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眼睛、鼻子和耳朵是好朋友,可由于他们的主人不爱护眼睛,使眼睛近视了,看不清东西,所以,主人只好配一副眼镜架在鼻子和耳朵上。这下,眼睛倒是看清东西了,可鼻子和耳朵却遭了殃——天天吃力地抬着眼镜。  相似文献   

眼睛、耳朵和鼻子,世世代代就居住在人类的脸上。开始,眼睛、耳朵和鼻子都能和睦相处。最近,因为眼睛疲劳过度,有一次上街的时候为了解除自己的痛苦,就配上了眼镜。开始鼻子还忍着,几天过后鼻子终于忍不住了,就愤愤不平地对眼睛大声地喊道“:你这个讨厌鬼,整天让我背一副眼镜,害得我动也动不了。”耳朵听见了也很生气地嘟囔道“:你自己的眼镜你自己不背,还让我们给你背,把我的背都压驼了。”于是鼻子和耳朵就商量对付眼睛的方法。机会终于来了,耳朵和鼻子等主人走到河中心的时候,他们就一起动手把眼镜摔到河里去了,鼻子和耳朵心想这下可把你…  相似文献   

第七册积累·运用五习作要求:从下面的几组事物中选择一组,以它们为主人公,想象一下,它们之间可能会发生一些什么事情,编一个故事,先说说,再写下来。故事要有意义,叙述要清楚,语句要通顺。如果不想写提供的事物,另选其他的编故事也可以。1.铅笔、橡皮、转笔刀;2.小溪、河流、大海;3.眼睛、耳朵、鼻子、嘴。  相似文献   

当我们阅读、欣赏作家的名篇佳作时,往往会对他们观察、描写事物的能力赞叹不已。作家的眼睛是明亮的,对色彩的观察也非常敏感。豆腐酪(豆腐脑)很普通,是人人熟悉的,但在作家的笔下却成为色香俱佳的美丽图案。文学家郭沫若在《学生时代》中这样描绘:“雪嫩的豆腐酪,红得透明的辣椒油,金黄色的虾米,翡翠般的青葱,加上——童年的记忆,这是多么可口的滋味哟!”德国诗人哥德对色彩描绘得非常生动而神奇。他在《色彩学》一书中写道:“有一次,我走进一个小旅馆时,一个美丽的姑娘向我迎面走来。她面色洁白,头发乌黑,身穿一件绯红色的紧身裙。在微暗  相似文献   

有一天耳朵闹起了别扭。原来,主人经常听一些嘈杂的音乐,搞得耳朵觉得很痛,所以它趁夜深人静时就悄悄离开了。  相似文献   

眼睛、耳朵、鼻子、嘴是四个好兄弟,每天都有说有笑的,这不,他们在一起说些什么?跟我去看看吧!原来是这样的:它们四个好兄弟有一个约定,上面写着:眼睛把每天看到的事,耳朵把每天听到的话,鼻子把每天闻到的味都告诉小主人。听!他们正在说些什么?  相似文献   

从前,在很远很远的地方,有一座山叫"哈哈山",山上建着一座城市叫"淘气城",城中有一个小国家叫"闹闹国",奇怪的是,"闹闹国"中只有小孩,没有大人。咦,大人呢?原来呀,大人们都给小孩气得没法,在十三月三十二日这天,集体离城出走了。没有了大人管束的日子真是  相似文献   

六年前,22岁的他从一所汽车修理技校毕业后来到北京打工。那年,老家突然遭遇特大洪涝灾害,母亲和哥嫂都被洪水卷走,只有被哥哥挂在树顶的五岁小侄女活了下来。  相似文献   

Eyes and Ears     
Eyes and ears, eyes and ears,Mouth and nose, mouth and nose.Can you see my eyes?Can you see my ears?And my mouth, and my nose?  相似文献   

高山 《新高考》2014,(12):27-29
Horses are sensitive to the facial expressions and attention of other horses, including the direction of the eyes and ears. The findings, reported in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on August 4, are a reminder for us humans to look beyond our own limitations and recognize that other species may communicate in ways that we can't, the researchers say. After all, human ears aren't mobile.  相似文献   

一个生来没有外耳的男孩,在成长过程中饱受歧视。一位匿名者为他捐献了一对耳朵,男孩从此开始崭新的人生,后来他结了婚并拥有了一份不错的事业。但他始终不知道是谁为自己捐献了耳朵,直到他的母亲去世的那天……  相似文献   

在实地调查基础上对我国城市流动人口子女的社会认知进行系统研究,深入了解城市流动儿童对家乡习俗和父母生活方式的认知、对城市生活的认同、对城市人口的态度、对就读学校的评价和自我社会地位认知等方面的状况。调查结果表明,城市流动人口子女感受到自己的边缘地位,受歧视和被不平等对待是他们对城市产生消极、抵触心理的主要原因,而教育的不平等更加深了他们的被歧视感。根据这一研究结果,提出要从改善流动人口子女弱势的教育地位入手,引导流动儿童消除对城市、对社会的消极看法,帮助他们更好地适应城市生活。  相似文献   

大家一定都知道ear的意思是“耳朵”,其实啊,和耳朵形状相似的耳状物都可以叫ear。  相似文献   

Although criticism of the competence‐based education (CBE) strategy which underpins National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) has grown in recent years, this still receives considerably less emphasis than the general approval and public endorsement of the National Council for Vocational Qualifications (NCVQ) framework at all levels of the system. An aspect of the implementation of NVQs which merits closer attention is the apparent mismatch between the behaviourist‐inspired NVQ system and the dominant modes of learning and teaching in post‐school education derived from the experiential tradition. This relationship is explored in theoretical terms, by examining the concept of CBE against the background of experiential learning theory, and also in terms of empirical research in the field, including an on‐going Warwick University study of the implementation of NVQs in local FE colleges in the areas of catering, business studies and hairdressing. It is suggested that, in spite of the fact that many FE lecturers have managed to accommodate competence outcomes within their preferred approaches to learning, the tensions are such that an exclusive concern with performance outcomes must inevitably thwart and frustrate the objectives and project of experiential learning. The NVQ framework is ill‐equipped to provide the necessary foundation for post‐16 curriculum reform along the lines currently being proposed by almost all relevant agencies. The recently introduced general NVQs (GNVQs), however, can be seen as a means of remedying some of the key problems of NVQs and may help to establish a more solid basis for the desired reforms in vocational education and training.  相似文献   

维克多的爷爷在读书看报的时候,总是戴眼镜。一天,维克多问道:爷爷,为什么你总戴着眼镜?爷爷回答说:因为我可以看得更清楚呀。维克多想了想说:噢,我明白了,因为眼镜比眼睛大!  相似文献   

知道我们的鼻子到底有多少功能吗?全部罗列出来一定会令你大吃一惊的!  相似文献   

Mr Smith was in troublethose days. He drove a car forMr Black, a rich business-man. He worked hard and theshopkeeper liked him. But hecouldn‘t work when he dranktoo much. And once he al-most fell into the river whenhe drove along the bridge. MrBlack became angry and wasgoing to send him away. Hehad a big family and wasafraid of that and promisedhe would stop drinking atonce. The man told him towait to be dealt with. OneMonday morning, Mr Smithcame into the office, with twobadly burned ears. “Whathappened to your ears?”asked Mr Black.  相似文献   

Hello, I'm a rabbit. Look, my fur is white and soft I have two long ears and two red eyes. My mouth hasthree lipsand my tail* is short. Am I cute?  相似文献   

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