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Mr. White left the snow-covered streets of New York for a vacation in Florida.His wife was on a business trip and was planning to meet him there the next day. When Mr. White arrived at his hotel, he decided to send his wife a quick E-mail.But he couldn't find the piece of paper on which he had written her E-mail address.He tried his best to recall it.At last he typed it  相似文献   

Mr King had a small piece of farm at the foot of the hill. He worked hard but the weather was sometimes wet andsometimes dry. And he was often worried about food and clothes. So he built a pigsty.behind his house. When he cameback from his field,he looked after his pigs. Christmas was coming. Mr King hadn't enough money to buy some presents for his children. He had to kill a fatpig and hung it up for the night. The next morning, when he was going to take it to the market, he couldn't find it. He  相似文献   

A Clever Bird     
一、故事内容 It is getting hotter and hotter day by day. So the birds don't often fly in the sky in daytime. They usually fly in the evening to look for food. But a bird named Polly is very naughty. He just knows how to fly, so he wants to fly every day. One day, when he is flying in the forest, he feels very thirsty. He is very lucky. He sees a bottle near a big rock. There is some water in it. So he comes to the bottle and stands next to the bottle. But he can't drink the water, because the bottle's neck is very long. He thinks it over and then flies away.  相似文献   

Liu Hua's father contracted a pond(承包了一个池塘). The pond was very big. There were many flowers around it. There were some trees behind the flowers. It was a very beautiful place to travel. There were many different fishes in the pond. Liu Hua's father fed them every day and they could swim freely in the water. The place was very quiet. The fishes came out at times. One day, some young men from the city found the place. And they began to have swimming in the pond. Liu Hua's father adviced them. But they didn't listen to him. He had to write two words on a big sign(牌子): No Swimming. The next Sunday some other young men came and had swimming in the pond, too. He could not stop them swimming in the pond. He was very angry. People swimming in the pond were not good for the fishes to grow. He worried about his fishes. One Sunday morning Liu Hua told his father he could stop the people swimming in the pond. He told his father not to go to the pond and he could stay there by himself. When Liu Hua was playing, three young men came to the pond. "What a nice place it is!"one of them shouted. Then he saw Liu Hua and he came over to him.  相似文献   

正A Bruce got on the bus early in the morning.He was going to the next town to visit one of his friends.He had got up very early,and he felt tired.Soon he fell asleep.A short while later,he woke up in the middle of a dream.In his dream,he was in a busy street.People were pushing him hard and pulling at his clothes.As he  相似文献   

Bruce got on the bus early in the morning. He was going to the next town to visit one of his friends. He had got up very early, and he felt tired. Soon he fell asleep. A short while later, he woke up in the middle of a dream. In his dream, he was in a busy street. People were pushing him hard and pulling at his clothes. As he woke up, he found that it wasn't only a dream.Somebody was really pulling at his coat pocket.  相似文献   

Go to Hospital     
Mr Black kept doing morning exercises.He alwayswalked to his shop in the morning and ate the simple(普通的)food though he had a lot of money.So he was strongand never went to see a doctor. One evening,on his way home,he was caught inheavy rain.He kept on running home though a bus couldtake there.He didn't feel well that night.The next morn-ing his wife asked him to go to hospital.The old miserly  相似文献   

玉峰海 《中学生英语》2000,(3):18-18,31
Mr Lynch left the snow-filled streets of Chicago for a vacation in Florida. His wife was on a business trip and was planning to meet him there the next day. When he reached his hotel, he decided to send his wife a quick E-mail. Unable to find the piece of paper on which he had written her E-mail address, he did his best to type it in from memory.  相似文献   

A Dentist     
Mr Baker was a strong man. He was a good footballplayer and spent a lot of time on the game when hestudied in a medical callege (医学院). But he was hurtonce when he was playing football with his friends. Hisright leg was broken in the accident and he couldn't playany longer. He was sorry for it and liked to watch thegame. Now the young man worked in a hospital. He was agood dentist (牙医) and many patients asked him forhelp. He was always busy and had little time to watchthe matches. He had to watch them on TV at home in  相似文献   

(A) A very new, young officer was at a station. He was on his way to visit his mother in another town, and he wanted to telephone her to tell her the time of this train, so that she could meet him at the station in her car. He looks in all his pockets, but found that he did not have the right money for the telephone, so he went outside and looked around for someone to held him.  相似文献   

Ted worked in a factory in a big town. He liked fishing very much, and was very good at it.Whenever he was free. he wouht go down to the small river behind the factory, and tried to catchsome fish, but there were very few there, because the water was dirty. Last summer he went to the seaside during his holidays and stayed at a small cheap hotel.  相似文献   

Oliver stayed a prisoner alone in the dark room for a week.He criedbitterly all day,and when the long night came,he spread his little handsover his eyes to shut out the darkness,and tried to sleep.He was givenfreezing water to wash with,and was beaten dajly by Mr Bumble in front of  相似文献   

廖振言 《中学教与学》2005,(6):F004-F004
David Moore taught science in a school.He needed some expensive books,and so he 1 them.He 2 them in his car in a quiet street.Then he bought 3 things at other shops.At six he came back to the car,one window was 4 and the books were not there. That night he wrote a letter to 5 .The next day he went to the police. One Friday,people read this 6 the newspaper"Have you any old books?I buy old and modern books.Open all day on Saturday.David Moore…  相似文献   

A David was a young man who worked in an office in a big city.He liked fishing very much,but did not often get a chance to go fishing. Then one summer he decided to have a holiday in a beautiful place in the mountains where there were a lot of streams."I will be able to have some good fishing there," he said to himself. The first morning after he arrived,he carried his fishing rod and walked to the nearest stream.He saw an old man standing beside the water,so he asked him whether it was a private (私人的) stream.The old man answered that it was not.Then he asked,"Well,then it won't be a crime (犯罪) if I catch some fish here,will it?"  相似文献   

Mr Read lived in a town by the sea.He has a few shops in the centerthere.He managed(管理)them carefully and got a lot of money.He was veryrich but he didn’t think he was the richest in the town.So he tried to get moremoney.Once Mr Read was asked to dinner.He heard there was a circustrope(马戏团)in the town which had nothing strange except a five–legged(五条腿的)cow.But people were interested in it and most of them went to see it.On his way home,Mr Read heard an old woman saying there liv…  相似文献   

A daughter complained to her father.She thought that her life was 1)miserable.She was tired of fighting and 2)struggling all the time.It seemed that just as one problem was solved,another one soon followed.Her father,a chef,took her to the kitchen.He filled three pots with water and 3)placed each over a high fire.When the water began to boil,he placed potatoes in one pot,eggs in the second pot,and 4)ground coffee beans in the third pot.He then left them boiling for a while without saying a word to his daughter.  相似文献   

There once was a little boy, he wanted to meet God. He knew it was a long trip to where God lived, so he packed his suitcase with cracker and a six-pack of root beer and he started his journey. After three blocks, he met an old woman. She was sitting in the park just staring at some pigeons.The boy sat down next to her  相似文献   

A Crow, half-dead with thirst, came upon a pitcher which had once been full of water; but when the Crow put its beak into the mouth of the pitcher he found that only very little water was left in it, and that he could not reach far enough down to get at it. He tried, and he tried, but at last had to give up in despair. Then a thought came to him, and he took a pebble and dropped it into the pitcher.  相似文献   

A Story     
Once I read a story. The story told of a boy who wanted to meet God. He knew the way was long, so he packed1 his suitcase with food and drink. He started his journey. When he had walked about three blocks2, he met an old woman. She was sitting in the park, staring at something and looked as if she were lost. The boy sat next to her and opened his suitcase.  相似文献   

The Mona Lisa     
Leonardo Da Vinci was a famous(著名)artist (艺术家)and (?) in Italy in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries (世纪).He was a student in Florence, where he (?) paintings (绘画)and design(设计).He began a lot of paintings, (?) he didn't finish many of them. His (?) of the Mona Lisa is the (?) famous one in the world. Leonardo was (?) in many things. He wanted to know about (?) he saw. He thought the sun (?) around the earth. He wrote music. (?) designed a flying machine 400 years before the first one flew. Many people didn't understand his  相似文献   

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