过程中起主导作用,它直接关系着政策的正确与否;政策实践途径对政策实践活动能否遵循主体的价值取向,顺利实现政策理想,达到政策目标,有着至关重要的影响;邓小平教育政策思想体现了他在教育政策实践中坚持党全心全意为人民服务的宗旨和以人为本的价值取向.  相似文献   

我国高等教育价值取向在建国后60年的嬗变历程中,先后经历政治中心、经济中心,政治与经济二中心,个人价值、社会价值与知识价值共存等三个阶段.至今为止,我国高等教育仍旧没有实现个人价值、社会价值与知识价值等"三元"价值的有机整合.坚持"学、研、产"一体化进程,制定合理的教育政策是实现"三元"价值有机整合的良策.  相似文献   

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