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在一月的一个早晨,我儿子金斯顿(我们都爱叫他"金")突然把那个问题抛到了我的面前。实际上,与其说是他提出了一个问题,不如说是他宣布了一项决定。当时,我们正坐在餐桌边,金一边吃早餐一边看着他最喜欢看的书——一本马丁·路德·金的图片集。"金想谈谈马丁·路德·金,"他说,"金想演讲。"我的心突然缩紧了。我知道他指的是什么。这个星期天,我们教区的教堂要举行纪念马丁·路德·金博士诞辰的活动,演讲将作为其中的一个节目,而我儿子想在全体教友面前演讲。儿子想演讲,也许大多  相似文献   

一个自闭症儿童的初期训练   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对一个自闭症儿童在初期训练中采用离散单元教学法、游戏法和感觉统合治疗法着重发展儿童的基本能力 ,使儿童在目光接触、听从指令、模仿能力、感觉统合能力和表达要求方面得到显著改善 ,研究说明从现有能力入手、采取针对性的训练 ,进行全面、综合性干预 ,对促进自闭症儿童的能力发展能取到较好效果。  相似文献   

郑雨萱 《少年月刊》2014,(10):20-20
妈妈中等个儿,不胖不瘦,白皙的瓜子脸上总是挂着甜甜的笑容,一双眼睛如山间的清泉一样纯净而又明亮,任何人见了妈妈,都说妈妈比电影明星王馥荔还要漂亮几分。其实,妈妈不但外表漂亮,而且心灵也非常美丽。我为什么会如此毫不吝啬地夸奖自己的妈妈呢?因为妈妈帮助过很多人,饿过许多好事,最令人感动的一件事就是资助了一个孤苦伶仃的小男孩。  相似文献   

一个自闭症儿童辅导的行动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用行动研究的方法对一名自闭症儿童进行了研究。作者根据该儿童的情况,设定了干预计划,通过两个月的实施,结果表明:所制定的干预计划能够有效地缓解其不良症状,促进其语言能力的发展,但对其社会性发展方面作用不大。  相似文献   

林娜(化名),女,七岁,二年级学生,有轻微自闭、遗尿等症状;不会与同学交往,注意力不容易集中;孤僻、内向,心绪不够安定,做事缺乏信心;语言表达不清,但智力发育正常。林娜的遗尿症多表现在白天.而不是夜里。据家长说,小林娜在家里也常常憋尿,旁人提醒后才上厕所,尤其是在遇到困难、受人批评、情绪不稳定时加重。我首先对小林娜采取了认知疗法和代币疗法。认知疗法首先,我增加了与小林娜单独交流的机会,告诉她憋尿对身体健康有害,并且让她知道,像她这么  相似文献   

姜雪松 《教师博览》2003,(11):30-31
在哈尔滨市道里区安广小学二年级二班教室的最后一排座位上,有一个高高瘦瘦的小男孩,他的名字叫壮牡。看到壮壮如今上课时认真听讲的那份神态,积极发言时的那份踊跃,下课和同学们一起上操、一起游戏时的那份欢乐,你能想像得出两年前的壮壮曾是一个令医生挠头的患有自闭症的孩子吗?7月2日,记者走进安广小学,见到了活泼可爱的壮壮,并从老师、同学的口中聆听了他的故事。  相似文献   


张爱玲 《同学少年》2008,(10):42-42
我弟弟生得很美而我一点都不。从小我们家里谁都惋惜着,因为那样的小嘴,大眼睛与长睫毛,生在男孩子的脸上,简直是白糟蹋了。长辈就爱问他:"你把眼睫毛借给我好不好?明天就还你。"然而他总是一口回绝了。有一次,大家说起某人的太太真漂亮,他问道:"有我好看么?"大家常常取笑他的虚荣心。  相似文献   

我不记得弟弟是怎么来到我家的了。我还不到三岁,有一天妈妈问我,想要一个弟弟还是一个妹妹。邻居蓉蓉姐才比我大一岁,却比我机灵很多,她就撺掇我,要妹妹。于是我们就围着我妈,唧唧喳喳地吵着要妹妹。  相似文献   

本研究以北京市朝阳区一所融合教育机构中班幼儿为观察对象,以一名自闭症儿童为中心,采用观察法观察和分析其余普通幼儿与该特殊幼儿的互动研究状况。结果显示:融合教育对于普通幼儿所带来的益处远远大于融合教育对于特殊幼儿所带来的益处。融合活动会促进普通幼儿的社会性交往,普通幼儿与特殊幼儿的互动在很多情况下都需要老师在中间作为桥梁,但是也存在很多不足。  相似文献   

Differences in sibling social, behavioral, and academic adjustment and maternal well-being in families with (n = 20) and without (n = 23) a preschooler with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) were explored. Results are interpreted to suggest that mothers of children with autism report more daily hassles, life stress, and depression than mothers without a child with ASD. There were no significant differences in parent and teacher reports of older siblings' social, behavioral, and academic adjustment in families with and without a child with ASD. Sibling behavioral adjustment was, however, significantly related to maternal well-being. Because families with children with ASD often experience more parenting stress and depression, siblings may be more vulnerable to the cumulative risks over time.  相似文献   

Autism spectrum disorder remains a heterogeneous and puzzling disability, and it is the subject of a wide variety of theories about its aetiology and treatment. This paper reviews recent research on educational approaches to the management of autism. Approaches include sensory-motor therapies, applied behaviour analysis, communication therapies, multi-treatment programs, and play and group therapy. Recommendations are made about the selection of appropriate educational approaches for individuals with autism.  相似文献   

The first purpose of this study was to examine contemporaneous and longitudinal associations of maternal and paternal measures of family functioning with observational and self-report assessments of sibling conflict. The second purpose was to determine whether the ways in which families attempt to solve siblings' problems are associated with contemporaneous and longitudinal assessment of sibling conflict. The results indicate that paternal equality of treatment and family harmony during family discussions about sibling problems, as well as parents' perceptions of family cohesiveness, are associated with lower sibling conflict levels.  相似文献   

To illuminate how within-family differences in achievement may emerge, this study examined sibling experiences in middle childhood as predictors of sibling differences in college graduation. First- and second-borns from 152 families reported on their experiences with siblings and parents at ages 11.80 (SD = 0.56) and 9.22 (SD = 0.90), respectively, and on their educational attainment at about age 26. Significant childhood predictors of sibling differences in college graduation status included low sibling warmth, fathers’ differential time spent with siblings, and perceived unfair differential treatment by parents. Findings suggest long-term implications of early sibling dynamics for educational attainment and provided novel insights into families’ role in achievement.  相似文献   

自闭症儿童在社交技能方面的缺陷对其各方面发展有着深远的影响,有效的干预可以提高自闭症儿童的社交技能,从而改变其发展轨迹。对已有自闭症儿童社交技能干预文献进行梳理后,总结几种主要的自闭症儿童社交技能干预方法,对其效果进行分析,在梳理这些方法的基础之上,做出进一步总结,并对自闭症儿童社交技能干预方法的发展进行展望。  相似文献   

研究采用单一被试跨行为多基线设计,分别对“打招呼”“情绪控制”和“眼神交替”三个目标行为建立基线,共进行了为期3周的音乐社会故事干预。研究结果显示,音乐社会故事干预能够有效地增进自闭症障碍儿童以上三种社会互动技能,并有着较好的维持效果。并提出了重视音乐的疗育功能、编制有针对性的故事材料、强化故事材料的复习、搭配学生的熟悉曲调呈现等实施建议。  相似文献   

Play is an important aspect of children’s development and its value to education has been widely explored. However, play in children with disabilities and especially children with autism may be restricted when compared to that of their non-disabled peers of similar age and abilities. Moreover, play has been neglected to a certain extent in school practice due to the focus many teachers place on academic attainments and the difficulty in engaging autistic children in play activities. Children spend most of their time in schools as opposed to attending interventions individually. School based research can improve the educational outcomes for autistic children and, therefore, there is a pressing need for more research to be conducted in school settings. The current literature review aims to: (i) identify empirical studies using interventions to develop play skills in autistic children at school, and (ii) explore the features of play skills targeted in these studies. A systematic search of two electronic databases: (i) PsycINFO, and (ii) Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) has been conducted between 2000 and 2014. Fourteen papers were collected and the findings suggest that a significant number of studies have been conducted in schools exploring a wide range of play skills. Strengths and limitations of the reviewed studies are given as well as implications for practice and future research. Conclusions are discussed in the light of the high ecological validity of real world studies and the need to bridge the gap between academic research and school practice.  相似文献   

Sibling differences in family processes and individual adjustment were examined for 133 sibling pairs (10–18 years old) in divorced families. Although all siblings differed, siblings who lived apart after their parents' divorce differed more than siblings who lived together, contradicting past research that found negligible effects of shared environment on sibling similarities. The possibility that siblings might live apart because they were initially more different was considered. This hypothesis was not supported in the limited tests permitted by the data. Differences in family processes were associated with differences in adjustment for pairs who lived together as well as pairs who lived apart.  相似文献   

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