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20世纪80年代以来,西方发达国家义务教育阶段的入学政策出现了一个逆转:从限制择校到鼓励择校。由“大政府”向“小政府”的转变,是推动西方发达国家教育政策转向最主要、最直接的动力。择校政策的实质就是试图借用市场手段来实现改革的目标。目前,公众与研究人员对择校政策的态度褒贬不一。就我国国情而言,近年内不宜推行择校制。  相似文献   

在义务教育阶段,择校已成为一个不可回避的问题.现代社会是一种权利的差序格局.西方发达国家家长择校权利的实现,大多数遵循的是差序原理.随着义务教育的普及,政府改变最初对择校限制的态度,转而制定政策让择校成为现实.择校权利的实现依赖于经济条件、义务教育的普及程度、法制的完备.在我国,对待经济发达地区和经济欠发达地区,择校政策的制定可以采取分步走的办法.  相似文献   

西方发达国家择校制度改革的特点;英国的家长择校;日本没有“择校热”;美国的主要择校方式。[编按]  相似文献   

西方发达国家择校制度改革的特点20世纪80年代以来西方发达国家基础教育阶段以择校为核心的改革层出不穷。例如,英国1980年的“资助学位方案”(Assisted Place Scheme),1986年后“城市科技大学”(CTCS)的发展,美国学券制(school vouchers)的试验和特许学校(charter schools)的发展,新西兰1989年开始的“明日之校”改革(Tomorrow’s Schools reform),澳大利亚1993年启动的“未来学校”项目(Schools of the Fu-ture program),法国和德国20世纪90年代以来在公立学校体系内开展的一系列改革,等等。虽然各国的择校改革各有特色,在政府对市场…  相似文献   

西方择校制度及其启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近几年来 ,在我国城市地区的基础教育中出现了择校现象 ,并引起社会各界的广泛关注和议论。实际上 ,早在19世纪 ,欧洲就出现了择校现象。时至今日 ,欧洲已成为择校制度较为完善、实施也极为广泛的地区。近10年来 ,美国、澳大利亚等发达国家的政府也开始提倡家长择校 ,但其择校制度产生的背景、实施目的以及具体政策等 ,与欧洲国家有显著不同。总的来看 ,西方发达国家的择校制度可分为两种类型 ,即欧州型和美澳型。前者包括欧洲的主要国家 ,即英国、荷兰、德国、比利时等 ;另外 ,加拿大虽位于北美洲 ,但其择校制度却有着这些欧洲国家相似…  相似文献   

近年来,美、英等西方国家“择校政策”作为公立学校的改革政策得以推行,我国在基础教育改革过程中,也出现了“择校”现象,但由于往往与高收费挂钩,各级教育主管部门也出台了一些禁止择校的政策。面对同样的问题,中美两国的政策大不相同,这的确应当引起我们的思考。他山之石,可以攻玉,通过比较分析中美两国的择校政策,从中得到相关启示,对我国今后择校政策的制定有所裨益。择校行为产生的原因“择校政策”是近几年来美国基础教育改革中最引人注目的措施。“美国择校行为的产生,在20世纪60年代是作为大多数家长响应联邦政府取消种族隔离要求而…  相似文献   

西方发达国家择校制度改革的特点 20世纪80年代以来西方发达国家基础教育阶段以择校为核心的改革层出不穷.  相似文献   

近年来,美、英等西方国家“择校政策”作为公立学校的改革政策得以推行,我国在基础教育改革过程中,也出现了“择校”现象,但由于往往与高收费挂钩,各级教育主管部门也出台了一些禁止择校的政策。面对同样的问题,中美两国的政策大不相同,这的确应当引起我们的思考。他山之石,可以攻玉,通过比较分析中美两国的择校政策,从中得到相关启示,对我国今后择校政策的制定有所裨益。  相似文献   

近年来,美、英等西方国家“择校政策”作为公立学校的改革政策得以推行,我国在基础教育改革过程中,也出现了“择校”现象,但由于往往与高收费挂钩,各级教育主管部门也出台了一些禁止择校的政策。面对同样的问题,中美两国的政策大不相同,这的确应当引起我们的思考。他山之石,可以攻玉,通过比较分析中美两国的择校政策,从中得到相关启示,对我国今后择校政策的制定一定有所裨益。  相似文献   

姜波 《教书育人》2008,(11):62-62
“择校”的政策与法律取向 美国的择校制是在教育理论的指导下和美国政府的支持下产生的。美国教育理论界一直在讨论如何打破政府垄断,将教育的经营权与所有权分离,避免出现政府垄断下的为少数人服务和官僚僵化的教育,将教育的主权下放到家长手中,美国政府支持学生家长择校。因此,美国“择校”实际上是政府推进的一项教育改革。  相似文献   

The study examined determinants of primary school choice among parents in Malaysia, and the decision maker and social influences in the school choice. It draws on qualitative data from semi-structured interviews with 43 middle-class parents from three ethnic groups (Chinese, Malay, and Indigenous). Results showed that school proximity and ethnicity-related reasons are leading factors influencing parental school choice. Medium of instruction, school academic reputation, and feeder to a preferred secondary school appear to be separate reasons but act as a proxy to ethnicity as the primary factor determining the choice of Chinese- or Malay-medium primary school by parents. The results also showed that mothers are more likely to make school choice decisions than fathers, but the reasons for school choice are similar. The primary social influences on their school choice come from friends and education personnel in preschools and schools. The Indigenous parents tend to be more subject to social pressure in making school choices than the Chinese and Malay parents, who mostly enroll their children in Chinese- and Malay-medium primary schools, respectively. However, these findings on school choice and ethnic segregation are limited to this sample and constrained by the socio-political context of the education system.  相似文献   

We study school choice in England using a new dataset containing the choices of all parents seeking a school place in state secondary schools. We provide new empirical evidence to inform how the school choice market functions, including the number of choices made, whether the nearest school is the first choice and the probability of an offer from the first choice school. These indicators show that school choice is actively used by many households in England. We use the rich data available to describe how choices vary by pupil, school and neighbourhood characteristics and how school choice is used differently by different groups and in different parts of the country. For the first time, we are able to present national data on how the school choices made by parents vary according to pupils’ ethnic group and across urban and rural areas. We show, contrary to some existing literature that has relied on smaller and less representative samples of parents and pupils, that school choices do not vary significantly by social background. We show that parents pro-actively use the choice system and present new evidence on the extent to which the current school admissions criteria that prioritise distance penalise poorer families.  相似文献   

本文从介绍日本校区制的历史沿革与发展入手,对日本政府在教育领域推行以新自由主义思潮及市场化原理为导的学校选择政策作了深入的描述与剖析。作者指出,学校选择制在教育现场并未得到积极响应和实施,其原因在于加大“差距”及损害大多数民众利益的学校选择政策,在根本上违背了平等与多样性的原则。  相似文献   

This article attempts to address the potential advantages and disadvantages of school choice. The author describes why school choice is attractive to parents, but raises concerns among educators. The extent to which choice programmes in the UK and the US attempt to allay these concerns is addressed. The author asserts that there is a dearth of research material adequately testing the effects of choice on academic achievement. He further claims that the nationwide data sets used by researchers probably fail to test whether school choice really enhances the academic achievement of the participants. While the author has doubts about how widespread an effect school choice can have, he believes further research is necessary before one can objectively evaluate the potential benefits that school choice can produce.  相似文献   

New Zealand legislation removing school zones radically reshaped school choice, resulting in increased school stratification from parental choice frequently driven by social factors such as ethnic makeup of the school community. This article considers school choice through the eyes of 1,465 adolescents from 12 secondary schools in Dunedin (New Zealand). The most common reasons for school choice included: preference for a coeducational school, school’s facilities, positive comments from parents/students, and friends’ enrollment. Reasons for school choice differed by who was making the decision. Social factors and school programs/facilities, rather than proximity to home, influenced school choice decisions in Dunedin.  相似文献   

This article explores the importance of considering transportation mode when calculating commute time for a child’s school choice options. While proponents of school choice argue that students can attend any school that will provide them the best education, several have argued that commute time is as important for families as a school’s characteristics. However, research to date models commute time using either distance as a proxy or minutes driving. In Philadelphia, a context where most people use public transportation to work and school, the authors argue that commute time to school must be calculated using this mode of transit. Using geospatial network analyses, the authors create choice sets for each neighborhood public high school. They first calculate the commute time between each zoned public high school and each public high school choice in the city by driving and by using public transportation. These two sets of commute times are then evaluated for the differences. The authors then calculate choice sets based on the average commute time in the city based on both modes of transportation. Finally, they compare the choice sets for each service area for spatial equity of public school quality. Findings indicate that the commute times between driving and public transportation are statistically different. Furthermore, public school choice sets within Philadelphia are spatially equitable, although the overall school quality needs improvement. The article concludes with policy implications and recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

择校是当前世界范围内教育领域的一个颇有争议的问题.国外实证研究显示,没有充分的证据表明择校可以从普遍意义上提高中小学生的学业成就,但对于特定种族的学生来说(如非洲后裔的学生),择校有助于这类学生成绩的改善.本文以国外学者对教育券和特许学校的实证研究为例,在文献分析的基础上从实证研究的视角考察择校对中小学生学业成就的影响,以期为当前我国有关择校问题的讨论提供启示.  相似文献   

Enrollment in school choice programs is growing, so is overall support for school choice. Many have analyzed what demographic characteristics impact attitudes towards school choice. This article adds to the literature by exploring the interaction between personal decisions regarding school choice and broader support for school choice programs. Focus groups were conducted in St. Louis and Kansas City with 35 parents of school-age children. Participant responses indicate that school choice programs illicit mixed emotions from parents. Most participants personally support school choice and exercise choice themselves by sending their children to magnet, charter, or private schools. At the same time, they have reservations about broader school choice programs. As Schelling (1978) suggests, these individuals act in their own self-interest despite the impact it might have on the aggregate. More to the point, they are willing to express choice themselves, but deny it to others.  相似文献   

本研究首先根据满意度理论提出义务教育满意度的假设模型,然后在分析义务教育阶段学生家长教育满意度的评价及择校意愿的数据基础上,采用模型检验方法对义务教育满意度模型进行验证,最后分析了满意度对择校意愿的影响程度以及不同的人口学变量对满意度的影响。研究结果表明,义务教育阶段家长教育满意度评价是影响家长择校意愿的心理变量,尽管家长是否最终做出择校行为还会受到其他因素的影响,但是家长对政府和教师的满意度评价是具有显著作用的预测因素,学历、职业等人口学变量影响家长的满意度,作者在研究结果的基础上提出了相应的管理建议。  相似文献   

美国择校研究的理论与方法述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李湘萍 《比较教育研究》2008,30(10):31-34,40
本文从理论基础和研究方法两个角度对美国择校研究进行梳理与简要评论,通过综述研究发现,美国择校研究具备多学科理论基础和较为科学、严谨的实证研究方法.受新自由主义思潮的影响,美国择校研究具备公共选择理论、民营化理论、教育选择理论等不同学科的理论基础;在研究方法上,美国择校研究注重研究方法与过程的科学性,而非研究结论的普适性.这些可以为我国今后的择校研究提供知识和方法上的参考与借鉴.  相似文献   

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