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在绘画艺术领域里 ,不管是立体派还是未来派绘画 ,它们的产生都有其自己的根源与真谛。早期的立体派绘画 ,指示了如何构思和创造绘画上的内在视觉语言的基本形式。立体派的基本语汇在用来进行绘画创作时 ,是受绘画的主观规则支配的。这些主观规则只有在立体派绘画的第二阶段———分析立体派绘画阶段变得非常明显。我们要尽可能多地去了解早期的立体派绘画的重要意义 ,它能够很好地帮助我们去解析或“分解”在第二个阶段的真实意义所在。  相似文献   

<正> 魏晋时代,在中国绘画史上占有独特的历史地位。它是我国古代美术理论发展的一个极其重要的转折阶段,也是中国绘画真正走向自觉的开端。在这个继往开来的时期,顾恺之是促成其转变的代表人物,他为我国古代专门绘画理论的建立作出了突出贡献。 顾恺之存世的画论有三篇:《魏晋胜流画赞》、《论画》、《画云台山记》。这三篇文章都是由于唐代张彦  相似文献   

对史学史的理论思考应当集中在两个问题上,即历史学本质的历史性形态与历史学家的具体精神状态和现实生存状态,真正意义上的史学史属于历史学的现在;而真正的历史学家必须善于通过对史学史的理论思考,自觉地引申出对历史学现状的深刻批判,保持独立的写史权利。  相似文献   

从印象主义到康定斯基是绘画从具象走向抽象的重要阶段,印象主义第一个冲破传统的阻力,减弱了绘画以外因素的干扰,如:宗教、文学等,发现了色彩本身的价值,确立了绘画的独立地位.康定斯基第一个冲破传统绘画具象性的阻碍,发现了艺术中的精神价值,对后来的抽象绘画产生了巨大的影响.  相似文献   

蔡晓燕 《考试周刊》2013,(10):23-23
朗读是教好文言文最重要的教学形式,应该做到真正意义上的朗读,注重教给学生诵读的方法,作者认为应由浅入深、由易到难、层次分明地去读,就此提出了朗读的四个层次:试读———范读———精读———背读。  相似文献   

一、中国近代化过程中两大基本任务中国近代化过程有两大基本任务:一是民族独立,一是近代化。两者的关系是:没有民族独立,就不可能实现近代化;没有近代化,政治、经济、文化落后,也不可能实现真正意义上的民族独立。二、中国近代化的特点1.1919年以前,中国近代化历程由学习西方的军事器物到学习西方的政治制度,再到学习西方的思想文化,经历了三个阶段。在经济、政治、文化领域全面启动,逐步深入展开,但直至1949年新中国成立以前,近代化最终未能真正实现。2.近代化不仅受到内部封建保守势力的顽强抵制,还不断遭到外部列强的破坏,发展缓慢,历经…  相似文献   

《白衣女人》中的几个女性形象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文对小说《白衣女人》中女性形象的性格特征进行分析,揭示造成她们不同性格的真正原因:不管她们生活在怎样性质的社会———父权制、母系、父系等等,她们都处于从属的地位,只能做一个"无我"的人,这就是为什么身兼两种性格想保持人格独立的玛丽安选择终生不嫁,而软弱、病态的劳拉惨遭陷害的原因了。  相似文献   

早期摄影术的发明,在西方绘画界引起了巨大的反响.一向重视科学精神和理性工具运用的西方绘画,自觉不自觉地借用了这种能够便捷、精确获取图像的摄影术.印象派绘画,作为西方绘画上具有划时代意义的艺术流派,也在潜意识地利用着照片提供的素材和视觉方式,使其在构图、光色、细节上丰富了技法,扩宽了题材,革新了绘画语言.本质上来说这是一种"新技术"对"新艺术"的影响,形成了印象派绘画独有的"摄影性风格".  相似文献   

速写在绘画艺术中有着独立的审美价值。练习速写要熟悉工具材料;掌握基本原则;抓住意象重构;把握审美取向,将普通视觉经验升华为强烈、生动、夸张的审美感受,使得速写在真正意义上具有了鲜明独特的艺术性。  相似文献   

《生死场》从小说到话剧,是萧红与田沁鑫这两个不同时代的思索者之间的精神传递,是两个天才女性激情碰撞的心灵对话,体现了她们心灵的契合与相通,也显示了她们过人的敏悟,深刻与才华,她们与生与死,男人与女人等等人生基本命题的思考与探寻,是真正自觉独立女性的声音,具有不同寻常的意义与价值,并启迪激励着人们去做一个真正的人。  相似文献   

计算机绘图与工程制图课程阶段式融合教学模式探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈霞 《职业技术教育》2006,27(20):14-15
阶段式融合教学模式是指将计算机绘图的教学内容以阶段的方式插入传统《工程制图》的相关章节中去。在具体实践中,阶段式融合教学模式分为3个阶段,教师应努力应用计算机绘图软件,多媒体课件等多种教学方法和手段。  相似文献   

南宋至明代广东书院的祭祀系统可分为两个发展阶段,南宋至明中叶的以祭祀岭北学者为主,转向明中叶后以祭祀陈白沙等广东本土学者为主。这一祭祀系统的改变,标志着广东书院走上自主成熟的阶段。  相似文献   

新技术的发展与普及,要求《画法几何及工程制图》课程的教学内容、方法和手段等需要与时俱进.此次课程改革采用灵活多样的教学方法和手段,运用三维CAD技术进行课程设计,提出了将传统手工绘图与计算机二维、三维绘图有机地融合为一体,以达到培养学生的创新能力、设计能力和工程实践能力的目的.  相似文献   

异域教育理论需要中国化是由教育理论自身的特性所决定的.而异域教育理论中国化的目的则在于解决中国教育实践的问题,建构中国特色的教育理论。因此,在学习、借鉴异域教育理论时,就需要确立一种中国立场,拥有一种主体意识,就需要教育研究从知识陈述转换为实践探求。  相似文献   

Inquiry-based learning is gaining popularity in science curricula, international research and development projects as well as teaching. One of the underlying reasons is that its success can be significantly improved due to the recent technical developments that allow the inquiry process to be supported by electronic learning environments. Inquiry-based learning is often organized into inquiry phases that together form an inquiry cycle. However, different variations on what is called the inquiry cycle can be found throughout the literature. The current article focuses on identifying and summarizing the core features of inquiry-based learning by means of a systematic literature review and develops a synthesized inquiry cycle that combines the strengths of existing inquiry-based learning frameworks. The review was conducted using the EBSCO host Library; a total of 32 articles describing inquiry phases or whole inquiry cycles were selected based on specific search criteria. An analysis of the articles resulted in the identification of five distinct general inquiry phases: Orientation, Conceptualization, Investigation, Conclusion, and Discussion. Some of these phases are divided into sub-phases. In particular, the Conceptualization phase is divided into two (alternative) sub-phases, Questioning and Hypothesis Generation; the Investigation phase is divided into three sub-phases, Exploration or Experimentation leading to Data Interpretation; and the Discussion phase is divided into two sub-phases, Reflection and Communication. No framework bringing together all of these phases and sub-phases was found in the literature. Thus, a synthesized framework was developed to describe an inquiry cycle in which all of these phases and sub-phases would be present. In this framework, inquiry-based learning begins with Orientation and flows through Conceptualization to Investigation, where several cycles are possible. Inquiry-based learning usually ends with the Conclusion phase. The Discussion phase (which includes Communication and Reflection) is potentially present at every point during inquiry-based learning and connects to all the other phases, because it can occur at any time during (discussion in-action) or after inquiry-based learning when looking back (discussion on-action).  相似文献   

相律中的“组分数”定义在阐述上不够确切,导致了长期来讲解和理解两方面的诸多困难和贾解,根据“组分数”K=S-R”这个定义式.我认为:把组分数定义为:足以确定体系各相组成的物种数减去相数以外的其余两类独立关系数后所得到的物种数.  相似文献   

This study classified students into different cognitive load (CL) groups by means of cluster analysis based on their experienced CL in a gene technology outreach lab which has instructionally been designed with regard to CL theory. The relationships of the identified student CL clusters to learner characteristics, laboratory variables, and cognitive achievement were examined using a pre-post-follow-up design. Participants of our day-long module Genetic Fingerprinting were 409 twelfth-graders. During the module instructional phases (pre-lab, theoretical, experimental, and interpretation phases), we measured the students’ mental effort (ME) as an index of CL. By clustering the students’ module-phase-specific ME pattern, we found three student CL clusters which were independent of the module instructional phases, labeled as low-level, average-level, and high-level loaded clusters. Additionally, we found two student CL clusters that were each particular to a specific module phase. Their members reported especially high ME invested in one phase each: within the pre-lab phase and within the interpretation phase. Differentiating the clusters, we identified uncertainty tolerance, prior experience in experimentation, epistemic interest, and prior knowledge as relevant learner characteristics. We found relationships to cognitive achievement, but no relationships to the examined laboratory variables. Our results underscore the importance of pre-lab and interpretation phases in hands-on teaching in science education and the need for teachers to pay attention to these phases, both inside and outside of outreach laboratory learning settings.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of non-traditional guided inquiry instruction on middle school students’ conceptual understandings of lunar concepts. Multiple data sources were used to describe participants’ conceptions of lunar phases and their cause, including drawings, interviews, and a lunar shapes card sort. The data were analyzed via a constant comparative method to produce profiles of each participant’s conceptual understandings and nonparametric tests also were used. Results revealed very positive performance for observable moon phases and patterns of change, as well as the cause of moon phases. Results indicated that significantly more participants shifted from drawing nonscientific shapes on the pretest to drawing scientific shapes on the post-test. Results for the drawings of moon phase sequences were similar in that significantly more participants shifted from drawing alternative waxing and waning sequences on the pretest to drawing scientific sequences on the post-test. Also, significantly more participants shifted from alternative understanding of the cause of the moon phases on the pretest to scientific understanding on the post-test. Implications of these findings and recommendations for further research are provided.  相似文献   

通常完全互溶双液系平衡相图的绘制需要许多组数据,本文通过建立数学模型,只需少量的实验数据就可以利用计算机绘制相图。为了使这一方法变得切实可行,开发了相应的相图绘制软件,并且已经投入实际应用。新方法在物理化学教学实验中体现了绿色化学的思想,获得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

Two hundred and nine children aged 6–10 years and 40 adults were asked to draw perceptually ambiguous drawings to which two different meanings could be attributed, each meaning inducing a particular parsing of the model. These models were presented with one meaning in a first phase and another meaning in a second phase. For each, we analyzed whether participants modified their movement sequences in ways that were determined by the model's meaning. The results showed that the participants' drawing was to some degree sensitive to meaning at all ages. However, sensitivity to meaning differed as a function of the model and, more precisely, of the type of parsing induced by meaning. Thus, the way information is segmented into representational units may account for the relation between the what and the how of drawing.  相似文献   

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