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When you hear the word "farm", chances are you picture rolling hills in the country covered with cows and cornstalks. But some scientists, engineers and city planners say the farms of the future could rise straight into the air - in skyscrapers in the world's most populated cities.  相似文献   

Parents are the closest people to you in the world. They love you just because you' re you. And they would do anything for you.[第一段]  相似文献   

Name:Savio (gentleman) Years in China:5 years 1.What surprised you the most during your stay in China? Definitely the thing that surprised me most when I came to China the first time was to see how many people you could find in the same place.Since in my home country I was living in a small village,it was very difficult to get used to being always surrounded by so many people. Another one was to realize how "cold" Chinese people are while they greet each other.In my country,every time we meet someone,we would shake hands quite strongly,give hugs and even exchange kisses regardless if we know each other for long time or not.Here in China all those things are not common at all.Sometimes I have to control myself in order to avoid embarrassing Chinese people around me.  相似文献   

Whether or not you would believe it, the fact is that there're noises made by a secession movement here in America.What is it that they want to do? Well,they want their states to become independent nations and have nothing to do with this country called"the United States of America".  相似文献   

When you sneeze, Americans would say "God Bless You" to you. In many Eu-ropean cultures, sneezing traditional-ly is associated with(与……有关联)death. And Americans believe that you are very close to death when you sneeze, because sneezing can expel(驱逐)the soul, thus life will es-cape from(逃脱、逸出)the body. So they say "God Bless You" to a sneezer as a charm against the danger of the moment. Neglecting these magical words means that the sneezer would end up in the next world. How…  相似文献   

In China he’s known as the Flying Fish; in America they call him the Baltimore Bullet.Whatever you call him, American swimmer  相似文献   

廖振言 《中学教与学》2006,(2):F0004-F0004
If you are in a town in a westerm country,you'll often see people walking with their dogs.It is still true_1_ a dog is one of the most useful_2_ in the world,but the reason that one keeps a dog _3_changed.Long,long ago,a man met a dog and _4_ it to help him fight_5_animals,  相似文献   

cry wolf
To give a false alarm; warn of a danger that you know is not there. The general said lhe congressman was just crying wollwhen he said that the army was too weak to fight.for the country. (Tile general said that the congressman's warning of the army's weakness were false and made up to fi'ighten people so they would vote for him.)  相似文献   

How much paper do you use every year? In 1900 the world’s use ofpaper was about one kilogram for each person in a year.Now some coun-tries use as much as 50 kilograms of paper for each person in a year.Theamount of paper a country uses shows how advanced the country is,peo-  相似文献   

I'm a chinese student. I like sports. And I also like the Olympic Games,too. It!s the biggest and the most important games in the world . Most peoplelike it a lot .It is held every four years. There are many different kinds of sports in it.Each player hopes to win and come first for his country. So they will practiseharder and harder before the game starts.I like playing table tennis. And I want to be a good player like Ma lin. Ihope to play in the Olympic Games, so I will practise hard …  相似文献   

This month in Planet Travel we are visiting the country of Greece.Greece is one ofthe most popular holiday destinations in the world and a fascinating country.Ofcourse the eyes of the world will be on Greece this summer when Athens holds  相似文献   

People in different parts of the world have very different ideas about what is goodto eat.If you were an Eskimo near the North Pole,you would enjoy the raw meatfrom seals.If you were a nomad in the desert,you would prefer the roasted meat ofsheep and goats.Americans cook the meat of many different animals,but perhaps  相似文献   

<正>See someone wearing a ring on their right index finger and you can bet they’re not married. A ring on the left ring finger, though, means that person is "taken". The choice of wedding ring finger seems arbitrary~1, but there’s actually historical reason it became known as the"ring finger", and why most people wear their wedding band on the left.看到有人在右手食指上戴着戒指,你可以打赌他们没有结婚。而左手无名指上的戒指意  相似文献   

(A) Are you the only child in the family? If so,you are the most impor- tant in your family.Parents are the closest people to you in the world.But  相似文献   

Trees are useful to man in three impor-tant ways. They provide him with wood and other products;they give him shade;they help prevent drought(干旱)and floods. Unfortunately,in many parts of the world, man has not realized that the third one is the most important. Two thousand years ago a rich and pow-erful country cut down its trees to build war-ships, with which to gain itself an empire. It gained the empire,however,without its trees, its soil became hard and poor. When the em-pire fell to pieces, the home c...  相似文献   

靳婧 《海外英语》2014,(17):301-302
Both Mark Twain and Lu Xun were the most well-known writers in the world literature. They were famous for biting style of writing and the way of using humor and irony,which won high praise of public. Although they lived in different countries and even different times,they shared certain similarities. This thesis will compare the likeness in their writing styles,especially their employment of sharp contrast. As for language,they were all the leaders in literature. It seemed that their works were just for fun. Actually there was light of thoughts in them that were used to satirize,to disclose,to laugh and eventually to cure people’s soul. Therefore,after reading their works,people would laugh with tears and come to examine themselves. Naturally the glorification and organization of translating Mark Twain’s works may result in the similarities of writing styles between the two men of letters.  相似文献   

Trees are useful to man in three impor-tant ways. They provide him with wood and other products;they give him shade;they help prevent drought(干旱)and floods. Unfortunately,in many parts of the world, man has not realized that the third one is the most important. Two thousand years ago a rich and pow-erful country cut down its trees to build war-ships, with which to gain itself an empire. It gained the empire,however,without its trees, its soil became hard and poor. When the em-pire fell to p…  相似文献   

I‘m a chinese student. I like sports. And I also like the Olympic Games,too. It!s the biggest and the most important games in the world . Most peoplelike it a lot .It is held every four years. There are many different kinds of sports in it.Each player hopes to win and come first for his country. So they will practiseharder and harder before the game starts.I like playing table tennis. And I want to be a good player like Ma lin. Ihope to play in the Olympic Games, so I will practise hard too. And I mustlearn...  相似文献   

Once upon a time, and in a country a long way off, there was a king who was very ill. All the doctors of the court (宫廷) attended him but, in spite of all they could do, he got worse instead better. At last in despair (绝望) they called in a famous doctor from another country.He came, looked at the king, and then, looking very grave (沉重) , said,"Your Majesty (陛下) , there is only one thing that can cure you."" What is that?" said the king, " Whatever you want shall be brought for you."  相似文献   

朱亚平 《考试周刊》2012,(38):86-86
Red,orange,yellow,green,blue,indigo and violet...we live in a World Full of colors.The world would be a dull place without them,but do you know what represent and how they affect people?Today we will talk about the colors and describe the moods of peo-ple by looking at the colors they choose to wear,which colors match your characteristics?  相似文献   

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