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代词是初中英语学习中的一个难点,也是中考英语的考查热点之一。为弄清代词的基本含义和用法,现以2005年全国部分地区的中考试题为例,对其考查热点进行分类、归纳,供同学们学习时参考。[热点一]对人称代词和物主代词的考查[试题精选]①—Paul,do you know the man standing at the door?—Yes,he is one of friends.A.I B.me C.my D.mine(吉林省)②—Whose English-Chinese Dictionary is this?—ItBs.My parents bought it for my sister and me.A.hers B.ours C.mine D.theirs(陕西省)③—Excuse me,is this watch?—No,itBs not…  相似文献   

案例一:The hare and the w olf导入片段:多媒体出示一幅幅动物在水中的倒影的画面。教学单词:hareT:Look atthe picture.W hat's this?S1:It's a cat.T:A cat?Let's have a look.(出示岸上的动物)Oh,yes.It's a cat.T:W hat's this?S2:It's a rabbit.T:A rabbit?S3:No,it's a hare.T:W hy?S3:Itsarm sand legsare longerthan the rabbit.T:You're very clever.It's a hare.(出示动物图片)教学单词:wolfT:W hat's this?Is ita dog?S4:No,it's a wolf.T:Let's have a look.(出示动物图片)Yes,it'sa wolf.复习巩固片段:1.T:Let…  相似文献   

1.单词拼写。A)根据句意,补全已给了首字母的单词。1.We see with our eyes and hear wjth our e____.(南昌市) 2.Both his parents work in the hospital.His father is a doetor,and his mother is a n____.(厦门市) 3.——Whose is this T.shirt? ——It isn't m____. It's hers. 4.This bag is big.Please give me a s____  相似文献   

同学们在做英语试题时要注重寻找切入点,认真分析,才会得出正确的结果。现以部分英语试题为例进行分析。例从下列各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。()1、This isdesk.is over there.A.hers;My B.her;My C.her;Mine D.hers;Mine·[分析〗此题的切入点:考物主代词的用法。表示所有关系的词称为物主代词。物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。形容词性物主代词只能作定语,而此题的前半部分缺少定语;名词性物主代词可作主语、表语和宾语,其用法相当于名词。通过观察和分析,不难看出最佳答案为“C”。()2、What your English t…  相似文献   

第二篇 代词     
【知识要点】一、物主代词、反身代词(一)物主代词的用法1.形容词性物主代词只作定语。如:His mother is an English teacher.2.名词性物主代词在句中。(1)作主语:This isn’t my pen.Mine is inthe pencil box.(2)作表语:This pen isn’t mine;it’sTom’s.(3)作宾语:Somethin  相似文献   

A:Whose book is this? B:It's mine.Why do you ask? A:Could I borrow it? I've been wanting to read it. B:Be my guest (欢迎你来借书),but I warn you.It's not as good as they say. A:What's the matter with it? B:Well,for one thing the plot (情节) is highly improbable (很不真实) and for another,the characters seem more like paper dolls than people (太不真实). A:That's strange.Usually that author does a good job of characterization (性格描述).I've read three of his books and thought they were all well done. B:I've been a fan of his for a long time too,but he really flubbed (失败 ) on this one.  相似文献   

湖南省邵阳县白仓完全中学吕富保用适当的介词填空,使句意完整,每空一词。1.Your gloves are purple.What ——hers?2.These clothes are yours.You must look——them.3.-Where's your friend?  相似文献   

Warm-up or lead in设计一:Is this our classroom?T:I have a friend.She is from America.Her name is Ann She sent me some pictures about her school.Let’s have a look师出示图片(如上图所示)。T:This is Ann’s art room.Is this your art room?Ss:No.师再出示自己学校的音乐教室图片对比提  相似文献   

Step 1 Free talk 1.T:(指向近处某一学生的较大的物品,问全班)What's this in English? 引导学生回答:It's a… T:(指向远处某一学生的物品,问全班)What's that over there? S2:It's a… T:May I have a look?  相似文献   

《牛津小学英语》6A Unit 7 At Christmas Period片段。修改前教学片段...Step6.Practice A:Whose...is it?B:It’smine.A: Whose...is this?B:It’shis/hers.Step7.Homework Write down the dialogues of Picture 1,3 and 5.修改后教学片段  相似文献   

“Whose child is this?“ I asked one day Seeing a little one out at play “Mine,“ said the parent with a tender smile “Mine, to keep a little while To bathe his hands and comb his hair To tell him what he is to wear To prepare him that he may always be good And each day do the things he should.“ “Whose child is this?“ I asked again As the door opened and someone came in “Mine,“ said the teacher with the same tender smile “Mine, to keep just for a little while To teach him how to be gentle and kind To train and...  相似文献   

猫博士:小马虎,虎着脸干嘛呢?是不是考试又马虎了!小马虎:都怪那可恶的物主代词!猫博士:其实物主代词很简单,让我老猫来教你小虎几招吧。击破难点一、用物主代词的适当形式填空1、Whose (谁的)sweater is this ?It's_______sweater.It's_______.(我的)2、Whose shoes are these? They are_______shoes. They're_______(他的)3、These blouses are _______. They're_______blouses. (你的)4、These apples are______.They're_______apples(她的)5、They're not_______books. _______are here.(他们的)6、What colour is _______shirt? …  相似文献   

一、[问]“Whose clothesare these?”和“Whose is thisshirt?”中的Whose用法是否相同?[答]以上两个句子中的Whose都是疑问代词,但它们充当的成分不相同,前者位于名词之前,具有形容词性物主代词的特性,作定语,其句式为:  相似文献   

[片段一]激趣——在游戏、谈论中有效铺垫T:Now boys and girls.Look!I have a box.Is it nice?Ss:Yes.T:Yes.It’s nice.And what’s in the box?Let’s have a look.There are some bags.Can you guess,what’s in this bag?Let’s open it.(教师将衣服叠成了小鸟的形状)What is it?(教师逐步展开)Ss:It’s a T-shirt.T:Good.Follow me T-shirt.(教师呈现图文结合的卡片并贴到黑板上)  相似文献   

教材内容:仁爱英语七年级上Unit 2 Different looks Topic 3 一、学习目标 1.复习关于颜色与衣物的单词. 2.学习并总结形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词: my.mine.his,her,hers,its,our,ours,their,theirs,your,yours. 3.掌握名词所有格. 4.学会帮助我们自己照看好我们自己的物品.  相似文献   

Unit Fourteen第十四单元一、情景 1.说明。本单元接上单元继续练习颜色的提问及回答,当然,在练习的过程中,句子结构、单复数变化较多,同时颜色词也相应增多。此外,本单元中Whose…?问句及回答是一大要点。Whose问句有两种句式,如:Whose book is this?和Whose is this book?回答中的代词也相应有两种使用方式,即:This is my book. 和This book is mine. 两种代  相似文献   

Dialogue A(A=patient; B=doctor)A: About twenty minutes ago I was working at the leather cutting math-ine, not looking what I was doing,and the knife slipped and cut myhand.B: Let me have a look. It's a very deep cut, but luckily, you haven't  相似文献   

Dialogue A(A=patient;B=doctor)A:I've got a rash all over my body and it itches all the time,and I havesome lumps on my arms.Cart you give me anything for it?B:Let me have a look.How long have you had this rash?A:About three days.B:Have you noticed if anything makes it worse?  相似文献   

l一What would you liketo面nk?Juiee or而Ik?一_15 good for me.1 don,t mind. A.Neither B.Either C.Both 2一My brother has been to Beijing·D .All A .50 has his B.50 his has 3.一My father works very hard.一_.You have a good father. A .50 does而ne C .50 15 hers D.50 hers 15 B .50 15 mine印拳舀呀圆鸳.…C .50 mine 15 D.50 your father does 4.一You are a thief!一I,m not a thi6f. 1 took”ur声nb)_·A.mistake B.hand C.heart D.idea 5 .We should Plant more trees to_our vegetables from the wind. …  相似文献   

After rain, there is a colorful bridge in the sky.What's this?It's a rainbow. That's one of my favorite things.I like rainbow very much.Because it's very beautiful.It's red,orange,yellow,green,indigo,blue and purple.I often count the  相似文献   

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